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�t� -�:�y.. .._.• ,��.1�' `,'9`;0� '�}`�'.rk��Ji1f,ti,V�; . . . i ;�:41�.v,_.'_-'-...`�` ' <br /> Iif.£�-r'�±�'r! � l�l�u'IFaI r • t(_�,ipii`. '��.lit:. -n.- b�. . �..-_ -- <br /> wf� c4 . '�.-. ��.��c,. <br /> j� �� I I � �� � _'__.�__ _� ,�__-- - <br /> x' <br /> -�"',�r;•:.�-.�..�.�. ..�..T.� m__ <br /> 1 TI r� ..i:_ <br /> . li:��+r..t+i�.1V�r.In� r,.. _.. _ .__..,. <br /> . J/� rJ � ' `.� <br /> . ., :�1t��51�1lf . <br /> , ,� .. .,..�.�...... . - -- —=— - - <br /> „ � � g2, 10184�� <br /> -�5�Av � � ``J '�' . <br /> vn+.�•iK,='i-'•' <br /> •.�.�.�.�rsr�r. . --- <br /> �;.,,�`�T�h' pericxis Ihut Lender requircri. Thc insurance cutrfer providing the insurunce�hall be rhasen by Bormwer subjecl tu l.cnder ic ��,Y, � <br /> �-?�t;�:,:. , approval whkh xhall nut be unrco�onubly withheld. If 8orrower fails�a muintain raveruge described ulx�vc,L.cnder muy,at <br /> �`°'�������. "A Lender x option,abtain caveruge tu protect Lender�righla in Ihe Pirupeny in�ucanlunce with pura�gruph 7. <br /> ��b •�ti:.�" �_'`�`"`:.�'��`'• ; All insurunce policie�:and renewul+��hull be acceptuble to Lenderand tihall include u x�undurd me�rtgage rlause. Lender <br /> ° '''""� �� ahull huvc thc right ta hald the policies und renewuls. If Lendcr rcyuires,BuROwcr zholl prixnplly glvr io Lcndcr ull reccipix _ <br /> �`�.'�•',.'.'�""'S'�" • ` of paid premiumx und renewol naticec. In the cven�of lo�s,Burcower shull�tive prnmpt notice ro thr inxurunce rurrier wid —•--- <br /> " ^'�'�'"' ' L e n d e r. l.e n dar mu y makc�roof of loyr if nu1 made pmmptly by BoROwer. <br /> p� �-?;r—'�'�� � Unlcss Lcnder und Borrowrr i�therwi+r ugree in writing,intiuru�uc prixecds tih•rll bc upp lie d lo re�torat ian or repa i r n f �-._ -_ _ <br /> � �•r. -• :;,�: ;, the Propeny dnmaged, if�he rex�oruti�m or reps►ir is ecanumicully 1'eu,ible und Lender..ecurity is rxH letixened. If ihe - <br /> ' ' " restaratian or reauir i.nat ecanamically feavible ar Lender+ securUy woulJ Ix lesa;encd,thc fn,urwicc proceeds shul)bc = <br /> � '� • ^ upplied�o the tiums xecured by �hix Security Inwtniment, whether ur nut �hcn due, with uny caceti. puid to Borrower. If --- <br /> - �:� .. �'`' . ° Borrower abundons the Property,or due4 not unswer within �0 dayx a natice from L.ender Ihul Ihe insurance curtier hus _� <br /> =-- :,; � offered to settle a cluim,then Lender muy colkct the in�urunce proceeds. Lender may uxe the pr�►ceedti�a repuir or restare `_ <br /> ��� the Property ar to puy rum�secured by this Security InxtNment,whelher or no�then due. The�0-day period will begin when <br /> ,}; • . =---- <br /> the natice is given. ` ` — <br /> - �� ' Unless Lender und Bortawer oiherwise ugree in writing, any uppliculion af prcxeeds ta principul shull nat exlend ar �u""__ <br /> `� "' postpone the due da�e of the monthly puyments referred�o in paragraphr 1 ,uxi 2 or chunge the umuunt uf the payment�. If ____-,__ <br /> �A . o ., -• under parngraph 2) 1he Property is ucquired by Lcndsr,Borrawer: riFht to;u�y insurance palicieti und proc:eeds resulting — - <br /> '�� � � - from dumage to the Propeny prior to th�acyuisUion tihall p:uti ta Le�xler to the extent of Ih�sumx rxcured by thiR Secur�ry ____ <br />-�.:� • - • Inxtroment immediutely prior�o the ucyuirition, ' �� <br /> ..,,; �:',i+:-��..� <br />�..:, � � 6. Occupancy. Preservatlon, Mpintenpnce and Protection of the Property: Borrower'a Loan Applk�don: �:_.. <br /> - .. - _ LeASehold�. Horrower 4hull occupy,etitublish,und use�he Propeny uti Borrower's principul re,ideni:e within sixty dnys ufler <br />- ' .. the execution of thic Securily Inslniment und tih;�ll continue to�xcupy the Propeny us Barrower+priacipnl residence fur ul Yir�L�.:-=-� <br /> lea+t one yeur ufter the dute oi accupancy. unless l.ender otherwise ugrees in writing, which consent shull not be <br /> unreasonubly withheld,or unless extenuu�ing circ:um�tances exi+t which ure tieyond Barrower's cnntml. Borrower chall not W� �• <br /> � � des�roy,damage or impair the Property.ullow ihe Pn�perty lo Jeteriurute, or cummit wustc un thc Property. BaROwer shnll � . , . - <br /> be in defauU if ony farf'eitune uc�ion or prc►ceeding,whe�her civil or criminul,is begun thut in Lenderti gaad faiih judgmen� '_�"-"�`` <br /> . cauld resul� in forfeiture of the Propeny ur othenvise muterinlly impair �he lien creutcd 6y thix Securiry Inxtrument ar ����_ <br /> " ° � Lender's security ioterext. Borrawer muy cure ruch u default und rem�tate, us provided in parugruph Ili,by cuusing the uction =___ <br /> `'�°" or proceeding w be di.misxed with a ruling thu�.in Lender's g�wd fuith cletertninu�ian,precludes forFeiture of the Borrower z �_T__ <br /> ' intercst in the Property or olher muteriul impairment o(the lien creuted by this Securny Instrumrnt or Lender's security _ _ _ <br /> `" inlerest. Borrower shull ulso he in defuult if Borcower. Juring the loan upplicu�ion process, gave muteriully fulse or _ <br />• � ' inuccutute infortnutiun or statement+to Lender(or failed w pmvide Lcnder wi�h any muteriul information)in connection with =__ <br /> , the loan evidencrd by thc Note, includinti, but nut limited to. reprc�entA�ions conceming Borrower's occupuncy of the <br />_ „. <br />•: . ----== ---- F�operty as a principa!re�:idence. !f thiti Sectsrity lns�rumen�i��,n a leu.ehold.Bortower tihall complY wilh all the provisions <br /> ._ -�, <br />. � . of the Ica�c. If Born�wer ucyuirex fec IiUe to thc 1'ro�x:rty,the leuschold und Ihe fer tille shall not merRe unlesw Lender agreez <br /> . to�he mergcr in�vriling. v�'� <br /> ' � •.' .' 7. Protection aP Lender's Ri�MIs in the Property. If Barrowcr Failr to pertorm the covenunlx and �+greements <br />. • �' contnined in thix Security Inrtrument, or there is u Icgul pra:eeding th:�t muy signi�cuntly utf�:l Lender� righlx in Ihe r y�.a <br /> ,� .. Property l�uch u.�u proceeJing in bunkruptcy,probute.for condemnution i�r fort'ei�urr or to enforce laws�x re�ulationx),then ���`-°' <br /> ' Lender muy da und puy for whatcvcr is nece+wury to protect the vuluc of the Propeny und Lenderi:rightv in ihe Prapeny. _� <br /> • Lender�uction+may incluJe paying uny+umx serured by a lirn which huz prioriry ovcr�his Security Invtrument.uppe�ring _________ <br /> • �� in wurt,puying reusonablc unomcyx'fee+anJ entering nn �he Propeny to mukc repuirs.Although l.ender muy wke ac�ion ____ <br /> � under thix puragruph 7.Lrnder Jocs not huvc to do so. �--- <br /> � Any umoun[�di.burtieJ hy I.ender under thi�purugruph 7 .hull hecomr udditional det►�af Borrower secumd by�hi� �`�'''_=`-"'`_ <br /> . Sccurity Imirument. Unlrti,B�►rrawcr unJ Lcixler ugrce tc►u�her�rrtn+ul'puymrm,these umounu shull hear intere,t from Ihc _ _ _ <br /> . dute of dixbur,rmcnt ut thc Nute rutr und shull hc puyahlc,with intemM, up�►n nwice fram l.cnder to Borrowcr reyuesling ��:;;,� <br /> �i=^Mr.,` <br /> payment. �,r;,.�..,", <br /> ' . S. MorlgaAe Insuronce. !f Lcndcr rcyuircJ mort�u�tc in�urancc ati a cundition uf muking the loan �ecured by this �.R_-�! <br /> Security Inx�rument, Borrowcr �hull pay thr prcmium+rcyuired k� muintuin thc mongagc intiuruncc in rffec�. If, 1'or any �S{:�Y_ <br /> ' reuran, the mongugr insurimce cuvcr,ige rryuirrJ hy LenJer lapse+ ��r rcu�e+ to Ix in c:ffect. Bom►wer shull p�y the ��„���� <br /> premiums reyuired �o ulxuin ruvcruge sub.iantially ryuivulem to the ntun�eagc in+uruncr pnvioualy in rt'fect. :11 S1 C051 s��--=^-' <br /> ' � subrtantially cyuivulenl to the cos� io B��rrawer ul thc monEage intiurunce prrviuutily in effect. from un ahernatc mortgage �� �..�� <br /> ; . insurir opproved by LenJer. If�ub.lantiolly cyuivalcnt murtgugr in.urun�c rnvcrugc i+nut vvailublr.Horrowrr shull puy to � r <br /> Lendcr each month u�um c uul to onr-twclf�h of�hr carl mun�+��r imurm�cc rrmium Ikin �iJ b Borrower when Ihe ;'�"=--. <br /> y Y Y b b P R P' Y ;_r�--�: <br /> insuruncc rovcrugr lupsed orceascd�o tx in rfl'cr�. Lcndcr�vill accrp�.u�r and retain thrsc puymcnt+a.v lo.ti R.erve in licu ; .�"��_� <br /> , •• .� ot'moAgugc in+ur�nce. Lo�s rcscrvc puymrmti may tx�kmgcr Ix rryuirrd.;�t Ihe upliun nf LenJrr, ii'mortgage insurunce �Lx,�;;;;: ' <br /> � � coverugc(in thc umount and I'or Ihc�ruxl that Lendcr myuirr.l pwvide�i hy:►n in.urer u�rovrJ by Lender uguin become� ,';;,`�;,t::,;:� <br /> � uvuilnblc:md i,iiblaineJ.Bom►wcr.hull pay thc premium,ni�uired t�,mainlain rourtgage imuruncc m effcr�. �tt tu pn.vide•r <br /> ' • , loti�re+crvc,until the mquircmem for mortga�r in.urarkc cixls in arr�►rdunrc wi�h uny wriurn a�recmem hrtw��en Hornowcr <br /> , �' and L�ndcr or upplicaMr law. ' . <br /> � , � 9. Inspertiun. l.cnJer or ii.•rEcnt may,r rra.�mahlc cntric.upun;mJ in.pecuun,i,f the Pn,�xny. l.rnJer+hall 4 <br /> , . . glve Bnrn�wcr nolicr aI Ihc tinm uf or prior tu:m im�xrliun ti�xril'yin�t rca.un��M�ruux ti,r thc inti�xrtiun. [� <br /> . ' 10. Condemnalinn. Thr :m�•aw:ird ur�•I;nnt I�x Jam:i�r�,direct ur run+ri� cumt�ctiun with;�ny . <br /> tim�;lr I��nnl�-�Fannle\fae�P'reddk�luel'\IFIIR�t IVti'I'Nl�1h:�'1' �l'uUunnCuccn:mt. y�W �►x�.vr +�,lr�l+ie�'�i <br /> . 1�'.���1�f'+FW+19fwY f���11M.�1F � - <br /> tn�M�h I:nN I�NIAI!ilbi:190�'F1\�dH.7116119) �. <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> 1 <br /> . � __ , <br />