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., <br /> ;:: .' ��;ti .�j'' ' '�. _�,� ; � �r <br /> ,. .. <br /> . <br /> � � - s _ ..lesarr�:�a��.a�,,:R.�� ,;,.r,;s._•f _ - -_ �.i:.� _.,..._._ _.� ._ - - - — --- <br /> , • <br /> � .. -------------— <br /> _ S.� . - - - _ <br /> �� y "• . . .,= . <br /> -, . • ... :; :':�ti1 �y.'�': .. ",, �B� _ -_ <br /> . .:.,e►,iwrw�r�.ni„ — _ <br /> . N � <br /> . o . . -�. 92— lu�a��� <br /> . �s,. ...1 ..��-. Y� e�r_ �_— .-_ .. <br /> _ �z;�,,.,�,,y�.,w,,,,�,.,LY upplicable low muy sp�eciiy fa�reinstatementl before sule of the Prop►:ny purouunt to uny power of�ule contained in this �_Qy� �____ <br /> : f(� Security Inswmem:or Ib)enuy of u judgmenl enforcing thix Securiry Ins�Nment. Th�se conditions arc that Rorrower: (u) <br /> •r`r` '^` ^ '," pAya Lender nll suma which then would 6e due under thiw Securily Inxtroment and ihe Nuce uw ii no accclerulinn h�d —___ <br /> occurred:(b)curcw any default af uny dher cavennnts or ugrcements;(c1 payx A l l expemev incu r r e d i n cnforcin g thir Securit y __ <br /> . • x -��• � ' Insuumenl. including. 6u1 not limited to, reu.ganable uttamcys'fces; und Idl tukes sucU ucliun ow Lendcr muy reasooably ���__ <br /> ,,, ;;��i��•p,�•��.• require to assure thut the lieo af this S�:curity Inytrumem.Lender�rightx in thc Propeny ond Borrowerk obligation ta p;+y thc �:M_ <br /> .:�,.,,r... :,i, i. sums xecuned by Ihis Security Inytrument shnll rcntinue unchanged. Upan reinstutement by Burrower, this S��curity -- <br /> �_,�:--=_--- <br /> ;,��:t�'"-�' -' 'a�I� • Ins�rumenl and the obligationa secuted hereby whull remuin fully effective as if no acceleration hud cxcur*ed. Nowever,�hic � : ._.--_-______ <br /> ° "� ���� right ta refnslute shall oot upply in the cuse of acceleration under paragruph 17. <br /> ' . " l9, Snle of Note;Change of Loan Servker. The Note ar a purtwl imcrest in Ihe Notc Itagc�hcr with this S��curity �;,;,-,=__. <br /> ' " � Insuument) may be sold one or more timea wi�hout prior notice to BoROwer. A wle muy re�uit in o changc in the entity _.., . <br /> ti,� • � , e " (known ns t6e'Loan Servicer")thut collccts manthly puymenta dur under the Nate und this Security Ins�rument. 7?�ero ulso ,�?_�`_� <br /> •• � may b e one or more c h a n g e s o f t h e L o a n S e rv i e e r u n re l u t e d t o u�a l e o f t h e N o t e. I f t h e re is a chun ge oi�the Lusm Servicer, <br /> � � Barrower will be given written notice oP the change in uccordance with purugruph 14 ubov�und upplicable luw. The notice �'.,�_'_:�'°�.�m'=` <br /> will Gate the name ond address of the new l.oan Servicer unJ th�uddress to which paymems shnuld be made. Tlx noti��e w�ill y���_�--_-. . <br /> •c <br /> � � � " ' nlso contain nny other inform�+tion required by applicable law. �°'�'"-��"�'�� <br /> � ' 20. HAZardous Substances. sorrowrr shull nol cnuse or permit the presence,use,dispo�ul,storage,or release of uny �'� <br /> � Hazardous Substances on or in the Properly. Bortower slu�ll not do, nar nllow unyonc clsc to do,unything ufPccting the =_—_ <br /> �'�_fy._� <br /> � property�hat is in viola�[a�uf Any Environoientul Law. The preceding two senlencea shnll not upply to the prcaence,u+e,ur ____ <br /> • , ' storage on the Propeny of smull yuuntities of Hazurdous Subxwnces that are genernlly re�rgnir.ed ia t+e uppropriute ta nom�ul ��_�•_.�.�_- <br /> ,.,, . ,' residentiul usc�and to maintenance oi the Piropeny. � — <br /> Borrower�hall prompUy give Lender written notice of uny investigution,rluim,dcmund,lawsuit or other uctian by uny �,��;_ <br /> ;�.;;ti, govemmcntul or rcgulutory ugency or private party involving the Propeny und any Haturd��uz Subztance or Envirommntul �::�. <br /> � ' .4��::::=�. Luw of whicb Borrower hu� actual knowkdge. If Borrower leurns, or is nntified by any governmenlal ar rcguluwry <br /> '•�,�3{` autho�ity.thut any rcmovul or other remedialion of smy Huzurdoas Suhstunce uffectin�Ihe Property is necr��ury.Borrowcr . Y .�::_ <br /> ' • �•f���:', � xhall prompUy take ull necexsury remediul uctionr in accordnnce with Envinmmentul Law. __� : .: <br /> °��Y'•�"° � '�� �� As uu:d in�his pan+grnph 20."Haxurdoux Substunces"ure IM�se substance.defined ux toxic ar hazardou,substnnce+by �__�� <br /> „ •�,: , , �,....:.:��.�. <br /> ' �_ ;','�• . •• • . • Enviranmental Law und the following tiubstunces: gasoline, kerosene, alher flammuble or toxic pctruleum pmduct,.[oxir <br /> .. , �•ti:*�•�� pesticides nnd herbicides, volutile solvents, muleriuls conluining u+bestos or f�rmuldehyde.und radioactive muterials. A. <br /> • ' ^;;:���� used in this purugruph 20."Environmen�ul Law"meuns i'edernl luw.und lawx af the juri�diction where�he Pn�peny iti loraecK! __....__ _ <br /> ' that relatc to heuUh,safety or environmentul protec�ion. �*-= <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrower anJ Lender furlhcr covenunt und agree us i'ullows: --` <br /> � 21. Accelerntion; Remedies. l.ender shall �ive notice to Borrower prior to acceleralton following Bnrrower's _�,,._ <br /> breach of any coven�pt or agreement in this Securlty Instrument Ibut nat prior to acceleration under paragrs�ph !7 <br /> —.-= uuies;applkable Isa proeldes alherEVlsc?. The notice shnll s�ify: lal the dePauUi lbl lhe ncNon required lo cure the ��,:;,°`°" <br /> ..��.�_-.,.=_ <br /> .:� • . . - -_ <br /> " dePault;lc►a date,not less than i0 days from Ihe date the nutice is Riven to which the deiAUll must be __ <br /> � cured;and Id►that failure to cure the defaull on ar before the date speclfied in Ihe notice ms�y result in uccele�ation oP ��_. <br /> the sums secured by this Security inst�ume�t und sule of the Praperty. The natice shall further infurm Borrower uP <br /> . � <br /> y . „ � the rlghl to reinstate after eccelerotion and the riRht to bring n cnurt ucUon to assert tt�e non•existence uf s�dePuuU ur ,��.� _ <br /> .,� 'r�`. - <br /> an�•other dePense ol'Borrower to ucceleraUon and sale. IP the dei'aull is nut cured on or bePare the dale specified in •.z. �;, <br /> . " the notice.l.ender at its optiun may require immedlute payment in i'ull oP ull sums secured by this Security Instrument � <br /> ' without further demand and may inw�ke Ihe powcr �if sale and any olher remedies permitted by uppllcable low. � <br /> Lender shall be entitled to cnllect all expenses incurred in purxuin� the remedies provided in this par�graph 21, � <br /> q:;;+77I'r_` <br /> - including.but not limited to.reusonoble attorneyK'feex ond cosls of'tifle evidence. �.��=... _ <br /> Ii the power of!�ale is iavoked.7Yustee sl�all recard u natice of dePault in each couMy in whirh vn}•ps�rt uP the . . -° ___ <br /> Property is localed and shall muil copie+oisuch nMire in the munner preticribed by appllcable Is�«�to Burrower und to --f ,'1;; <br /> " the ather persons prescribed by upplicuble luw. Afler Ihe time reyuired b}• applicuble law,Tru�tee xhall tii�•r public • . � <br /> notice of sale to Ihr persons and in Ihe mannrr prescribed bv applicable lu���. '1'rustee.without demand on Borrower, :_-- <br /> � sholl sell the Property at public aurtNm to thr hi�Ghest hidder ul the limr and place und under the terms de�iRnated in <br /> : the notke of sale ia one ar more purcels und in un�order Trusl��delermine+. '1'ru�tee muy poslpone s�le oP all or an� i <br /> parcel ot the Property by public unnnuncement al the timr und plure ni unp prevG�uslv uhedukd wde. Lender or its -.,,-�;�..._ _ <br /> • de!siRnee may purchase the Proprrty ut uny sule. � ____ <br />- Upuo receipt of puymeM oi'thc pricc bid. Truster xhull deli�•er to the purrhuscr 7lructee's deed com•e�•in�the _ <br />' Property. 'fhe recituls in the 71�ustee ti deed sh�ll tie qrimu Purie e�•idencr of thr truth oP the stutements made therein. r�� <br /> • 'I�ustee shrll epply the pruceeds uP the sule in thr follo��in�ordcr: lul lo ull roxtti und expenties oie�erci�in�the pow•er <br />. , �fr:�i <br /> ' '� <br /> l . . . _',.,_ <br /> � � : .�. <br /> � <br /> �.Y . • .. : <br /> hi�rm�0+�1 9i411 ��hlY�'���/A�al�r�� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> 1t <br /> 1 <br />