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<br /> `'���� ' `r�n�; riodg�hut l.rndcr rcyuircg. The imuraixe cArrier praviding�he in�urunce shull be chosen by Borruwcr subjcct to Lcnder's
<br /> ^•��::o:..i.:�t•a1.�R;�ti�::���
<br /> - -.� �;�,�ia,- � p�ppraval whirh�hull not bo unmasonably wi�hheld. If Bmrower fails to muintain covernge de.+cribed ubove,Lendcr may,at
<br /> --�4Y^t";'�;s a''-;��.`' Lender w option,abtuin coveroge to protect Le�uier!+dghts in the Rnperty in accordance with�wrug�aph 7.
<br /> �'" .�;,'�"�'�.�'��`�•'�� �� All insurwue polfciew und�+enewuk xhall bc ucceptuble to Lender and sh�ll include a gtandard martgage clause. I.end�er
<br /> ,. .�. : :.
<br /> � ��' rhull havc!hc right to hold thc policicx and mnewuls. If Lcrnler requires.Borrower xhnll promptly give�o Lender all rece pts _
<br /> '� ':. ',•;,•:: r,.�:y:. , �,
<br /> � ��.,.�Y,,�„�,1,,:;,, o f p u i d p re m i u m s A n d r e n ew u l n�tices. In the even�of los�,Borrower�hull give prompt notke ro the insurance carrier wid —
<br /> � M1 Lender. Lender muy mukc pmaf uf loxs if nat made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> �- „4� L' Un1e.r�I.ci�r:md Borruwrr othcnvice n�nr in writing,in�urnnc:e praceeds shall be upplied to restorution or repair of _
<br /> ;,�, � '.:°�,,> ��, , �he ptaPeny dwna�ted if�he n��aration or repair ix economie�lly feusible and Lender; securily is nw letisened. If the �` -
<br /> '""�:"'':''`"'�`��. ' restorauon ar repair i�nnt ec�micully fear•ible or Lenderg sewrity w�wld be lexsened, the insurwice proreedx shall be
<br /> • ��"•;�'�'� upplied w Ihe xuma uwured by thix Security lnstrument,whether or not�hen due,with any excess paid to Bormwer. If
<br /> �• �` i��� Bonower abundons 1he PropenY•or dceti not s�nawer within 3U duys u notice from Lender�h�t the insurunce currier has _
<br />� :L'�.:%�o:•���,==��,�•'�° offet�ed to setUe u claim,then Lendcr muy colleci the inwurance proceeds. Lender mny use the praeedx to repair or restore --_-------
<br />� ''' ' �he propeAy or to puy sums secured by�hix Security Instrument,whether or not then due. The 3U-dey period will begin when � ��
<br />�,�; the notice is givcn. �_�_ _ __-_..-
<br /> Unlers Lender and Bonnwer otherwise agme in writing,uny upplication af praceeds to principal shall not extend ar �=�:__.,,��,,,;--
<br />}�� �� � postpone the due dute of Ihe monthly payments refetred to in parugrophs 1 und 2 or chunge the sunount oi�he payments. If _ . _
<br /> �'�'�� � under purvgroph 2l the Propeny is ucyuired by Lender,Borroweri right�o uny in4urance policies And proceeds resulting
<br />��`„ � : " '••.'���� from damuge to the Propeny prior la the�cyuisnion shall pass to Le�der ro the extent of the sums secured by this Security ���
<br /> ,�\;:;: Instniment immediaiely pnor to the ucyu��ition. �
<br />�� 6. (kcupancy� Preservalion� Maintenance and Protectbn oP the Property; Borrawer's Loan Appllcatlon; _.__
<br />.!'`: ' � LeasehoM�. 8orrower�hall cecupy.e+tablixh, nnd use�he Properry as Bortnwers principal residence within sixty duys afler --_—
<br />�s"�'� � the execwion of�his Securiry Instrument und shall continue�o occupy the Property as Borrower's prineipal regidence for et ._---_---- �----
<br />,;4k , leaxl ane year �fter the dute of accupnncy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which cansent shull not be r^
<br /> I �Md/�_'•+ '
<br /> � unr+eu�onubly wi�hheld,or unle�s exlenuuting circumstances exist which ure be�cx�d Horrower'.s control. Borrower sn•rll not
<br /> " • destroy,damnge ar impair the Propeny,allow the Propeny to deteriorate,or�vmmit wus�e on the Propercy. Burrower shall M
<br /> • �. . be in defuul�if uny forfeiture uctian or proceediag,whether civil or criminal,is t+rgun that in Lender's gaod faith judgment �':r;,�,y,•:'�°
<br /> � .- could resul� in fort'eiture of the Propeny or otherwi,e materially impuir the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or —� •�j __
<br />, -.�•1' - Lender's xecuri�y iMerect. Borrower muy cure�uch a default nnd reimtate.ati provided in p:uagraph l8.by causing the uction ��==.::.. -�
<br /> . � . � or proceeding to be dismi+sed with u ruling that,in l.e�der ti good faith dc�erminution,precludes forfeiwre of the Borrower� �L��.,�
<br /> '�" .� interzst in thc I'rapeny ar other materiul impaimient of the lien created by this Security Instniment or I.ender's securiry ��.---��
<br /> �;�7�_..r_,_�.
<br /> � � ,, intercxt. Borrower shull ulso be in dePuult ii Bormwer, during the loan upplication pracess, guve materially false or �_��_;
<br />� a '� inaccurs�te infomiution or+tutementx to Lender(ar fniled to provide Lcnder with uny material informu�ion)in connectwn with �,��,,,o_
<br />: the loan evidenced by �he Note, includiog, bu� na limited to, rep�esemations concerning Bormwer� accupanry of the ���:_:�
<br /> -�! - pmpeny as a prinr;�,al re�idence. If'this Security Instrument is on u leusehold,Borrower shull comply with all Ihe provisions �;�__
<br /> ' ` .�: ;,�.�Y��.�.'�. of the Ieuse. If Borrower acquire+tee dtle to the Proprny,the lea�ehold and the fee tille shull not merge unless i..ender agrcc� ��i_;i
<br /> . ,•: :�,� -
<br /> ;•;Wr,.-. � Io the mergcr in wriling. �`�"
<br /> 7. Proteclion of l.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrowcr fails to perform the covenan�s und agreements �
<br /> ' � .,',',,,�,::, contuined in this Security Ins�n�ment, or there iti a legul proceeding that may tiignificuntly uffect Lenderz rights in Ihe ���,{,��
<br /> • ' �'�'�:�� Propeny Isuch as u pmceeding in b:►nkruptcy,pmbu�e,tiir condemnaticxi or fuririture or to enf�rce laws or regulutions),then ��"'�'°�•�:
<br /> �� ��``• Lende�muy do und puy for whutever is necersary to protec�the vulue of the Prapeny und l.etxier's rights in thr Property. '�� —'
<br /> 7.1� ,
<br />' ' ' :" �•'"' � Lender's uctiom muy include puying uny vums �ecured by u lien a•hich ha,priority over thi.Security Instrument,uppearing ;�' �._,
<br /> � '•'�+•;�'�' • in court,paying rcawnable ultomeys'fec,und emering on Ihe Properiy �o mal�e repnirs.AUhough Lender may tuke uction --°�=
<br /> � � ' under thi+parugruph 7,Lendcr dixs noi huve Ic�do so. "''�'"`' _
<br /> • � ' ' Any umountti di�bur.ed by Lrnder under this purugruph 7 .rhuU become udditional debt of Borrower xecured by this •���'.Z_ "_
<br /> ' Security Intitrument. Unles.Borcower und Lcnder ugree to olher temi.nf payment,thc,c amountx xhall bc�•rr inrerc.t from the :.:. ..,., ,_
<br /> . dutc of disbunemenl ut Ihc Nn[e rutr und yhall i►e puyahle. with interest,upon notice from Lende�to Borrower reyuesting ,,.,,,.,,"...:_
<br /> � payment. __ _ �-`F=
<br /> • 8. MortgARe Insurance. If Lender rcc�uircd monguge in+uruixe as a condiifon oi'muking tl�luan ,ccurcvl by thi+
<br /> Security Inslrument,BoROwer shull pay tln rrcmium�reyuireJ �o maintain the mortg�gc in.ur,mcc in effrct. If, for uny '��, -?' �';__
<br /> . reuson, �he mnrtguge in�uruix:c covcruge roywreJ by l.endcr lapse+ or r�a.e� ta be in effect, Bcxrower shull pay �hc ;�`iti.4� �
<br /> premiumti nyuiRd to ob�ain covrruFe suhx�umially cyuivalent to thc monKagr in.urance prrviously in effect, ut a coxt �� ..o�.,.- �-
<br /> °,.' subrtantiully cyuivalcnt Io the cus�to Borr��wernt'�h� imm�a�c in�urunre re��iou+l in effect,Gorn un alternate mortguge ,�;__';•,�"
<br /> . . .r . b b P Y . ,1:-.�=
<br /> � inwrer approveJ by Lender. If�un,tuntiully eyuivalcnt murtgage insurance cuverugc i.not•rvailable,B�rrower shull p�y w - _
<br /> � Lender euch month a+um cyuul to onc-twclflh of Ihc ycarly mi�rtEage imurancr premium Ixin�paid My Horrowcr a•hen lhe .. :�. _w=-_._._
<br /> � insurs�nce coverag�lup�ed or cea+ed ti�Ix in cffc�t. Lender�vill acc�pt.u.e and rrtuin the.e payrnent.a..u lo,.m�rrve in lieu ��r..•�:�� —
<br /> ;; .,�1;-'``
<br /> . of mortgage insuran�e. l.o.s rrscrve puymcnt.may nc�longer tx reyuircd. rt�he opti�x�nF l.rnd�r, if murtFuge imurunce -�" --�~��-
<br /> � coverage lin the umoum unJ for Ihr�xriixl�hut Lrnder rcyuirr.►pr�n•�d4d by an insurer approv�d by Lender ugain t+ecomes �
<br /> ' nvailable and i,ohluined,Burcowcr.hall pry the pnntiums rcyuired ti�maintain mortgugr inwrancr in rff'ect,nr to proviJe a tt.•�•, T�".��
<br /> • � lo„rexerve,until �he royuiremrnt for munga�:r inwrance r�xi.in acriml;uirr a iU�any wrinen ugrcement tirtw•c�n B��rmwer �
<br /> ', • und L�oder or•rpplicablc Is�w.
<br /> � 9. Inspection. Lendrr or i�s a@rnt m•r�•makc rea.unahlr enlrie�u�xm imd m.prrtiun�u(�h�f'ruFxny. Lrndrr sh�ll
<br /> . , give B�rcower notice at �hr limr ol'ur prior a�an im�xr�ion.�xrifying rea+onaM�cau�r li,r the in,prction.
<br /> . ° IQ. Cundemnelion. The pnkced�ul'an}aW ard or rlaim fur d:unagr,.dircct�x c��meyu�ntiul.in runnrcti�m with uny
<br /> .. ' 1 Sinpl.Famd� •Funnie 11yr%Frrddir�luc l�IFYIIt\I 1\Sl'Rf\IM:\'f-l'mturm('u.cnam, 9/9Y i�tiier?n/n�w��•� ,
<br /> II • �ir.ri In►er flu�Mhc�Fdme.Ix � ' .
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