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� . n (, . . : � i�'o�•• .�. _ f 1naYw�nauCi_.SwI�LYloaaet;r- <br /> 1, '��i�,:��i � , 'i�`r'` a�,t���e�J,y�T15`;- :.•? ,�„��� 1a��.,.. <<�4.�; �� .r. ,ii4+- �X.Itvr���-- <br /> I1t I s YhJ� u7C. S isv.�.�•S a.. � r �'.e_.�vyt.t..��'Y.n:l` _ - <br /> {6�.. . ..,.fyl .�.�...v,`t'�:L._l,.ar3.:..�. . -- - <br /> - �1� , �4 .j - .. .. _ <br /> . <br /> , <br /> , . • "��� �:. .�. <br /> - ' ���,.n .a '�1� ...Y'�',:.- X'�"/li��., • . , "�-4 <br /> �.i�r i�,.. . _ <br /> �- - <br /> .�..�rrrrrwwrw......r-_-- - .�,_,��- <br /> �--= 9�_ � oi�72 — — - - <br /> �. . N. <br /> .. �`�.....:_- _ <br /> � ,; :�'..:,,.,�,.. paYment�.which are refcrrcd to in f'uragmph 2, or chi+nge�hc um�►unt of wch paymcmn. Any excc„ pr�x��cdx over un �*�:a, ,_; -- <br /> ` •� amount rcyuired to puy all�wtxtwiding indebtedne�.x unJer the Nde unJ thi�Secunty Instmmrnt Rhull he paid�o tho entity <br /> ,; ;.L;�;, IcQally en�iUcd�hcrelo. ----- <br /> . . N. Fees, Lcnder may caUect fcey und chargca uuthorircd by�hc Sccreiary. <br /> 1 � ..� . 9. l:rounds for Accelemtfoa at Debt. �•�.•--u_ <br /> ° � lal Defoult. l.ender muy,except aw limited by rcgula�i�ms i.�ued hy�hr Sernlury in the cu�e nt p:�ymem defuul�s, °�""°- <br /> ' „ . , requim immcdiute pnyment in full ot all�um�secured by�hi�S�wuri�y In.irument it: <br /> �= l�1 Hrnrowrr Jrfi+ult�by fuiling �u puy in full:u�y munthly�payment rcyuircd hy thi,Scrurity(mtn�mrnl prior � �_ -- --�. _._ <br /> , �� ta ar nn Ihe duc dute af�hr nezt mnnthly paymem,nr !''� -- <br /> liil Barmwer defnuUs by t'uiling.for u peri��l of thirty Juy�,to�x�tiNm any o�hcr ubligutian.contuined in thk ri=:"�- <br /> • Securiry Inctrument. �`'�-�`---_-- <br /> T : �_� <br /> • •• Ibl Sple Withaut Credit Approvol. l.ender�hall,if�xrntiltcd by•rpplicublc luw and wilh�he prior uppraval of the <br /> • � Secietary,reyufre immediule payment in full of all the tium+x:cureJ by Ihi�Security Imuument if: _�_ <br /> lil All or part af Ih�Propeny. ur u hcneficiul intcrcrt in u tru,t owaing ull nr pan of the 1'mpeny.ix tiold or ��=�_'*�'�-- <br /> � othcrwisc transferred lather th:u�hy devise ur dcscentl My the Hnrn►wcr,und �,� <br /> lii)'(lie Propeny i.nut occupied by the punhaxr ur grunter ar hi,on c�r principul re,idencr.ur the putch:�aer ��T'�":`'-'', -' �-� <br /> or gruntre duex �o accupy the Pr�n�• tw� hir or he� rredit huy ne�t luen uppmveJ in ucrordance �� _o.,,R_.�.__ <br /> wi�h the myuirements of the Secre�ary. ___ _.... <br /> ' Ic1 No Waiver. It circumsianca�acur thut woulJ permit l.ender to reyuire immediute puymem in full,hut Lender <br /> doeti nat reyuim+ucb Paymrnts,Lenderdne�noi wnrvc its righ�s wiih rc�per�u�+ub�cyucm�vem,. ,rr'-=='�'°� <br /> Idl Re�ulallons of HUD Secrelary. In msu►y circumstuncc.rcgulu�ion+isrued by the Secrctuq will limit l.endcr� �w'? ';."".T <br /> ri�h��, in the cuxe of puyment defauUs. �o rryuire immediate payrnem in full und f'omcl.r.e if not puid. Th�� �_•:_ °' '-�' <br /> Sccurity Instnimcm d�xti nnt au�hori�e uccrlcruuun��r ti►mclosurc if n�►t�xrtni�icJ by rcgul•rtiom uf ihc Sccrct�ry. --_ __ _-_�� <br /> • lel Mortge�e Not Insured. BoROwcr ugrecs that.houW�hi.Scrurily In+irument anJ thc notc�rcurcd ihercMy nnt _ <br /> Ix eliEible fi�r imurunce under �he Nwionul Housing Act wilhin g �ponths 1'rom the , ..:.,:` ?�`tr <br /> � dot�hcreof,Lender may,ut its nptiun and nutwi�h�tanding any�hin�: in I�ar.�graph N.rryuirr immcdiulr puymcnt in � "'.s� <br /> full of all.uma secured hy this Security Imirumenl. A wri�ten.�utrment uf uny auihori�cd uFent i�f tix Sccmti►ry 4�•{!r�;�.`. <br /> , dated sub,eyuent u� 8 moRths 1'rom ihr du�e hrrcot'.Jeclining tu inwrc this Security �_-�:��__`` <br /> �.��_�_=��-;..�� <br /> " Intitrument:u�d the note ticcured�hereby, ,hull Ixr JcrmcJ ronclu+iv�rax►f uf,uch inrligibili�y. Ninwith.tur�iing --°„�:,�;�_ <br /> ° I'•' the foreRoing,this aptinn may nut ix exrrciseJ by Lcndrr whrn ihe unavuilubiliry uf'in�urunrr i. �nlely duc �n �-'"° - <br /> .. • l.endcrk fuilurc ta rcmit u mongugc inwr.�ncc premium w�hr Scrrclury. t����" <br /> 10. Reinslalemenl. Bnrruwer huti u ngh� to he rein.latcd ii'Lcndrr hu rcyuired immcJiu�c pvymrnt in �ull Ixcauu ' � � <br /> of BoROwerz foilure t� pay un umount Jue unJcr thc Notc or thi, Scrurity In��rumrnt. Thi+right :�pplir.cven after � =��;.;: {: ,� <br /> fnreclo�ure pra:cedingn ure m��iluted. Ti� rein,tutc thc Srcurity Imirument. S��ROwer �hull tcndcr in u lump .um aU '"°_� '- — <br /> _��r��`_ _� <br /> --- - umountx reqwmd to bring Bum�wrr;accuuet�urrcni in.iading,in ttu:cxtcnt ihcy am ahligatinns c�!9urn�+ver under thi� ___"`"��-- <br /> Security Imtrument,fur�closure cotils anJ reutionuhle i�nd cur�om�ry altornry+'fee.und exp�n,rti pmp►rly uxuxfuted wiih a'�'y .•"°— <br /> � . the f'oreclorure praceeding. Upon reinstatemcnt hy Borcuwer,thir Securiq• Insln�mcnt and Ihe obligut�uns that it ticcure� �• "' " <br /> shull remain in effect�.ti if Lender hud nrn reyuired immediate payment in i'ull. H��wevrr.Lcndcr is not rcyui�eJ to�rmil ' �a����! <br /> reinstatement if: lil Lendcr hus accrpteJ rcrosta�emen� utier Ihc rommencement of f��rcclu,urc pnkrcding+wi�hm t«u ; . <br /> yeurv immediately preceding the commeneement ot' u curnnt timclo+un pr�xeeding. Iii1 rcin�tatement will precludr � � . ;; <br /> foreclosure on different FraunJs in the fulure.or�iii) reins�u�cment a•ill advcr.�ly •rlfcct Ihr prioriry of the licn cn�utcd by � ., ,.���i <br /> this Securily lntitrument. <br /> 11. Borrower Nut Released: Forbeorance bv I.ender Not o Wai�•er. �xtensi�m uf thc timc ot' payment i�r �:: ._ �• �•...��'� <br /> modification uf amoniitttion�d�the�umx,rcund hy Ihi.Security In.�rumrnl�r.intcd hy L.cnJer Io uny.rucc��+or m inlerest F�• ��`��f: <br /> . of Borrowrr shul)nrn operate to mlca�c ihr liui+iluy uf thc original 13oRawer ur 13urn�wcr:tiuccetiwr m intcre�t. Lcndc� � �; . - <br /> . • ' shull not be rcyuircd to commcncc pr�xeeding. ug:un.t any.uccc.tior in imcre+�ur rcFu�c�o�xtenJ timc fi�r puymen[ or ,_;.,..• <br /> • �Ihcrwisc mafify umorliiuliim ol'Ihc +umti +ccurcd hy ihi, Scrurit�• In.vumrnl hy reation uf any JcmuMt mudc by tlk � :i�--,, <br /> original Borruwer or Horn►wcr�wrce.s�K, in intcrcxt. Any lurix�arunr.hy :.cndcr in exerrising any ri�!M or rcmed��.haU <br />' not be u wuiver uf or prcclude thr exerciu i�f any ri�ht��r rcmrdv. � � �:�:-;'�_ <br /> 12. Succexsors and AssiRnc Bound: .lolnt and tie�•erut�.iability:('o•tiiRner+. Thc rovcnunl+ unJ agmcmcn��of f , <br /> �� �his 5ecurity Inxtrument,hull hind und Ixnet'it�he sucre.u► u,si�:n+ul I.cnJer anJ E3ormwer..uhject lo the provisiuns ,, <br /> of Pumgrapb 9.b. Borrowcr� rovrnunts unJ a�;recmrn�. .hull Ix juint anJ ,c�•�ral. r\n�• Burruwcr who co-tiigm thi+ . . <br /> • • Serurity Instrwmnt but J�kx nut cxrrutc�hr N��tr: �u�i,cu-+iEnin�!ihi.ticrurii�� In.irument only tn mongugc.gmnt:�nJ <br /> convcy thut Borrowcr's imrrc.t in ihc F'ro�xrty undcr thc trrni,uf thiti 5cruriry In,irwmnl:Ih1 i�ixit �xr�onally i�h�uled to ; . • � (?':�--� <br /> • puy tlx sums�ccureJ by ihi+Srcurity Intitrwncnt::md Ir►agrrc,Ih:�� Lrn�kr und�iny athrr H�,rrnwcr may a�rrc a�rxiend. � .�:��:-_�� <br /> modify.forlx�ur��r mukc uny ucr��n�m�xlauon.with rc�:ard tu ihr�ernis ut ih�.Srruriry In�trumeni ar�hc Not�a•ithoui that � ' "� "'� <br /> .. Borrower'x con�ent. � ��' <br /> 13. Nudces. Any noticc 10 Borrowrr pruvidcd ti�r in th�ti ticrurity Intitrumrm shull ix given hy dclivering i� ur hy • � ���""'`^�� <br /> mailing it hy lir,� rla.. mail unlc+, .�ppli�uhk law rcyuire.u.r uf an�►thrr mrth�xl. Thc noucc .h;►II Ix dircct�J to Ihr ; <br /> t Pmperty Addrcx+or um•nthrr aJJress Narrower dc.i�n;rtc,hy n„tirr lo Lendcr. Am ni�licr ta Lrml�r,hull ix givrn by .. <br /> i tint cluxx mc►il �o Lcn�irr: adJn,+ ,lalcd hcrcin �,r any addrc+� LenJrr d�,i�:nat�.h�• n�dicr iu liurc��wcr. Any noti�c • <br /> •o ., . p�ovided for in thiti ticcurity ht,trumunt�hull he drent�J la havr Ixcn given tu H��rr��wer or Lrndcr wlxn givcn us pruvidcJ , � <br /> in thi.paraFraph. • <br /> 14. (:overnin�(.aw; tie�•ernbilit�•. Thi� Srcurii� Intiinmxm �h:dl hc�urcrn�J h� I�edrral I:�« and thc luw of �M <br /> juri,dwti�m in which�hr 1'roprn��iti I�Ka�rJ. In ihc r�ent ihat:un ��ru�i.iun ur rl�iu+r ul Ihi.Srrurity In.trumenl ar th� <br /> Nutc conflict�wi�h applicablr lau•. tiuch r��n0i�1 .h:►II not .dlec� uihrr��ruai,wn. uf thi,tircurii� In.trument ur Ihr N�Ne <br /> whirh r+�n tx givcn�I7ec��vithuut thr cuntlirnng pr�n•i.u,n. �I�,thi,rnd thr pru�•i,iun,��f thi�ticcurii� In.trumcn�and Ux <br /> Nole nre d�rlar�J lu Ix.ever:iblr. <br /> 1.5. Norruw�r's Copv. li��rruwrr,hull Ix�.iven unr r�mlunneJ rup��+t Ihi,tircurit� In�lrunxnl. <br /> 16. Astiipnment ot'Rent�. li�irrmvcr unri�nJiu�,n:dly a„ipn,.�nJ ir:m�trr i„Lrndrr:dl �he rrnt,:ntJ rcvenuc�uf thc <br /> :i: proFxhy. Horrawrr authuriir+I.cndcr or LrnJcr::i�rm.Iu r�dl�i 1 Ihr rcnt.:md mv�nur,anJ hcrch�dincl,rarh tcnant uf <br /> Ilx F'm�xm 1�>puy thc rcnh lo l.cndcr or Lendrr'.:i�:cnl.. Ifuwr�rr.pri„r t��L�ndrr'. n�Nirr a�liurro��cr ul Kurrow�r: <br /> hmuch��I'any covrnunt ur agrr�nHnt in Ihr tirrurn� In.irumrm.N„rru��cr�h.dl.�,Ilrrt:ind rcrri�c aU irnl,and <br /> Ihe I'n�perly u�Iru�lrr fur ihr ixnefit ul LrnJrr:ntd H��rcawrr. l�hi.:�ti�i}�mn�•nl�d rent. r�m,tituie�:m ah.ulWe ati�iEnment <br /> and nnt an as.itinmcnt lur addiu�,nal .crunly unl�. <br /> . _. . .�. . n _ ..�1 _ ..1 {..- IJ. .1...111...6..1.1 60 ll.• ..r•.�n�.1...+ . <br /> _ - 11 1.C11uC1 �I�c11iVi0.0 ui iqia�n��:u�.7i.i"n'fT: i: .•••• •.••.•:• ••••••••• rn ��. � <br /> � liin c�nrl'it of(.cnJcr anly.tu hr applicd�u ihr ,um.�ucured.h�•,ihr 5�•ri�rn�,ln.trumrnl:Ih� Lcnder�.hall�tx rnlitic�i io <br /> � 1 rullcrt and rrccicr�II ut thr rrnh��t'Ihc PruExny:and�r)rarh irn;int ol thr I'r�,prh� .hall p:�� all rrnt.dur a�xi unpaici a� <br /> Lcndcr ur LrnJrr:u�!rnt un Lrndcr:N-riurn dcmanJ tu ihe i�n:uu. <br /> B�►rcow•rr hu. nut cxrculyd any priur u,.i�nmrnl�►1'ihr nm,and�and���II nnt perti�mi :uiy arl tha� acwld <br /> ;. . prcvent l.cnder fmm cxrrci+inE it+righ�.undrr�hi.P.rragraph I h. <br /> LCI1�Cf .hull not Fx rcyuircJ tu cmcr upm.(:IkC iUnlrt�l o(�tt nlalnla111 1�1C�'fu��CtY\ Fk�itti��f;dtC��.1�•Inj; Ilulic�uf� <br /> hrca�h li� Burn�wer. Hu�vevcr. Lrnder or u juJiciullr ap�x�intrJ rccrivrr m.i� �H� �u:it .im nme lhirr i,a hrcu�h. �1ny <br /> applicatiun of rcn�+.hall not rurr ar wui�•c uny de(uull ur im•aliJa�r am ��ihrr ri�h���r rrnuih ��t I.rnJrr. Ilii,:�,.i�;nmrm <br /> af rem.ut'the 1'roExny.hull tcnninut�whrn ihe Jchl+c�wcd h�the tircw u� In.�rumrnt i.paiJ in lull. <br /> ��ti,�r r.������,e�•„ <br />