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<br /> —`��""�"�;r�°� ., perlacls thut Lender myuirc�, The inyu�ume ruRier pmviding the inxuroncr xhull be chosen hy B��R•�wcr xuhject to Lenderk
<br /> _ ,� upproval whfch shall not be unrc�r,onubly wilhhcld. if Bomnwrr failg�o mulmain ruvcrvg�dcK�ibeJ ubove, LenJcr mu�y,w
<br /> - l.enderh aption,abtain coveru�e w prrnect Lender i�righ�a in�he Propeny in uccanlunce wi�h purugruph 7.
<br /> =_.•' . :�;,6.�:,� •; ,..-.� All inxurunce palicie�und renewul+:�hull be ucceptable lo Lender und+hadl include u�.wnJnrJ rnorlguge cloutie. Lendrr
<br /> °�� � � aay:•.. �� ` r.holl hAVe thc right ta hold�hc p��lfcics unJ rcnewuls. If Lendcr rryuirex,BoROwrr shull pr��mpUy Kivc tu 4cnder ull��eipts _
<br /> of puid premiums und renewal naice�. in Ihc evenl uf lo�s,Burrnwcr�hidl uive prampl no�ice to the inxuruncu c+uricr unii
<br /> � Lendcr. Lender muy muke proof of losr if nc�t mude promptly by Borrawer.
<br /> �, -. w-�' Unlcss Lender and Borrawer�Nherwiw ugrec in writing, intiurancc pruc��ds,hnll!+e upplied to re.turnt inn ur repuir oP �_--_.
<br /> � ��.���;
<br /> . yR�` the Pr o p eny damoged, if�he retitoraiion or rep�ir ix eronomicully feuxihle und Lender: security is n�N Iex,ened. If ihe
<br /> � �� .� � restorat ion or repuir i, nw ecanomicu l ly feu.,i b le ar L e n d e r+ s e c u n t y w�i u l d l x I c s.r•e n e d, t h e i n�u r a n r e p r c x e edx�hull be
<br /> °"'" applied to �he sums secured by ihi�Security In.r•trument,whether or n�u then due,with uny excess puid tc�Borr�►wer. If �„_
<br /> �.`',a :���_t�?.;• . •- ;,� Borrower ubundans the Property.or dora not unxwer within 3l1 duys a nrnice in�m Lender thul the inr�urunce cnRier has —
<br /> '" "''''''` .x-�Y offered to seltle u cluim.�hen Lendcr muy collect the intiurunce pa�ceed�. Lendrr may ur,e die pra:eeds to repuir ur restore _ _
<br /> , _ _ ___ - the Property ar to pay suma secured by�hia Securiry Inslrument,whether or nat then due. The:�U-duy p�:riad will b�gin when _
<br /> _���";;"�,��_,' the notice is given. --
<br /> �•� - Unless Lender und Borrower otherwi�e agree in writing,uny applicution of prcxeeds u� principul +hull not�xtend ar
<br /> � �. •- ��• ' pustponc the due dntc of the monthly paymentti nefeRed to in parogruphx I und 2 or chunge thr umount of Ihe payments. If
<br /> '-�''_�`,.,���.;;,,�,,;,,;;:�y c. under puragrnph 21 the Propeny is +uyuimd by Lender. Barrower�nght to any inxur:u�ce polici�x and proreed+resulting
<br />- --- ' . fram damage to�he Propeny prior to tlie ucquiwition shull pu�es to L.ender to the extent of�he�um�: secured by this Secu�ity
<br />-'� � Inxtnamant immediutely priur to the ucyui+ition. ���.
<br />—"�� . ''�A•, 6. (kcupancy. Preservatlon, Mainteopnce end Proteclion uf the Property: Borrower's l.a�n AppHcAtlon:
<br /> ���_
<br /> i� -- Leaseholda. �orr�wer�hull a:cupy,e.r•tublixh,and use the{'ropeny us&�rn�wer's principul residence within xixty duys nfter __
<br /> ',°' i H' ��•. " � � the execution o(this Security In+iniment und shall continue to�xcupy th�Propeny us Burn�wer+ principal residence fur ut °---
<br /> .,r�:
<br /> =��• '.�.i4.,,•�;y. � ,�, .. INAtif one yeac after the date of accupuncy, unless Lender otherwise ugrcer in writing. which conunt tihull nM be �,;.x�
<br />- : •,;��;, � unreuxonubly wUhheld,or unle.r•s extenun�in�cireumstuncex exi,t which ure bey�md Borrower's can�ml. Barrawer shall nat
<br />- `';,;.:`�� � destroy,dumage or impUir Ihe Pmpeny, ullow the Property to dcteriorutc, a'commil wactc on thc Pn�peny. Barrower shull ��
<br /> �. �.:
<br />-,y; • � � 1�in defuuU if uny 1'orfeiture artion ar praceeding,whether civil or criminul,i,l�gun thut in l.ender's gc�od fuith judgment
<br /> • " could texult in forFeiturc of �hc Property or cHherwixe mu�erlully impuir thc lien crcated hy this Sccurity Instrument or �,,,,_-
<br /> �.Y�',; l.ender's security intere�t. Borrowr�muy cure such u defuult und reinstute,uz provided in puragraph 18,by cuu�ing the uction �-=
<br />`-�,�:,• � ". _, ,��_,'.. � or procecding to tx�di�mi.ticd with u ruling thut,in Lender���x�d fui�h dc�cmiinution,prccludcs forfei�ure ut'Ihe Borrowcr's ---
<br /> �' � interest in the Prnpeny ur other matcriul impuim�en� of ti� lien crcuteJ by this Security InsuumeM or Leixler's tiecuriry ��=�
<br /> ;;,, ., . , „ .
<br /> intcrest. Borrower xhull ulso lx in drfuuU if Bormwer, durinE the loun upplirution pracex+, �uvr mute�iully fulxe nr
<br />-- ' � inuccurnte informution o�stutemen�.to l.ender lor fuiled to pmvide Lendcr with uny muteriul info�mu�iunl in cnnnecliun with
<br /> �he lann evidenred by the Notc. including, i►ut not limited ti�, repnxntutionti conceming Borcower�accupuncy of the
<br /> � - �;;"a=.�`�-.'-''"`" P�up��ty�+.a p�incipat rcridcnre. If thi�:Security[nstrument i5 nn n Ic��u�hnld:Rnrrower shall romply wi�h ull Ihc provitiions _
<br /> , � of the leuse. It'Bonowcr u�yuiros fcc tiNe tu thc Propeny.�hc Icuxchold and the f'cc tidc.hull n��t merge unle�s Lender ugree+
<br /> � to the me�ger in writing. �„ae�.
<br /> • 7. Protection of I.ender's Rishts in Ihe Property. If Bom�wrr Iliil+ to perlorn� thc cuvcnum+ :u�d ugrcement, r�,_,.
<br /> cantained in this Security Imtrument, ur Ihcre is a Icgul prrxccding �h•r� muy ,igniiicuntly affecl Lcnder: rights in thr ___
<br /> • Pru�x:ny Isueh uti a pr�ceding in bunk�uptcy,probutr,for condemn:��iun or I'orlciture cir k�rnti�rce luwti or r�gulutions),Ihen —
<br /> , ., �: � . • Lender muy do und puy for whvtevcr is n�rc.+ury u�prutcc� thr v.dur af!h�Pruperty und l.cndcr± righi.r in thc Pr��perty. —
<br /> ,; . I.�nder's uctium muy inrlude puying uny�um+�ecured by u licn which ha�priority ovrr this Seruriry Instn�ment.up(xann€
<br />: •• in cuurt,puying rca,onubk uuomryz'i'ec.and entcrinE on thc Pn�Fxrty 10 makr repuir,. Although Lrnder muy luke action �__
<br /> ^a°; ' _ , under thix parugruph 7.LenJcr dax nut huvc to do so.
<br /> • , Any umounts dishuneJ by Lrnder uncler this pur�grrph 7 .hull tkcome uddi�ionul debt c�l' Bnrrower zecured hy lhis �-w'
<br /> „" � Serurily(n�trumen�. Unlc.,Burn�wer und Lendcr u�rec to other icnm��f paymcn�.ihrsc c�muum��hull hrar intcrcxt t'rom the --
<br /> , ' � • �� Jutr of di�lwrsrment at thc Nwc rate und shall ix:puyublc,with intero.t,up�m naicc from Lcndcr tu Borrowe�reyurzting
<br />_ ° ,r- puyment. �`:
<br /> 8. Morlgaae Insurance. I1'Lcndcr reyuircd nturtgagc intiurance a+ a ronditian of'mukin�Ihc loan .recurcd by thi� �.,:
<br /> � . .' Security Instrumcnt. Burrowrr �hall puy thr premium. rcyuired Ie► m:�int:iin �hr nwhgagc inwruncr in cftect. If. tii�uny �
<br />' n;asun. tlte mortgaEr imurunce coverugc rcyuircd hy l.end�r li�rx. ��r rca,c� to Ik in et'fecl. Borri�w�r +hull pay Ihe �
<br /> . premiums n:yuircd to ��Muin rovcrugr +ub��:mliully �yuivulcnl lii tlir morlga�tr inwrancc prcviou�ly in cl'fect. ut u cost
<br /> • .s.. . .uhstantiully cyuivs�lcnt lu thc cust lu Hurrowcr uf Ihc man�age in+uranrr pmviou.l�� in cl7�rt.IYum un,dtrmutc maMguge ---
<br />` • ,.. ., _ . imurer uppmved by Lrn�kr. It'.ub,tanti�dly cyuivalen� munguEe in,urunce covcr:igc i.not uvailuhle. Bom�wcr ahull pay ai 4
<br /> ' L�nder curh monlh a sum ryuul�u unr-twrlfth uf tlx)•rurly murl�i+gr in,ur.mre prcmium Ikin�paiJ by Borrowcr when�he
<br /> . ° , inxuruixe rovcrugc lup�cd or cca�ed Iu hc in�1'fcrt. Lenikr will ucrcpt.u.c anJ rrluin th«c puymrrn�u.u I��+,rr�crvc in liru
<br /> �`::
<br /> � � ot'martguge inwr+mce. Lo,s re�crve puymem,muy n��longcr Ix rcyuired.at Ihe uptiiN� ��f L.en�icr. it'mun�u�r insuranre =
<br /> ' . covera�!c lin thc umoum unJ for Ihc�xri�Hl Ih•rt L�ndrr rcyuirc,l provided hy un in,u�rr a�pproved hy Lendcr uguin tx�come+ �'=
<br /> ° � ,r� uvuiluble anJ i.r ubtsiined.Bum+wrr yhull pay d�r premiumti rcyuirrd k►m:iimain mix��agr in,uranre in ct'fecl.��r ti�pruviJr u
<br /> .. lu.s rescrve.until the rcyuiremrnt ti�r monEa�c in.urm�rr end,iii acrurdunc�w ith any wrinrn siErccnnnl heiwrcn Barrower _
<br />� ' unJ Lcndcr�rr applicublc law.
<br />, . , 9. Ins{tertiun. Lrndrr�tt it.:igcnl ma)•makc rca.ranuhlr rntrir�upon:md im�xrliun+ol thc Prup►rty. l.rndrr shall
<br /> givc Bi�rn�wcr rn►ticc ut Ihr tim�ol'or prior lu;m in.�xrtiun,�kcilying n:►�on:�hle rau.r li�r�hr in,�xrtion. {
<br /> 10. l'nndemnatiun. Thr prucc�d.uf:my:��card ur rlaim tiir danu�gc�.dirc�•i��r rnn.eyucntiul.in runn�rtion with uny w
<br /> .. ti�nElrha�ml�� F'nnnlc\tuc�MYa�ddk�furl'VIF(11t�11\ti'1'Itl'S1F.\7'..l'nilunn�'ur.n.mt. 9�91► qar¢r?,��n�tirer.� �-
<br /> Nrrdl I.�t�ti Hu�M�•.•hnn.-hx� � _
<br /> ,�� T��IN�hr 1:.�11 IJMMI�:MN1:1'1:1��F�.1\��1�.7f11•11:11
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