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<br /> NUN-UNIl�URM l'UVf:NAN'I:S. Hum+wrr a�id l.cn�{�+r fuAher cuvenant und ab'Pl'l'Q9 IOIIQW6:
<br /> --- N. borecla9ure Pror�dure. I(l.rndcr myufrew lmmcJiytc paym�n�Ui Cull undc�puragmph N.t.cn�tcr muy invoke 1he
<br /> p�wcr ai xalo anJ uny�Nhrr remcdlr.�crmiltcd by w licahlc I�w. l.cndcr�hall hc cntiticJ u�collcct ult expcn�cc�incwrcd
<br /> in pu�xuing tlx mmcdlcx pruvi�kd in Ihi�purugr�►ph�inrluding,hw m�t IIm�1ed i��,Rawx�ublc anomcyx'feex und coats of—
<br /> �i�lc cvidc�xc.
<br /> �,�y�� If Ihe power of snle I.v Invuked,7�ur�ler xhpll record n nMke oP de�+�ull in eych cuunty In whkh Any pan o 1
<br /> n
<br /> _= -- --� property la lorsited And ehall r�wll�oples uf gueb outke In�he manner presc�ihed by app�IcAble Inw,�u d���w�ll gplve
<br /> tn Ihe aher pen�onr presc�ibed by wpp�kabie Ipw. Alte� Ihe Ilme reyNlred by LpplkAble IAw,
<br /> ��' � puW�notke of�le lu Ihe prr��nq ana in Ihe manner preFC�ll�ed by Applk�ble I�w. 7lruslec.wilhoul denwnd un
<br /> ,..-.r�-�—�� ..
<br /> _---�—�-- :_� eorrower,clwll iceR e Pruperl ++1{wWk++ueilun tu thc h{ hcst bidder nt Ihr Ilme and piwce rnd under tbe terms
<br /> desiRnated In the not�e of eale�n ane or rtNwe pprcel.r pnd
<br /> n any aMcr'lYustee determinew 'i�u�tee may pustpone
<br /> —__=��'' sale of sll or Any p�rcel ut Ihe Fropert��by public Announremeni�t 1ha tla�wnd placr of�ny Pre�•Mwsly nchedakd
<br /> .�_�,�,��,� �alc. I.eader or It�desiRnee m�y urchA`e 1!w Prnperly+�t wny rade.
<br /> _ _�,��,� Upon recefpt of pnyment�tAe Prke bW.'Rrusler���deU►er lo the purcharer 7lruilee'a deed conveyiag the
<br /> � Property. The recitwla In Ihe 71�ustee y deed sfu�ll 6e prims�fucle evidence af truth of the�totemenls made therein.
<br /> �:�*�.j�.� 7lrustce shpll Apply Ihe pn�ceedx of Ihe�le in the fidlowinR order: IA1 ta WII coctg und ezpcosec ��f rxerci�in� ihe
<br /> -°.__=.:.:..,u���-�;..
<br /> �� ,�ti, ec af sale,and the sala,iocludinR the pAyment of Ihe'Itnstee's Peeg uctuplly incurred.not to exceed f ive
<br /> ,,,� �t principAl amounl af the oote nl Ihe lime of the declw�Alion oF dePoull. and rew.ronable atturneys' fe�w as
<br /> �--=���.ar �ed by lawi lb�ta ull�ums�ecured by thi�tiecurNy Inst�umenti�nd Icl uny excr�+to the pensun w'persoas
<br /> ,s-saars�, ,.•. '�.
<br /> �'� ., ��entitled ta it.
<br /> ,` �{`'r � ��e, Reconveyanco. Up�m puyntent oi�ull yum.u�:ua�i by thih Sccu�ty In,irumcm.Lender shull rcyuezt,'Itus���e to
<br /> �;,'. n��on��y 1he Pro�erly and shall surnonder ihix Sccurity In,ln�mcnt und ull n�Nc�rvi�cncing dcbl tiecurcd by th�s Sccurity
<br /> e
<br /> �s�f�j" � Ins��ncM�o'll'ustce. 'Ituh��B �hu��rc�unvey Ihe Propcny withaut wurrunty und wilhnut chargc to�hr pen+on ar persons
<br /> '",;� . ' '. '' legally en�iUed to it. Such pen�on or per,��n��holl pry uny recorduti�m cu��ti.
<br /> � 19. SubstiWte'IYuslee. Lendcr,u�itti upliun,may from tfm�ta�ime remove 7tuti�ce und app��im a succesu�r tructee
<br /> ---� '��••��,r�s•:c� � w,u►y'IYuetee appointed hereunder hy un in�trument rcrnnkd in ihe c��unty in which thi+Securiiy Intitrument is recordnl.
<br /> i �y-=-:.�' �°�' �� Wi�houi comcyancc af�hc Property,�hc.uccc�.ar tru.�cc�hull�urcc�.�c!to;dl thc titic,powcr und duucs �ronferr�d upon
<br /> �•w�,. e,.cy..
<br /> '^�.:. d..
<br /> .-r%5.:�:,.; 'Ii�us�ee hercin und by npp��w e uw.
<br /> ._,�c;.... ,�-�• ,.;»t � : 20. Requesl for Notie�. B�xn�wer rcyuext.r• thut c��poex of�ht: nuu�roa af ckf��ule:uiJ sale Ue cent�u Horrowert
<br />=�����,� address which is the Propcny Addrexc. �
<br />'—�:' Riders to Ihis 3ecurlty[nslrument. If onc or murc ndcn u�c ex�cuted by s�ROwcr and re�orded tagcther with this �,,
<br /> :-F„"�,�,.f:�•,�r.-•
<br /> _��, "n' Security loxtrumcnt, thc covenuntti of cach �uch ridcr shull Ix incorpnruteJ inw und �hull umend and �upj�lcmenl �hc
<br /> .'.�4!..;.c.:., ..�
<br /> 1� +' . covenunt.r•and agr�emems of this Security Instrument ux if the riderl+l werc in a pan al'1hi.Secunt} nsaument.
<br />-��f .�;��,��,.,��,';.. t (Check applicAblc boxlesll.
<br /> _ :*;,�1`a�'A'.�,': `, �ConJominium Rider �Gruduatcd Puymcnt Rid�r ��rowing F.yuily Ridcr
<br /> ��i�1Cf��U.S?�';4�.� .
<br /> - v ,-y.-_ `,_ _ _
<br /> .'::f ,i`.
<br /> '•;:'i;"���'''' Plunned Unit Ikvelopment Rider �X Othcr�Specif'y� MORT0110E 11DDBNDU!!
<br />�:�: .�:4. . .�,t;�� a
<br />._r�� �. ' .'� . . _ —_
<br /> ,�_.a;.`•• BY SIGNING BELOW. Borrnwer uccepte: •rnd ugr�e+[o th� �enm c�m�uined in pvges 1 Ihrough 4 af this Securiry
<br /> _� �� � '` Instrument und in any ri��ri+l execuied by Borrower und rewrded wNh ii.
<br /> _.:.� `'.""°�`'',+!� .. -_.
<br /> _ ��.,, �.....• it c se,: � .C� �
<br /> _�.� .. .�.��,� ., �.L1�(.. �, -- ���. �h Q7! lScaU —
<br /> ' Bortower
<br /> � DE11N !1 RORGEL �
<br /> �-2%� ' ,: ;;��.� -.
<br />-��.:. . . . . �,•.. ' (Scal) -
<br /> ,'' ' . . ,1!'' MEL Y A FI NMmwcr °'
<br />-�L. .�a,;'� ,�.,i:.',.i?
<br /> , ,° ,:,� y.
<br /> , ,•,•i.�.�;',.. i,`t.�����<; . (Scal) __
<br />-'�_ I' � ,.i,�,^�����rjSy�S�' &imiwcr
<br /> • �iltl-..�. >f J {��i�' -
<br /> � I - ..;, . �..
<br />_ .�.�7� ,�i�tij,j%�.1;- 1' �Sl'U�) �
<br /> �4�; ;y Bnrmwcr
<br />.. '_.._�IY'� wlf4�'•
<br />_-.:`.y, �f't�• -.,N,:�� C�wnty HALL _
<br />�.,.:. . ,'. STATB OF NEBRASKA. `�:
<br /> , 6 On thiti 6th duy ot� March, 1992 .�1'orc mc.lhc undcr�iEncd,u No�ury _
<br /> ^ . Public duly commi.sicx�d und yuulificd��E'pERSON" & r"MELODY nA FINK A SINaLE PERSON =
<br /> : , . DEAN !! AOR(iEL A SIN(iL , to mc kn�iwn tu Ix thr
<br /> . .. " identicul persoMs)whosc numr��►are wh.rntxrd to�he tim�uin� instrument and acknuwlyd�rd thc execwion thercof tu tx: _
<br /> " their vulunlan•arl and decd. _
<br /> , • Witnc�+my hand anJ nularial.eul ut (iRAND I SLAND in +aid rnunty, thr =
<br /> . .;� � datc aforesaid. �
<br /> � I � ,i:�,�i,• /• �/(�' � � 1 C �
<br /> ';�•'. ( �C� 4.._. . '��- ------�„t.in F'uhhc
<br /> ��t,.�;,_-__��:,�� iL� � RO ERTA L REED
<br /> -- -= - -�oegm.�t�'v :
<br /> -- .. _ �R.��f�,^l�'-�td�Comiu fep luly 30.1�' �
<br /> �,� I2E(11�f:tiT 1�()R li 1:('()N V I:YA y('1:
<br /> ' •,':;�:-.',.; 'I'OTRUSTFsH: �
<br /> , _ : Thc unJcni�ixJ i.dk holdrr af�hr nutc ur nulc.•rrurrJ hc Ih�.b«d af liu�1. Su�J nole ur nulc..to�cthcr w•ith ull
<br /> �nhcr indcNtcdnr.,ururcd hy �hi.Ikcd uf 1Fu.i. hu�r Ixcn p:ud in full. li,u :uc hcrch�•.lircrtrJ tu cuncrl ,aid natr ar
<br /> ' ni�lr.�md thi.Ikcd uCltu.�. a•hirh;�rr Jrlivcr�d h�rchy,and t��recancc�. ��nNuul u�arrunt�.all thr..talr iN��� hcld h�•��uu
<br /> ' undrr Ihi�IkeJ�►1"Ihi�l ta Ihc�x n�m ur�xr.om Icµully entided thcretu.
<br /> „ Uatc: - - - - - i
<br /> . , ��.�e�1..����.,.,�,
<br />