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�...�..R,.s._ ._;. �,,� _ _ <br /> �� ---— -- �r.' -.�.�, `._ .—� __---__ . .�� <br /> _- . . _ _ .Sbi- . - <br /> �-: . <br /> • .,,a'.+�A1.c,r•' ,. <br /> . <br /> , <br /> , , . _ <br /> .— . �� 92— ioi8�9 <br /> -�_____�.�-,�, <br /> ���� ��,_.� s� �� o� propp{y i�ura��ce. B��rr+ower slwll koep thc impravementx now exiating or hercaftcr erocted on tho <br /> Praperty insurod aQaitw locs by lire,hAZercix includal wi�hin�hc term"ex�cndcJ ruvcroge" aKi uny�ther hazards. includin� <br /> ___ --=_--�� ikxidK��r floading,far which L.ender requireN inRUrancc. Thix insurance shull Ix maintained in the unx�unt�wul for the periuds <br /> that Lendcr requires. The insurunc�e cunior pmviJing thc intiurance whull hc ch��sen by Borrower�uhjcct to LenJcr'�upproval _ <br /> .a■�-,ao--' '.; <br /> '�"�'"�;,•'���.�' which shall nat be unrear�nably withheld. U 8nnower foilr. lo nwintain coveruge de+cribed abave, l.eixier ms�y, at l.ender'� <br /> —_'�l�k�_..3;1��• <br /> --�''�'�` �"`°� option,obtain covemge t�prataK Lender'r�igbtn fn the Pmpeny in acc�mla�ce with pur�,graph 7. <br /> ��4. <br /> ��, � _ 4 All insurance policies nnd renewAlK shol! bc ucceptAble to l.emfer und xhull include u .timdurd mortguge cluuse. Lender — <br /> _ slwll have the right to hold the p►licles and renawola. If l.ender requires,Barcower shall prumptly give w 1.�:nJer u0 rccclplti uf - <br /> , ..s.�;-r ,,_h; paid premiums and renewal natices. In the event of la�s.&�rcower xhaU give prompt nutice to the insurance carrier and I.ender. <br /> �, " Lender may make prc�of af lasx if not made prom�xly by Barrower. <br /> •�,��� . -- <br /> •,.�i����'" ` Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwise agrQC in writing. insu�ance pnxceda shull be applied ta rextorntion ar repair of the <br /> �'.�nr�r?:�;�:;,;+j';` Properry damaged,if the restarntian or repair iw economically feasible and Lender's securiry is not lessened. If the restoration or <br /> '~� •:�`""°`.�•-�':." .`•` repair is not economiailly feasible ar Lendar's security wauld be lessened. the insurunce pra:eals shall be applied to tha sums <br /> �.::_.: <br /> �,:', . � secured by this Securily lnsttument, whether or not Ihen due,with any excess puid to Butro�ver. If Barrower abandons the �;;�;�; <br /> ---•�,:^���� '�" ���' Property,or does not answer wi�hin 30 duye u nncice from Lender that the fnsurnnce carrisr has offared w setUa a claim. thsn �--• <br /> =�����':{`��"'`"�`''°��i� { Lender may collect the insurunce proceed4. I..ender mu use �he mceeds to re air or �stare tho Property or to pay sums <br /> --`�,>,;2;.�:''�x<', .,.sr•. Y P P d::.�= <br /> '_:�;��'���'!������'`� '�� secured by this Security I�slrument,whe�hcr or n�x then due. The 30-day pericx!will begin when ths natice ia given. <br /> —,=;;"�°,�::.:•• . '::'•' Unless l.ender nnd Horrower atherwiye agree in w�iting, any application of p�aceeds lo principal shall nat extend ar ��: <br /> -- —'-._�'t9.;R:�+,`;;''?�.�,';;�jL .. '�w: <br /> ---:�F��-•�'• `�r•c, postpone the due date of the monthly puyments referred to in paragrnphs 1 and 2 or change the umount of the pAymenta. If �;: <br /> a—��� ��:�,� under paragraph 21 the Praperty is acquired by I.ender. Horrower's right ta uny insurance palicies and proceeds resulting fram �;' <br /> �=t�!� � °i . �. — <br /> T�� t �'''���� damage ta Ihe Prc�perty priar to�he acquisiticxe shall pass to l.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Serunty lnstrument _ <br /> �-a:ia„r i.' - ._ �<<'��f3�"� �.� ,:. <br /> :- — ,.!f.2„ i:,�+,. <br />„•=., .. , :;,,.r;;;,�t�:•;,,�;.. immediately p�ior to the acquisi�ion. ----- <br /> �"''•'�`�'� ' 6.Occupnncy,Presen'ation� hfaintenance and Protection ot the Property; Bnrrow�er's Loan Applicationi I.eAr�holds. <br /> :::�` ' ;.'- , , �.� <br /> ,.�..:�..,� <br /> '_��. �, • Borrawer shall occupy,establish,and ur,e tha P`operty as Bormwer's principal reridence within sixty days after the exccution of <br /> � this Securiry Instrumem and shall continu¢tu�ccupy the Propeny nr, &►rrower's principal residence for ut leuxt one year uRer t?� <br /> -- °,�4�w.� . , the date of occupancy,unlexs Lender othenvixe Lgrees in writing, which c�N�tient hhull not be unresi.umubly withheld,or unlexs �'�- <br /> -�:�;� . • ° � � extenuating circumctances exixt which ure beyond Bon'awrr'� c�mtriil. &�r�ower yhall n�N destroy, dumagc ur impuir Ihe �t� <br /> ��;;a,,.,,,: Pmperty, ullow thc Pmpeny to detariura�a, o� commit wu+te on thc Propcny. e�►rr�►wer.hull hc in dePuuU iF uny li►rfci�ure �_.�, <br /> : :•• •Y � � .. uctian or pracee�iing, whcther civil iir crimioal, is tkgun�hut in l.endcr'+ K�NxI fuilh judgmrnt r��uld re.rult in li►rCeituro af the !�-�� <br /> : �+., � � `. Pr��peny or otherwi�c muteriully impuir Iha lien c�eut��l by thiti Security In,trunxnl or I.e�xlcr'�tirrurily in�crc.t. W►rrawer muy �,. <br /> ' s .F:�+r�+�:..,-�'_ - cure such u default cuxl rcin��utr,uw p���vidud in parugruph IK,by couwing Ihc ucti�m�►r pr�x��Jing a►f+c Ji�mi�uxl wilh u ruling <br />_ — - _. --_—__ —_ <br /> ' '� ' Ihut, in lxnder'� g�w►J tuith d�HCrn�in�niun. p���rludes forfciturc ��f the surc�+wcr'� intere�t in Ihe Prciperty nr othcr mmcriui <br /> . - imp•rirnknt of the licn crcuted hy thix Sacurity Inxtrumcn� ur L.cnder's,ccuriry intere�t. Borc�►arr�hull ul+�� bc in dofault if --. <br /> ° . Bnrrowcr,during�he loun upplicatiun pnx:eKx.guve muteriully fulse ur inarrurutc inlimnad�m�ir rtutemcnt�to l.ender(ar failed _ <br /> ' " to provide l.encler with uny muteriul informutionl in connecti�m wi�h the loun evidenreJ by the Note,incluJing, bul nnt limited __, <br /> ° to, reprcsentations coneerning &�rrower'�i>ecupuncy oP the Pri�x:rly us u prinripul reside�x:c. If thi�Sccurity Inxlrument is nn a _ <br /> • leasehold, Bonower shall comply with ult the pr�witiiuns of the lease. 11' Bom�wer ucquinat foc tiUo to the Property. the <br /> . Icaxehold und the fee title shall nnt mergc unlesti Lender the merger in writing. �� <br /> � � 7. Protectian of I.ender'�Ri�htg in the Prnperly. If Borrower fail�,to perfi►rni thc covenunth and agrcemems cantuinal in •.- <br /> � � this Security Instniment. or�here is a lapul pr�ice�iing thut may significantly uff'ect l.ender's rights in the Propeny (such as u �"-� <br /> � � pn�ceeding in bankruplcy,pmbutc, for condemnutiiin i�r forfeiturc or to cnfiirre luwti or regulutii►ns), then Lender may do And �}:` <br />° `�'� pay for whutever is necess:►ry tu prcxect the vuluc of thr Propeny und l.endrr's riFht� in the Propeny. L.endcr'ti uctiom mny ___ <br /> 7 ��� h•••�.::}!,'��;`��= ! include puying any sums secured by a licn which hati prioriry uvcr thix Securiry Inxtrun�nt, up�xaring in roun, pnying <br /> , t <br /> �� . • , • . reasonuble uttorneys'fec�and entering un the Propeny to makc reprirs.Althcwgh L.cnJcr muy tuke uction under thi�puragruph �_. <br /> ` . `� . 7, I.ender does not huve to do so. - <br /> " ' . ., Any amounls disburtied by Lendar wxler Ihix p•rragra�ph 7 shull Ixcome �ddi�i�mul Jebt of Borrower secured by this <br /> :e <br /> • Securiry instrument. Unless B��rcowcr and I.ender •rgrcc ta�nher �crms��I'puynknt. thexc umountz shull bcur imerc,t from the <br /> . �; <br /> date of disbursement at the Note rata and shall t+e p:�ysiblc, wi[h interctit, upon n�nirc from lxnder to Borr�iwer r�yueaung �,._ <br /> - ment. �`:'�`• <br /> �.:�; ' �y 8. MortgaRe Incuranee. If L.enJer reyuired murtgage insurancr u+a candilion��f nu�king the li�an�unYl by this 5ecuriry �`�� <br /> ' . Instrument. Borrower xhull puy thc premium� r�yuircd to maintain the rmmgugr imuranre in eFtect. If, fiir any rc•r.uin, the - <br /> • � �� ' mortgage insuronce rovcrugc rcyuireJ Ny I.endcr lupscs or reau� to lx in effitit. Burn�wei• +hull pay the premium� reyuircJ to �:. <br /> , "��`�• � obtain covcruge subsluntiully eyuivulant to thc monguEe inxurunre prcviously iu efl'ect, ut u rust+ub�tantiully equivulent to the �. <br /> �' ''�.��:� •„ cost to Bortt►wer of tlk miirtgugc inwurancc previuu,ly in cff'cct. I'rum c►n altcmulr murltiugc in.urer upproved by Lendcc If • <br /> � • � subswntiully equivalcnt rnnrtgugc in�;uraikr ruvcruge i. n�n a�'ail:ihle, B��rruwrr+hall pay ti� LenJcr curh month a sum cyual ti� <br /> • ' ' one-twelflh of the ycarly mungu�c inr+urancc prentium hcing paid hy H��rrowcr H•hrn Ihc imurimcc c�n•eru�e IupaKl ur rea,��l lo <br /> be in effect. Lcnder will accept,use und retuin thcsc payment�u. a lu,. rc.rrvc in lieu �+I' mi�rtgugc in�urunc�. Lo.. rctier�•c i <br /> � Form 3028 8180 j. <br /> . 1 PMM d.�I fi <br /> ��.. <br /> ' <br /> it� <br /> • , F <br /> r <br /> �. <br /> . ' .l� ' , . ' . <br /> ... ' '' ��' , .� .. ' ' t <br /> • � <br /> ' � _ _.___. 1 <br />