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<br /> ___ _ Upoo recdpt of pnymeat of Ihe prke bid� Trustee abwll deiiver to the pucch�er Tn�ctce's deed co cylns tbe _
<br /> pnuperty.The necitals in tbe TruRt�e'�deed sbWl be primw facie evidence of the In�th oi the ctnteme .
<br /> --- Tcustee shWi appiy the prooeeda ot Ihe sole in the tollowi�orders(A)to WI ca�ts�+ad expenceo of exe wer ot
<br /> 11'' sale,Aad thc sale�including the pqymeat ot the Tn�stee's[ees pctwdly incurred+not to ezc�eeed i500 �
<br /> -'�"`� `�:''�`� �6ifditYdtl61li1��X�KM��i1f�i�KlbY J�Uc7�tMai�1�Sd[�ixtX and reasonable attarneys'tees aa permitted
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<br /> _"'�'":=INITIAI$y IAw.(b)to All�ums�ecwed by tbls 9ecurity laetrument;�ad(c),�ay excec�to tbe person or perzoqr le�nl�y entitled W
<br /> ,�;�;��;;� it. �
<br /> ;�;,,�;;�v;.;���,+m;,�a 1,Z. ReoonveyAace. Upon payment af all sums sccurecl by thia Securiry instrument. Lcruler ahull requsst T[ustee to
<br /> _;�.?'�c '�3;�;;,b� reconvey the Pmpeny and sh�ll,surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt sccured by thie Sccurity•
<br /> - ---�°°=��.�aw?���� Instnrment ta Trustee.Tructee shall neconvey Ihe Praperty without wananty w�d without churge to tha pe�son or persana legally
<br /> --- °"'"""'`,°!Pr��^ , entiUad ta it.5uch person or persons shall pay any recondutian costa. --
<br /> --��-'-�•!_-'• +� 23,5ubstitute Tn�stee. Lender,at its aption, may from time to time remave TNStee ard appoint a suaceswx.trustec to
<br /> W"A=�-'�% any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorde�in the county in which this Security Instrument is recordql.Withou� _ _
<br /> _?�''.-�e,��'„ eonveyance of the Property,the suoeessor tructee shaU suaxed t�all the title.power and duties canfened upan Truxtae hercin
<br /> ;�k�;�;,�3:•,;. and by applicable law. -_
<br /> -"�i " 1,4.Request for NMices. Be►rcower reque.sts Ihat copies of th�s notic�af default und ssda be sent to Bormwer'K raddress
<br /> �s'%�.��'� � �t;�;,� which is the Property Address. _
<br /> Ra�,,.____h w: 2S.Itiders to thLv Security lastnrment.lf une ar nwrc riders urc execut��l by &►nowcr aixl recorded tuge�her with thix
<br /> . :'���,;, Secu�ity Instrument,the covenants and agraements of each Fuch rider�holl be incurp�rated into und Rhull c�rtwnJ�nc1�wpplemenl
<br /> •��`� the cavenanta und ugrcements af Ihis Seeurity In9tmment us if�iw rfderls)wcre W purl at thiR Securily In�truimsnt.
<br /> -"�,�_� (Check appUceble bnx(eal) N6Cb
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<br /> S� Ad uatable Rute Rider Cundominium Rider 1-4 Fumily Ridor .�.-,
<br /> ,. �.� ��,.;ri�: J _-..
<br /> -� • �" (lraduated Paymcnt Rider Pls►rmed Unit Development Ridcr Biweekly Puyment Rider � '�
<br /> • �..tf'R�•'�•`• •..
<br /> —�W.c - '�� Ballaon Rider Rate Impro��emcnt Rider Second Homc Rider -x�_;
<br /> '��;,;, : V.A.Rider �ensl l`�P�j`Yl
<br /> �r.,•k
<br /> :,yrv-,k�vau�x,r
<br />- �7l a '��•.��•ti.
<br /> �_ '�*�'' r'� ,�.�`, " THI8 INSTRUMENT WA9 DRAFTED EY: NORWEST MORTOAVE, INC. , 13259 MTLLARD ��
<br /> - . ., ���Y �...,a� _--
<br /> - s � "' '' AVE. � , OMAHA, NE 661374UaG —_
<br /> _.�� � '�"�'�'` —
<br /> -_� .;'•}�, BY SI(3NIN(i BEIAW, Borrower accepls and ugrees to the terms ancl venantx ntalned'n this Security lnxlrumant and =.,.•
<br /> _� , .. , ���
<br /> =� •, in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded wi�h it. / � �rs....
<br /> �L�_r.u. 1 ��.,� _t= Witneages: �' _
<br /> ,_� < <l, 'h. / ` (5eal) ---
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<br />��:r+- ° .. �,yi'�i:�:,:�r," -
<br /> - , � � �:.:}:' ' SfATE OF NEBRASKA. HALL County s.v: �
<br />�-' -`t . . . � The fq regoing instrument was acknowlaiged beforc me this "�a.L duy of .`��1d�f�I[� • �y���''�- • l;c.-
<br /> ',Y. ' ,'..`,'•. ' bY 1!;1e�2c'2 �• �f/1�L�'.t�r.t re-,vq�. �.r,e•,.1 f/lucZriaQ rL��.� �����.se�.� CG.�.� . � �.
<br /> . Witness my hund and notarial seal at ��,:.��:+.� ��y,�. ,.�`- in Aaid County.thr�dule�aforeeaid. -_.
<br /> __ . ° My Commission Bxpires: J'- yC - �i.2 �l, :; � -/ - �-' '. .: �
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