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__ .��.�y. 1fi�p�S"r.�v'� . . . '"'.. . - - '___. ' _ --_ . <br /> ,��Ly+r'..:r..4 . <br /> h '�����'�`���R' .� '�' '_ ._. <br /> . _ _ --_ _' " "'_ .' _ _�. .�...__ - � '—.. ..___---—... _....—. <br /> -����:--. :;::��_ 92— fo18'78 __ — _ <br /> I 1;�+.rr_a%[��u'jy�u.:r <br /> ���•�r` cundemnulion��r othrr�aking�.t'uny pan al'Ihe Pmpeny,or liu c�►nv�yun�c in {icu�N'condcmnu�Km.arc iKrcMy u+tiigned u�x� <br /> '?'°;"��`;"^t'.;,�Y'� �hall be paicl w l.cnder. �..-- <br /> '.. ,;�'„�� .;"i In Ihr cvem uf u 1�►tul luking ot'Ihc Pru�xny. �hc pnxecd. .hull Ix: applicJ tu Ihc �um. xcurcJ by thi, S�tiuri�y <br /> (mlrumcnl, whe�her�►r nnt Ihro Jur.wiih uny excc..paid to Burrower. In Ux rvrni M'u p;�rliid �aking uf�hr Pn��ny in <br /> ' whirh ihc fuir murk�t v•rluc af th�Pn►{krty immrdia�cly f+cii,rr ih��u{,ing i.c��ual t�,or�ercairr th►+n�h�amuun��►t'�hc+umti -- -- <br /> ,� �. ;.M •� ' . ,rrure�l hy thiti Scrunty Imlrumcnt immediu�rly Ixli�rc�hc taking.unlc„H��rr�►�.•cr unJ l.cnd�r u�herwiK u�:rc� in wri�ing. R«--=-- <br /> • ° thr.u�ns.rcured by Uii.Srruri�y Inytrumem shull Ix reJuceJ by �he+�muun���I�he pr�x��d+muliiplied hy ihe full��wing <br /> - fructiun: la1 thc tutal •rmuunt o(thc+um>>ecund immedi�tcly hcti�n•ihr tukin�.Jividrd hy Ihl�hc Il�ir murl�cl vvlur af Ihc c _ ^_' <br /> � � � Pru�Ay immrJio�rly i►rli►re thc tuking. An�� haluncc .hull t+r puiJ �u BuR.�wer. In thr cvcm ul u partiul tu�.ing uf thu = <br /> . • , Pruprny in which�hc lair nwrkcl vuluc of thc Pmpcny immcdiutrly Ixtircr Ilx wl.inE i�k�. �ba��ihc amuunt ul'�hc xumr — <br /> " w•curcd immeJiuicly Ixiurc thc�uking. unk+� BoRUw�r und l.rnJrr uthenvi,c u�rcc in writinE ur unlr�ti applicahlc (uw �:==- <br />.,,n '^° _ •�•,„�u�: o�hcrwi,e pn�viJc,.thr pnk�wd�.hull tn applicd�o�hr�um,.ccuRd by thi,Sccurity In+trwmrn whcihcr ur aot ihc�um�:•rm � - <br />��, • '. . . then Juc. <br /> f�,.- �, .. It'Ihe ProExny i,uhandancd by Hom»vcr.or if'.uftcr nulire hy Lrn�kr lo Barruw•er th�it Ilx:c�mdemnar uflcn lo mukc _ _ <br /> • un awurJ ur.rltle a cluim ti�r•iumuge,.BoRUae� re.�x�nJ tu Lender���iihiu;11 duy af�rr the da�c thc nutice i.given. . `__i= �A <br /> � ,,- Lcnder iti authuriced to culler�and uppl��ihr pnxced,,ul i��up�i�m.ei�hrr�o rrau��u�ion�x rcpair of thc F'm�xny nr to ihe — -- _ <br /> sum�.ecured My thiti Securi�y In+irumen�,whethcr��r nut�hcn duc. <br /> . ,�•.,�,,. ..; Unles.l.rnder:�nJ B�xrower�Hhrnvi,c ugrre in writin�.uny uppliration af pnxc�d�lo principul.hull not extenJ or � <br /> Y .. • p�nlp►me�he Jur Jate of�hr nux►thly paymrna rrl'eRed to in parag�uph+ I und 2 ur chungr the amuum ul',uch payoienl,_ -- <br /> ` ll. liorrower Nut Released; Forbearunce By Lender Not u Waive� Extrn+i�m nf the �imc 1'ur p•rym�nt ��r <br /> • - " malific•rtiun at'umoniiutiim ut��hc,ums.ecured by thi�Sccuriry In.�rument grumcd by Lendrr[o uny.uccc�.ur in intrre,t _--- <br /> ' .�`, :' ., of Burrow�r.rhull not operule io rclea,c Ihe liubilily uF thc origin•rl Bonuwrr or B�xruwrr: .urce�yun in interc,t. l.rndar _ <br /> - . �� shull nut lx requircd w cc�mrncnc�p��xceding. a�aim� uny.ucce++ur in intcrcti� ur reiusr to exicnd �imr for paymcnt or _ -- ------_ <br /> � othenvi�e malify umoni�ution of�he yum.tiecured By thi.Security Imtrumrnt by rru+�m ut'uny Jemund mude by the originul �ti� <br /> _ � ��%��i . Born�wer or Darmwer;.urc�,�urs in in�erc.t. Any liirtkarrnce hy Lcn�kr in any right or remrdy+haU nrn be a ���v <br /> :�;;1:; <br /> ' , :,-� wuiver uf ur prcclude�hc excrci+c uf un)�ri�h�ur rcmedy. <br /> �' ,,:°c•; � 12. Succes.sora And As.wigns Bound;Jaint and Severul I.iubNity;Co-si�;ners. The cavrnumx anJ ugRemenh of thiti �;,_�__-�"� <br /> ° . Security In.�nimem �hall binv und henclil Ihc�urrc�sor+anJ ustii�m�►f Lender und BaROwor,subjrct to Ih�provi.ion,of <br /> ��, puragruph 17. Born»�•ert covenants und ugre�mems .hull Ix.ioint unJ �e�crul.Any Borruw�r whu co-�ign,thi. Srcuriry �.-M___� <br /> � �� Instrument but doe.r nnt exrcute Ihe Nwe: lu►,i�:ning thi+Srcuriry In��run�ent�miy to mon�•rnt und conv�y thut � _— <br /> ,, Borrawer'.inlere.t in thc PmFxny undcr thc tcrms aF Ihi�Sccuriry In+lrurncnr. �bl i.�x��(xrnonully i�l►ligutcd a�pay the�um� �;';:.�: <br /> ,�,_. <br /> - �,�. secured hy�hi�Scrurity Insirumem:und Ic1 uErcc�thut Lcndcr unJ:►ny uihcr earcower muy agree lo rxicnd,m�nlil'y.ti�rFk•rr —� —. ,- <br /> ., . or mukc uny uccommodation,with rcEurJ to �hc trrni. cd'thi+ Securi�y In+irum�m c�r tlx No[e withnul �hm Sorrowcr: <br /> con+ent. "� <br /> — - 13. Iawn Char�es. li �hr laun �erured hy thiti Srrurity In+�rumcnt i, tiuhjcct �o a luw nwximum luun - <br /> churges,unJ thut luw i,iinally im�q+�eted,o ihat thr imerc.t�►r���hcr luan rhurge.colirctrJ ur w iw«�Il.:ct�d in roni�ectiurs <br /> . . ;,'� '. with�he k�an�xr�cJ the pemiiued limi�+.thrn: lul any,urh loan chur��,hall Ix reJucrd h��thr umnum nrre++ary a�reduce _. ---- <br /> thc chargr to the�xrminrd limir und lb�uny,um.ulre�iJy ruller�cd fn��n B��Rnu�cr which uxceedrJ�xmiiued limi�+will be �_ � <br /> • rcfundcd to Born�w�r. L.enJrr muy rh�xi,c iu makr�hi.rct'und h�•rrJurin�:the�+nn�•ipal uN•ed unJcr the Notc or by mabin�u �,,:,,r,,_ <br /> „ • Jirect payment u�Bum�wcr. If a rcfund reducc�principal.Ihr redurliun��•ill Nr Irculed uti a puniul prep•ryment without any �'��_� <br /> , . prepuyment ch•rrgr under�hr Notr. `�—�-'-`�='- <br /> ,. 14. Nutices. Any n�Hicc lu Burn»�•cr providcd liir m �hi. S�curity I�rtr�n��rnt ,hall tx Eivcn h�� dclivcrioE il ur by _v <br /> mailing it by tint clu.�mail unlr,.applirublr law rcyuin,uw of unoUirr methuJ.7'hc nolicr,hall tk dircrt�d lu Ihe Prupert)' -,.,-�- <br /> � „ � AJJre„ur uny othcr addn��BoRO��•cr dr,i�na��� hy m,tirc tu L�nd�r. An}• ix�licc tu L�nd�r+hull Ix givrn by tirxt rlu�. �-•�„�_� <br /> moil to l.ender;addre.,�tated hrrcin�►r um•othrr uddre,+Lunder de.i�natc�M notir�tu BurruNUr. Auy nulire proviJed li►r `;.d,_ <br /> in ihi�Sccurity In.trumrnt .hall Ix JecmrJ to hnve hMSn givrn tu liurru.�rr nr Lcndrr�vlxn givrn ar proviJed in �hi, ��•��_M-. •� <br /> �+r,�."..__ <br /> ' . r������n. ... <br /> �;�.. .. -'Y..0 <br /> . , IS. (iu�•ernink•: tie�erobUitv. Thiti Srcuri�y•lnntrununt ,hall Ix gu�•rnxril h�• tcdcrul la�v and Ihc law uf th� . -.,,_ <br /> � ' ' juri�diclion in whirh Ilx Pmrxhy i,I�xa1cJ. In thr ev.�nt thut uny provi,ion�K rluu.c ul'Ihi,ticrurily In.lrumrnt ur Ihc Noir •'-,.��,;-" <br /> • confli�l+with t�pplicahlc law.�urh r�,ntlict.hall nut a►t7er�othrr pruri.i��i,ul thi,S�curilq In�lrumcnt�tt th�Notc w•hirh ra�i , � <br /> . . , .• • ,. wl out the cuntlictin� rovi.i��n. Ti►ihi.cnd dx pr��vi.inn. �d thi, tircuri�}� In+lrumcnt and Ihr Notr urc �_._ �--_.�='": - <br /> tx �.w�n rlf�u i h �P " ��::°:. <br /> deClurcd to hc,uvrruhle. '�`-'_ <br /> � 16. &�rroa•er'�Cop��. Nurro���r.hiill Ix�i�ru unr runti�rn►rd i��pc nf Ihr'�uir und��f thi.5cruri�y In.Inim¢nt. ._..=.�,� <br /> , 17. 'I�ansPer of the Pr��perl�•or u Beneficiul lnter��+l in Rurro��cr I I ull u�•:my part�d Iltr 1'ru�rly„r im)•interc.t in <br /> . it i. ,ukl ur u•an.l'rrrcJ (ur it'a Ixncfirial imcn,� in e��rruarr i,,uIJ ur tran.tciY�J:utJ H�►rn»+•rr i,ix�l u nalural �xr,onl ! .. <br /> • withi�ut LenJcr�prior�e•riucn run+rnt.I.rmkr it,np�iun.rryuire innnrdiute p:�}•menl in 1'ull ul,+�currd h�� L <br /> S .., ihi,Securi�y In.irunmm. H��µrvcr,thi.uptiun,hall n�H hr crrrri.eJ hy I.cndcr d r�rrri.r��hihitcd l�a frikral luw a���I� ... <br /> thc Julc i�f�hi.ticcuri�y In.u•umrrn. <br /> ° II'l.rnJer rxrrri�rti thi.uptiun.L�ndrr.hall Eivr Rurru��cr mHirc ut'ucr�ler:Hian. 1'hr nulire,hall rmvide a�xri�xl i�t' <br /> not k+,thun�o duy,fn,m th�du�e�hr n�,tirr i.drlirrmd ur mailyd��ithin��hi�h I;�,rn�arr mu.� �,ac:dl,um�.crurcd hy thi, , <br /> ' Srcurily In,trumrnt. II' B�►rn�w�r 1'ail. w pa� �hr.r ,um, priur w �hc r�pir:ui��n ��f �hi, �+•:riud.Lendrr mu� inc��6r amy . <br /> nnuJic.�xnniltrJ h�•thi.Srcurilti In,�nmm���tiithuu�liu•ihr�•nuurr ur dcn►:mal u��Horro��cr. , <br /> �:,.` IS. Borrower'r Rikht lo ReinNute. It' liurn���er nueh ren:iin c„�xIi1H�n.. 13��rroarr �hall hav� Ihr right 1u hav� <br /> cnl'urccment ot'ihi.Scruri�y In.trumrm di,cunui�urd:d :�m timr pru,r i�,�hr rarli�r��L• �:u S Ja�•lur.urh ullicr�xri�Kl:i, <br /> . �u�.k I.nnl� F+mnli•�1•rr hrcddie�1rc l VIf11K�1 I�s'I'Nl \IE\T Ilid�nmc'..�rn,m�. 4�411 �p�itrJ.nnp��trv <br /> i , . <br /> 1 <br /> ! <br /> ' 1 <br /> • � _J <br /> � <br /> 1 _ _ <br />