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<br /> ti •;i.:�..�. �',���. .• 1. Payment oP P�inripal,Inte�est and I.ate l:hnry�e. Burn�wrr.hall pay whcn Jur thr principal ui',unJ interest un, --
<br /> �he deix cvidenccd by the Natc and latc chnr�e�due undcr thc Notc.
<br /> ° � 2. Monthl�•pMyments of Tpzes.lnsurunce und plher(.har�ex. Horrnw•rr tihull imludc in rach mnnthly puyment,
<br /> ' ' lagelher with the pnncipal und intens� us�et larth in �he Nntc•rn any latc rhurgc..an imtLllmrn� nf uny lul taxer and ���,�.
<br /> ' ., spociol ecu:ssmcnt+levicd ar�o ix Ievied uguin+t thc Piroperty. INI Ic•r��hnlJ pay�mm.or gn�und renn on�he Piro�ny,:mcl
<br /> ; '_ Ic)premiumv for in�urancc rcquircd by Purugraph 4.
<br /> Euch monthly in+tullmrn� tor itcm�1a1. Ihl und Ic1 +hull cyual �►nr-tweltih of thr annual umuunt�, us rru,onAbly _
<br /> ^ eslimated by Lender. plus un umoum ,uf(icien� �u muin�ain wi uJJiliunul balunc.: ui nut mure than une•tiixth of thc �-_-�-_--- = -----
<br /> ° e�timuted�unoun�s. The full unnual umuuM i'or cuch item�h•rll bc urrumulatcd by LrnJer within u peri��d endinF onc
<br /> � � month hefarc iu�itrm would t�ecome delinyurm. Lendrr+hall halJ�hr um�►uni�collec�rJ in�ruxt io pay itern� lul.lb)wKl
<br /> � � Ic)before they becumc delinqucnt.
<br /> If ut c►ny timr thc tMal of the paymenlc held hy Lendcr tirc itrm+Iul. Ib� und(cl. �agc�hrr with�hc futurc manthly
<br /> paymentti tor�uch item� puyahle to Lcrnler prior lo ihe Juc dutc�uf.urh itrm+, rxcecd+ hy m��re �hun one-+ixth �he
<br /> estimnted umaunt of payrnNnt+.m�uired tu Pay+uch item+ whcn dur,and it�paymcm+an�he Note ure current,then l.ender _
<br /> tihall either►�fw�J thr rxcc.ti ovcr onc-tiixih uf�he rstimatrJ p�ymrnt.ur credit tlx rxrr.�ovrr nnc-•ix�h ot'�he c�iimuted ��L�
<br /> payments to subseyurnt paymentti b�•Burtowcr,ut thc uption i�t Hnrtnwer. If�hr tutul��f the puyments maJc by Borr�wcr _--
<br /> fur uem lu),Ibl,or Icl i.�nsufficient to pay the ilem when Juc. then Hurcuwe:r+h•rll pay ta Lender:my um�ront n��cessary w
<br /> ° make up Ihe Jcficicncy an un c�fbre thc dule the i�em hecomrti due.
<br /> � A�:used in thi,Security In��rument."Secmtury"me:ui+th�Secretury uf Huu.ing und Urhan De�•rlopment ur hi+or her =
<br /> � ' dc.ignce. In+u�y ycar in which�hc l.cndcr mutit pay a miirtFagc m�urancc prcmium in the Sccrctary.cach momhly paymcnt �f
<br /> • � shall ultin includc rithcr. li) un ins�allment oi' ihe rnnuul rnunguge in+ur�nce prcmium t�� lx paid by Leoder to �hc —_
<br /> ., Secretury, or liil �monthly rh+uge insteud ui'a mongnkc in�urance premium if ihis Security Intitnimem iti held by �he �--�
<br /> Secm�ary. Euch munthly instullment of the mon�tage in�urancc premium�hull Ixr in un umount.al'firirnt�o a+ecumulate the —__ ___
<br /> ' � full annual mungugc in.ueuirc premium with L�ndcr onc momh prior ui ihc date the full unnuu) m��rt€aFc insurunce '`�:=ti; _
<br /> • �,, premium iz due to Ihe Secre�ary;or if this Sccurit�Inxtrument is held M�thc Secrelury,c:►ch monthly churgc+hall he in un ::..�.
<br /> umoum cyual to anc-twclfth of ane-half percem of Ihe uut�tundinR principul halurx:e Juc�m thc Notr. �• ',�^ .�;��`°
<br /> •, If Bnrm���e�tenden to LenJer the full payment c►f ull�um�.ecured by ihis Security In+trumern.B�►rrowerti uccount r�s" •
<br /> � " • � ,hall be cmdited with�hc bAluncc rem�ining lor all inxlallmem. for itcmti la). Ih) und!c1 •rnd uny mongagc insursmcr � •'�''��'
<br /> � pmmiurn ins�ullment that Lcnder huti nut lxr.Hnc ohli€ated lo pay�o the Secrctury,utxl Lrnder shall promF'►tly mfund any :����'�:�_
<br /> ' excexs funds to Borcower. Immediutely priix to a foreclosurc ,ule of�he Property or its ucquisitiun by l.ender. Borrowerk ,('J'''�„k-_
<br /> '�,� acrount shull t+c crc dite d wit h uny b a lunce n:maining f'oru l l i nx t a l l me n t ti t i�r i t c m�l u l.I b 1 u n d 1 c 1. ,. ,r;:` �,^'_°°$
<br /> " J. Application of PAyment!�. All payments undcr Pur�gr�phs I unJ 2.ha11 t�upplied by Lrnder u�fol low�: '� : ,-.'.ti
<br /> FIRS'i` t��ihc martgugc inxurrnrc prem�um to Ix p•rid hy Lcndrr to thc ticcr�tary��r io ihc moMhly charge by ihc I
<br /> ��
<br /> Secrel imtcuJ of Ihe monlhly mon�uge insuruncc prcmium:
<br /> � ' $�Q�,t u a n y t w e e s.+p e c i u l us.r.smcn�s,lea�hc,ld pa ymen��ur g�ounJ rent�.und iire,tl�x�d und�Hher hw.ard j�,,,�,�, ''
<br /> . - --- - . - insurancP�+rPmiums.uti rcywred: '''" '�' —
<br /> �• �jj�,to intere�t Jue undcr the Note: �r� . �''�
<br /> �OURTH,ta amorti�atic►n of thc principal ot'�hc N�ur: ����
<br /> k• •�.'�:'�.�`�_
<br /> �,ta{atc chargc�dur unJcr the Nutc. +��R�, ;�'�^ _
<br /> " 4. �ire,Flood and Other Hazurd Insurance. Burruwc r+hall insurr all imprnvement+un thr Prop�ny,whelher now �;r s�'•�'•,� ����,
<br /> in existenre or subseyucndy creclyd,a�!aiml un�• huiurd.,cu�uul�ics, and ri+ntinFenries,inrluding tirc, for which LenJrr ; . � �.�=
<br /> mquires in�urancc. Thi,insurunre�hull Ik maintuinrd in ih� :imountti anJ tix�hr�xricxi,Ihat Lcndcr rryuire�. Norrowrr � • �
<br /> zhall also insurc ull impmvcmenl.on�hc Pm�xny,whrthcr now iu exi�tenrr ur tiubscyucntly crecleJ,again.t loss hy tl��l, ,
<br /> to the extcnt requlrcJ by�he Sccretury. All in.urunrr,h:�ll Ix• rarrird wiib�ampanic.uppro��cJ by l.endcr. Thr insur+�rKr ' .�
<br /> palicies und any renewuls .hull ix� hrld by Lrnekr and J�s+ll incluJ� la,�puyuble clau�e, m tuvor ��f, and in a fixm i ;`���'� s•���� -
<br /> �, acceptablc�o,LrnJ�r. •k Y' �
<br /> In Ihc event ol'k►.�, Burrowcr�h�ll Eivc l.cndrr inuneclia�r nutirr hy muil. Lendrr muy mt�ke pr�f of loss if not -
<br /> • mude promptl��h)•Borcuwcr. Earh in,u�uncr rompany cuiK�mrd i.hereby:iuthoriicd and direcicd w muke puyment for ; .`�,-: _
<br /> such lass elirecNy�n L.enJrr.imleaJ of to BuROw�r und��►LenJer juiml��. All nr:my pan uf the in+urance pnKreJ.muy lxr } .;:...
<br />.. applied by Lendcr,u�its up�iuu.cithc� iui to the rrdurtinn��I ehc inJeMeJnc„undrr the Notr anJ thi,Securiry Insuunxnt. � •, *�_".,,'
<br /> ' • firxt to uny delinyuent anwum. appli�d in thr urder in 1'arugru�h �. and �Ixn �o prrpaymem of prinripal,ur lbl to ihc . . , . - , . --
<br /> rest��rauon or repair of thc damugrd prcipeny. ,\n}•appliruuun ot thc pr�xe�J+to ihr prinripul+hull not exienJ or pns�pone � '
<br /> � thc duc JAtc nf thc munthly paymrnts w•hich arr rcfrmd tu i�i P.�ra�:raph?ur rhan�c thr am��unt�d�tiurh�aymems. Any
<br /> . excc,ti insuruncr prcncrdti ovrr un :unount rcyuind to pu�uU uutxlandinE indrMedne�+undcr Ihr Nulc unJ thi�Srrurity { . ..a__,._
<br /> Inrtrument xhull tx puid t��thc rnlity Ir�all�•�ntiUcJ ihrrct�,. . . : �,,��'�F'_
<br /> . In thc cvcnt ol'lorcrlu,un��f thi,Scrurity In,trumrm �,r othcr tran.frr�,f nUr�u th� I'roExrt�•�hat e�iinguixhrti ihc . ' .:_.__
<br /> " indcbt�dnexs,all righ�.tiUr anJ inirrc�t uf 13uRU��cr in and ki in,uranrr pu6r��,in Inrcr,h:dl pa„n,ihr purnc�+,er. .
<br /> � � 5. Occupanrv. Preser�•ation. �laMtenance und Pn,te�lion oP the Pruprrq•: Norrower'+ l.unn Applkation; � ,s.��.
<br /> I.easehold.r. B��m►wer.hull �xcupy. r.labli,h, imd u,r �he Pru�uny :u Burx�«��r. princip:d rr+idencr within�iaty J�y. :�"1'��.�"--
<br /> ,' ufler the execution of thix Security Inztrument ond.hall c�mti nur tu urcup�• ih� Pn,p�ny ci. Hurra�vrr'+princin:d rcsidcncr ""'-���r'' �'
<br /> • � for ul Irust unr ycur aftcr thc d�ur��t ikcupanr��.unles��hc tircntar�Jrlcm�inc�Ihi.rcyuircment«•ill raux unduc h•rrd.hip
<br /> . 4 ' ' for Burmwcr. ur unlcs� rxtcnualing rirruni,�anrcti exi,i whirh arc Fky�ond f�„rc�n�rr'. r��ntrul. R��rrnwcr �h•rll notify
<br /> ; Lenden uf uny rxlenuatin�:cirrum.lancc+. liurrowrr.hall nut ru�nniu��:n��• ��r d��tru�.d:�m�igc ar�uh�tuntially rhun�!c , •
<br /> �hc F'rop�:rty ur aUow thc 1'ri�peny to detcriora�r.rea.�mahlc�vrar:nxl�rar r�cc�itrd. Lrnd�r nui� in.{xr�th�I'ri�Exn�• if thr .
<br /> Pm�xrty i.vucunt„r ahanJimrd or the lo:m iti in dctaid�. I.rnder m:�� �;ikr rc:�.nn.ihle �irnun a,protert anJ prc,rrvc �urh
<br /> vucant nr uhandoned Pro�xrty. Rnrto��er,h:dl +d,u Ik �n d�lault it liarr��ucr. �hirui�. ihc luan app6caiiun pruc..,, guvr
<br /> � � mutcriully t'akc or in:ururutc inti�m�auun ur .i�t�mcnn �.� L��adrr �ur I;nlyd tu �uu�•id� Lend�r �vith .im� matcnul
<br /> ' infumiatiunl in cunncrtion with thr lo:m rvidenred h� thr\I„�r. inrludui�..hui not limiied tu. rcpnunt:n�un.runr.min�
<br /> IBoRmver i ixrupanr)•��f thc F'rn�m•:�.:i�rinripal rr+id�•ik�c. II ihi.Sccurn� In.irumrnt i.un a Ir:i.ch�dd. Bcttro�ecr�h�ll
<br /> � comply wi�h�hr pru�i.iun,��I'thc leax. I(Hurm��rr arywn•.Icr u�lr���Ih.I'n��x�rt}. the ka.�huld�utd f��tiUr,hull nul
<br /> � he merged unlcs�Lcnd�r.i�:rcr.�u th�m.rgrr in��riun�.
<br /> i 6. ('harue�c to Borrower und I'roleciion nP Lcnder�Ni�ht.in Ihc Propert�. I�arr„��rr+h.dl p:i}:�11�uvrmnuntal
<br /> �� or muniripal charge..finr.anJ im�x��ili�m�that arc nut uhludcd in I'ar;i�:ruph �. Ifurru��er tih:�ll pa��thc.v��hhgau��m an
<br /> timc dirccdy t�� Ihc rntin a•htrh i.u�vcd �hc pc��mrn1. II 1'adurr i�, p:i) ����uIJ:��1�rr.rl� ;dlcr� LcnJcr'.nttcrctit in ihr
<br /> 1'ruperly. u�wn l.rnJcr'.rryu�.t R�,rra�rr.hall��rumptl� lum�.h tn I.rndrr rrcripl,r�idrnrin�Ihru p:i�mrnl�
<br /> It Komiwcr fail� w ntnl.r Ih�.r ��:n•mrnl. ��r th� ��a}i�irnl, �c��wrcd h� I'ar:i�raph '. ur t;iil�la �xrinnn ;m} �ahrr
<br /> . . . rnv�ms�nl�an�l:�u�o�•Illi•tll�a'�tO1:1111C1�111 I�ll� �CCUfII\' �IhlfUllll'OL Nf I�ICfC 1�il�l`}`al��nkcrJin�.ih:ll 111.1\ ♦I�IU�II':1I11�Y :I��l'CI
<br /> l.endcr: righ�ti in thc I'ru�xm l,urh .�.:� �,r�kr�diii�: u► h�nl.rupir�. lur cu�Klrmnauon or��,cnturcc I:���. ur rcpulauan,�.
<br /> + � then Lender muy du anJ par ��halrver i+nrcr,.:�r� tu prutc�t Ihr�:dur ul Ih�• I'ruprrt� :md l.rnd.r'�n�ht. m 1hr I'r��rxm•.
<br /> includin�:paymcnl ut taxr,.har.vd ui.ur;mrr:md a�hrr urm. mcnuuncd ui 1';ira�r:iph'.
<br /> Any;unuunl.Ji.hunrd hy LrnJrr undrr Ihi.P:�r.��rapl� �h.�l)h�rumr.m :idJiuun:il Jrhl ut I;�,rra���•r a��d Ik.�.und
<br /> � by thiti S�curiry InUrument. 'I'he.r amuunt.,hall hc:u inkr�.t trnm ihc J:uc�,t di.huncmcnl.ai the Natr rutc.and ;�i�hc
<br /> uptiun ot'Lendcr..hull fx imm�diatrh Jur:inJ�,:��:�hlr.
<br /> '�. ('andcmnution. 'lltr pr�xred.��t am a��:ud ur cL•n�n I��r d;nn:iEr.,dn rrt��r rim.ryurnli;d.m runncrtion��idi am
<br /> cundcmnatian ur uthrr�aking af um pan ol'thr Pro�xny.or tur rumr��anrr m plarr ul:un.l.mnat��m.:uc hcrehy a���Enrd
<br /> und,hull tx paid�u Lrndrr tu thr rr�rm ul�h�•full;�muum��t�hr mJrl�cdne•.�hat�rmaw,unp,nd undrr t h� Nutc anJ ihi�
<br /> Sccurily� In�lrument. I.end�r.hall apply,urh pnKrrd�a,thr irJucu�,n ul thr indeMrdne..under thr N��tr:md thi�ticrunt�
<br /> Instrumrm. fir.� tu :iny Jrlinyucn� :�muunn :q,phrd in dir nrdrr �,n,�iJrd in I',ua�:r:iph �. .m�l thrn i�• prcpa�mrnt �,t
<br /> prinripal. Any applirntiun ut thr pr�xcrJ� lu �hr pni�ripal .h:ill nui r�tcn�l ur {,u,tpnnr ihe Jur �l��e nt thr mumhl��
<br /> �)tirr�:.,����,,c,•�
<br /> � I
<br /> . 1� _
<br /> , --
<br />