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,��� .,1:. • : . .�i'.� '\f:Ptl°�roR;i.n+'! rryY•r�iTC:q' r�.;� f.ll�'i.�l( .i�v.�R'r�: Trc� . <br /> .:� , y � , '�"• w i1�:Y? -. . o : <br /> r � � - • "• . ._...r'�t <br /> ._ : ._...._— .e. <br /> ��� , ,�._ �._ -r....�r.�..�......_-r-�—�.—_- <br /> .�1.... �. t•�=�. •• .� .,.. - T ^} �`u.. <br /> � .. _ .�.-- _. <br /> � -- - '. .��',�yia�._`:i.. . . ��� . ...__ __• -�- - r� <br /> -- - �,�._^,.: ^=-::;--- � 92— i�i87o �- - _-- <br /> . � ��: ,� <br /> = , ;;:�._, :,�:. <br /> - .fa�,!�:na!�� rsuanl to any power of aulc conwined in thig <br /> '��..-....��.,,_.�.��.�,i,.: aPRllaNb�law may�pecify far rcinstatemenU before sale of the Propeny pu <br /> p��rg:;rs�r.���;��;•� ' SeGUtity,lnstrumentc or(b)enuy of a Judgment enforcing thia Secu�ity Instrument. Those conditions ure thut Borrowcr. (a) —�--- <br /> �.,r <br /> .::••-:• payq Lkt�der all sums whtch then would be due under this Security Instrument und the Nae au if no acceleratlon ha <br /> '�'�°'��'���"�` occun�d;(b)cureg any default of any dher covenants or ugrements;(cl pays s►II expen5cs incurred in enfurcing this Security <br /> � � � Inflt�umKnt.including. but �ot limi�ed to, reasonable auomeya'fees: und Id) takcs such uction us L.ender mny reasonably <br /> . � . ;4.�..,• reqult4:�o pssure that ti�e lien of this Security Instrument.Lender�rigMe in thc Propeny and Borrower s abligation io pay thc �y-- ___ <br /> � sumg secured by this Secudty Instrument shali continue unchanged, Upon reingtatement by Borrower, this Security � � <br /> " ,Y. �;,;";�;�_. :;,. Inattum4�ii and the obligations securcd hereby shnl)remain fully efPcctive ax if no accelera�ion had occurred. However,thia ��---_ <br /> . - �`ty . rf ht t Pp Y _ - <br /> :.,x,.��,. g p retnstate snall nat a I in the case of ucceler�iion under puragroph 17. <br /> ��y�_: , _ ! 19.�l�ale of Notei Change oi I.os�n Cervice� The Note or a p�uti�l intcrsst in the Notc Itogether with�his Securiry _„ <br /> InstrumRptl may be sold ane or more t imes w i l h ou t prior n o tice to BoROwcr. A�cule ma y result in u change in the entity <br /> .. �r• — <br /> �� ;� (knaw�qa the"L.oan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securi�y Instrument. There ulso <br /> � may be o+os.or more changes of the Loon Servicer unrelated to a sule of the Note. If therc is a change of the Loan Servicer, �--,��: _ <br /> II;� :; garmwe�will be given wriaen notice oP�he change in uccordance with para�eraph 14 utwve and opplicubte law. Th�notjce �:__:�--�— <br />;.:; , wilt wtal�,1!►e nAme und eddress of the new Loan Servicer and ihe uddress to which paymem+should be made. The notice will . � _ __ <br />:a•• ��� - ' AI�cantafn c�ny othe�infornwtion required by applicuble luw. ��-�- <br /> • ', . 1A:�Nazardons Substances. Borrower nhall not cause or pertnit�he prcscnce,use,di,posal,storage,or release of any =------- <br /> r: H�.tvdoNE Subslances on or in the Prapeny. Barrower shull not do,nor ullow anyone else to do, anything uffecting the —_ <br /> „ „�t• Propany that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not upply to tha presence,use,or —___ <br /> b�orag�uia the propeny of smnll quuntilies of Hazardous Substnnce�thul um genernlly recognized�o bc appropriate�o normal �'_:k_-- <br /> �, rc�idanwrl uses and to muintcnance of the Propehy. ��. � <br /> ; � <br /> � ''' ��Y� 8cmower shall pmmpUy give Lender written notice of ony investigution,clnim,demand,Iawsuit ur other uction by uny �;,�.:___ <br /> ._ .:y� <br /> �ovemm�emal ar regulatury agency or private pany involving �hr Prupeny and uny H:u.ardous Substance or Bnvironmemnl �?�°�- . <br /> � Lpw vf which Botrower ha+ uctual knowledge. If Bortower learns, or is notificd by any gavernmenlul or regulatory ��., <br /> ' ;�. aulhal:ty..that any�emoval or other rcmedialion of any Huzardou+SulntAncc affecting the Property is nc��essury.Bortower �.�: <br /> 't, shall pa:xnptly tuke ull necessnry remedial uctions in ucrnrdance with Environmentul Law. ���- <br /> ,_;;� As used in this paragruph 20,"H�ardous Substances"ure those xubstanres definad ati toxic ar h:unnlous subtilancex by �'-�=_'= <br /> � � Envimnnxntal l.uw and Ihe followin�subrtunces: guwline,keroxene,uther flammuble or toxic petroleum pnxlucts,tuxic ��`�` , <br />, " perticidar:and herbicidex, volutile solvents, matrriuls contuining asbesws or formaldehyde,und radiourtiv� materiuls. As � <br /> `� used in If.i�paragruph 20,"Environmemal Luw"means federul I�ws and laws uf tlx:jurisdic�ion where the Property is located 3�;";, <br /> ,- ��.,.> <br /> "--`� '� thnl mlht.e[o health,safeiy or environmental praeclion. �i0�=`-'-'�-� <br /> ;� I�iClh-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower:+nd Lendcr further covenunl und ugrce•rs follows: ��_� <br /> i: <br /> 21. Accekralion:Remedies. I.ender shall give notfce to Borrower priar to ucceleralion following Borrower's �s� <br /> I. brs�ch aP any cuvenant or a�reement in this Security Instrument Ibut not prior to acceleralion under parag�Aph 17 ��-:.�=:- <br /> — � ' �nt�c Applicable law Qrovldes otherwise). The notice shall specify: lal the deFault;lbl tl�e action required to cure the �.:_�:;.�_ <br /> � "' `'���— dePt►t�ti;lcl a date,nat le�.s tbnn i0 days Prom the date the notice Is given to Ifurrower,by whicb ihe 8efauii uiust be <br /> I curad:Wnd(dl that fs�ilure to cure the dePault on ur before the date specffled M the notice mav re4alt in accelers�tian of ��--?" <br /> � tht.rums cecured by this Secur�ty Instrument and sale of the Pr��perty. The nntice shall 1'urther inPorm Borrower ot ��;'����:.�- <br /> � the,right to reinstnte aiter�ccelerAtion and the riRht to brinR a cnurt actiun to u�.sert thr oon-exislence of u dePault or �'=ti��-�="� <br /> ` am',nther deiense af Horrower to acceleration�nd sale. lf the def'auU is not cured un ur bePi�re the date specitied in �-M,e,,,..�;.,� <br /> ; the,notice,Lender at its option may reyuire immediate payment in Pull uf aq sum�r�cured br thiy tiecurity lnstrument �.,.�=: <br /> • wilhiwA i'urther demand and mav imokc the pawer oP restle �nd uny uther remedie� permitted by applictable law. a-�:-- <br /> �; Lendrr shull be entitletl to collect ull expenses incurred in pursuin� the remedies pro�•ided in this para�raph 2l, �y�`��'� <br /> !. inrluding,but not limiled to.reasunable aqurney�'fees und custs aititle e�•idence. <br /> ;. ;i If Ihe puwer of svle ic iovuked.7lrustee tihAll recurd u nolire of defuult in each cuuntv in Which an�• pa�t�►f Ihe __=_-__- <br /> Property k lucuted and shall mail cupies of wch aotice in the mannrr prrscrfbed bv upplicoble law t�►Borrawer und tu v t�y_ <br /> �i� the uther persons prescribed b�•upplirable luw. APlrr Ihe time �eyuirrd bti applicuble lu«•,Trustee shall Rive public � .�+r�_ <br /> nutke of gale lo the persum und in the manner prescribed by applicuble luw. 7'ruxtce.withnul demand nn Borrower, <br />' • shall sell Ihe Properly ut pubiic auction to the hiuhest bidder ul the time and pluce und under the te�ms desi�nated in `-''-'�•l� <br /> the notice oi sule M one or morr parcels s�nd in um•order'Iruxlee detrrmine�. '1'ru�tra may p��+lpnne sule uf ull ur uny �'���'='= <br /> ' parcel oPthe Pruperlv by public unnouncement ut the Ifine und plure of yn� p�rvhmsly�ekhrdulad sule. Lender�►r ils ��"`- -- <br /> desi�nee may purchase the Properl�•iN un}xale. R <br /> � , Upon receipt of puyment of thr pricr bid.7Yust�e shull drlf�ar N� the purchuser Tru�tee'c deed con��eyinR the <br /> Pruperty. 'I'he�ecituls in the'I�ust�e'+deed shull be primu fucir r�idence oP the truth of the r:tutements mude thereln. <br /> 7lruxler sds�N applv the praceeds uf the sule in thr lidlowinu ordrr: �ul lo ull co+t�and expense+of cxercitiing Ihr powrr <br /> ��:=_.= <br />