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_�il�l':L ' •,�v • ..�d.�.�_.. - <br /> .,�� _.-- <br /> - � — -- -'. ----- -- --- • _ - . . _ <br /> �j,:��r�«.�,: .'°" ' . � <br /> � _ ,- <br /> � - . _ ^_, . _•.. - _� - - _ - -- . --�.�: .�-- <br /> .,.:�.a���'' �.:_..._: <br /> �r..�^i <br /> , . ��L� i �18�0 ---- <br /> .,�.C.I�n,-.: .: ' <br /> ��y�•��„�r, - � <br /> �nr." ' <br /> •`'� '� �'� TO(1ETHER WITH nll Ihc fmpmvementx now on c�rcnftcr crcc���d on thc prn�xny,und+dl en,emcmw,appunenuncew. _ _ <br /> � c��� ,. ' and Fixturex now ar hercAf�cr A pan af the pmperty. All replaccmen�s und addi�h�n��hull ulx��be cavcred by�hic Secu�ity <br /> '�`= •� Inrtrument. All oF thc foregaing iti refcrred�o M thia Securily In�trumcnt ux tbc"Pro�xrly." <br /> ;�.--.,.::i'r,�x•'►l�%.,i <br /> �. ra�., — <br /> �:��. � • BORROW�R�OVENANTS ihut Hurruwer ix lawfully kised of Ihr c.tutc hcrcMy conveycJ und has the�ig t to g�unt <br /> ��tn��1.b.�r`,;�,r� <br /> �.r{A ..:.�•• _ •• und ronvcy thc Property und thut thc Pra�xriy ix uncncumhcred,exccpi 1'ur rncumbrunccz uf record. BoROwcr wurraitls wKi -_ <br /> '' .:�w:�,�,,�u. , . wNl defend generully�he lide tn Ihe Pmpeny ugufn�t all cluimu und demund�,�ubjer��o any encumbrunces uf record. --�---_-- <br /> ' ' THIS SF.CURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifurm covenunlz for nutiunul ure und non-unifbrm rnvenantx with <br /> . �a�� �rr•i.,,���:a limited varia�ionx by jurftidic�iun�n con�HtWc u unifartn�ecu��y inytrumcm cuvcring reul prupeny. � -` -_-. <br /> �:e•._.aMw. - <br /> - - - . _,�_ ' UNIFORM COVBNANTS. BoRnwcr nud l.endcr cuvcnunt and ugmc us fidlows: � - <br /> ��� '• ' 1. Puyment o�Principal and IntereW; PrepAyment aad l.ale Chprgex. HaRnwcr shAll prompdy puy when duc�Itc — <br /> ,� ''^"• �;�* � principul af and intere.r•t on the debt evidenced by the Nate und uny prepayment und lute churgex duc under the Note. =__- <br /> ��, � �• 2. �unds for'Ibxes And IosurAnce. Subject to upplicaMe law ar to u wrilten waivrr by Lender,Barrower xhall pay u► <br /> •�� Lender on the duy monthly paymem�Am duc under the Nate,umil thc Natc is puid in full,u�um 1"Funds"►for:(ul yciuly __ <br /> ':�• "'"''`'''"�� tuxes and asses,ments which muy uttAin priority over this Securily lmtrument As u lien on�he Propeny:(b)yearly lensehold • _ ___ ____ <br /> �-n'�' • . • poymems or ground rentx an the Pmpeny. if uny: (c) yenrly haxurd ar praperty insumnce premiums; ld> yearly tloaf =_°__ <br /> ' insurnncc premiums, if Any: (el yeorly manguge insurunce premiumx, if any; �nd (� uny sums payablc by Borrower to <br />_ '�, ,,, .•• Lendcr, in acwrdunce wi�h�hr prrnir;ionw of paragr�ph R,in lieu af the puyment of mongage insumnce premiums. These � _ _ <br /> items nre culled"Eurow Itemti." Lender mny.At any�ime,collect and hald Fundn in an urtwunt not to exceecl the maximum � <br /> ' • . omoum a Icndcr ior a federnlly related mongagc laun muy reyuire for Borrowcr�excrow account under thc federal Reul �`'L_n_ <br /> _ ,,. •. • . •,., , Fslnte Seltlement Procedures Act af 1974 ax amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C.�2fi01 e�sey.("RESPA"),unless another � _ <br /> . • - law thnt opplies ta Ihc Funds sets A lesser amuunt. If w.Le�der mny.u�Any time,collect and hald Funds in pn amount not lo �`'"`�`' <br /> " ' excecd the lasser amount. Lender may esiimatc thc umount oi Funds due an thc basis uf cumnt Jutu and reusonable <br />