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..�9�1�J� __ _ _ _�'ST . 'il�,.��. "__ _—_—--_ .�lPR}f[�ii��.�e:��.��_��_�__- —�.� � '___.` '_.'. <br /> M �! <br /> —" -- r �r���F.3�� .t.w',j"1 r_ . - - <br /> ' �Y��?kYJ,�TRtil,� _ <br /> ���� ,,� <br /> .. <br /> . -�5'Y.{l.wl:u�F. . ....�.___.. _. "� <br /> . r <br /> " 92! 10184 � _ _� <br /> 1 ..., � .; ,�� <br /> , <br /> ����=:..��� � <br /> ���t; <br /> •����'*��,.,„: �. condemnution or�xhcr taking of uny purt ol'tlx Pn�peny,��r tar conveyuncc in lieu af rondemnu�ion,urc hereby ucxi�ned unJ <br /> - ,� '"' xhall lx paid�o l.cnder. <br /> "...�' •�'°,''` 4,,j,���: In the evcnl of u t�HUI taking of ihe Pmpcny, thc pra:ecdx xhull be applied Iu Ihc tiumx ticrurcd My thi� Sccurity <br /> `�"' '� Intilrumcnt.whelher ur not then due,with uny exce+�puiJ to Borrower. In�he event of u purtiul iuking af Ihe Propeny in <br /> .c,;...:..� : which thc 1'uir murket value of thc Prapeny immediutely hefore the�oking i�equul io or g�eutcr thun�he umount af Ihe xum� �... <br /> ,� ,, +�ecurcd My ihi�+ S�xud�y Intitrumeni immcdiutely bcfore thr tukin�,unletix Borrower und Lrndcr whcrwitie ugroc in writing, <br /> . ,••-� ,, <br /> � , �"4��i�'�`�" �he sumK �ecurrJ by thi�5ecuriry Inx�rumeot tihull be reduced by �he umount of the pmceedx mul�iplied by the follawing <br /> .. � �---- tmction: lu►�hc lotul umuun�uf,�cured immediatcly bcfon the tnkin�:,diviJed by(hl thc fuir murket vuluc of Ihe ��_T. _ _ <br /> .^ " . ^ propcny imm�:diutely bePor.: �hc taking. Any bulunce shull be paid tu SaROwer. In the event of u purtiul toking of the _ <br /> •. �' Prop�:ny in which tlx� fnir murket vuluc af the Prc►Exny immrdiutcly t�furc�hr�uking is Ics.tBun ihc um�wnt of�hc sums <br /> .�„__,,;;�.:, �ccured immcdialely hefare Ihc Iuking, unless Bnrrowcr and Lendcr otherwi.r ugree in writin�e or unlcy�upplicuble luw _ <br /> � atlxnvi�c providrti,the pmceeds xhull hr upplied ta the xum��ecureJ by this Security Inntrument whr�her or not �he zumx ure <br /> �,-__._ <br /> ^„ . thrn due. -�-- <br /> .: . ., . <br /> � If Ihc Property i.uhundoneJ hy BoROwer,ur if,aftcr nu�icc by L�nder to sorr��wcr thut the rondemnar offen t�►mukc _�.,_ <br /> , <br /> ' � � " �`'�. � un uwurcl or setdc u cluim for dum•r�ec..Burr��wer fuil�w m.pond to l.cndrr w•ithin 30 day,ufler�he da�e thc nulire i,giv�n. — <br /> �- -,_�.. �. <br /> •��•�' - Lendcr is vwhi�rized lu collccl und upply the pnx:eeds,ul its option,rither to rc,rorutioa or rcpair of thc Proprny or ro the <br /> - � ,, . ,umz�:e�ured by ihis Security Inxtrumcnt,whether or ncx then duc. !-�•�------ <br /> e <br /> �--:---_ <br /> Unle�s Lender ond Borrow�r a�hcnvi+�agme in u+ri�ing.uny upplirati�m of pr�xced+ to prinripul xhall nat ratrnd cx �.,.�J_,�,._ <br /> �:`-- <br /> . � poslpc�ne the due Ja�e ut'tlx m�mthly�aymrnts refcrred�o in puru�ruphz I und Z or changr Ihr amoum af such pnymenl+. d_��.�__--- <br /> • . 11. Bo�rnwer Not Releu�edt Forbe�rance By Lender Nat a Waiver. Extemion ��f the time for puyment ar <br /> u� <br /> mcxliticution��i'umarti�.alion of the�um.+ecureci by thix Securiry Inxtrumen�grunted by Lendcr to uny succe,tiar in interezt _ <br /> � _ of Borcowc�+hall not operulc to releatir�hr liubility of thc originul B�rrowcr ar Borrower��uuessarn in interes�. Lender ___ _— _�_ <br /> , xhull nut be required�o ci�rnmence prcxeedin�!�uguintit uny .uccexxor in interext or refu.e w�x��nd time far puyment ur �, _ <br /> • ' , otherwixe maiify s►martiz•rtion of�he xum.secured by thiti Securiry In.t�umen�by rcuson of any d�mund made hy�hr original y ._ <br /> , BoROwer or Burrower� .uccestior+in interest. Any fnrlxurunce by Lender in exerci�cin�uny right nr remedy �hull not be a �._.: <br /> ^ wuivcr of ar precludc thc excrci�c of•rny right or remcdy. :"F <br /> � � 12. tiuccessars and As9lgns Bound:Joint and Several Liebflity:Co•ci�ners. The covenun�r iuul ug�ea:mcnts of this �:s°`;.'_�„� <br /> . Seeurity In,irument+hull birnl i�nd ben�fit �he surcetitior.und ustiigns uf Lencier unJ BoROwer, xuhject to the provisions of � <br /> s ------- <br /> �", " purngraph 17. Borrower+rovenunts and ugreement, .hall be joint und.everul. Any Borrawer who co-,ign� �hix Securiq� �:r_:_-�- <br /> ' Instrument but�k�es not ezecme the Note: lul i+ca-xigning this Security Instrumem�mly to mongu�!e.@runt und convey thut . �S�"'�:- <br /> �a: <br /> . " Borrowcr+intercst in th�Prnperty under�he term�of this Sccuri�y In��rumenr. Ih1 ix not personully obliFatcd to puy�he�ums i;;..;�;';�__ '_ <br /> +ecured hy Ihis Securi�y Imtrunx�m:and Irl ugreex thut L�n�k:r und uny othrr Borrowcr m•ry ugrcr la cx�enJ,mcxliFy,fortxur ��:j��s..,, <br /> � or muke uny nceommodationc wi�h rcgurd to �he �erm� ��f�hiti Secunry Instrwmm nr the Note wilhc�ul thui B�rmwcr's ____ <br /> contient. -�"° <br /> „- --- - !3. l.oass Chsr�es. !f�hr I��an ,ecurcd hy Ihi� SccuritV In,trument i. ,uhjrc� tu u luw which+cts maximum loun o_--- - <br /> , churgc.,unJ thot luw i+ linally interpmlcd+u thut the intem+t ur��Iher loan rhurgc�cullec�ed ur lo Ix rolkrlcd in conncc�inn <br /> � with�hc loan exce�d ihr permilt�d limits.then: ta1 uny rurh I��an churgr�hatl lx redurrd by the um��un1 nec�..ary to reduce __ <br /> • the chur�r to the pennittcd limir,unJ(b1 any+wn.cdn�uJy cullcctrJ i'rom Barruwrr whirh rxrceded pemiilted limitti will he <br /> . refundcd lo Bnrtower. l.ender muy rhixnr tu makc�hi.rcfunJ by reducin���hr principal uwed under the W<�te��r hy muking a 4 _ <br /> dirrr�paymem�o Borcower. If a mfund redu�:4s principal.�he reduc�iun will he treuted n�a paniul pn�paymrnt withiwt uny <br /> • prcpuymem rhvrEc undcr�hc Nutc. '�"'" � <br /> 14. Nutices. Any nuticc w Borr��wcr prnvidcd li�r in Ihi. Sccuriry In.aumrn� nhull Ixr�tivcn hy drliv�rin�: i� ur hy f-s�;,;��-` <br /> �, mailing it hy tint clu.�mail unlcs,upplicublr luw rryuirr,u,�ul analhrr mrth�xl.Thc noticc�hall lx dirccteJ to�hr Pm�xhy �i�_':=-�� <br /> ' AJdmsx or uny othrr uddre,;Burrowrr dr.iEniurs by nuticr lo LcnJrr. An)� notice to L�ndrr�hull Ix�iven hy tinl cla.� <br /> • mail Io Lrndrr.adJrc.++Itucd hcrcin ur any���hcr aJJrc,.LcnJrr dc�ignatr�Ny nuticc tu Borrawrr, Any n��iicr provid�J for �"__°`_- <br /> � in �his Srcuri�y In,trument rhull Ix dcrmcJ t�� huve Ixrn Eivrn tu BoROwer�►r L.ender wtxn givrn i��pra�viJed in Ihi. — f_„ <br /> � . paragr•rph. ' ; <br /> .' 15. Governin�; tieverubility. Thi, S�curi�y Imlrunxnt ,h•rll Ix guvcrnrd h�• irJcral lu�v und thc luw at� th� `;°_�. � ':�. <br /> . , juri,Jicticm in which�hr Prc,�ny i,I�xu�rJ. In�hr rvrnt�h:u any pr�wi.i�m�►r�luu,c uf Ihi.Securi�y In,trum�m or tlx N�Nc <br /> � ., ri�nilir�,w•i�h applicuhlc law,wnc�ontlict.hull nut af(cr�athrr rrnvi.iin��uf thi+tirrurit�•In.trumcnt ur�hc No�e which c•rn --- <br /> tx given effect withi�ut �he contlirling provi�ion. Tii thi+rnJ tix pruvi�ion. ��I Ihi,Security In.trurmnt+md�hr Nol� urc "-:;i;�;,, <br /> declarrd ti�he�ev�rublo. �°;�,:`:, <br /> � � 16. Borrower's('opy. Hurmwrr,h:ill hr gi�•rn unr runli�mirJ cupy�►1 tlt�Not�and of thi�Scrurily Imtrumrnl. �',:.�"`:_ <br /> ,,,,•., ,,.. .. <br /> ��t,,,,+'�� 17. 7Yansfer nP the Propertv or u Bencficiul Intrretit in Korru�ver. II'ull ur am��art ol'thc Pn��xrty or any inter�+t in �: : <br /> i1 is uiW or trnn�tcrrrd Inr if a Ixneticia{ int�rr,� in 13orto�crr iti.��Id ur�ran,f�rtcJ anJ Burn�wcr i�n��t a nutural� .,,-',_, ._:. <br /> • wi�hout Lcndcr�prior wriucn run,rnt. L�ndrr i1+optiun.rcyuirc intntrdiatc p+ivnunl in full ul'i�ll�um+,rcurrd hy ' � � --r--_. Y <br /> . thiti Srcurit�• Imirument. Howcvrr.ihi.upliim.hall niN Ix rxerri.ed hy Leixkr if c!crrci,c i.pruhihit�vl h�•federul law a.nt' �.'��•'=='— <br /> ; "�'"�-- <br /> ' �hc datc of Ihi+Srcuriry In�trum�nl. �. `�' <br /> t �,�;• ; • IY LcnJcr cxrrcitic�d�i+up�iun.l.cntler�hull�IVr I;urr��wrr notirr uf arrrkr:Uiun. Th�null«+I�all pmvitle:��xl'i�x1 ot' <br /> .>���'� <br /> i• . , . na Ic+��hun 311 Juy.frum thc Ja�c ihr nulicc i,drlivcrcd ur mailyd��•ithin�tihirh Borr�n«r nu�.i pa) all wnn�ccurcJ hy Ihi� . <br /> � Scruriry In.tnim�nt. It'Burruwrr faih �u puy thr.c ,um, priur lu ihr rspir:uion „f ihi. �xricxl. L�nJcr may invukr any �, . . <br /> remeJicti�xi7niur�l h}•thi�ticcuritv In,trument��iih��ui tiinhrr n�i�irr��r d�mand�m liarro���rr. �.. , <br /> ' 18. RorroK�er's Rl�ht lo Reinztate. I1� Nurruaer ntrel, rrrlain ��mJitiunr. liurru���r .hall hirvr Ihr nght �i� h:nr <br /> . . rni'cmrm�nt ��I'�hi+tircunt� Intitnmicnt di.r�,ntinurJ a1 :m� nmc pri��r iu Ihr �•:n�lier��t: �:u S da"�ur,udi��Iher�xri�xt a� <br /> • timflc l aiud� •-Funnle�fuc Freddle�luc l\IFOR�I I\ti'IRl'�IEY'1'..1 mluim c'„��vcu�a 4n111 �/aie�•J��I n/�.�ei•�� ,� ' . <br /> �.�,. <br /> i <br /> i <br /> I <br /> ! <br /> • � <br />