<br /> ������• .
<br /> ��.,,-�:-- _�.�� ,:��� ,. . :,,= ___
<br /> ��` ��•..�! ��:., .
<br /> _ _ . _ .;�, � .. �
<br /> _,� � • "- J�31yyr��rM�rl'•'• •- __- _�_ _ _ -_ _- - . ..._ - _ . . .. ... .. ._i_� •
<br /> �.-� -_ �Z_ 1 U 18�9
<br /> � ���v --- paymenta may na longcr be requirod,At the opticm of I.cndcr,if mortgagc inaurunce caver�ge(in the wruwnt wxi for the perfad
<br /> K;;��� that Lcnder requires) provided by an Inaurc�oppravod by Lendcr again becames Availuble�nd i.r c�l+wined. Borrowcr�twll ppy
<br /> __,_,��„_,��� the prcmiuma rcquircd ro maint�in�rtgagc insurwxx in effect.or to provide a locs reserve.until thc requiremcnt for mort�e
<br /> ����`"��"�'�?'� inaurtu+ce endx in accordance with at�y w�ilten agreement betwecn Barrowcr aid I.emler ar applicable law.
<br /> .._"s�ti�`:�,- 9. loepectloo. L,ender a� il�Aaont muy mekc reasonuble entries upon and i�uspectiona�f the Propeny. Lc�xlcr�Fwll Qivo
<br /> - aYaa,.r,..�
<br /> --:S��FtB�z�. :
<br /> 9orrower nMice nt the lime of'or prinr to on inspcctian specifying reasot�blc c�ur,c far the insQectian.
<br /> _-��'��-'• 10. GotW�smnatbn. Tha pmceed� of any award or claim Por damages, direct ar cansequen�ial. in connection with any
<br /> �'�`�'���� � candemnatian or othcr taking af any pnrt�f the Pmperty,or for rnnveyancc in lieu of a►ndemrw�inn,aro hereby a�wigned and �
<br /> '"�� � ; . . �� ^��� ehull be paid to l.ender.
<br /> _:.x�j�,;:, ;;' . In th¢event of a total taking af the Propeny,the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument.
<br /> �,_r,��+�°:`•.�h;,;'. � whmhnr or not then due,with any exce.ss paid to Burrawer. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> �x�"°��:'�.`�. t � � � market value of the Property immedintely before the taking is equul to or gre�tter than the simount of the sums secured by this --
<br /> „,ti.�,..,�..,..-�•. • .., t
<br /> • y ;��� ., •• Secu�ity In�trument immediutaly bafora the taking, unless Bnrrower and l.ender otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by
<br /> �-:°�;�,. •F .«�i. ,+.; , �
<br />����� -� '�.';��a�;4,s�����'i',;: thia Seeurity Instrument shall be�r.duced by the amnun� of the praceeAs multiplied by the follawing fractlon: (a) the total _
<br /> • , , r � � ,�f ,amount af the aums secured immedia�aly before the tnking.divided by(b) Ihe fuir market valuc of the Propeny immediately
<br /> �,,,
<br /> t � ���,i{2��� �t, '' before the t�king. Any bAlnnre shall be paid ro Bar�ower. In the evem af a partial taking of the Pruperty in which the fair �.�:
<br /> r '�� r �- � market valuc of the Propeny immatiatcly befare the taking is less than thc amaunt of the sums secured immediately before the k-��r
<br />- ` `,.,!�;:�•� .. : ,.•,� ,�.� ' .
<br /> '=;��. ,;���'�iY��`�T�>."!:�.�:� teking, unless Barrower and I.endec olhenvise agree in writing or unles.c applicable law othenvise provides, the proceEds shall
<br /> �� � ��'.�`�`'"��u bc a hed to the�ums secured b IhiF Securft Instrument whether or nat the sums are then due. -
<br /> ' n. .. ,,,.,•.:•�"j� PP� Y Y
<br /> _.� � a.�•.��+;�,�t";:.'S"'� If the Propeny is abandoned by$arrower.or if,uRer nutice by Lencler to Borrower that the condemnar offers ro make an
<br /> -;;�'�,.-`-- �"`— `'','"''• awanl ur selNe u cluint fur damugas, B��rr��wer fuils to respond to L.endcr within 30 day�uftcr thc dAte the notice is givcn. - -
<br /> �'-�� • ' ° Lendor ia euthorized to collect and Apply the pn►ccrds,a� i�R option,either ta restorWion ar repuir of the Propeny or to the sums
<br /> ' .�. ;.e_�=:��:•�:. :. ' ' recured by thiw Sccurity Instrumenl, whether ar n�n thcn due. �-
<br /> � :h ' •• Unless Lendcr aixl Einrmwcr othcrwitic ugtcc in w�iNng, any L�licatiun �►f pr�k�tiKl, to principul ahull nut extencl ur �
<br /> �, .
<br /> -. • • po�;tpmc thc duc dutc��f 1hc nwnthly puyimnt+rcl'crr4�l a�in purugr�phr,I u�xl:��r ehun�c Ihc am�wn�of wrh paymcnts,. --
<br /> _ . 1 l.Borruwcr Nut ReMucedt Hnrbc�runce iiy IAndur Not u W�Ircr. lix�cmiun of�hc�ink fi�r paymcm ur m�►Jilirution
<br /> • , nf umonii,ation of Uk .uma,crural hy�hi�ticcurity Intitnim�nt �erunt�Kl hy I.�ixler�o uny+uccr��►r in imem.rt�d'&�nuwer�hall --_
<br /> ���`,, . nnt o�n�lv�n rolcu�dk liabili�y�N'Ih��af�tiiwl N�n•r��wr�ur li��rrowor'ti,uccrtiw�n in imrrc��. L.enJcr .r•hull M�t Ix rcyuir�.�l to �
<br /> �; :, ° comnwnce pnkcwdinga uYuinsl iuq� �ucce,w►r in imcrewt��r�:fwc a►cx�enJ �ink li►r puynkn�ar othcrvvi�m�xlil'y wnuniiutiun ---
<br /> � � � of d�e wumx secur�d by tbi�. Security In,�tuukm hy rcuum uf uny denwixl nwJr by Ihr originul &�rruwrr ur &m��wcr'q ��M1;
<br /> ° . • succea�m in Micretii. Any li�rt►e•rremeo by l.ender in exerciHfn�{uny right or rem��ly ahull n�n Mr u wuiver uf ur prerluJe lhe =
<br /> . .` , ,.,"'-..°-•_'-- : ozarcihc af any right or rcmrdy.
<br /> ° '.' ', 12. SuccGCr�nrs and AsvlRn� Bnundt Jolnt and tieveral Llnbility; Co-xiRners. Thc c�►venuntti un�l ugreements of this __
<br /> ` � Security Instrument shull biiui �nd t►enelii thc rucreruirs und u.KSigns af I.enJer und &►rrowcr, subjcct to the provisions of �.:��
<br /> � �` puragraph 17. Borrower'S c�wenxnt�. und agrecment� shull he joint And severul. Any Borrower who co-signs thi!c Security
<br /> �� • . Instiument but d�ies not execute�ha Notc:(ul iti r��-rigning ihiy Security Instrument only to manga�e, grant und convey that !R,
<br /> , &►rmwer's interest in the Propcny under�hc�crms�►f this Securiry Instrument: Ib)is not peroonally obliguted to pay the sums �y
<br /> secured by thiti Security Instrumem; :�nd lc)ugrecs thut [.enJer and uny alher Borrower muy ugree to extend, modify,forbear or ir.:.�'
<br />.�. ' maka nny AcmmmndAtion� with rogiinl to thc terms of this Sccurity Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. =
<br /> _, �, � � '-. l3. I.oun Chwraes.If the loun secumJ by this Scruriry Intitrument ir tiuhjert to u law which sets rnaximum loan charges,
<br /> �� � • � und thut luw i, finully interpreted�u thm Ihc interert�m�Nhcr loun churge� collectcd or to be collecteJ in wnnection with the ��."`-'
<br /> ���:���" . luan exceed the permitted limitr.,then: lu1 uny such loun churue tihall tx reduceJ by the•rmount necessary to reduce the charge - .
<br /> , � ,.�tL��+ to tha permitted limit: unJ Ib)Any� �ums ulrcady rullerted from Borrowcr which excc�Ki��l pemiiucd limits will be refunded to
<br /> • ;"'�'� &�rmwcr. Lender may choosc tn mukc this refutxl hy rcJucing thr principul aw�cJ under the Notc or hy making a direct .
<br />: • `';:�.,'.�;:•;�{',���;,'�;;=�� puyment to Borrower. If a n:fund rcduce� pri�xipul, thc reduction will he treuted as a paniul prepuyment without any _"
<br /> ' i`:�`-. � ., pnepayment chnrge under the Note. -�--
<br /> l4.Noda..w. Any natice��• B�►rn��ver rr�widcd li►r in thix Security Instrument tihall he given by delivering it or by mailing �''��
<br /> � � it by first rinss mait unless upplic��Me Itiw r�yuirr.u.e of:m��nc�r methnd. The notice xhall Ix�directcd to the Ptoperty Address �-`
<br /> a���` , ur any other address Borrower Jo�ignule+ hy nolice to Lcndrr. Any n�nice to Lrixler zhall t►e given by first cluss mui) to �
<br /> ���
<br /> � ' !` ' Lender's uddress slat�'d hcrein oruny othcr �ddretis LenJcr Jetii�tnatc� by na�icc to Borc��wcr. Any noticc pmvidcd for in this ��=
<br /> �,.�.•,� • Securiry Inr�trument yhall Ix:J��nx�ci tu huvc hcen given t��B��rruwer ur l.cnder when giv¢n u,pr�wide,�i in this paragruph. _ --
<br /> � �,.. > l5.Governing Law; Sevcrnbillty. Thi� Scrurity In�trument shall he govcrn�Y! by fcJerul luw and the law of the �=u;
<br />, � ' juriMlf�ti�►n in which the Propeny ir I�xaled. In [hr evem ihut any pmvi�ion or rl•ru,r of this Scrurity Instrument or thc Note ���;
<br /> , � ' . , conllicts with applic•rblc 1•rw. wch contlict,hall nnl ul'tcrl��ilwr provi,i�Hi,uf thir Securiry In,trumcm ur ihr N�>te whirh ran F►e
<br /> , . � givc:n et'f�ct withaut the conllirting pro��i�iun.To this�nd Ilk pr�ivixi�mti of'thix 5ecuriry In+trumcnt und Ihe Note ure declured
<br /> ,?;.
<br /> . to be severablc.
<br /> , ' l6.&►rrnwer'.r Copy.&►rrnwcr.hall hr gi��cn�mc runliwnkJ r�ipy��t'thr N�iie and�►f thiti S�tiurity In�trument.
<br /> Form 3028 9190
<br /> n,��„a�d e t'
<br /> _ . . • .. �. _�
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ' �!- - _ - I
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