',� '4�y`���� -_ — -
<br /> '» . --- .
<br /> � 'a-'_-
<br /> ��.� �
<br /> - - . ,...,:.;....,.,,y.., -,— __
<br /> / . �' �_____� . _
<br /> � ;'� �: .J 7. , 92- 101841 �
<br /> , . . .��� .
<br /> y.-.�tn�.,M'A..-..t..{t,_,i�'�.� � .
<br /> '��;.:�,`'q'`.""-""�=��+� ' paymenls.which arc reftrncd ta M Putagra 2,or change the amount of such paymenta. My axccsR proceeds aver en
<br /> �-e�.t;�t+.'*�,.
<br /> h 3.' ,' ' '� amount requircd to puy ull outslanding inde ednesx uoder thc Note and�his Security Inaqument shall be pa�d to Ihe ent�ty
<br /> • -�`f= ^-':�ia;�"�� {=' � IeRally cntidedthercto. _
<br /> B. Feea. l.ender may collect fees ond chargex nuthoriud by the Secretury.
<br /> „ • 9. Grouads tor Accekration o�Debt.
<br /> � �t�''�`"�' '� Ip)Def�uit. Lender may,azcept as limited by regulatians issued by the Secretary in tlu rose of payma�t defaulw,
<br /> „,, � _ � require immedinte payment in full of all aums secured by this Securiry Instmment if:
<br /> ���',�'�y:,� :s`,;^ ' (11 aaRawer defaults by ft�ling to poy in full any monthly puyment reywred by�his Security tnsuumcnt prior � = -
<br /> to cx an the due date of�hc neat man�hly payment,ar
<br /> • . : " Uil Horrawer defaul�r by failing,for a periad of thiny dAys,ta perfortn any other obligatiana contaned in this —
<br /> .�' • Secudty Instrument. �`
<br />� ' � �� (bl Sple Wifhout C�edit Apprnval. Lender shall,tf permitted by upplicuble luw and with the priar ppproval of the _ _
<br />��'?. , .. ,. �}=•� , � Secretwy,require immediate payment in full of all the sum�secured by this Secu�ity Instrument if: _
<br /> (i)All or pwt of Ihe Prapeny,or a heneficial in�erest in u tru�t owning all or purt of the Property. is isold or __
<br /> e
<br /> � � �• otherwise trunsferted(other than hy devise ur descenq by thc Rorro�ver,und =-
<br /> � • (ii)The Pinperty is not accupied hy the purchaser or grnnlee ux his��r her principal residence,or the purchaser —°—- -
<br /> • a '� ' or @rantee do.s so nccupy the Property but his or her credit hus nM been approved in c�ccoMance
<br /> ' �"� wilh the requiremems of the Secretary.
<br /> "' ' �6; ' Ic)No Woiver. If cir�umstnnces occur�hut wwuld permit l.ender to rcquire immediute paymant in full,but Lender �R---�-
<br /> " . dces not reyuire+uch payment:,,Lender darti not waeve it+rights with regpect lo subseyuent events. =e
<br /> Id1 Re�uations of HUD Secretary. In many rircumstances rcguls�tions�ssued by the Secretary will limit Lender's ��`��'°--
<br /> ' " '' ' rights. in the cuse of'pAyment deFrults, to ne4uire immediate payment in full and i'orectoye if not paid. This _
<br /> �. - - - Security Ins[rument dnes not uutFxxin uccelc�atwn ur farnto:uce if nat p�rtnitted by regulari�r+a af the Secretary. __—
<br /> ' Ie1 Mortgwge Not I�ured. Burmwer ugrees tFwt should�hi.Secu�ity Instrument and tl�ncuc�cecured thereby nut �=, �
<br /> � ' ' 6e eligihle for insurnnceunder the National Housine Act H•ilhin from the -•� �-�{��fi.;,
<br /> ,,;�_--
<br /> ;7;zi•��:__—
<br /> �., . " date hereof,Lender muy,ut i�s option und nawithstamiin�anything in Pt�a��reyuire immediutc payment in ;,•;,;.;;`,,=,_
<br /> •�., ,,;• full of All sumti sesured by this Scru�ity Instrument. A wriqen slutement of uny uuthorized a$ent of th�Secretary ��;�;;,;,.;;,,,..
<br /> ,,.;`,i���• ,� �:� daled subreyuent ta frnm the dute hereof,declinin�to insure Ihis Security aj`�5�S�<<
<br /> ..�:,,;:�.,� Instrument;u�d the notc+��by,shull be deemed rnnclusive proof of such ineli�ihilit}•. Notwithstanding l;:ti,-..y
<br /> <<'�-�t the foregoing.�his option muy nat be cxerci.ed by Lender wAen thc unavailubility of inaumnce is wlely due to �li.;`'�--
<br /> •��`.i;t.F�� +��:y�,:,,__.
<br /> i;,,;;;• Lender's•fnilure to remit u mongnRe insurance p�emium to�he Secretury. .� —_
<br /> . 10. Relnstatement. Bcxrower hati u right to he�eins��ted if Lender has required immediate.paymcnt in full becnuse _
<br /> of Bormwerc failure ro pay un umaunl due under thr Note or this Security Instrument. '1'his nch[ upplies even After
<br /> " for�eclasure prcx:eedings su�: instituted. Tii reinr�tute the Securiiy Mstn�ment, Bnrrower Shall trnder in a lump sum ull =_-___—�_
<br /> "�, nmounts rce�uined to bring Borrawer's uccount currenl mchid�ng,�o Ihe extent they ute obiiga�ii�n+o(Burcuwr� un3�r thi. MW��---
<br /> �.. „ ^ Security lostnrment,foreclosure ru�ts und masonable und curtnmury ullomey+'fees and expen+es properly ussociAted with �`�""
<br /> � the foreclosum pra:eedin€. Upun reinstutement by Born�wer,�his Security Instrument and the obligutions that it r•ecure� �'�,�
<br /> shall remain in effect u��F Lender tiud not rcyuircd immediutc puymcnt in full. H�iwrvcr,Lender is nut myuired to�ermit �"�T
<br /> ' ' reinstatement if: (i) Lender hu�uccepted re�nxtatement after the commcncemem af foreclosure proceedings wi�hm two
<br /> ,, years immediaTCl� preceding the commencement of a rurcem ti,reclosure prace�Jing. (ii) rein.tatement will preclude
<br /> ' , foreclosure on ditferent grounds in thc future,or liiil rein��utement will udversrly uffec�the priority of the lien creuted by
<br /> .. this Security Imtrument. --
<br /> • 1l. Borrower Not Releused; Forbearancc by l.ender Not u Waiver. Extemion of the time of puymem or ;-�.��„
<br /> modiflcntion of nmoniiution of die wms.ecurcd by thi�Srrurity In.trument grunted by Lcnder to uny succeesor in imen:si �
<br /> of Borrower shall not oper•rtc ti�rolcuu Ihe Ifuhility of the originul Bnrcower nr Burrower�ruccesxor m interc,t. Lender � '
<br /> shall nat be�equimd w cammenre prn�:ceding�+agu�n,t wiy+ucrrss�ir in in�emxt or rcfu,e to extend time for puyment or -- —
<br /> • otherwise modil'y amortirutiun uf the+ums ,ecureJ by thi. 5erurity Imtrumcnt Ay rr•rson uf uny JemunJ madc by thr ;
<br /> original6ortower or Bormwer�succexxors in in�eretil. Any t�ttheuruncr by LenJrr in cx�rcixing uny righ�ot rcmedy shnU �� �=�-�-��-
<br />' ; �;�,i.,; `. • not be u wuiver of or preclude ihe exercise of any right ur rcmedy. T�7ti_
<br /> � 12. Succecsor.t and A�.si�nc Bound:Joint and tieveral I.iability: CaSiRners. Thc rovenum+und ugreements of ` _
<br /> �.,.'.;y:'r;:. �,,;R-�;''-f,
<br /> •,!��,��� ' • this Security Ins�rument.hull hinJ anJ bcnetit the.ucrc+.on und u.+ign�oi Lendrr unJ Bormwer..ubject to�he provision+
<br /> u,..�A'#R='
<br /> •i'.��. ' .. ' � of Pat~agtuph 9.b. Bom�wcr+ covennnl� und u�recments .hull Ix joint und �rvcral. Any BoROwer who co-��gm thi+ .,,:�.:;,?,.
<br /> : � . , Securily Instrument hut daeti no�rxcrule thr Notc: la1 i.co-.i��ninE thi.Serurity In+trument unly to mortgugc,grunt anJ
<br /> ��'�, • " " convey thnt Bortower�imrrc�i in thr Nro�x:ny under thc trnns uf thi,Srcurily hi�trument:�hl i,not penonnlly obhgated tu
<br /> � .�:�, pay the sums secureJ hy thiti Sccurity Imtrumrnl:anJ Ic1 aErrc.lhu�I.cndrr and any uther Borri�wcr may ugree lo extend.
<br /> `:�.'�;::;' modiTy,forbear or mukc uny urcomm�dationx wi�h regarJ ui�he trrnn of this Srcurity Intitrumrnt ar the Note without�hat �
<br /> '" �� Borrower�coment. ..
<br /> • 13. Notices. Any rn►ticc �o Borrowcr pruvidcJ fi�r in thi.5�cu�ity Intiaununi.hall lx givrn My delivcring it ur hy •..-
<br /> „ . ,. muiling i� hy fin� rla.. muil unlrss applicablc luw r�yuir�. usr of an�whcr mrth�xl. Thr nulirc�hull be di�cted to thc ,
<br /> . �' � •� Property Addrcss or imy other uJJns.r Biinower Jr�i�nule+hy nuticr ���LrnJrr. Any notire tu l.ender,hull lx �iven by , .
<br /> tint cluss mail to l.ender± addR.. .iuted hercin ur�my addre,. Lender dr�i�nulr,hr nutirc tu Borcower. Any no�ice
<br /> �mvided for in thix Security lnruumenl.hull Ix Jccmcd to huvr txen�:ivrn�u Hurrawcr or Lcnder whrn givcn ati pnwiJ�d i.,': ' �
<br /> m Ihi�paragruph. ,
<br /> � 14. (:ovcrninK l.uw:SeverabiUty. Thiti Scruriry In�tnimcnl .h�dl Ix•guvrrn�J by F'cJrral luw unJ thc luw• ol'thc
<br /> .lurisdiction in whirh thc 1'ropeny i� I�xatcd. In the r�•c►n thtn an} pr��vi.iun ur rlautir id'thi, Srcuriry Instrument or the
<br /> Nolc conllict� with upplicuhlc L•���.tiuch contlirt.hall nut;U'trr� nthrr pru�i+iom uf thi.tirrurily In�trumenl or Ihc Nu�c
<br /> ., whinc�an hc�ivrn rlfecl without thr r�mtlir�in�pruvi.i�,n. 1'i��h�,rnJ Ihc pruvitiiun�uf�hi�Srcurily In+lrumcnt unJ thc .
<br /> :•:,,;; .' !Nolc urr JerlarcJ tu Ix.rvcrubl�. , .
<br /> 15. Burrower'!�('op,v. H��rruwcr+hal)Ir•�i�cn onc cnnfnrtneJ ropy ul Ih�,S.��urm•Imtrumcm.
<br /> � � •�' � 16. A�siknment of Renls. Nurn�wcr unronJinonalh a,.ign.and van,lrr.tn L�nJrr idl�hr rcnt.anJ re�cnur.uf thc �
<br /> , : ' Pmperty. Borrowcr+iwhuritr�I.cndrr nr Lrndcr;a�:rnt.lu rolhr�thr rcnt�anJ m�•rnuc�anJ hrreM directti e�rh tcnant ut �
<br /> . � tlx 1'r�iperty to puy thc rrnk lu LrnJcr�tt Lcndcr� a�rna. H�i�vevrr.priur tu Lcndrr',nuucr to Borrowcr of Borrowcr: ,
<br /> hrc•rch uf any covenum ur ugnement in thr ticcurii� In��ruu�rnt.I�orr��wer�hull rullcrt:md recri�r all rcnl.und revenue.�d
<br /> the I'ru�xxrly a��ru,ICr li�r Ihe Ixnetit u(Lrnder and li��nu�►rr. I'I►iti a..iEnmrm uf rcnt�canrntuteti am:ih�ulu�c•r,tiignmrnl
<br /> ' . ___._ __,_ und not:u�usxignmcnt ti�r�Jditi�mal.�runty only.
<br /> — --� ---- � I1 Ll`I1dC��.'IVl`\OOtll'C OI hRi1Ct110 FSUI'fUW�L IUI:111 MI1H fl'l'l'1\'l'U IlV IfURON'l•f�Ililll I�C IICnI n� nunuNC�a,i�u�icc :
<br /> • for t►enetit i�f LcnJrr only.to Fx :�pplirJ �u ihr,uroi� .rrurcJ hy tlir tirrurit� hi�trumrnC �h► Lcnd.r ,hall Ixr entided a�
<br /> culle�l und tncrive all ol'thr mn1�uf Ihr Pm�xny:and�c1 rarli Irnant ul thr I'ruprrt� .h:Jl puy�all rcnt�Ju�:md w�p:�iJ to
<br /> LrnJcr or Lcndcr:agrnt an I.rnJcr�wnttrn drmand a�thc Irnant.
<br /> Bomiwcr hu� not rxcrulcd uny priur a,tiignment of thc mna;�nJ hu� nal :mJ ��ill ma prHimn any ucl tha� waulJ
<br /> r . prevrnt Lcndcr fnnn�rcrci.in�ils righl�undrr Ihis 1'•iraEraph Ih.
<br /> LrnJcr.hull nu1 Ix rcyuircJ lo rnter upim,lahe rumrul ut �,r m;unuiin the I'���prn} Fx lurc ur:dtrr�iring�wurr uf
<br /> brcxh lu Burcu�acr. Huw•evcr.LrnJcr or a judiciull)' appnintrJ irrri�.r ma� d�� .0 al .m�� um� thrrL i. a h►rarh. Am
<br /> appli�utian of rcnt..hull not rum ur��aivr:my drl'auU��r m.alid;nr;u»��Ihrr n�lit ar rcmrJ�•��f Lcndrr. I'hi�:�,.i�:nmriu
<br /> � uf rcnt�of 1he PmFxrty.huU tcrminatr w•hen�hr dct+t.r�urcJ hy thr ticrum� In.trunxnt i.paid in full.
<br /> � ��r�e�•+�.�.t�.,,,,,�
<br /> �
<br /> .
<br /> i
<br /> • � i
<br />