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� �:ii', •.,� .., . ��� x �a � > ._ ���,yiAJi�.S�A�iG, _ <br /> , . <br /> . k�r � � <br /> � � .-.: �.• � � -- - _. _ �r��� _ --- <br /> !�r I 1 M1 �Jf': . �l r <br /> _ I ..a ��. .- <br /> . __ <br /> 1 _ �� <br /> . . . � _ __ .T .. .. _ . __ _ <br /> . . � � _. . <br /> ��� . . .�.. ��..�.,,... _ _ -- <br /> .�,� -��;��,;��,,,.�--_. �� -- -_ <br /> � nl:a: � ---_-— - —� � _ _ -. -�- .. <br /> . 92-�0187 9 -� <br /> .. D-r_;-=,- _. • �—.�— <br /> i a9II:iT:'�.'�SY <br /> f,� :',; • .. �, <br /> .�,� +J <br /> �-� T(X3ETHER W1TH a111he impmvemcros now or hereaf�er cecctcd on�he prup�:rty,und nll cvumcn�ti,uppunenanccti. - M` <br /> ,�=_. ;:-•�.;—. Aixl fixlures now or hereafter a part of the propeny. All replucements and ndditionr hhall alxu lx�coverrd by Ih�s Securfty <br /> _ Inr�rumenl. All uf'the foreg4ing is referrcd ta in IF�ix Security Imtrument us the"PropenY•" <br /> ` .�.;'.�;;: BORROWER COVENANTS thal B�xr��wer is luwl'ully seis�ed of�he cstwc hercby convcycd+u�d has the rigM tu grant <br /> '� � and convey Ihe Property and thut�he R'openy iw unencumb►ered,except for rncumbrunce�af�rcorJ. Bonowcr wurruntx and _ <br /> �_ r, �� ,:�n will defend generally thr Iltle�o the Prap�:rty ugainst all claims and demunds.subject ta uny encumbrunce.r uf re�:ord. <br /> � �•`� .�a:`'�� ` THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenuntw for nationul u.c unJ non-unifam cuvenants with <br /> �l� . � . , limited vuriationa by juri�diction to cansti�ute u unitiorm xwurity in+trument cuvcring rwl prupeny. _ - -- ---=- <br /> ,a'��, � ' UNIFORM COVENANTS. BoROwer and Lender covenant and ugree us follows: _ <br /> • . L Payment of Pr(acipal and Inleresh.PrepAyment and Late Chargex. Bormwcr sholl prompUy pay when due the <br /> � - "�^ ,�a;��#� principal of and interest an the de6t evidenced by Ihe Note und any pnepuymenl and lulc rhurgex duc under the Natc. �._-- -- <br /> !� <br /> - . ;' 2, Funds for 73axes and InsurAnce. Subjecl lo upplicable law or to a written waiver by Lender,Barrower xhall pay to <br /> Lender on the day monthly puyments nre due under the Note,until thc Note is puid in full,u tium("Fundg')far. (ul yeuriy —_ <br /> n *^ �.. taxes pnd nR�estiments which mi►y AttAin priari�y over this 5ecudty Instrument as A lien an Ihe PropeAy:lbl yeurly leasehald . _ _ <br /> '� ; Payments or ground renls on the Propeny, if nny: (c) yeady hu•r.nrd or propeAy insumncc premiums; (d) yeurly fluod <br /> . • insurunce premiums, if any;(c) yenrly morlgage in+urnnce premiums,if Any: and ifl uny �ums puyuble by Barrower to <br /> ' " � Lender,in accordance wi�h the provicions of purs�graph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage inxurunce premiums. These <br /> item�urc called"Escrow 11ems." Lender may,ut any time,collec[And hald Funds in un umount nat to eaceed the maximum ---- <br /> � `�• '�n... amount A Iender for a federally related mortgage lo�n muy require for Bortowerw excrow uccount under the Federul Reul LLv J^ <br /> Estate Setdement Rocedures Act of 1974 us amended from time to 1ime.12 U.S.C.$2601 et scy.C'RESPA").unless unaher ,�,,,,..;_ <br />, � law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser umount. If so,l.ender may,at uny time,collect and hold Funds in an umount na ro � _ ;�.• _, <br /> � - exceed the lesser umouM. Leuder may estimate the amaunt af Funds due on the luiciti of current data ond reasoneble __ _ __ _ <br /> �` � estimntes of expenditures af future Escrow Itemx or othervvise in accordance with npplicuble law. <br /> : The Funds shall be held in un instilution whose deposits are insured by u feder�l ugency, inslrumentality,ar emity �, . <br /> •� (including l.ender,if Lender is such an institwian>or in any Federul Home Loan Bnnk. Lender xhull upply the Funds to pay _ <br /> �•'�� the Escrow Items. Lender muy not char�e Barcuwer for holding and upplying the Funds, unnunlly anulyzing the escrow �:_.;,;,,�, <br /> �-�` � "�" account, ur verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest an tF� Funds unJ upplicable luw permits ____ _ <br /> �� � `� Lender to make such a charge. However.Lender may require Borrower to puy a one-time churge for an independent revl -��------- <br /> Qy.—�=.T�FF <br /> ' estAte tux reporting service used by Lender in conaection with lhis loun,unless upplicuble luw provides otherwixe. Unless an ���`��_ <br /> : agreement is madc or applicuble IAw require�interest �a be pnid,Lcnder shull not be reyuired to puy Borrower nny interest or ,�._ .___ <br /> - • enmings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing,however,�hut intcrest shull be puid un Ihe Funds. l.ender ___._ <br /> " . , shull give to Borrower,withaut ch:�rge,su�unnuul uccounting of the Funds.showing credits and debit�ro the Funds�nd the �L�___ <br /> purpose for whicb each debit lo the Funds wus made. The Funds Are pledged as udditionul security for all sumh secured by ���i_,__ <br /> this Security Instrument. <br /> If the Funds held by l.ender exceed the amounts permi�eed iu f�c i�eld by applicablc !au•, l.ender sha!! accounl t� -_.- --- <br /> � Borrower for�he excess Fundc in nccordunce with the requirementx of upplicable luw. If thc amount of the Funds heW by -- <br /> • � Lender ut any time is not sufficient to puy the E,crow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing, and. in �'�``'= <br /> .•� ,uch case Borrower shall pay to l.ender the amount necessary to muke up the deticiency. Borrower shall make up the _.,,o_,,,o,,. <br /> defiriency in no more than twelve manlhly prymemti,ut I.enderi xole discretion. �"'�°: � •- <br /> .::...-: <br /> ' ' . � „ Upon payment in full of all sums secured by�his Security Instrument.Lender.r•hall prompUy n�fund to Borrower nny ' .,„ .�_ <br /> . �• � Funds hcld by Lender. If, under parugrrph 21.Lender+hall ucquire or scll�hc;Property.Lender,prior to Ihe xyuisitiun or __ <br /> �� • xule of the Properry, shall upply ony Fundx hcld by Lendcr at thc time of acyui�ition or sule as u credit against�he sums e * c <br /> ` ' secured by this Securiry Ins�rument. <br /> 3. Applicatbn at Paymenls. Unlc„applicublc Irw provides othcrwi,c, ull puyments reccived by Lendcr under �^`n ��,-.. ;��` <br /> parngraphs I and 2 tihall uny prrpuyment charges Jue under the Note;second,to amounts payable under Q.==__..:�:��, • <br /> pnrngruph 2;thirJ,to interesl duc;fuunh,lo principal due:and IASt,to uny late churges due under the Note. �y_���� <br /> , . 4. Cbarges; Liens. B�rrowcr shall pay all luxex, asscssmen�s, ch�rges, t'inev and impositions uttributaWe to Ihe ,�'Y.�y�=:=- <br /> property which muy nllain pdorily over Ihis Secunry Im�rument,and Ienrehold puyments or ground rents,if uny. Borrower _ ^ __ <br /> ` ' shall puy thesc obli�ationti in thc niunncr provided in puragrnph ?.�x if not puid in thut m•rnner,Borrower shull pay them on =__ <br /> time direcUy to thc penon owed paymenl. Borrower shull prompdy furnish to Lendcr nll nwicc+oi'•rmount�to be paid unJer _. _ <br /> , thiti parugraph. If Bcxmwcr muke��hese p•rymenls dircctly.Borrower shall promptly fumirh to l.ender recripts evidencing _ <br /> �. <br /> the paymenls. �_- <br /> Borrowcr,hull pramptly disrhargr uny lien whirh hu�prioriry over this 5�curity In��rumcnt unle��B��rrou+er.(a)ugrecs ��.q;::r.:;:;._ <br /> in writing to the paymeM ot thc oblignti�x���rured by thc lien m a manner acceptablc�o Lendrr:lb)cantcsts in gcxxl faith the '+.. . <br /> lien by,or defends ugrinst cnforcemcnt of thr lien in,Ie�al prcx:ecdings which in thr Lender'+opinian operate tu prevent the ;1,• J= <br /> ' eni'orcement uf the lien;or Irl securc�fmm the hoWer of thc licn un agrcemcnt+utisfartory to Lender sulwrdinating the lirn �,-,1:�.���;;.;� <br /> to this Security Inxtrument. If Lender determin�:a that any pan ot'the Pmpeny i,subj�c�to a licn which may attain priority .,,,,� <br /> � , ovcr�his Sccurity Ins�rument.L�ndcr may give Borr<iwer a no�icc identifying the licn. Borrowcr xhull wti�fy the licn or tnke ��' , <br /> one ar mom of thc uctions �et funh ulwve within l0 duys ol'the giving i�f nuticc. <br /> � 5. Hawrd or Property Insurance. Borrowrr.hi�ll kecp thr cxi.tin���r hercafter crccted on thc <br /> ' Property insureJ again��ki,�by firc,hularJti inrlud�d within Ihc tcrm"cxtcnJcJ ruverugc"and any uthrr huiards,inrludmg <br /> � flcxxls or Flooding. 1'or whKh LenJcr reyuire+ insuranrc. 'fhis imuruncc.hull tx maintaincd in the u�mwms wKl for the � <br /> . Forlq t02K 9/9D ipu.�e:�.jA�wRPSI � <br /> f <br /> s <br /> � <br /> i <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> 1 <br /> ' � - - _ _ <br />