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� ::._.� ' " ' __ <br /> ;.� �,.�a,..�•rr,..sov d` ' 4l�� <br /> ..��r1�._. _ 'cat . -�' . .-. <br /> . I u� ��wY r_ �� ' o . <br /> 1 <br /> ` Nt. _ —' <br /> -__�.���,� 92— io�s� � <br /> ----- �6 <br /> - - -----1,F�� <br /> - condemnution ar o�her wkin�{01'uny purl of Ihe PropeNy.ur fnr conveyunre in licu nf conJemnalinn,ure henby uctiigneJ und <br /> ____._.._,,-„�,9 Khull b�paid ta I.cndcr. <br /> _;,-,��,�.:a. In Ihc evrm of a I��ul tuking uf'Ihc Prapcny. �hc pr�ccdw sbull hc applird Io thc �ums ,�cuRd by thi+ Scrurity <br /> =-:�=T._.�, n�• • � In+trumen�, whcther or n�K�hen Jue. wf�h uny cxcc�, puid�o Borr��wcr. In ihc evcnt nt'u purtful tui:in� uf�hc PmpertY In <br /> !�; r � which thc tair murkcl vuluc of�hr Pn�{►crty immediutcly ixliirc�hr�uking i�eyuul to nr greutcr thun thc umuunt ol'�hc�ums -- <br /> __,�,��, �,�'�". �ccun:d hy�hi�S��:uriry M+trumrm immeJiutely bcfure thc iuking,unle�ti Burrc►wcr unJ l.enJrr athenef�c agrec in wri�ing. <br /> �:�. .._..LU�•.:,�:. .� the swns,ecurcd by ihiy Scruri�y In,troment yhull Ix r�dured I+y �he umoum ui'�he pr�xced+mul�iplied by the fullowing __ <br /> � ;. �;. Gucliun: lu►the Iotul umoum ot the sumw securcd in�me�lia�ely Ix:furc �hc�:J�in�t.JiviJed by lbl tha fiifr mzuke�vulue uf�he ---- <br /> s�• . • ••�,' ��� ` Piraperty immedintely lx�farc thc �aling. Any buluncc�hull I,c puid to Borruwcr. In �he cvem uf u puniul tuking ot'�hc <br /> ���'''`'���i°� •`� Pira n in whicb the fuir murket vuiuc ol'�he Propeny immcdiutely I�efor�Ihc luking i,ks,thun ihe umuunl ot <br /> --, .,��:,_•��,'• i�:. �.. �x' Y <br /> - !xrr_i <br /> T, �.h" ' nccurcd immeJiutcly t+efore �hc tuking, unles,Borrowcr unJ Lcndcr Mhcrwise ugrcc in writing or unlcr,,upplirublc luw <br /> ',`�+i�sl�r4�.;T.,.,c ._. : <br /> 4�,,,,,;,_„,,,,-�,�', otherwise provide!�,the prexeedz shull be applicd to the xumx secureJ by thi�Securi�y Ins�rument whrther or not t e sumx ure <br />�' �':�.....��; _�q,�s �hen due. <br />� - ' :. .'• . If thc Pmprny i+�ulwndoned by Borrow•cr,or ii',ntler notice by Lendc�to Borrowrr Ihut�he condemnur uffcn to muke <br /> ' " �n,:.,: an uwurJ ar utqe a cluim fur dumage+,Borrower 1'uils to respimd�o LenJcr wi�hin 311 duyti ui'ter�he date the nuticc iti Fiven, _ <br />�; ,����.." '� � Lrndrr is authorized lo callect und upply the proceeds,ut it.option,ei�her�o n:+tar.�tion or m�►ir of'the Propeny or to�he <br />� afi5:,��•:t:;.��,:i= , sum�tiecured by�his Security Inslrumcnt,whether or nat then duc. --— <br /> •,��;����.•�� Unle,c Lende�und Borrower othervvixc ogree�n w�iting, uny upplicutiun of procceJ�to principal shall nut extend or _ - <br />��� 'e���'� , powpone�hc due date uf the mon�hly p�ymcros reteRed ta in purug�phz 1 und 3 or chun�.e the umounl of such puymemx. �v� <br /> � �� yP,,.;��.;.�: 11. Borrower Not Rele�.sedt Forbearance By Lender Not a Wa{ve� Exten�ion uf the time for paymcat or �,A_i� <br />� � malif ica�ion of amartizution of�he sums zecured by this Securi�y Inrtrumem grunted by Lendcr to uny yuccesxar in interext <br />,=-'��-�'.`��.,` ., _ ., of Borrawer shull not uperi�tc to rrlcu.e the liubiliry uf the ariginal Borcc�wer or B�xrower+succetition in interezl.Lender <br />�' o � ' „hull not be rcquired to cnmmence pnxeeJin@� uguinx� uny succe+xnr in imerest or r�fuze lo extend ti�m li�r puymenl ur � <br />��� ' ' ' • mhervvise modify amoniwtion of the+umx secured by Ihis Securiry In�trument by reu+on of uny demund mad�by�he�xiginul �;,,,_ <br /> ` � Burrower or Hortower:.uccexson in interctit. Any i'orbeuruncr hy LenJer in exerciwing uny right nr rcmedy shall not be u ��.."_ <br /> � " : wuiver ot'or preclude thc exercisc of uny riRht cx n�medy. r"�-�� <br />�' ' ' *�,;i.'" �� 12. Succes.qors and�ns Bound:.luint and tieve�+l Lfability;Casl�ner�. The covcnants und ugrerments oi'�his � <br /> k't,�.:�::.'� _=— <br /> � � Security Instrument shull bind unJ lxnetit the+ucce.xon unJ u++ign�ol'Lrnder und Burtuwer,subjecl ta Ihe pruvisions of <br />�" parugruph 17. BoROwrr's covenunt. unJ agrcemenlr ,hull Ix joim und severul. Any BoROwer who co-sigm ihis Security ��:ti�- <br />,. .� ;� •:. .. , , Instrument but does not execute�he Nate: Iu1 iti co-rigning thix Security In+ln�ment only to mortguge,grunl und canvey thut �-_ <br /> ' • BorcoW�er:s in�erest in�he Propeny undcr thc tcrni+of thiti Sccurity Instnimenr. (bl is not penunully obliguted to puy Ihc tium� � <br />� ' . �^ .�� - securcd by this Security Intitrument:und Icl ugree��hut Lenik:r and uny otlxr BoROwer muy ugree t��eatend,mexliPy,forbeur E:-_=�- <br /> ` �� T ., or muke uny uccommodntions wiih regUrd to thr tcrmti ��f thi, Sccurity Inxlrumem or tl� Note wfthout that Borrower: <br />���.'. : , conxent. =_ <br /> �::5..L.J_ <br /> - - 13. Lwin Charge�. If ihc laan:;c:cured by this Security ln�tn�m�m� i� .uh�ec� w a fuw which �etx maximum loan _ <br /> . � �� charges,und Ihut luw is tinully that the interrst ur other loan churgeti collecteJ or to tx collecied in connerlion <br /> ° � • wi�h the loun excee��hr pc:rmitted limi��.�hen: (ul uny xuch loun rhurge,hull he reducrd by the umount ncces,ury to reducr _--- <br /> • ,�:� the charge to�he permitteJ limil:and(b)uny sum,ulnuJy rollecled from Borruwer which exceedeJ perniiued limitti will lx -_:_. <br /> . mfunded ta Borruwcr. Lcnder muy ch�x�.�to mukr thiz rrfuad by reclucing�he princi��l owed under the Nute or by mukinF u �_�— <br /> direct payment to Borrowcr. If i�rcfund rcduceti principul,thc reductian will Ik�rru�ed ux u puniul prepuymem without any <br /> . �� prcpuyment chur�e unJer Ihc Notc. r`"___ <br /> � ��1'•'t`� 14. NWices. Any n��iirc to Born�wer pr�wiikd tirr in thi.Security InstrumeM �hull tx:given by delivrring il ur by vv_ <br /> . ` " � '' mniling it by fint clusti muil unlr.s upplicublc I•rw•Rquire+u.r��I'unuthcr mcihcxi.Thc n�xicr shall Ixr Jirec�cd�o the Pm�xny <br /> ' � � � Addrexs or uny c�ther uJdrc+.Bonowcr Jc�ignates ny noticc to l.rndre Any nolirc ui Lendrr+hull Ix �ivrn by tint clu�ti �---� <br /> ' muil to Lcndcr:uddrer�slatcd hcrcin i�r uny�Hh�r aJdrcx�Lcnder dcsignute+hy notice tu Borrawcr. Any�mticc pruvidcd for ��-'�`� <br /> ���,1 �,��. <br /> ,,,;�;.y, ,. in �hi,Seruriry Imtrumen� shull Ix Jc�med in hnvr Ixrn eiven t�� Borrower or Lcndcr when given u+proviJed in tlais �_ <br /> . ° pwagrr�l�. ��_ <br /> , �,�, ' IS. (:overninR Severabilit�•. Thiz Sccurity In.u•wnen� +hall Ix gi�vcrned hy 1'eJcrul luw anJ �hc luw oF�hc �,:�- <br /> .. juri,dictian in which the Pro�xny i� kxu�ed. In the rvent�ha�:my pruvi.ion or cluuse ut'Ihi.Srcuri�y In�trum�nt or�hc Note �,'•t.-.. <br /> ..',�,: conflictz with upplicublc luw.wch cantlirt,hull no�uffrrt���hcr pruvi,ionti ol ihis Securiry In+ttumcnt�►r dx No�c whinc�un ;�,:.. <br /> , _�:._-. tx given effect without�hr contlicting pmvision. Tii thi.rnd thr prirvi�i�x�� uf thi.Securiry In.trumrnl•rnd thc Note ure �=_ <br /> • . � „ � � ck�lured ni he�evcrublc. ��- <br /> � � l6. Borrower's Cnpy. R�•rrnwer.hull Fx gi�•rn unc cunt'unnrd copy��Ilhc N�NC unJ ol'1hi.Serurit��In.trumcnl. �..__ <br /> . " 17. 7Funsier of the Property or a Henciiciul lntere�t In Norrox•er. II'ul l ur nny pan uf�he Pr��xn}•or ony imrrc+l in �.• : <br /> . it i+ xold or trun+lcrted lor if a beneticiul intem.� in H��rc����cr i�,��Id ur trun.IcrrcJ unJ Bnrn,�v�r is not a nutural�xnan► � <br /> � without Lrndrr;priar wriurn con,�nt, l.enckr may.ut ilti„ption.rcyuirc immrdi:u�puymcnt in t'uU at'ull xwn.,crumd by �. _ <br />- . .. 1hi�Securily In+lrununl. Ilowevcr,this optiun shull n�w Ix exer�i.rd by l.rndrr il'rzercix i+prohihi�c�!by f'cderul luw us ol' -- •- <br /> „ �• thc dutc ui'thiti Sccurity In,lromcnl. <br /> ° If LenJrr excmi.r.�hi.op�i�m.Lenikr shall givr H��rru�vcr notice��I':KCrlrru�iun. Thr nuiirr.hall�xovidc a�xri�xl of <br /> ' . not k�s�hun i0 dayy i'r�an the J:uc ttx noticr i�drlivercd or mailyd«�ilhin which Burn�w�r mu+l pay all ,um�,ecured hy Ihi, <br /> ' � _ Sccurity In.�rument. If Borrowrr t:iil. t�� p:iy thrrr .um. priur 10 thr c�pir.�tian nl' thi. �xri�xl. l.cnJrr muy im�okr +my <br /> . � � rrmrdic+�xrniiurd hy thi+Srcuri�y In.�rumcnl��•ithuw funhrr nulicc ur drman�l un N��rr����cr. <br /> • .. � IS. Rorrnwer's Rl�ht to Reinstute. If Hurru�vcr meri. cenain r��iditinn,. 13�ttm��rr,hall h:rvc Ihc right lu huvr <br /> :':' enforeemem of thi�Srwriry In.�rumcnt diuuniinurd al an�•timr priur�u�hc rarlirr�,f: I;u S d:i�•. �ur wch other�xri�xl u. <br /> � timgkl•am�l��-ManMcNi�e�Fnddk�furl'\IM'OR\11\til'Nl'SIF.�T•• 1'nff�,m�Cu�.na�u. V�4U Ilaw�•��4��1�i«•�� <br /> ' ,.� •; . . <br /> � . . <br /> t . <br /> • t <br /> �, <br /> , i <br /> ` „ � - <br />