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<br /> ,,,�....�!� . 1. Poymenl of Princlpal�Inlerext And Lute Chw�Re. [iorn�wcr+�huU pay whcn Juc Ilir priuripul uf,unJ intere+��x►. _-_--
<br /> �°'� ' the�+�bt evidenccd by thc Notc und lute churgr�duc undcr Ihc N�Hr. —
<br /> ,, �� � ----
<br /> „ ,. °.t ' Monlhly pAymenls of'I�xes,lnsurance�nd Uther CbnrReK. I�urrowrr�hall incluJc in rach manlhly puymem. �
<br /> ;' o � �� •�eth�• wilh Ihe princlpal und intercst u..ct fonh in ihc Nntr u�d uny la�c chur�;r�. :m in.tnllmrn� ul'uny lal luxc+und
<br /> . � ., • ', xpe.,.,i uasessmentx levicd or t��he Icvied uguin+t�he Pro{x�ny.Ihl Iru.rhuld paymcm�nr gruuiul n:nt.nn�he I'ro�xny.und ,,,,-'=-
<br /> (c)prcmiums for insurunce rcyuircd hy Purugruph 4, �� �x�
<br /> 1 "� 'Vl-___—.
<br /> �_ _�"
<br /> ' Each manthly in.iullment f�►r i�em� lul. Ibl w�d Ic► +hull cyuul nnr-twelith ol'Ihc annuul amuunh. a. rcu+un•rhly i Tti��:'_-�ti'.��
<br /> . estimn�eJ hy Lendrr. plu, un um��um .ufficient to maintain an additiona! nali�ncr „1' nnt murr �h;�n nnr-,i�ih ut' dk •;_�_.�:..,. ;--_ _
<br /> � �� ' e�timaied Amounts. The full unnuul umount fur each iiem.hull he uccumulutrd b l.rndcr wi�hin u ri�xl enJin unr " '-�-�"`" '
<br /> Y fx K �:::.v�,�
<br /> `; � � . month before an item w�uld become delinyucnt. Lendcr�hull hold ihr umuun��c��llertrd in in�w a�pay ncm.(u►,ibl unJ __
<br /> ;.,.= ' � Ic>bePore they becnme delinyuem. ��-�-°----
<br />� , . • If ut uny time �ha a�tul of the payment.held by Lcnder ti�r i�cm• lal.Ibl unJ Icl,tu�eiher�vith Ihe I�uturc mon�hly =�
<br /> � � . ; ,� payments For such ilems payable u� l.ender prior lu the duc dutcx uf +uch item�. cxrceJ. hy m��rr thun une-.ixih �h� �_�-
<br /> . estimoted umount of puymenth required�a puy such itemr whcn duc,und il'paymrnt�an ihr Na�c urc cuRCnl.lhen Lcnder �;��.�_��
<br /> ` • shall cither refund thc excess over one-+ixth of thr c�timuteJ puymentti or crcJi�ihc cxrr.+uver noe-.ixlh uf ihe rti�imutcd ;;,,x,---._--_____
<br /> � • � payments to subzeyuent puyments by BoRawer,ut the option uf Sam�w�r. If�he tutul ul'th�puy�mcn�+mude by Hnrtower �•"'��'�"
<br /> ' ior�tem lal,(b),or(c)i,intiuffirient tv pay the item when Juc.Ihen B��rruwer.hull pny to l.endrr uny am�►unt nccr.xury�u 1 i�.I.L�y1a:�h�>>�,
<br /> ���'••' muAc up tlie def icierx y on i►r Nrforc the d•rtc thc it�m ber��mc�due. Ri���_
<br /> `""•''` '� �,;';' ' • . p+used in this Srcurity In,trurnent,..S��.retary" roeun+�he Secrctury of H�u.in�t un�l Urhan 0.vrlopnxnt ur hfr.nr her =,.,_
<br /> •�:�:'��., designee. In any year in which�he Lender mu�t pa�•a monguge in+urance prrmium tu iF►c Secntacy.r:kh nunthly puyment =:�,�-_-
<br /> r � .,,��,i; hhal) ulso include eithrr: (il un inslallment ut� Ihr annual mnrtgage imur.uirr prcn�ium tu Dr paid hy Lender t�� Ihe --
<br /> ' ,,;:�� , Secretary,or lii►u manthly chargr ins�ead of a mongage in�urance prrmium il'thi. tiecudty In.trument ix n�ia ny �� �
<br /> ".. '. ,•�..�,;,:';, Sccrcianr. Each monthly instullmeat�+C Ihc morl�agP imuranc�pr�mium shall hr in;u�:►mount.ui'tiricnt tu ucrumulutc�hr �:���-�; ___ _
<br /> ' :;..�;r full annu�l mongage in+urunce pr�mium w�ilh l.end�r i�ne rn��n�h priur�o Ihe date thr full unnuul monguge inwru�x� I�•:'�.�,�,n`1
<br /> ' : ��� • � �' premium is due to the Secretury:or�1�his Sc�urity Insaument i�hcld by�he Secmtary.rarh mumhly churge xhull tx�in un �,.,�i,- -
<br /> umount eyuul to ane-Iwelflh of one-half�rrent of th�uu��tunding prinripal h:►I;uire dur an the N�xr. � __
<br /> lf Borrower tenders to Lender Ihe t'ull puymem oi ull tiums secureJ hy thi.Sccuri�v Instrumcnl.Borrower�account - _ -
<br /> � � shull Ix credited with the balunrc remuining I'or all inxtullmenl+ fur itcros Iu1, lhl and�(rl;uid uny murtgugc inxurunce . -T'�=
<br /> premium instnllment that Lender hus not hecane ab��8uled to pay I��the 5c:cre�ury,anJ Lend�r shull prompUy refunJ nny � .-r-
<br /> excesa funds lo Borrawer. Immediut�lv or lo a foreclosure .nle of thc Propeny or ns ucyuisilion by Lender,Bortower's ,�.,y,-,a..- `'��
<br /> � ., Account shull be credited with suiy huluncc remaining fix all inMullments for itemx(ul,tbl und 1r 1. ��`�:-.
<br /> •�, '� 3. A p�licaUon ot Pt�yments. All puymenls under ParuFruphs I and?shall F+r npplieJ by Lcnder a+followti: "+�t,;�:�-_-
<br /> P I R S T to the monguFe insur.mce premwm to Ix:paid by I.enikr t�i the Serrrtan•ar to the momhly churge by thr �.
<br /> . ' '•� �: Secreta imtead uf thr mamhly murtgage in+uruncr premium; ��, .
<br /> ' '•��►�;. '; �( ,to uny laxes,specinl asse.rsmcnts,lca�ehold puyment.or gmuixi rom+,.ind Fire,fl a a i un�ot her h u�u r d �-�_,�,_
<br /> __J =_ insumnce pnmiumti,us required: r�;,�:;���:
<br /> T �� " "' THIRD,to intcrest due under thc Nde: -��°----
<br /> •••.��•ifi IfyiiUt LV�
<br /> Fou�rrH.to amouiau�ion of�he pnncipal ot'�he Nnte: ;sn..-..,.:.�,,,_:
<br /> FIFI'H,to late rha�ges due undrr the Nuic. �' � r-
<br /> . 4. Fke.Flaod und Other Hazard Insurunca B��rn�wcr+hall in�urc all improvcmentti un lhr Propeny,wh�ther now ;�. . _ �-- _
<br /> . in existence or tiubsequently erected,uguin�t•rny haiard.,cutival�ie., und runtingcncieti,including iim, fi�r which LenJrr � ��"�:�-
<br /> myuir�s insurancc. This inxuruncc �h��ll ix muintuinrJ in�hr am��unt.und ti�r�hr�xriudti tha� Lcndcr requirez. Borrowrr '�ti�r�-�-'� �
<br /> " shall ulso insure u!I improvement.on thc Pro{�ny,whether noµ•in rxislrncr or�ub�cyucntly rrrcteJ,uguin�t lo�s by tl�xxl, :��:��.:�'_�
<br /> to the extent reyuired hy ihr Srcntury. All in.urunre+hall t+r carried witl►compunicti approv�d By Lrnder. The insurancc �""-"�":.�
<br /> , policies And uny renewuls yhall be held My Lcndrr and chull include lo+x puyublc cluuxrs in fuvor ��f, und in u f'ortn •'��!����?`;`� ,-9.��.�
<br /> acceptublc to.LcnJcr. �;:�•. "
<br /> . In tF►c evem uf lo��, Borcowcr shall give Lrnder imnxdia�c nuticc hy mail. Lrndrr ma� muke pronf of lo.� il'ix�t ,,}�.-. ,.°••,�'
<br /> ' �:�, :• �
<br /> ��� ,� maJe promp�ly hy Burr��wcr. Eia�h insurunce curt�p:aiJ�r�mr�med i,hereby authorirerd und directed tu muke payment I'or . ;�s't'"
<br /> . ,uch lotis direc�ly tu Lender,in+le�d uf u,Barrewei and a,l.rnder.jnintly. All or any part ui'the in.urunce pr�kceJ,m•ry t►� . . ','#,'i�.�.
<br /> upplied by Lcnder.ut il+��plion,cither l:il to thr r�du�;ion uf tF�indeMrJnc�.under thr Nutc und thi�5ccurity Inti�rumcnt. �• '.., 1.��•�-
<br /> .,Ty.-._ ,._+s
<br /> fint ro uny dclinqucnt amoun�ti applicd in thr order in P.�rugruph ;. and �hcn t��prcpaymcnt ul' principal. or lb) lo Ihe '•�r --. -
<br /> msturution or rcpair��f�hc damu�cd proFxny. Any upplic:uinn nl'thc pnkced.lu thc prinripal,hall not extend or�xtpunc ,'�:� �=a.;:'
<br /> . the duc dute of�hc man�hly p:�ymrn�.which•rrr refrrmd�o in P.�r:�gruph 2.or rhang�r Ihr amuunt ut'wrh puymemti. Am t �•R"`'�'.
<br /> ' �, excetis inwuruncr pr�xccd.�wcr un :imuunt rcyuimd tn pay+dl oualanding indrMcdnrti.un�kr the Notc und tbis Securiry t ••.�_-=��p
<br /> ' �:• Intilrument shull he puid ta 1he entily Iegully enuUrJ tlxrcto. f .�.�'�,:.��-
<br /> In the cvent uf fareclo.ure ul'Ihi, 5ccurity In�trumcnt ur uther Iran+t'er i�f tiUc tu thr Pro�xn�• ihut rxtingui�hc+ Ihe �.. ��
<br /> ,: ", . . indehtcdnesx.•rll right.titic and intcrr�l of l3urtowcr in and a�imur:mrc puliric+in ti�rcr.hall pa+.to the purchu+er. ��,_
<br /> , S. (lccupunry. P�eservatiun, Muinlenunce and Prote�ti�M oP Ihe 1'ropertv; Hnrrow•er's l.oan Appliculian; ; �•_==
<br /> .. l,easeholds. BaROwcr shuU �xcupy.�,tubli,h. anJ u,c thc Nn�pcny a, Horn,wcri prmripid n,iJencr within sixty day� f`�� �'��',
<br /> ufter�hr execution of Ihis Securiry Inx�rumen�and.hall rantinur io arcupy th�Pruprny n� B��rru��•er±principal n+idenr� , ..�.-...
<br /> • for ut Icast one yeur utier thc Jatr„t�krupuncy.unlr.,ihr tirrnlar�Jcirrniinc,�hi.re��uirrm�nt will rauxc undur harJ�hip ::��;;'. .
<br /> � � for Borrowcr. ur unlcxs cxtcnuating rircu�riyic+nccs cxi.t ��•hich nn Ix�•und Hurca���er; �nntrol. Horruwcr �hull �x�tify �, ,��
<br /> '{ ' Lender.of uny extenuating rirrun�+tancr,. eurrow�r,h.ill noi cummii a•a,t.or de+tn��.damaEr or�ub�umtially rhun�:r .
<br /> � thr f'ropeny or ullow thc Pnqxrty to Jctrriur:ur.re:i�unahlc�vrar anJ Ir:�r cr�•r�l��l. Ixnder ioa�•im�xc�ihr Nr��xrty it thr
<br /> Property is vucunl ur ab:u�JuneJ ur thc loan i,m dct'uult. Lrnder may i:il�c r.a,�►naMr aciiun tu pru�rrt and pn,crvr.urh
<br /> vucunt or ubundoncd Roprrly. B�irrowcr,hull ul,�� hc in dct:iult il liurr��wcr.Junn�; thr luun applirauon pnkcti..�av�
<br /> muterinlly ful�r or inurrurule inliimx�ti�m ��r ,tatrnxnl, tu Lendrr �ur I:ii1rJ ta pro�•iJe LenJrr wilh unv mulenal
<br /> inforniutionl in cunnrcliun with �fic lam��•idrnrrJ h� thr N��ie, inrludin�.hw nut IimueJ to.reprc�entations concemin�±
<br /> Borrowcr's�xcupancy of Ihr Pru�xny a�a prinripal rr�idrur�. I(Ihi�tircurm In.trumrnl i,un.i Ira,eh��ld.Burrow�r.hall
<br /> cumply wilh Ihc provlsion+ut�Ihc lea�r. If li��rru���•r:iei�uirr�I�r litl�1„the Pru��rrl)•.Ihr Ir:���h��ld:md fe�lidi�hall ntil
<br /> Mc mergrd unlr��Lcndcr agrcr+ta�hc nirr�rr m��nt inE. �
<br /> 6. CherQes to&►rrower and Protcction nf Lender:ltiph�s fn the Prnperl�. liurmwrr,hall p�� all��wemmrn�al
<br /> ar municipul char�;c,,linr.�nd impu+�uun.Ih:n an• nnt mrludcd m I'aragr:�ph 2. I�urru�cer,hall p�i� Ihcsc uhli�ulii,n.��n '
<br /> time dirccdy ti�ihr entily a•hirh i,����ed thr pa�m�m. It t:iilurr u, p:i� ��uulJ :iJ�•rr.cl� �dlcrt Lrixler'� inlen�t in �hr •
<br /> ����,.;,;. � I'ri��rty,u�xm l.cndcr�rcyursl B��rro�vrr,hall prumpll� lurni.h a�Lrnd�r rccciph e�idc�hin�:thc.r p:n•mrm..
<br /> � If Borrowcr 1'uil.tu mul�c �hr.c pa}•mrnl• �,r �hc �,a�nicnty rryuircd hy P:�ra�;raph '. ��r liul� io prrfnrni any „thrr
<br /> covrnunh and a�:rcrmm�h ronlumr�l in�hi.Scrurn�� bn�rumcm.ur ihrr�i,.i Ir�::�l pnk�cdinE thiit m�i� .i�oiliranlh :dlrri
<br /> — Lcndcrs ri�;ht. in�hc Pru�xrtp Itiu�h a�a pnx'��dnt�,m I�.utkn�p�c). (or tuntirmnau�m ��r tu cnii.n•c iu��.�.r ieEui;�ii�.u,i.
<br /> ' then Lcndcr muy do und pur wha�«�cr i,nrrr..aq �u pru�rct th. �alur uf ihr!'rupcm :uxl Lcnder'.n�l►1,�n Ihr I'n,rrm•.
<br /> includin�;paymcnt uf laxr.,haiarJ in.uranrr:ind uthcr i�rm,nkntiunrd iu I'araEraph�.
<br /> �. , , �•
<br /> . .ua ra�h �hall hrc�mir.m.idJiuon:d drhl ut I�ani��cr.md Ik �rumd
<br /> Any umouniti di+hur,�d hv Lrnd�r undcr du I � 1
<br /> by thi�tirruriry Instrumcnt. Tlicrr:imuonl,.hall hrar imcrr,i trum �hr d.dc ul di�hur.rmrm.:u thr yalc r:ue.:uiJ;it ihr
<br /> .� optiun ut LcnJ�r.�hall Ix immcJiatcl�•dur und Fra�ahlc.
<br /> 7. Cundcmnatiun. Thc pnxrrJ.uf am�.i��ar�i ur rlauii lur J;unaEr,.dircrt ur cun,ryu.nual.m r�mnrrhun with an�
<br /> cimJemnntiun ur olhcr�almg uf u�n�p:�n u(�hr Pru�irm.nr i ur r�,m r�:mcr m plucc�,1 r��nJcnm:iUan.arr hrrrh� .�..i�;nrJ
<br /> und.hull Ix puiJ w LcnJrr to ihr rnicnt uf thr full:unuun�i,t Ihr mdrh�rdnr,.th:u rrm,un.unp:ud unJrr Ihr \utr.md Ih�+
<br /> Scruriry Imlrumcnl. Lendrr.hall:��ri��•��.i�r��,.��••i,�„���•rcduru„n��t ihr mdrhi�dnr•.unJrr thr N��tr;md�hi�tirrunn
<br /> Instrumcnt. tir.� w airv dclinyurn� amuunt> :�pplir�l m �hr ��rdrr pru�idrJ m 1'ara�raph �. .mJ �hcn tu prrpa�mrnt ��I
<br /> principul. �1n}• appliraliun u(thr pn►c�rd� tu lhe pnuiipal +h:�ll I�uI i�trnd ur pu+lponr Ihi Jur Jatc ut Ihc mimlhl)
<br /> ��ti,r���.j Jp..cn,
<br /> i
<br /> ' - ---. ""'r__-._.. ---- --� - -- ---- -- -- -- - -�
<br />