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.� _ _�.� <br /> "�� , , , _ _ <br /> °" �-,� i� .4� _- - <br /> - - <br /> — -._.. _.-: =��3�.5ft'�.�i:: -- . . --_ <br /> �7 - -- _ - -- — - <br /> , �---�,r-����u -r,� - ���~ i l.•�V i � °-- ---.. <br /> ���+t�f..y+�.:�e <br /> -;�''.1':"�;��!'..� pe�iads th�U Lendcr rcyuires. 'fhe inhururne currier providing�he intiuruncc,hull he choxn hy tiorr��wcr subjcct�u l.ender K <br /> :-�".�- �.��..a_ -.o- ' �- _.__ ,---- <br /> _ ,SR *.,,nj�,, �;,,�;,,� o{+provai which shull not be uorruwnubly withheld. If&�rrowe�i'ailx�o muintuin covcruge dcKribc:d ubuve,Lender muy,ut <br /> �.�`;���,... Lender i�optian,obtain cuveru�e to protrct Lender�rfuh�+in the Pruperly in accurdance with purugraph 7. —___ <br /> '��• '- '�,. <br /> �� ^-�'��•�� � � x"�'° All imuruncr�licie�und renewvl�+hull bc ucceptablc�o Lcnder�nd+hall includc u�IUndurd m��nguge cluuu. Lender _ <br /> �` � ''�, �' •���° ,hal)havc Ihe�ight[o hold the pnlicic�unJ rencwuln. If Lendcr reyuires,Born�wrr.hull promptly givr to Lcndcr ull reccipt+ <br /> .� � • af puid premiumK nad renewal noiices. In the evcnt ai lu+s. Sorrower tihull givr prampt notire In�he inxurunce currier und �'�: -- <br /> av;�'i•'�,�;;�''�.� . <br /> t;,� Lrnder. L.eruier muy muke proof uP la�.ii not mude promptly by Borrower. <br /> __ .`'*'��'",°.".`."`'''�_^ Unless Lcndcr and B��rr�w�r o�hrnvfsr ugrre in writing,imuranrr pnxeed.+hull he ��pplied�n m+�om�ion ur rcp:iir of =`=��=-__ <br /> �_�c� !'' j . ... .. � = �_.,.. . <br /> L � t����'. <br /> f�e*�' tlu� Pmperty damaged, if Ihe rexwrution�r mpair i+ economicully Feu+ihle und l.ender+ xc�uriiy i. nut Ie..ened. If ihe <br /> ••n� ' " rc+wrutiun or repuir i� not e�anixnirully fesi.tiible or Len�krti securiiy would be IcxxernJ.thr in.ur.�ncr pr�xrrJ� ,hull br <br /> �' � �L:• . applicd �o�he sums secured by �hi, Securiry Insuument. whether or n��t �hen dur.with uny rxcc,�puid to Bortower. If ,a::.�'��-�- <br /> ,y�,9f:n •� Borruwer ubnndonx the Prapeny,or does not unswrr wi�hin 3l1 duyti u notice i'rom l.ender thut thc in+urunce currier hus __._ <br /> - �— ��s'-'--''" ' " uffered to+ettle a cluim.then Lender muy c��llect �he insurunrc prcxecds. LrnJer muy use the pn►�:�wd�to repuir or retitom ==---- <br /> �he Property or�o puy sums xecured by thix Securiry Ins�rument,whether ar rnn thrn dur. The ill•duy�xriod will Negin when �__ �"`'_ <br /> _;��' ' . : .. , �he notice is Riven. —` : - - <br />__°_;�K�,;;:...,.' � . Unles. Lender und Bcxrower othcrwise •rgrc� in wriling,uny upplirulion uf pra:ceJ+�o principal +hall not cxtend�r �.���i:���,ii�a <br /> , , postpune the due dute of the rmmthly puymems refcRCd to in parugraphti I and 2 or chun�c�hc:unount of the puymentti. If 4�_ <br />;�;j,',�; under parngrnph 21 the Properly i.ucyuireJ by Lendcr, Bormwer: right to uny in+urance�x�lirir,vnd pnxeeds resuUing <br /> irom damuge to�he Property pri�r to the ucquitiitian xhull p•rsx tn Lcnder to the extent of thc.umx ucured by�hi.Serurity ��3'*r° <br /> ��-� ° Intitnrmem immedintely prior to the acyui�i�ion. "u'-'���'��.�. . <br /> �z�- <br />:,,:;�� •• 6. (kcupancy. Preservation. Maintenunce and Protection oP the Pruperty; Burruwer's l.oun Applicatlom. �-'--=_- <br /> - Leaseholdw &►rmwcr shull�xru �,�u�lizh,und u�e Ihe Pro n a.Son��wcr's rinci ul re.iJcnce within sixt du �after '�'= <br /> �.-- - - ..c�--� PY• '� I� Y'� p p Y Y' �ar:�._=_ <br /> ' ' � the execution uf thi,Security Inxlrument+md shull continue t��occupy thr PmFxny u� Bcirrowe��principal rcyidenrr fix u1 _:,,�w;� -- <br /> leust one yeur ufter ihe Jutr of �Krupanry. unlcs. Lender othenvisc t�gRC+ io a•ritin�, whinc �nn�eat +hull not br ��;.,. ;. <br /> �' . •• ` unmusonubl withhelJ.or unles,extenuuiing cirrum�tuncex�xis�whicb um tKyond B��m�wer:control. Borri�wer�hall not i�n. <br /> ., y �:•' <br /> ^ Jestroy,dumuge or impuir�hr Pr�iperty.allow�hc Propcny�u deterior•rtr.or commi�wu,���,n the Propeny. Bnrrower shull �Y:;-- <br /> • " br in defnult if any 1'ortei�um action or prarcKling,whe�her rivil��r criminul.iti hegun thut in Lenderti gaxl fui�h judgment �'-'��'��'- <br /> ��% could rcsuU in forfeiture of the Pro�xrty or otherwise mu�rrioll�• impair the lien crrulyd hy thi� Security Inx�rumern or .��.� <br /> ��, Lender:securily interc,t. Eorn►wer muy curc�uch a default und reinstute,uti pn►vidcJ in puruEruph I S,by cuu+ing the uciion ��r-=." <br /> ,' or pr�xeeJing to Nc di+mi.sed with a ruling�ha�, in I.rnder:gixxi fui�h determinulion,pmcluJc+forl'rilurr of Ihr Burrower+ _�__ __ <br /> � ' interest in �he Propeny or other mutcriul impuirment of �hr lien cn•rled by Ihi� Security In�trumem or Lrnder+ ,ecuriry —,__- <br /> ^ ° intcre+t. Burrowcr �hall also lx in Jefuult iF Borrowcr, during Ihc li�un upplicutiun prcxe,., g:rvr matrrially fal�c ��r =- <br /> • . ' inuccurule iniomtvtiun or xlutements a�l.endNr lor fuiled to pr�iviJr Lcnder with uny muleriul infum�ution 1 in connrclian with <br /> • � .� � � thc luun evidenceJ by �hc N��t�, including, hut M�I IimileJ w, repnsent•rtions roncrming B�xr��wer: cecupuncy of�he <br /> . Pmpeny us a prinripal residence. If Ihis Serurirv In,trument is�►n u lea,ehi�ld.Bnrrowcr shull cumply wiUi all�he provi�ion+ �'�=:: <br /> .,.., .. . . .. <br /> --------- <br /> , ��f thr Icuse. If Borrowcr ucyuir��tcr tid�tn th�Pn►�xny,thc Icuxrhold und thc fer tiUc shull not mrr�c unlex.Lender ugree� ��_.___ <br /> ' . to thc mcrgcr in��•riting. <br /> . 7. Protecliun oP l.ende�'s Ri�qhlx in the Propert�•. If B�xruwcr 1'uil. a� �xNiirni �hc cuvenunl� and agrcemcntti ;�,;�- <br /> contuinrd in this 5ecuri�y In.trunknt, or�h�re i, a Iegul pr�xecding [ha� muy +igniiirunlly uflcrt Lender; right� in Ihe �.°.��" <br /> Pm�xny I+uch uti u prixeeJing in hankruptcy,pr��hatr, ti�r rondemnulion�tt li�rtcitum ur lo rnti►rcr law.ur regulutioml.then —w�_ <br /> LenJer muy do and pay li►r wfi:uever i�nrcrstiu�y�o pr��tecl thc valuc ot'Ihc Prup�rty und Lrn�kr;rights in Ihc Pro�xny. �r.-�:s.s.,- <br /> Lendrr;uction�muy include paying uny tium..rcured by a lirn which ha�priurity ovrr�hi+5ecurity Imlrumrnl.ap�xurin�; fi�r.=�;�;-- <br /> ` ` in court, p•rying rcu�onuble uuorney,'Icc.unJ entering on Ihr Pru�xny to mukr rrpuiro. Alihnugh Lrndrr moy wke uctiim `";:�;°�� <br /> , . under Ihi.purugruph 7.Lrndcr J.k�na�hav�to du�o. i •'�` <br /> 'i Any umounts di+hursed hy Lendrr un�kr�hi,pu�u�!rrph 7,h+dl txrom� uJdi�iun•rl dcht uf Borruwcr.rcureJ by thi. '..,�-,,�.��.;="-"`. <br /> Sccuriry Imwmrnl. Unlc..Rorrowcr and Lcudrr iiErcr ta nther Irnn�ot'paymrnt.�hc.r aonounl,,hall Fxar intercrt ti•um Ihr . . �''` <br />� Jatc of Ji�hur,cment a� �hc Nn1u rulr und+hall tx a �hlc.K'11I1 Itlll•R�l.u m n��lirr Irnm l.rndrr 1�� Bormwcr m ue�lin� �u�:-:,_ ,"_ <br /> P'Y� Fk 4 b ._r.._.: <br />= paymem. ' - ,, <br />- . ' 8. Murt{�aue Insurance. U LcnJrr r�yuired mortgagc in.uranrr u,a r�mdili�m ut' Ihe luan �ecured hy �hi. __- - <br />• {i Srcuri�y Instrumrnt. Bnrrc��►rr�hull pa�• �hr prcmium�requirrJ tu maintain thr mun�agr in,uruncc in cffert. If. for any ��;":t;,;,— <br /> . �; rcuson. Ihr mon�!uEr in+uruncc rovrragc rcyuirrJ by L�ndrr lup+�, ur rra,r. tu tx in rlTcr�. Hurru��rr .hall p;�y thc --- -- <br /> .. °.,` " _ r_ <br /> prrmium+ rcyuirrd a� uhlain c�wer.igr .uhtitamially ryui�:dent tu Ihe nwrt�ngr in,urunr� in et'i'crt, al � a►,t �•-'•-��•' <br /> , 1',.11 ��,�.:,,,�-�-.. <br /> . . ..�,„ ,uB,tantiully cquivalent w thr ru���u Burrnwcr��t thr munEagc in+ur:utcc previ�w,lv in rltcrt. fn,m un ultrrnalc IniNtgug� �c`�'-'�'"r"` <br /> , ,�,`.�� .�.---— <br /> :.,�,,,1 in+urcr upprovcd by l.cnd�e If•uh.r.m�ially ryui�•:dent nn�ngagr in.urancr ruvcracc i,n��t:n•uilablc.Hurco���cr,hall pay�o u:-i;�:v <br /> •. , ' �j����` Lcndcr ruch nionlh cyual to onc-t��dith ut �he��c:irl}•mnrtg:iEr in.ur;mrr�,rrmium Fxin�paiJ by Borrowrr when the �.�,::__� <br />� inxuruncr ravcrugc IapreJ or ccascJ lo Ik in elterl. l.rndrr a ill arrr�,t.u.r and rr�ain thetic paym�nh a.a lu..rc+rn•c in licu '�;�,�: <br /> � ` ';�, id�morlgagc intiurunc�. l.o,. m�crvr pa��mcrn. nia}•nu lun�rr Ix rryuirrd.a1 ihr uption uf Lend�r.if m�irtga�c inwranrr `"�c'.'':--:F� <br /> ° ` , c�iver.��r lin the cmwunt anJ li�r tlir�xri�xl that l_rndrr reyuire.�pru�•idrd ny ao in,urrr appruved by Lrnder aguin Fucumc. . y <br /> •, � „ . ,p� uvailablr and i.ohtuincJ.H�n•n��vrr,hall pa� ihr��rcmium�rryuiird tu nc�inlain mungaEr in�ur:mrr in rffrrt.�,r to pr��vi�k:i -. <br /> lo.ti rc+crvc.unlil Ihc Rquimnxnl tiir munEa�tr imuruncc arrurdunrr��ith:iny ��rittcn:�grccmcnt t+elw•cen Burruw�r <br /> ° � . and Lrndrr ur:�rri��:iMr law. <br /> 9. Inspection. LcnJrr��r i�,a�!rrn mc�� mal,c raa,nn:�hlr rnlrie�u�xm:md in.���rtii�m��I �hc Pr�,�xny. Lrndcr .h�dl � <br /> givr B��rrowrr nulirr a��hr lim,ul ur priar li�an in.�k�•�iun��xrilrin�!rc:�.an:ihle rau.r t��r th�in,�xrli��n. ` <br /> , IU. ('ondemnatMm. 1'hr�xikerd,uf:im a��ard�x rl:um t�n d:un:��r,.�lircri or r�,n, ronnertiun�rilh am� . <br /> tim}�1�•1•.nnd� Fnnnir�Ioc�Frrddfr�luc 1\IFIIR�)I��fRI�Ih:\7' 1 ndunnl'�nrn.mi. 4,W1 ,�+,�tr+,yr��ti�tr�� p <br /> � en,d�.r�.N,,.mr..��„m...�p- ■ - . <br /> I��IN�N'11'.III tdhYLS:pN1.Ml:t �I+.\161G7!11�11{I . <br /> Y! � <br /> , � <br /> 1 <br /> ' S <br /> � �.l ' <br />