��Fa�:_ _ . ,. ..__ _ -
<br /> _ - —
<br /> .-,��t��� �.y. ", ,r. - .. .... .'-'""'�.:
<br /> .' . ' ` � ., , .«:.+..+�w+r..»-'.�..�. .. .. . ., -.. - � _,.__ -- -�--.'-'.� --. .
<br /> ---�.�� 92-1 it 1 S 7 2 �-�-.
<br /> --��� NON-UNIFORM CQVENANTS. B��rrnwcr und Lcndcr 1'urlhcr covcnam and u nc o�foll�iwx:
<br /> — 17. Foreclovure Procedure. If Lcndcr rcyuim�immediaic paymcnt in fu�prulcr purs�gruph y.I.crukr ntuy mw►kc Ihc
<br /> �����a po wcr af salc und uny o�hcr rcmcdic�Exrmiued by a plirublc law. I.cnJet shull Ix cnuUcJ io collrci uU cx�xn*c�incurccd
<br /> �� in pursuing thc rcmcdic�provided in ihi+pnragroph P7,in�:luJing,bu�not Ifm1�uJ a�,nuwnublr ua�unry�t�c�and�ti�*i��d'
<br /> ��—_-- tille evidencc.
<br /> � If tbe power ut sole Is imoked.'Ifuwlee zhwll record A nntke oP default iq eacA county In which�ny ps�H of Ihe
<br /> -h`�: PropeMy is IocAted s�nd sholl mAil c�pkw of such nulke in Ihe rtu�oner prescribed by ap icable low In tinr�ower pnd _
<br /> _— ;;y� ���_.�. oble Iww. 7YuMeo Nhall gi�c
<br /> to Ibe other perr�ons prescribed by Applirable law. Alle�Ihe IEme r¢yuired by appl
<br /> ` ���e���'"'' public nodce ot sale lo Ihe pe�a�nd in the maane� prescriikd oy opplicnWe taw• TruFlee,wilhnul�demond on
<br /> '�'��r'�"""'`"'� Burruwcr.shaU sell thc Praperly wt puhUc aurlion tn the hlphrst bldder ot the time s�nd pl�ce Aod undor Ihe term9 �
<br /> _�e ` -
<br /> �� �'�, deslgaNted in the notke af�le in one or more pAncels and in Any arder TruAteQ determine�. 71ru�lee moy p��ndp�me
<br /> -^�'"�.s•4'�r���:y,�, . ':- . sak of all or ony{wrcel ot Ihe Prnperty by publfc Annauncement at tbe lime�nd pk+ce ul'any provlou�ly pcheduled
<br /> ���:.I.l,t:r�":V
<br /> „�-�.�:• �le, l.ender or its de�iRnee moy purch�se the PropeNy pt�ny wale.
<br /> ,�(�.• U p o n r e c e l p!o fpa y m e n t a i't h e P r i c e b i d.7 l r a s t e e s h w l l d e N v e r t o t h e p urcht+ser 7�u51ee'w deed uonvoylnR the
<br /> ��';1=�'�... '.�.y propeny. Tbe�ecita f s in the 7lrustee s deed ohpll be prima fACle evldence of trulh ut the statemenls ma da t here ln.
<br />�..•. . ,�.t�• —
<br /> ,����$.�;�?4 7Fustee shall apply Ihe praceed.c af Ihe sale in Ihe follmvinR ordert U1 to all c��tg and expeo�ec nl' ex�rcl�ing the �
<br />��'��'�;�'"' wer of sale.And the sale.including Ihe paymenl of the 7rustee'9 fees nctually incurred,nut to exceed f ive ���• _
<br /> `'"�``�" '� � � othe princlpal Amount of the nole vt Ihe Iime of the decluratinn of dei�ull, and reasunAble alt�rneys Pe�.w �.v __._ .
<br />�'�?1��� permitled by law;Ibl to atl sums secured by Ihis SecurNy In�toument; and Icl aay exce�.g fo Ihe pe�n or perFana
<br />`�� ' le�wlly entitled to i�
<br /> • _ �g 18. Reconveyance. Upon paymcnt of all,ums.ecured by tbi�Sccurity Inslrumem.Lcndrr.hull rayuesl'Ihi�+��r�a ! _
<br /> �• r• n reconvey the Propeny and,hull�urtender�his Securi�y Insuumonl and ull notcy evidencing drM .crurrd hy Ihie,Securily
<br /> "'=�"'��' �• Inntrument to 7Funiee. Tiustee,haU reccmvcy thc PrapenY withuui wurranty and without chu�e tu the pernson ur perums
<br />�'; `" '�'_i�; ' IBgally cntiQcd�a il. Such person��r pc�any yhall pay uny recordaiiun c�►titx.
<br />���� '��.� l9. Snbstitute'Irustee. l.cndcr,ut its i►p�ion,may fmm limu to�imc removc'li�utitec vnd uppc►int u�ueca,wr trurtcc `_
<br /> �`.:r�=� ����• � to uny'IYu�lee uppointed hereunder by :ui in+�rument rerurded in the rnunty in which�hiti Security In��rumem i�:rccorded.
<br />�, �;<,,;:J:;�::•'':�' �, Withcwt comeyance af Ilx�Propeny.the.ruccessor tN�tee shall�vuccced to alI ihr liQc. Ewwer•rnd dutiex confcrrcd upon �
<br />"��- M1�y�?i!;�!??:.:�;:,• , 'Ihistee hcrein und by upplicuble luw.
<br /> �•�:,, 20. Request (or Notice�s. Barower rcyue+tb �hat capiex oC tha natices of Jefault unJ tiale he xam lu Sortower4
<br />�,�:. .. uddress which ix thc Propeny Addrexti. �_
<br /> .;;:;,';;
<br /> � ° �`'�'' " Riderc to Ihis Securlly Instrume�l. 11'onc or mar�:riders arc cxewtcd by Burrowcr and rrcardeJ�agelhcr wiih thi+
<br /> a• .
<br />�� ��"''�"'`�'"�µ�r' Securily Instrument. �he covenuntz oi'eac:h such rider yhull bc inc��rpcirrteJ inw unJ shull amend und +upplemcnl the �r.r-
<br />'",;�� ^ 9 `�' cmenants and agreementti af this Secunty Instrumenl us ii'Ihe ndohr!Wcm in a pun af this Sc�urity lo�lrumont. c
<br /> � � "''';x.�;.. . �Check applicablc Ix►xles)I. _-__-
<br /> : . n•.�. -
<br />�..`.• n „ �• �Condaminium Rider �Gradua��sd poym�nt Ridcr �Growing Equi�y RidQr !
<br /> .„.,
<br />�. :i�ifr`�.�.
<br /> .�':�� � � 1_ ,.• ., �Planned Unit Devclopment Rider �O�hcr�Specilyl ��(e,Zl'i���.lc1t /�e�'� �
<br /> • , BY SIGNING BELOW, Burtuwe�accept,und •rgrae�to th�temi Qcamuined in puge� I through a of thia Secunly
<br /> "":k�,:�'i'
<br /> , .. Instrument and in uny rider(x)executed by Qormwer und raci�rrl�sJ with it.
<br /> , •� V .. • —
<br /> , � ; o�scs: ''1
<br /> ; , /] ��
<br /> � �� .' l p� 1Vv (Scuq `'°_
<br /> `•°�:� ��j-`�� -------- qOUfi $ D�LI LL — BnROwer _
<br /> 4,„ �� ., � — � cs�An _ -
<br /> • Bormwcr
<br />'8 �
<br />.� ' .�1:•i. '
<br /> � ��.
<br />� � ,: `��,.j�,f`:�.:�. • (SCUI) -
<br /> ti,� ,V Bt11rt�w'Cf
<br />���.,ti.�•� l$l:l�l
<br />,. . Bumiwcr ,�
<br />�� -, i ' � , R���
<br /> 1 I„
<br /> ST.1TE UF N�DRASKA. HALL C�iunty s.: ��
<br />• 'c' ., �
<br /> � � On thi, 9th �I�>'"� March, 1992 . h�t'�xc mc.thc undcrsigned,u Nu1uq� �
<br /> - Public duly rummi.tiionrJ.�nJ yuulil'ird lur,uid ruunl}•.pcnunully rumc
<br /> .iu mr knuwn to lk ttx �
<br /> iJentical pers�ml�1 who.c nank�,►arc.uh.rritxd tu thc ti�rc�uinp inhirumcrn and arkn�►wlrJ��il thc cxccu�ion Ihenol'�o hc �
<br /> ��� hi s v�►lunlan•art;ind d�cd. '
<br /> • Witnex.my hanJ anJ nii�ari:il.r.d ai GRAND I SLAND in .aid r�►unty. the �
<br /> - �Ull`81l)(l`S:II/�. �
<br /> " �� � � , ,. l � y�'_, I
<br /> , . • M Commis.ionrx irrti: - C����'���!�!� ---
<br /> \,�ian��uMi.
<br /> �p ��� ROB� A L REED I
<br /> :- * '� _ '�M►Co m�EaD 1u1R30.D1991 I RI:(,)L�E51'I�UK Itks('ONVi:I�,�'vl'1{ �
<br /> s <<� .. I
<br /> TO TRUST�F:
<br /> 'fhc undcr.i�ncd i,lhc huldrr i►1 ihr n�Nr ur notr..rcurcJ h�•Ilu�.I)c�d uf'lititil. SmJ nulr ur n„�c..wgrlhcr with all
<br /> �xhrr indrhtcJnr..�crurcd b}• �hi.t)red ul'liv��. hace hrCn p:►id m lull. luu:uL hereh�� dirrcted �u.•anrrl �uiJ nule ur
<br /> notr+anJ thi.Ikrd uf"liv.t.which an drb��rcd hrrrh),anil to rrrom���. ��nhuut��:n7.m1�.:dl thi��latr nmv hclJ hy yau
<br /> unJrr thi.Dccd of'liu,��o ihe�kr,nn ur�xr.un.Ir�:all� rnutic.l thc�etu. �
<br /> dute: _. _ . ._. .. — - ..
<br /> � � ,����er J.���p��a�,�
<br /> , . �
<br />