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...:tll!'.!�• 1.R!!!�it]F.T��lM*S+,!nla�'.`i�i. .5:.r : �r.�-- <br /> –� ., .' .__ ...�. .,. <br /> __— . _ _ �r_. <br /> .��� -__ ' __ ' __–__ _ .....-.�e._....�__.-� __-.__.n _ <br /> \N� <br /> ���i ). t Y� . . ''.�� _ <br /> I' L.. .7 .r. ' ,. '- ... <br /> . .. ^ ` . f. . �� ��..� I �.r�___ <br /> � •� 'i1Yl.� F� <br /> t .:NF�aLYri .+�.-•... . - - ___.__.____�_ . <br /> `� _ .-��.-- 92-- 101870 <br /> _--=;-=-- �. <br /> -�_. <br /> —�:� condcmnuiinn ur o�her luking��f uny pun oi�It►c I'n��ny,or i'�u r�x�vcyuncc in lieu uf coiukmnuiiun,un��hcreby+uri�tikJ wK1 <br /> - .-,�, xhull Ix�puiJ ta L.enilcr. <br /> °-` .,��., In �hc evcn� uf u tu�al �ul;ing��f �he Priqxny, �Ik paKCCd. ,hull tn appli�d to thc .um�• �GUrcd by �hi� ticcurity <br /> �,;. ,. ;�.' ' 4;�.3 In+tNmcnt,whc�hcr nr nut then duc.wi�h any rxcc�, puid io Eiom�wer. In�hu evem ��f u paniid�uking ul�h�F'irnperty in -- <br /> ��� '' which�hc fuir markc�vuluc of thc{'ro�x;Ay im�nrdiu��ly Ix ii�rc�hr�uking i�rqu�d tu��r grru�cr�hun th�•umuum uf ihc,ums <br /> — ;iv•� �erured by this Security Inc+trumem imnicJiut�ly ixli�n thc iukin�„unle„Norrowrr unJ l.undc�uthnnvi,c ugnc in wriiing. <br /> �,^:3,�,�.;;,.._;:,, . Ihe +ums Xcumd hy�hi+Sccu�lty In+trumeM.h+�ll tk mduced hy ihc umounl ��i Ilu pnKCeJ.muldpllcd by ihc fuUowfng <br /> -�---:. � -,�' fmciion: lu)�Irc totul unwunt of�hc�um.�ccur�d immedi:ucly bcfiirc thc lakin�.dividrd by lhl thr►i�ir m+rckc� v�ilur o1'�hr L_—_ �__4- <br /> �,�,`.�� �� Propeny immediutely hefurc the tukin�. Any bulunre.rhall Ix puid io surrower. In ihe rvem ul +� puniul �aking of�hr <br /> ��--�-•��''', . Propctty in which�he fuir murket value uf thc F'm�xny immediutely h�:ti►rc�hc wkin�e i+le++�hun�h�:umnum nl'thc tium, <br /> .a.,y;�`�,',q�';j.. a securcd immediulcly lxfore ihc taking. uulc., Bormwer uad Lrndcr aihrrwiM ugrcr m wrninµur unlc.. upplicuMe luw <br /> _ �- ��;, �.:,;,,„ „' othenvise providex,�he praceeds shull t+r applicd w the wms securcd by�hi�Securiry Inrtrumrm wlW�Ihc���r no��hc+um�arr <br /> - .. ;'•�. '"' � ihendue. — <br /> _� ',;pi;�ir�*-;,y , If the Propeny i.uhandoned by Bc,rc��we�.��r if,ufier nu�ice hy LenJcr io B��rruwer ihut Ih��cun<Icmn��r ottcn to make ___ <br />=� an uward or settle u cluim far damugc+. Bnm�wrr fuil,la re,pund tn Lendcr within 30 duy. :diar�ha dat�tfx n�►tire i•given. __r�.____..- -� <br /> °°' �.°'":=''�•• Lender ix uuthorized to coUect und apply Ihe pruc�wd,.ut ilx option.either to rosturutiun or�upair��I'thu 1'n+�xny or ta thc <br /> _i=;ua,;�,►t�::..�, . <br /> ,. ,�•�-••� . sums secured by�his Security Inxtrument,whcthcr o�nrn then Jue. <br /> `'�'�� Unlesti l.ender and Barcuw�r nthenvi�c ugree in wri�ing. any L�licution af paxred�.to pnnr,iNul .huU rnn ra�eml or <br /> � � '��•, �'��' , poxtpcme the due date of tlx:monthly payments referreJ io in parogrnph�I und 2 ur rhunge the amaunt a1 such puyment:c. <br /> =�' . � 11. sorrower Not Rekased; For6earance By l.ender Nut e Wuiver. Extrn�ion of �hu time ti�r puymeni or <br />-1_%;�•�,�, . ; °� modiFiwtion of umoniu��ion of�he,ums sccured by this Security Instn�ment�run�rJ by Lender to any�ucre..or in interc.t � <br /> _ M' Bormwer shall not operate to releutie�hc liability of the originul Borrowcr ur Borrowcr:�ucs���or. in interer�t. Lcnder ` <br /> A.� xhull not be reyuired ta commence pr�xeedingx uguintit uny+uccerxor in interc�t or rciuu:ta cxrepd time for puymrul�►r �,.�_, _ <br /> • • �,;• otherwise modify umonizution af the tium+se�:urcd My�hi.Security In+trumcnt hy rru,un nt'imy demimd mudc by thc originul � �,,'::`�_:., <br /> . • Bormwer or Borrower's succesxors in interest. Any tixbcarrnce by Lendcr in rxcrcixiug uny ribM��r remedy shull no�be u ��Q� <br /> ,�nw. wuiver of or preclude the exerci+c of any righ�or rcmeJy. �,,,R <br /> �.��'"� :. 12. Succes.wrs and Assi�ns Bouad;Joint and Several I.ipbHily;Co-signery. The c�wenu�tt+:mJ•rgn�emcnt+of�hi, <br /> `` •� , Security Instrwnent shull bind and Uenetii the,uccrsxon anJ usxigns uf l.rnder anU 13nrtti�wer. .uhj��� to tlx provi.iom of <br />.• � �• puragrAph 17. Barmwer w covenuntx and agmemenl+ xhull t+e joinl und srveral. Any Horc�►wrr aho ca-zign, thi+Scrw•ity <br /> • �' Insaument lw�dce+not execute the Note: lul is co-signing thi�Secunry lnstrumen�unly a�m��ngi��.gr:uH und c�mvey lhut <br /> " `"'` Bormwer+interes;in the Pmprny under ihe[em�.oi'�hi+Secunty Imtrumenr. �b�is nrn�r+onullu uhligutrd to puy�� __ <br /> . ;.r,., . ,,.. <br /> ., `�•,;'f,�,�� xecured by this Security Instrumenr.und Ic)ugrees that Lender und uny otFKr Borruwrr may agn���w extenJ,m�xlil'y,furlxur <br /> or make any accommodutionx with reEard tu the ternis oi'thi� Srcurity Instrumrnl or thr Nnla withoW Ihul Bnrrower+ <br /> • consent. <br /> - - !� l.tsass Clsar�tw. !f the In,�q .r�•ured hv thiti S�curity IntitrumrM i� whlcct w a law ��hich xc�s muximum loan <br /> �%� charges.und that law i.finully interpreted u��hut thr intcre.�or o�her loun churgc.collec�ed irr ti�be ri�llec�eJ in connection <br /> ��;`,.. • with Ihe loun exceed thc permitted limitx,ihen: lal uny�uch Ic�un char�r�hull Ix rcJuccC hy�he amuunl nec�titiun•io reduce <br /> ' the chrrge to the permilted limi�:und 1 bl any�um�alnady cullccteJ fn►n�Burrowrr w hich rxrredrd�xm�iurJ Iimi1.will he <br /> • ` � ° .. ' refunded to Barrawer. Lender muy ch�xixc�u mukc thi.rrfund by reducing the principul uwrd undcr thc Notc or by m:�king u ____ <br /> •• direct puyment ta Borcowec If a refunJ reduce+prirnipul,the rcduc�ion will t+c�rcmrd ux a purlii►I prepuyment wilhou�•rny ---- <br /> � prepayment churge under the Note. --'- <br /> „ . !4. Notiees. Any m�ticc to Borrowcr pruviJed lor iu Ihi�Security Intilrum�nt �hull Ix givrn hy deliv�ring i1 ur by <br /> mailing it ny fir�t clu+x m•ril unless applicuMc luw rcyuire.u�r uf:mulhcr mcth�wl.'11�c mHir�+hul)Ix�direc�eJ w the Pm�rty <br /> � Addrt:ss or uny other addre+.Burrowcr Jr.ignulr�by nnticc to Lrndcr. Any rn�tirc to Lendor.hull Ix givrn by tinl clu�� <br /> � `� muil to Lcnder's uJdre,s.IaleJ herein�x am•o�hcr aSdre„Lcndrr dc�i�nutc+hy nulirr�a Bom�w�rr. Any niHir�providcJ for �,,, <br /> � " " in ihi, Securiry Imtrument tihall Ix dcemed to havr I+ren �ivrn t�� H��m�wrr or Lrn�kr whrn given :is provided in Ihi� �'-��� <br /> _ p:uugruph. �-:.,--- <br />� 15. Governin� Law; tieverability. Thi. Scruriry In+trument +hull Ix �ovcrn�J h�• 1'ederal law and �he lu�v of the �`=�"."_� <br /> ." jurisdiclion in whicii 1he Properly is kkaled. In the event thal:my provi�ion��r cluu,e utlhi,tiecnri�y In,trumrm ar�he Notr � •� _- <br /> con t lic ts wi t h u p p l ir u Mr l u w.w c h r o n t l i r t.h a l l n o t:�I l e r t u t h�r pravi.iim.ol'�hi+Serurily In*�nimem i�r Ihr Notr wl�inc�an � --- <br /> " . b�:given effect �vithout thr contlicling provisiun. Tii Ihis cnd the pr�,vi.ium ��f ihi. Srr►�riry Imtrunxnt und Ihe Note ure Y,;�s_„�v <br /> . � . o decltu'ed to he,evereble. � <br /> , '� .. !6. Borrower's Copy. Rorrowrr tihall fx gi�•cn unc runti�rnird c��pp ul Ihr Nulr:md ul Ihi�.ticrurit��In.Irwnent. C",'.^.` ''l'.• <br /> , 17. Tiransfer oPthe Pruperty or u Beneticiol Imcre+t in Bnrrnwer. II uU ur:�n� pan ui ih�I'n��xny ur an��inter�st in � <br /> ° " ' � it i,.oIJ ur trun,fcrrrd I��r il'u ixnrtirial inlerc,l iii Rurrourr i,�uld ur Iran+lcrrcJ and 13nrn�wrr i.nut u natural rxml �;r•:µ '- <br /> � Yr..:�..iiir_ . <br /> . wilhout Lcnderi priur writtcn rument.LrnJcr may. at it,uptiun.rcyuirc immrJiale pa)ment in full ut',ecuRJ hy , t�;:�:<: <br /> ' thi.Securiry Instrumrnt. Howevrr.�his option.hall niN Fx rxrrcixd hy l.�ndrr il e�rrci.4�►hihited by fcder�l law us of ��� :.. <br /> .. the dutc of thi,Sccuriry In.trumrm. �' . '� <br /> • - li'LenJer cxrrcix�.this opti��n.LcnJrr.hull Eive Burn�N•rr n�Nirr ul:urrleianun. I'hr nolicr�hull pruviJ�a�xxriixi of �, . <br /> nai Irs.than�(1 dayx fr„m dx d:itc Ihr iwiicc i.drliv�red ur m:�il�d��ilhin��h�rh Hurrvm�i•mu•t pa��rureJ hy thi. <br /> ' ` . ' Securiry Itutrunttnt. If Borrowrr t:�il,to puy �hc.�,unn pri��r�a�Ihr e�pir:�n�,n ��I thi. �xn�xl. Lendcr ma�• im��ke any � . . <br /> ' rcmedie�prrminrJ by thi,5ccurit�-In�trument��ithuut lunher nuiir�•��r�Icmai�d un I���rrm�cr. �' <br /> y 18. Borrower'x Ri�;ht to Reinslute. 11' H��rrourr mrrt. rrnain r�a�dniun.. li�xni��rr .hall h:�vr �hc righi tu have i <br /> enforcemem uf�hi.S�ruri�y In.trumrm di�:untinurd al :m��timr��n��r t�,�hr r:nlirr��(: �:u�d;i).�nr,urh��Ihrr�xri�xl a. <br /> timgkP:nnd� Funnk�lur�Fn�ddk\tucl\IFtIN�II\17'RI�tF:\f lmt��rn��'u�.�nant. 4•411 y+�rer��,ln�y�erv ; <br /> � <br /> i <br /> , ! <br /> � ___ - <br />