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<br /> '.�_�"" . "�''"''��,. applicable tuw muy xpeclfy for reinsWtemenU before sale of the Pmperty pursuunt ta any power ol'Kale contuined in �hia �`-'�"`"°'—
<br /> ���`�y�';I�I�d4`x, Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing thiR Security Inztrument. Tlx�se conditions cve lhut Borrower. (u) ������-��•-=-
<br /> "'� . � . ,� ��� pays Lender ull xums whfch Ihen wuuld be due under Ihis S��curlly Instrument and the Note u� if na accelerution hud _ �
<br /> •���• •�"ry � occurted;(b)curcs any default of any Wher covennnta or ugreements;(c1 puys All e+epentie.r•incurred in enforcing�his Security __
<br /> � Inst�ument, including, but not Nmited to,rcutianable ottomeys'f'eeg; and(dl takes xuch action ux Lender may reasonably
<br /> � ^` require ta aswure thu�the lien of thiR Sccu�lty Instrument.Lender',rightx in the Propeny twd Borrowcr�obliga�ion to pay the —._.____
<br /> ,�t . , "'f� �� sums secured by thia Secu�ity Instrument shall cominue unchunged. Upon reinvtatement by Born►wcr, this Security —�
<br /> ' . :
<br /> � -- - • •�.- `- Inntrument and the oblfgntions securod hereNy vhnll remuin fully effective us if no accelerutian hud occuRed. However,this --
<br /> Q-=_-- -----,,
<br /> � � . ; riqbt to reinslate shull not apply in thc cuu:af uccelcr�liun under parugraph 17. __
<br /> � +�� � � 19. Sale a1 Note;Change of L.oan Servker. Thc Note or u puniul intcrest in thc Nate(togcther with �his Security
<br /> '��� " � ' InstNmenq ma be 4ald one or more limeti without rior natice to Barrawor. A yale mu re.uU in u chun e in�he entit �.�; .—
<br /> Y B Y �;'.:;,3a,-�—_
<br /> ves7 (knawn As�hc Loun Servicer")Ihat cullec�x monthly puymenta due under thr Note nnc�thix Security Inxtrument. There ulsu _�
<br />� ��•� � � may be.one or morc chunges of the Loan Servic�r unrclated w�yule of tlx:Nate. If thcre iK n chunge uf the Loan Servicer. '--
<br /> � � BoRawer will be given wntten notic�uf the chunge in accorduncc with paragraph 14 ulxrve and upplicuble lu�v. Thc naice fA��,_-
<br /> will s�ule the nama und addrcxx af the new LoAn Servicer and the uddreg�lo which payment.r•shauld be made. 'fhe notice will �:;�,;.��_
<br /> • . Also contain nny athar infixmulion reyuired by npplicuble Inw. ����'"-�
<br /> ' ' � Z0. Hazardoue Sub.9lances. BuROwer shall not cuuse or pe:rmit thr prexnce,use,dir�wsul,xiornge,or release of uny �l•'-��_`�'
<br /> � , • . .
<br /> • ; � Hazardous Substnncas un ar in Ihe Propeny. Barrawor hholl not do, oor ullow unyone eke to do,unything affccting.the k�:;��--
<br /> ' . � ' �� Propeny thut is in vialulion uf any�nvironmsntal Law. Thc prcceding two scntencas shall not apply to the prexenc@,une,ur �''����'�-= �
<br /> �._.:�_,,..,.,
<br /> , , storage on the Proparty of gmall yuuntiiies af Nazurdoux Substunces ihat arc generrlly re�:ognized to be apprapriute ro normal �;r�=
<br /> !"�"!w
<br /> • residentinl uses and to ms�intenance of�h�Propeny. '-'--�---
<br /> � Borcower shall prompdy give Lender written notice of uny invexti eaticm,cluim.demund.lawxuit nr ather uctian by uny �^.�_'
<br /> , � ' " " govemmental or regulutory ngency or priva�c puhy invulving thc Pro�x;rty�..nd uny �:izurdau Su'��tuncc �r Enviranmental �''="---� ---
<br />; '; � Luw oi which Borrower hus uctuul knowlcdge. If Bortowcr Icarns, or ix notiticd by �ny govemment,,l or rcgulutory
<br /> � '' °��' "" �• authorily, thut any removal or other remediation of any Hnznrdous Subxtunre affecting the Ptopeny is necessary.Borrower
<br /> ���-
<br /> shall promptly tuke ull necessary remediul acliunx in uccordunce with Environmentul Law. �-•=-T_-__
<br /> • As used in this puragraph 2U,"Hnzurdous Substances"ure those zubc�unces detined us toxic or hrzurduus subxlunceti by �::::.�; -
<br /> Environmentul Luw and thc following substurx:ex: gusoline, kcroscnc,ather tlummublr or luxic pctrolcum pr�xlucls,toxic �
<br /> • �' pesticides und herbicides,valulile +olvent�, muteriul+contuining uslmstoti or formuldehydc.anJ rudiouctive materialti. As .:..� �_..':"�•
<br /> �a..:.��
<br /> , , used in Ihis purugraph 20,"Envimnmenlul Law"meum 1'ederul luws and laws of the jurixdiclian where the Property is lucuted ��„r�,
<br /> � thut relute to health.snfety or environmental protccti�m. �`-k=d=�'-
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrowcr unJ L.cndcr funhcr covenant und u�rrc us followr: Y""
<br /> �i:�.u�i.
<br /> �� . 2l. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender Rhall �ive aolice to Borrower prior ta ucceleration i'ollowing Borrower's --___
<br /> ' breACB of any covenant or agreement in Ihis Security InstrumeM Ibut nut prinr to ucceleration uader para�raph l7 �y;,,p��=�
<br /> __ unles.g epglicable IAw provicltw othenvisel, The autice shall speciFy: la)the dePaull;lbl the�ctinn required to cure the -_ _ _
<br /> defoult;(cl a dete.not les.s tban 3(1 days Prom the date the notice is uiven to Horrnwer,by wi�ich�he dei'auit mu�i i� ���,
<br /> � -�•.• �.�' cured;und Idl lhat i�ilure to cu�e the dePuult on or bePore the date specii�ed in the notire may result ia acceleralion of �t.3��,_
<br /> _ - . the sums secured by this Security Instrumenl und s�le oP thQ Prupertv The nMke sbull Purther inPorm Burrower of ----
<br /> the ri�ht to relnatate after acceleration and the riQht to 6rin�s cou�t uctian ta assert the non-exigtence uf u defbult or ��:
<br /> � any other dePense of Borrower tu ucceleration and sule. IP the dei'ault is not cu�ed an or befirre the date specified in ,�iy�_=
<br /> , the natice.Lender al its optiun may require immrdi�te payment in full oP all sums secured by this tiecurity Instrument
<br /> � without further demund und may invake Ihe power oP sele und any other rrmediex permitted by upplkable IAw•. . '°
<br /> Lender shull be entitled to cullect ull expen�rs incurred in pursuin# the remedles provided in thi� para�ruph 21. �_. •
<br /> includin�,but not Iimited to.reasnnable uttarneys'Prex und cusls of title evldence. -
<br /> ' If the puwer nf sule is inw�ked.'I�utilee+hull record a mNice uP default in euch ruunly in which uny part of the .
<br /> u � ._
<br /> • • Property is located and shull muil copirx oP ruch notice in the munner prescribed by applicuble luw to Borrowe�und lo ,;�•.,�y�,_:�°
<br /> ` Ihe other persuns preKCrfbed by upplicuble lu��•. APter the timc required by applicable law.Tirustee shull ui�•r public £�.:�-- -_`'
<br /> ��..r.�:�
<br /> notice of'!sule to the per.r•uns und in the munner prescribed bv vpplicuble lu�r�. 'll�ustee.without demand on Burrower. �,� �y :
<br /> ° shull sell the Property at public auclion to thr hi�;hext bidde�ut Ihe timr und place und under the terms desi�qnated in ��;�'•.a:�
<br /> � the ndice of sale in one or mnre parcels und in uny order 7ruxtee determinex. Tru.r•ter muy poxtpone sule nP aU ur anv �..=�;`;';-_
<br /> ` „ ` parcel uf the Propertv by publir vnnouncement ut Ihe timr und plvice��f any pre��iously srheduled sale. Lender or ils A= ,-;= =
<br /> • dtwignee muy purchase Ihe Property al um•qule. �:`-
<br /> ' . Upun receipt of qayment of the pric�bid. 'IYutiter shull deliver to the purchuscr'IYuster'x deed com•evinR Ihr _
<br /> • Propsrty. 7'he recituls in the 71�uwtee'ti deed zhull be primu iarie evidrnce af the truth uf thr stutements mude thereM. , •
<br /> ' 'll�ustee sh�ll wpply the pruceedx of thc sulc in thr Pnllo�vin�order: lal tn ull co4ts Hnd expenxes of exerrixin�the power .,---. __
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