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<br /> ����� �''•r� TOOETFI�R WITH all thc impn�vcmcnts now on c�reuf�cr crrcicd��n �hc propeny, unJ ull cuxrmcnl�. uppurtcnancc.r, —_ _
<br /> a�::.�.,...u•�:._:�-�,�, . �_
<br /> �, �r.;=�a;�- and fixwrcs now or hereuftcr a part oY the property. All replaremenlr�und uddili��nx �hull also bc covered by Ihiu Ser.udty
<br /> � . Instrumenl. All of the foregoiog ix refeRCd to in this Sccuriry Mxtrument av�he"Property." _-
<br /> r, " BQRROW�R COVENANTS that Borrowcr is lawfully xciscd of thc c+�u�n c�rrby cunvcycd und hu+Ihc righl to grun�
<br /> • , . ' and convey ihc Prnpeny anJ thut�he Prnpeny i�unencumt+ereJ,czcept ti►r rncumbrunces�,(recorJ. Borrowcr ww�ranlri und �'--
<br /> will defend generully the lille to the Property ugolnst all cluimx und ikmand.r,tiubjeci to uny rncumtxunces of record.
<br /> _ • � �_� � __ THIS SECURITY INSTRIIMF.NT cumi:incr unifurm cnvrnunt� fi�r nmional uu unJ non-uniform crnenams wilh �. ___�_�
<br /> � � limited vuriations by judndiciiun lo cons[ilute a uniform u;curiiy instrumem covering real pra�xny.
<br /> ° � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr Liul Lender rovenunt and ugree us falluws:
<br /> _ ,�t��•;".: ; = ;,';,;y 1. Payment of Principal wnd Inlerest;PrepAyment s�nd Late Chqrges. Horrowrr shall prompdy puy whcn duc�he ----
<br /> '" '' principal of nnd interest on the debt evidenred by the Notc and any prepaymcnt und late churges duc under Ihe Nole.
<br />_:-��� , . 2. Funds for Taxes nad Insurance. Subj��ct to upplicable law or w u wriuen wuiver by Lender,Borrower shall pay to _
<br /> =�� Lender cm the day mamhly payments urc due under the Nnte.uatil 1he N�►IC ix paid in full,u sum("Funds") for:(u)yeurly
<br /> � � tw�er nnd u++�,smeniti which muy uttuin priority uver this Scwurity Instrument ue a li�n un thr Property:(b)yeurly Icaschold
<br /> *'� _ ° �, .. payments or ground rents an Ihe Propctty, if uny: Icl yeurly hazurd or property insurance premiumr; (d) yeurly tlaod --
<br /> = insurance premiums, if nny: (e1 ye�rly mortguge insurance pmmiumx, if uny; and (fl uny xum!� puyable by Borrower to
<br /> ` Lender, in accordance with the provisions of parngr�ph 8,in lieu af the payment uf mortgoge insurunce premiums. These
<br /> �` � d�w'� "' items w�e called"�scrow Uems." Lender may,at nny time,collect und hold Funds in an umount not to exceed�he mnximum
<br /> - amount u lender for a federnlly relaled mortgoge loan may reyuire for Borrowerk escrow accouot under the federal Real
<br /> • ,;); `., � �',; Estate Senlement Pracedures Acl of 1974 us atnended Gam lime to time, 12 U.S.C.�2601 er sey.("RESPA"),unless unother __ _ _
<br /> _ _ law that applies lo the Fund�sets u lesser umounl. If so,Lender may.at s�ny time,collect und hold Funds in an amount not to `
<br /> . . a--�,r.
<br /> • .. -• , � exceed the lesser amount. Lender muy estimtue the amount uf Funds due on thc basis of current duw und reusonable �
<br /> estimates af expenditures of future Escraw Item�ar otherwise in accordance with upplicable law. —
<br /> . The Funds chull be hcld in nn institution whose deposits �rc insured by u federol ugency, ins�rumcn[Ality, or emity ��
<br />, . (including Lender,if Lcnder is such an inxtitulion)or in uny Federnl Home Loan Bunk. Lender shull npply Ihe Funds lo pay -____��
<br /> �� the Escrow Items. Lender may not churge Borrower for halding und Applying the Funds,annuully annlyzing the escrow - -
<br /> . account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender payti Barrower interez� an the Funds und upplicable law permi�s
<br /> � . Lender to make.uch a charge. However,Lender muy reyuim Borrower�o p•ry a une-time chsuge for an independent reul
<br /> eslate Inx reporting service used by Lender in conneclion with Ihis loun,unlesti upplicable I�w provides otherwise. Unless un _ -
<br /> . " agreemcnt is mude or applicable luw rcquircti intcrest to be pAid,Lender shull not Uc rcyuired to pay Borrowcr any i�terest or ��:�-,��
<br /> eumings on�he Funds. Borrowcr und Lendcr muy ugree in wri�in�,however,that inleresi tihall he paid un the Funds. Lender =-_=�____.
<br />: , „ shall give to Borrower,withou�churgc,un Annual uccounting of 1he FunJs,shuwing creditti and dehi�s to the Funds•rnJ the
<br /> „ purpose for which euch debit to the Funds wa4 made. The Funds ure pledged u�uddi�ionul securiry for ul)sumx secured by
<br /> Ihis Securily In+:In�meM. -_.,- ___ - :_____
<br /> . • ^ If the Funds held by Lender exceeJ the umoums permi�ted to Ix: Ix�ld by upplicuble luw, Lendc��hull nccoun� �o -
<br /> Borrower Por the excess Funds in uccordunre with the requirements uf upplicublc luw. If the s�mount of the Funds held by �f'r'���.-
<br /> �� ,�.�..
<br /> , Lender ut uny time is not sufficient to puy thc�scrow Uems when due, Lcnder may so nolify Borrower irt writinF,und,in
<br />, .,. such cuse Borrower shall a to LenJer the amount nrcessa �o mukc u the di:tirienc•. Borrower shnll muke u Ihe �_�_._" ``
<br /> . P Y �' P ) P
<br /> • deficiency in no mare�hun twelve monthly puyrtxntx,ut Lender's sole Jiscrclian. !L��?:+��_�
<br /> , ' Upon puyment in full of ull sumr urureJ by thi+Sccurity Instrumcn4 Lender tihull prumpUy refund�o Borrower uny --
<br /> Funds held by Lrnder. If,under paroF�uph 21,LenJer.hall ucyuire or sell the Prapeny,Lcndcr,prior tu the acyuisitinn or
<br /> �' ' . sule of the Property,shnll upply any Funds held by l.cnder ul the time of ucquisition or tiuM as a credi�a�eainsi the sums �'"�-'"'�
<br /> � . . .�--__
<br /> � secured by this Securiry Instrumem. �=== -
<br /> 3. Applicallon of Payments. Unlr+x applicablc luw provides otherwixr, all payments reccived by Lender under � ����^��J ----
<br />' paragraphs I und 2 shull be upplicd: tir.t,to�ny prepayment churges dur under ihc Notc:zeconJ,to amounts puynble under �����-�;_'= ��y
<br /> aru�ra � third,to intcrest due;fourth,to rmci •1 Jue;:uid last,to an Intr char cti due undcr the Nate. '"'T'-`
<br /> .. P b Ph�: p � Pa Y S : ' ..
<br /> 4. Chorges; Liens. Borrowcr shull pay all laxc+, as+etitinxnls, churges, fines and impositions allributablc to Ihe �e:•��,�;;.;�°
<br />- �. Property which may uttuin priarity ovcr Ihix Sccurily Instrumcnt,and Ieuschold puymems or ground rent+,if any. Borrower ="" � - _
<br /> shull pay these obliga�ions in the munncr provided in par•rgraph 2,or if noi puid in thut manner,Borrower shull pny them�►n �'�..�:_' �
<br /> � time directly�o�hc penon owrd payn�nt. Borrowcr.hall promptly fumixh to l.cndcr ull no�icc+ol'amoun�z to be paid under ��:�;�:�'r�:�i.:•��
<br /> . , this parugruph. If Borrower makes thrse paymems direcdy, Barrower xhull promptly fumitih ro Lender receiptr evidencing ;7��;.:':`�;-
<br /> � � . , the puyments. . '.:�,,!`:::
<br /> � � Borrowcr shall prompQy dischurgc uny lien which hu�priority over this Securily Insu�umcnt unle,x Bortowcr.(al ugRCS " '" =--
<br /> , � in writing to Ihe payment of Ihe obligulion�rrured Ny thc lien in a munner:KCeptuble w Lendrr,lhl runtesl�in�taxl fai�h the . -=
<br /> : , lien by,or defcnds against enforcement uf thc licn in,Icgal pnxcedingr which in thc Lendrr's opiniun�►peratc to prevent the :
<br /> � � enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of thr lirn un agreemen�sutisfuctory to l.rnder suHardinutinti Ihe lien , �--�
<br /> to Ihis Security Instn►ment. If Lender Jetermines�hat uny pan uf the Prapeny is wBjeci t�•u lirn which may uuuin priority ,
<br /> uvcr this Security Inswment,Lender muy givc Borcowcr•r noticr identifying thc licn. Borrower�hrll wti�fy thr licn or tnke F • j�'
<br /> one or morc oP thc;�c�ions set torth ahovc within I 0 duys uf�hc givinc ol'ni�tirc, i , �
<br /> � 5. Hazs�rd or Properly Insurance. Borrower,hzdl kcep thr improvement.nuw exi>iing ur hereaf�cr crcc�rd un thr
<br /> �j • ' t'ropeny inwrcd agninst lotiti by fire,hatard+inrludcd wilhin Ihc lcmi"r�tendcd rovcrage"and any uth�r hurirds,incluJing
<br /> � floods or flaading, for which LcnJcr rcyuires insurancr. 'I'his in.ur;�nre shull Fx: muintuincd in thc amounts und lor the � . �
<br /> Form 3Y2M 9J9� ��w�;e:��Jn puxrsl ,
<br /> � .
<br /> � •----
<br /> i •
<br /> , �
<br /> �
<br /> • �1 -
<br />