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<br /> �:;�.""'s'�P°_:'�'�'"� a licable It►w ma R lf for rein+lalemenU before atiale of thc Propehy pu�cuant lo uny pawer of'sale c�ntained in this
<br /> , ..- .�_•� PP 9 P� Y �.._a.�.---
<br /> =i�{.�� , Secudty Inst�ument;a Ib)entry of A judgment enforcing this SecuH�y instrumcn6 "I'hi�:conditions are that 8ortowcr: (al
<br /> : ., - �, �,��' puys Lender all xumx which Ihen wauld bc duc undcr thix Sccur�ty Inxtniment und Ihc Natc us if no acceleruti�n had
<br /> �'•�' +�•-� „ occurred;(b)cures any defwult of uny�►ther cuvenanls or agreementa:le>pay�all expense.ln�urred in enfoning thi�Secu�ity
<br /> � ' '�� � ` � Ins[rumen�, inrludfng, tw� nut limited to. reusonable attorneys'fee�:and Id)wke� such actian uti Lender mny mu�nobly
<br /> � `• ` n require to w.rure thut the lien of'this Sccurily In�trumrnt.Lenckrw righ�s in�he Prapeny rdnd Burmwerti obligAtiun w puy the �-�.
<br /> " �"n sums secured by this Sewrity Inatrument ghall cominue unchunged. Upnn reinxlutemen� by Borruwer. lhia Security .
<br /> {��`=',-��--�'= � - In�tnimem anr!thc ublig•rtiunti�curcd hereby shall rcm:�n fullv ef'f'eclive nR if nn arceletu�i�n haJ occumxl. Howcvcr,this
<br /> ,�� � �-�__-_�_- -
<br /> — �•;�.�:�'•.�•:`„'�.. " right to reinstue�all not npply in the case af accelerr�tk►n under parugraph i 7.
<br /> `� •..A �;:y�,.. 19. SMe ot Note:Chu�ge of I.a�n Servker. 'It�e Note or a purtiul intere.t in Ihe NoM (toge�hcr with thiw Securfty —.
<br /> Instrumen U muy b�s a l d�n e o r m o re t i m e s w i t h o u t p ri o r r ro tice�a Borrouer. A .ale rna y resul� in u change in the emity �.;��•-•—
<br /> •°'..;f,:c�:;..;iiyj�'z' • y �;;.:;_�.. ..._
<br /> w,, .. (knowa as the 'Loan Servicer")that collects monthly puymeMs due under tlte Nac anJ thix Securit Insuumem. There ulw � _
<br /> �:•r�'^ • • ' � may be one or more changex of'the I..oan Servicer unrelut�.-d to u sale oi the Note. It'�hcm i�n chunge of Ihe Lwn Servicer, "
<br /> , - . � . Bormwer will be given wrilten notice of the change in accordunce wi�h paragmph 1�1 ubove und applicable law. The nwice �-�,_�;:�.r.
<br /> will stnte the nume und uciJre,ti af the new Loan Servicer und thc addre�s ta which paymemy tihould t+e made. The nntice will �,.�.-___.�
<br />� °"^ �` ���-�. � ; • ulsocontnin s+ny other informution rcyuired by applicuble luw. _�—
<br />��. '�-�x'�"'�"'• °`'• ZII. Hazardous SubstAnces. Bonower shull not cause or permit the presencc,use,dispoxul,storage,or releare of any
<br />,. ' • " �;._ r�•-:�. • Hazardous Substunces on or in thc Propeny. Borrowcr shall no[ do, no�allow unyone eltic to do,anything uffcti:ting the _�_
<br />�` :• �" ' Property�hat is in vialation of Any Environmental Luw. The preceding two�entences shall na apply w ihe presence,urae.ur
<br />�-; , . ' storage on the Propeny uf smull yuundties uf Huzordous SubQwnces that s�re genernlly recogniud�o ha nppropriote to normal �.°�`-
<br /> ;:; ':. ���- residemial uses nnd to muintenance of�he Property. �"�'�
<br /> . _ _ _ _ .. Bartnwer shall promptl�•give l.ender written naice of any invc5tigution,cluim,dernand,lawsuil or other uction by uny �—�_
<br /> ' ''`"' �ti, .. govemmentul or regulatory agency or privnte party imalving the Propeny And any Hu«►nluus Subr.�uncr ur EnvironmentAl ��;,�:.,-___
<br /> �� " Luw of which Borrower hus acwal knowledge. !f Barrower Icums, or is notified by uny govemmental or regulutory
<br /> ° ' � authoriry.thut uny rcmoval or cNher remediation af any Haxardou� Substuncc affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower �;. —
<br /> " shall promptly tuke all neressary remediul actions in accordunce with Environmenlnl l.aw. �--
<br /> - As used in thi�paragmph 20,"Huzardous Substuncer"ure�ho+e zubstancer de�ned us toxic or huzardou�,ubstnnces by �-�"�"=_
<br /> Environmentul Luw and �he follawing sub�tance�: gasoline,kerosene, other flummable ar laxic petruleum proJucl+,wxic —
<br /> pesticiJes and herbicide�, volatile solvcntti, materiAls cantuining uzbexto,or Purmuldehyde, and radiouctive muterials. As � '
<br /> ��.. used in this parrgruph 20."Environmenta!Law"meuns federul luwti And luws of�he jurisdicticm where lhe Propeny is located
<br /> � that rclutc to health,rafety or environmental pmtcction. _
<br /> - ' NON-UNIFORM CQVENANTS. BaROwcr smd Lendcr funher covenunt and ugrce ah i:�llows: _
<br /> �� •� 21. Acceleratton; Remedies. Lender ahall give notice to Borrower prlor to s�ccelerAllon Pollowing Borrower's _ .-----
<br /> breach ot aay covenpnt or agreement in tbic Security Instrument Ibut noi prior to acceleration under paragrAph 17 �--
<br /> • ••- � �n�,y�ppl�ble I�w�rnvide�otherwisel. The notice sholl Kpecify (al the defaullt Ibl the action re uired to cure the ��� °
<br /> — =- . 4 �,,-"�.,_-_
<br /> " default:lcl a date.not les.s thAn 311 dpys Prom the date the notice is�iven to Ii�rrower. by whkh the default must be =
<br /> � �% cured;and Idl/hat fAilure to cure the dePault on ur before the dute specified in the ndice m�y result in acceleration oi ���:
<br /> the sumg secured by this tiecurity Instrument pnd sale of the Pruperty. The not(ce shall Further infurm Borrower uf �"�_�--
<br /> ,. �• • ,, � the right to reinslAte afYer acceleratiun and Ihe riRht to brinK a cuurl action to aasert the non-existence of a default or
<br /> • " any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the deiault is n�t cured un or bePore the dale speciiied in _,_�_
<br /> the notice.Lender at i�s option ms�y require immediate puyment in full oP ull sums secered by thls tiecurity Instrument _--__ —
<br /> " without turlher demand ond may invoke the power oi sule and any olher �emedies permilled by applicAble law �g-x�k:��.,:<..:.
<br /> . •� • ••��•' Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuin�the remedies pra�•ided in Ihic paragraph 21.
<br /> InclMding.but not limited to.reasnnable utt�irneys'fees and atiists uP lille evfdence. . .��—
<br /> ' � If tlie power of sale k im•oked,'IYuxtee�hall record u nutice of default in eunc�ounty in which any part uf the =
<br /> . ' Property is Incated and shall mail rupies of such nollce in Ibe manner prrxribed bv upplkwble luw ro Borrower and to ,;;i,�f�:_
<br /> � �� the olher persuns prescribed dy app�icable law. After Ihe time reyuired bv upplicable law.'I�ustee shall�{ive public `
<br /> � ' notke oPgale to the penonti and in thr manner prescrit►ed bp upplicuble luw. Trurtee. without demand on Borrower. �'�
<br /> �� shatl sell the Property ot public auctfon to Ihe hi};hetit bldder ut tbe time und place und under the terms deslRn��ed In - '�.,�°
<br /> � ' the notice nf wde in une ar more purcels und in uny�order Trustrr determinrs. 7rustee rney postpone sale uf all or any :,,�•�;,�;-�°LL'
<br /> parcel of the Property by public unnouncement at the thnr und place of any pre��inuslp scheduled snle. Lender�M itc • -
<br /> , " deslgnee muy purchu.�e the Prnpert��ut any sule.
<br /> . • Upun receipt nP payment oP the prire bid,'ll�uster shall delfver lo the purchuser 'IY�uslee's deed cunveyins the
<br /> " Prope�tv The recitalr in the Trutitec's deed shnll be p�ima fucir e�•idenci oP Ihe�ruth oi the r•tutemenl�made Iherein. �' _
<br /> � 7lrnslee shall apply lhr pruc�eds uP the sale in Ihe fnllowin�ordcr: lul to all�v�tr end exprn!�uP cxerci.�ing lhr puwer —
<br /> ���..:::"-„
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