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<br /> �, � ,�; � 315504 PLANNED UNIT I)EVEI..OPMENT RIDER PunR
<br /> '� ��'�^�'' �� THIS PLANNBD UNIT DEVBLOPMENT RID�R is mude this zND duy of MARCH �
<br /> ........�.� .
<br /> =- '..`-��-----r,.�---=-=` 1992 .anci ia incurpurateci inw and ahali ix:d�:mc+l to wncnd mui supplement thc Mortgogc. Dced of �---
<br /> .��:. : ,.,....ti
<br /> : •?�cp�+'^�:;+•;'±SF; :..: Trust or Securiry Deed Ithc "Sccu�ity In�trun�ent"1 oi the rame datc. �iven by thc undc�i�t�ed (Ihe
<br /> ...�. `,h,�t`. � �.c� � �`. ••Bormwer") (0�CIIfO 8c�rruwcr'a Nute to NOFtWEBT MORTIiAGE, NC.
<br /> :��'t�aY�ai� �
<br /> .. . . .�r. �f� .
<br /> -��, ..^ ��hc '•[.cnJcr")
<br /> ,:i��v.�.d.;_..
<br />�:���- __
<br /> . • nt' �he +um� dwc unJ�tiw�riu��hc Property dce�ribai in thc Scrurity Instrumcnt urul lacnted ut:
<br /> --� 4J'��....-."-.�h.. %'. —
<br />=';��" � 241� BANTA FE C I FcCLE, 13RAND I SLAND, NE b88�1
<br /> :•�� � o-• ,
<br /> ;.� �_..t..: ,
<br /> - �Pr�q+cny AJdrc.+.�
<br />-�-� °;]�,",�'` �' Thc Prupcny includes, but is n�K IimiteJ to, u p�rccl i�f lan�l impraved w11h u dwellinY, ta�ethcr with other such
<br /> —s ._ . .���'~ . parcels und ccnain conunon u�r+�s und iuciliticx, us Jescrib¢cl in
<br />: � � . " (thc"Decleration"). -
<br />_ . ; :. ^ � � The Prc�rty is u pan of u planncd unit Jcvelopment known as
<br />' � . �• ` REG�NCY BY THE GREEN
<br /> - �Namc of Plunn��l Uni�Develnpmcnq
<br />- ' �''� � (the"PUD"). The Propeny alsn includes Borcawcr'y interest in the honKOwners ussaciation ur equivalent
<br />' ,,. . �• � enti�y ownins o�managing thc common nrcu.c and facili�ics of thc PUD(the"O�vner�Association")und the uses.
<br /> . ". � , benefits und prae�:ds of Borrowcr's intcrest.
<br /> ° , f'1lD COVENANTS. In uddition t�� the cavcnantx und ngrcements made in the Security Instrument.
<br />: , • _Q., , Bonowcr und l.cndcr funhcr covcnant und agrcc uc follows: _
<br />��' ., . A. PUO ObliRalions. Bunowcr nhull perform s�ll of&�rrowcr's: oblig�tiom undcr thc PUD's Constituent -
<br /> � Documents. Thc "Constitucnt Documents" arc thc: (i)Declura�ion;(ii)anicles of incarparution, trust instrument -
<br /> �-- �=,.` - = : - ur uoy ryu+vai��ii d�urn�r�i which crcatcs thc Qwncr.; Asscuiatian: and (iii! any by-laws or oshcr rules nr
<br /> •.�;';;�.; -'. •. ' rc�ulutionx of�hc Ownen Associution. Bormwer shall prompUy pay,when duc,ull ducs and s�ssessm�:nts impos��d _
<br /> r;••:...�, �-,
<br /> �.• >•�. „ pursuunt to thc Conctitucnt Dcxuments.
<br /> �:: „
<br /> 't,y_;':.+' . R. Hazard Iasurance. So long as Ihc owncrs As��xiution nwintaim, with u gene�ully uccepted inxurance _
<br /> ' '``r.'�`t' rumer,a"mASter"or"blunket" poliry in�uring the Propeny which is wtisfuctory to Lender unc!which provides = -
<br /> insurance cover�ge in the amounts, f'or the peri�xls, and again�i the hazards Lender requires, includin� tire und _`
<br />_ � .,'t"�;' • huzurds included wilhin thc tcrm"extcnded coveruge." then: __.
<br /> � (i► Lendcr waives thc provisiun in Unif��mi Covenunt 2 for Ihc monthl�• puynxnt to Lc�xicr of
<br /> I�����., onc•tweltth of ihc ycurly prcmium ins�ullmcnt. tiir hazurJ insuruncc on Ihc Propany; •rnd ;:y-=
<br /> � ,•:�. (ii1 &irrower'. ��bli�euliun under Uniti�rm C�►venunt S tu maimain h:uarJ insurunce cuverage on
<br /> -s; _ �.''
<br /> � � thc Property is dcemed wtixficJ ai�hc extcnt that Ihc rcquired coveruge is providcd hy thc Owncrs Association �••�-
<br /> . policy. �'°
<br /> ��. ��' Borrowcr,hall givc lw�nder prompt noticc��f any lupsc in rcquircd hu�urd insuruncc cuvcragc pr�widcd by ��"
<br /> �`�`,. ' thc ma�+tcr iir blankct pnlirp.
<br /> rr•:.
<br /> �''+�'� • In thc cvent of u dititriNuti�m �ii hururd insurancc pr�xceds in licu ot'rc,�nruti<m ur rcpuir ti�llo�ving a Irnti to -�-?-
<br /> ' , � '� thc Pro�xrty.,or to rommun urcus and I'ucilitir� i�t' Ihc PUD, uny prurc�d� payahl� Io Borruwcr arc hcrcby �`
<br />: . � ° u�+igncd unJ xhull lx paiJ ai LenJcr, l.rnJcr ,hull uppl�• tFn pr�xccds t��thr sums sccurcd by tlw Security "`•�`
<br /> '���'+ Ins�nrmcnt. ���ith any exrc.. paiJ t�i Burr��wcr. �
<br /> ��,:,'�' ; , .• �`.
<br />- S.r.; C. PuhHc l.iabilit}• Insuruncc. Bi�rr��wcr.hall tukc .u�h :utian,as muy hc rcaxunablc to imurc Ihat thc ,
<br /> r.;?� • O�vncr� Ass�xiuti�m muinlnim u public liubili�y in,uruncc ��liry urccpwblc in liimi, anuwnt, and cxtcm ut' G�-,
<br /> �, �
<br /> 1;' . • . coveru�c ro Lcndcr. —
<br />, M'„', . ��_..
<br /> MULTISTATE PUD RIDER-Single Famfly• Fwmlo Ma�IFraddlo Moc UNIFORM INSTFUMENT Farm 31 BO 9180
<br /> .. ` . f'..M 1�il 7 �
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