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;it: I �..t;.r��rr�- ., �r� • .lsy: },�r �, i�in, i�,'�..,� :�i��;,.. r � � . .�ti t;�1Yd��l'-_`'4k�ti�G�a�i�.=. _ <br /> , � •.a � 4�':,�,,.` _�,_ <br /> (� ,., ,: ,ti XR��'�""_,_. <br /> R3i� -- -- — . .. . .....�a�e�.��.s..-- <br /> '.i. .2 ' .. - <br /> ��.w� .:? - ' _ <br /> /"f' '�f .,�... 'k^"'' . '_T— <br /> . � ._ ._�..z:_���a':,a•�t�'/("� — '�'-_ - - <br /> —,. _ __ _•�--=-si�s�?-q. .. -n .'-.�.t!".' <br /> 92— 101 s�y s- -_ - _ -_ <br /> � ' 17�T�ansTer of Ihe Properly or p BenelkiAl Interest in&►rrower.If all or uny purt af the Property or uny interegt in it <br /> � �" ""�% iw snld ar transfcRed lor if a heneticial imcrest in Borrowcr is wld ur uunsfcrred und B��rruwcr ir:n�n u natural pen�cml withc�ut �.;-,�,.� <br /> �• ���,'�'•4"`^'�'i•. � L,ender'e p�iur wriuen conscnt. l.cndcr muy. At its aption, rcquirc immedlatc puymcm in fuU uf all tiums sccureJ by this ���_._,,___ <br /> f ,.. .,.., ---- <br /> • Sccurity Insicument.Howcver.�hiK option shull not bc exercised by Lender if cxcrcisu:ix prohibiied by feder�l luw�oi�he Js�te �_ <br /> '' oi'�.hiw Security Instrunknt. _�'°"'— <br /> If l.ender exercises Ihis�iptiun, l,ender slvill give Bortuwer notice uf urcelerntion.The no�icr whull�rrnide a period i�i not <br /> � � I�.rx than 3Q days from the dute the notire ir delivered ur mailed within which &��ruwer must pay ul sums s��cured by this �.,,;;_..- _ <br /> , � Security Instrument. If BoROwer fails to pay these sums prinr to the expirutian of thix peri�Kl, l.endcr muy invoke any remedic.c �?-� <br /> _ __ � prrmitted by this Security Instrument without furlher notire ar demand on Barrower. -- <br /> 18. Borrower's Risht to ReinstAte. If Bc�rrower meeu ccrtain cunJitions. &�m�wcr �hall ha��r thc right t�� hnve �__ _-___--__-, <br /> r""�" ' enfarcement of this Security Instn�ment discontinued at any time prior to the earlirr of: (a)5 duys (or such uther period as <br /> applicable luw muy �pecify for reinslatemenq 6efore sc+le of the Propeny pursuant tu any power af sule conWined in this �.R <br /> i <br /> Se�.-urity Instniment;or(b)entry of u judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditiun.y ure that&�cruwer:(�)puys _ <br /> .� , � 1,ender ull sums which then would be due under thix Security Instrument s+nd the Note w if na ac��ieratiun had uecurred; Ib) �;V:a"�, <br /> t�;�}. .,;r��?,yi{;r.:`': ,..;<, �ums ar►y det`not limited toe reusonable t ari�mtees: and (d)t kec sueh ct on+u l.ender m y��ationubly urequire t Ra�ur� - <br /> .,�r.,,,.c,,..,.:, including, bu ,���`wu�.__,,_ <br />�,`�:'i�. •�i-;;;;;`S;;i.t'i'.�i{iy},'��''ji, <br /> , that the li�n of thls Security Instrumcnt. lx►nier's rights in the Pmperty and Bunowcr'ti obligation tu pay thc tiums saur y �..,��;,:,�.- . <br /> .' v - � ...tYis�l'1"'''u"r'!.;(:_ ��--- � .�iS�S�'�n;:. <br /> � ���� this Security In�trument shull continue unchanged. U}xm reinstatement by BnROwcr, thi� Secunty Instrument anJ the }:��_.� <br /> �� � �` ohligations securcd hereby shull remain fully no uccelerution had�xcurred. However,thi�right to reinstute shall <br /> . , r�.0 apply in thc casc uf uccelcrution undrr pur�graph 17. _.� <br /> l9. Sale of Note; ChanKe nf l.oan Servieea The Nc�te ur u paniul in�creti� in the N��te It�►�e�her with thiti Sccurity �T�--�- <br /> �,:;=;�="�-. <br /> Inwrumcnt)muy In,�►IJ imc��r nx►rc�imeti wi�haut prior n�nirc to&�rrowcr.A wlc muy n+ul�in a rhungr in thc cntily(kn��wn __._ <br /> a�thc "l.oun Scrvirrr"1 Ihut roll��t�munthly paymem�duc undrr thc Notr und thi.S�tiuriiy In�trumcm.Thcrc ulsn nwy hc onc .,,,�.:--- - <br /> • �x morr rhuogr,��f d�r 1 a�un Srrvircr unrelutcd tu a sulr��f the Ni►tc. U Ihcrr i+o rhun�c��f�hr l.aun Scrvircr. Harn�wcr will hc T � <br /> Rivcn w•riurn nunrr�,f�hc ch�m�tr in arr�►rdunu wiU�purugruph 13 uN�wr und uppliruMr I11W. Tlll'IlI�IICI'N•III�Illl�thr nunx tmd ��:±:�1�: --- - <br /> uJJrc,.ul'�hc new la�un ticrvicrr und�hc uJdrr,� lu whiCh puynkniti rhaulJ h� mudc. Thc n��ticr will ulu�cuiHuin uuy ��Ihcr <br /> inlixmauun r�quircd hy,ipplir��hlr luw. � ^� <br /> 20. Hui.�r�louti tiuhNum��x. liarr��w�r ,I�ull nm ruu�r or �xrmi� Ihc prc,rnrr. u,�. di+p�►�ul. ,�urugr. ur rcicu+� of un) � "y'_ - <br /> Fluiur.l��u. tiuh,�uncr, un ��r in d�r Pmpcny. Ni►rrnwcr ,hull n�►� du. rn►r uUow uny�mc rl+c �u J��. un thinN ull'�tii�n� thc �-�:.-, <br /> N <br /> Hru�xrty d�al i� in �•iululi�n►uf any I:nvir�mnumal I.uw. Thr prcrcding �w��umeucr.,hull not upply ta 1 ic prrunrc. ux. ur =_ <br /> .��iru�te un Ih�Pr���xny ol,mull yuumi�ic+uf tla�.unious Suhtituncrs �hu� urc�cnrrully rcr���;nia�J io tk upprupriutr in nurnwl �R� <br /> r�,iJcn�iul u�c�un�l lu muin�cnunr�uf ihc Pra�x:ny. <br /> H��rruwcr.i�„u �����»��iy ���� lAnJer written nnticc ul'uny invc+tiguti�►n.rluim. demund. luwsuit ur othcr nrtion by uiry •_--•--^ <br /> H � <br /> giwcrnnknwl�►r rcgula�ory:�gcncy ix privatc party inv�ilving thr Pr�ipeny und uny Hu�unluu+5ubswnrc ur Environnknial[.uK• , <br /> ��f which &�rr��wcr huti uc�uvl knowl��lgc• If Borrowcr Icams,or iti n�►tificd by uny pavrrnnKntal or regulutury authurity,thut ' _,_ <br /> uny renx�vul or other remeJiation of any Huzurdous Substance ut'fecting thr Pm�xrty iti nece+�ury. &�rrnwcr xhuU prumptly take �_-_� <br /> __-_ --- a!!necessary remediid nction�in uccordancc with Enrimnmentul Luw. �•��'�..�� ._ <br /> a;nY-,.,;-,� <br /> Ax used in this purugruph 20. "Haxardous Subxtances" urc those suhsiunce�dclin�Ki vti u�ric c�r (1:It:tftl�iu��U�iluiiCCa by —_ <br /> Environmentul anJ thc f�illowing +ubtitance�: gusi�linc, kcr��.cne. o:hcr tlannnuhle ur toxic pcimlcum pnxiuc��. tuxic ��y�����4.`;��`-_ <br /> pe,�icides and hcrbicidrs.vulutilr solvcnts, material,runtainirg utibe,to,or IiirmuldchyJe.unJ rudioaruvr materiulti. As u�ai in -, ' _ui'-- <br /> � thi+ purugruph �Q. "�nvi��mmentul Luw" mcan. feJeral lawr nnd luws of the juriydictian wherr the Propert}� i+ lacatc�d [hat -- <br /> relate u�hculth,tiul'cly ur enviranmenwl pral�cliun. ;,��_ <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8urr��wcr:►nJ LenJcr turthcr rovcnunt und ugrcc:�ti lidluw.: ;��«-s��•��rF;__ <br /> 21. Acceleration; Remedies. I.ender.r•hall�ivc notke io Borrowrr prfnr to acccicrution folloN•InR Borrm►er'z breuch • �••�>;�.�„ <br /> of any covenanl or uRnement in this ti��curit�• Instrument (but not prior to ucccleralion ondcr pura�ruph 17 unlrhs :. .��;,�f;.__�_: <br /> applicable law provid�ntherwlx).The nolice shall specity: la)the dePuult; lb)the action reyuired to cure thc defaull; ��.' <br /> � (c)a dAle.not less than 30 duys fr�Nn the date the n��tice i�Kiven to Borrower, b,r•whlch thc default muxt Ix curcd;und ;i;;_ <br /> • td)that fuflurn tn cure the defuult on or Ixforr the date sp�Yifird in the notice may result in accekrution of the sums 1 <br /> � secured by ►his tiirurity Inxtrument s�nd tiulc of the 1'ropert�. Thc noticc shall Purthcr inPorm Burrox•cr nf'thc riuht tu , -_ <br /> ' ' rcinstafe uf'ter accelcration und thr. .iR6t to brinR a couM action to as+crt the mm-rxixtencc of a detauU or um� other <br />! - nP Borrower to accrleration and sale. 1P the default is not cured an ur Ixfore the date sp��ciiied in the nntice. , _ <br />''i I.ender, at itz optinn. may reyuin immediate pavment in full of ull sumz s�tiured b� thir �urity In�trument ��ith�ut ,� :�-� <br /> � fuMhcr demund und mey invoke the powcr of z�le and um�other remcdi�w permitted n�upplicable lan. l.endcr+hull br +�',:T;, <br />! enUNed to collect ull expemrs incurred in punuin�the rem��clir�providrd in thi�paru�ruph 21,includin�,but nat limitrd _^,,:, <br />' � to.r�msonable uuorne�•+'f�tiw und rosts nf title evidenre. '�. �'�"`'' <br /> If the p��wer nP wle is inr•okcd. Trustee tihall re�ord u noNce of default in euch count� in ��hich uny part ot the ��• . '' <br /> Property is I�KUted and�hull muil copies oP tiuch notice in the munner preuribed B�upplicuble la��� lo Burro�+cr and to ;$.�_` <br /> �:: <br /> the other perw►ns prexribed b�•app�icable la��•. Aiter thr time reyuired b�•upplicuble IaN.Tru�t�Y�hall kive publlc notice � -:,,,- <br /> .,:.,_ <br /> �• oP wde tu the perMm+und in the manncr prc.uribcd bv upplicaNlc la�+. 7'ru+t�r. ��itMout demund on Borro��er,shall �cll t _ <br /> thc 1'roperty et public uuction tn the hluhr�t biddcr At thc timc und plure s�nd undcr thc tcrms d�hiunuted in thc nuticc oi' F • • . <br /> , . sak in one or more purccls und in an�•order Trustec determin�h. Tru+t�r mu� p��tpunc+ule of uU or un� purcel uP the � <br /> .. Property b�� puh8c umiouncement ut the timc und plurc of um prc�•foutil� +chednled +ulc. Lender or its drvign��r mey , _ <br /> . purch�se the Praperty al uny sale. � <br /> .� ''•. �', �� <br /> �� <br /> Fam 3028 9190 <br /> �aw•'�o�r, � � � <br /> ,— ' . . .. <br /> _ ' <br /> I <br /> ; � <br /> � -� _ -- _ <br />