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•i�t��l'(I �[ <br /> •r.r , _ _ <br /> � . , _. .r. -- <br /> n <br /> _ ' . <br /> ��Y �_t . ...�4.:�dr.::_ <br /> _ <br /> .- .---- _'... ,� . . . - -._.� <br /> . .������ � � ��� <br /> . . ,...�::_�.�..�..:.. _ ..__- <br /> . w . ' V��� 1 O�V/V �--,_-- <br /> ''.j�R ti;:;.!(1�.'����'' �..i <br /> '�,�,., TOOETHER WITH all !he improvcmcmK now o�herca{'tcr crected�n the property,wid All eaRemento,appuAanrrua. +uid _ <br /> --�'-"�-^:•� .��� ' flxwrea now nr hercafter A pun of the prn�eny. All replucemen�� und +uldidnn� �hall alro be coverod by thir Secu�fty <br /> d Inrtrumcnt,All uf�hc fan�going ira refcrrcd d►in thiK Security M��rument ux�he"Pmperty." <br /> :�y'.,,, . :�'�:�. �,: <br /> �?+r�°t r��"���4 -- BQRROWER COVENANTS that Burrowcr is luwfully r�ir;eJ of thc eulute hcreby cnnvcyed und hu.r Ihc right tu grunt�+nd <br /> ``��''''�`�'� ' c��nvcy thc Pr��petty anJ�hut the Pr��perly is unr.ncumhen�J,except fiir encumt+rnncex uf rcc��rd. &�ROwcr wurran�c and wlll <br /> a;K;....;.� ., ;�• � �t:�:M�----- <br /> �'-.,.. .�.,,;.,�,,,� � . . ciefenJ generully the iiUe to the Pr��peny uguin�:t ull cluimr�and demunJa.s�uhjec�t��ony cncumbrun�cr�of recurd. <br /> :'�::� � <br /> �` ` " TNIS S�CURITY INSTRUM�NT cumbinc+unifiirm c�wc�wnts fi�r nutiunul u�e und no�-unifnrm cove�uux�+with (imitod <br /> .' ,:. , �.�. ... -_ ___ <br /> ' "' ' �{:-"- - vuriuti�m�by jun�diction in cunruw�c u uuifu�m�curity inrtrununt covcring rcal pm�xny. � _ --- <br /> ��'�'�`"'"'.'."a' UNIFORM COVENANTS. &�rrower und l.cndcr cuvenunt and ugrce ux fi�llawx: - <br /> � � 1. Payment af Princippl and Interesti PrepAyment and I.Ate Cha��. &�rrowcr shall promptly puy when due the <br /> "'�{��•.°'.��� p�incipal af and intercRt an the deM evidencad by the Note und uny prepuyment and late churge.duc undcr the Nate. s � <br /> _ ,;e��.,s-:'..��:.:. 2. Funds Por TAxeK wnd Inxumnee. SuMject tu upplicublc luw or to� written wuiver by Iw:nder, &�rruwer shull pay to <br />- � .;�,�•,•.:... <br /> .��:W��" � Lender on�hc Jay manthly paymemc+u�e duc under thc Notc,until the Note ix puid in full,u tium("Funds")fiir:lul year y taxes - <br /> ;tr,�� ';, and usseswments which mny nlluin priuriiy over this Sccurity Instrument a.+u lien on the Property:(bl ycurly Ie�seholJ paymenta ___ <br />�=:,�� � •' •'• '•� ~•�-•� ar ground rentti on the Prc►peny, if uny:lc)yearly hu•r.a►d or property insurance premiums;(dl yearly fl�M►d insurs+nce premiums. ����----- <br />','�� . , if any: le)yearly rnc�ngage inaurAnce premiums, if any: und ifl uny sums payuble by &rrmwer tu l.end�r. in uccordance with -x _- <br />-.-;:; , . � the pravisions oP pumgr•rph 8,in lieu of the puyment of mortguge intiurunce premiums.The�;items ure culled "Escrow hems." _ <br /> Lender m�y. At uny time,colkct and hold Fund� in an amount nat ta exceed the maximum Am�unt a Iender for a fodernlly <br /> ��, '�,u�}�,r �. , _,._ related mortgege loan may require for B�rrower's excrow ucmunl under the fedcrul Reul �.titate Settlement Pmr.edures Act of �;�.�.J.. <br /> �;•1,�.�+e"f'�' ' ?l: 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2b01 er sey. ("RESPA"),unless anothar luw�hut applies ta the Funds _. - <br /> '�"•i%''•'�'1t �.���'"�''��";. sets a lesser artxiunt. If so, I.ender muy, ut any time, collect und hold Funds in an unx�unt nnt to excsed the lesser mm�unt. <br /> . ':,.�° '`i . ' , , <br /> - . �'i� � •r: •:;�:,,:::!;�'� L,ender may estimaie the amaunt of Funds due on Ihe basir of current duta And rea.tionable estimates of expenditures of fuwre .,r[�,�a <br /> :� �, .;.t..�.,.,.,.,,,i. �,. , ���,.�, <br /> . ;, ;:;,:,:;•:: . � Escrow Items or utherwise in uccordnnce wiih upplics�ble luw, ��.�••„� <br /> ' �' � ���'"r' � + The Funds shall tx held in un institution whose dcp�sUs ure insured by u federal ugency, instrumcntulity, nr emity : �,,:__ <br /> •r• . .,�..; ,. <br /> . . .,� �: :,� �';,r ,st.;:4,,. :,�,,:a --- <br /> '_.�t;�;�r�•• • ' �� •��"� (including l.ender, if Lender is such an instituti�n)ar in uny Federnl Home I.cian Bunk.Lender shull npply the Funds to puy t e �.•�_z._�� <br />. . . ,' -�.r.-:�{,;.��, �- � -- _ <br /> ; y .:.i.�,.;-E�;+f;, „-;..�;..:.; �serow Items. I.ender may not rhurge Bo�rower far halding and applying the Funds, unnually anulyzing the e.rcrow acecwnt,ar -_ <br /> •�` '1 '�. ;;?' ';��.�'� vcrifying the Exrow Item�, unless ta:nder puy�Borrower inlcrest on thc Funds und upplirublc law permitti l.ender to make such " � <br /> ��.;•.,•:.:... ...: .. .. <br /> • i.�+��•� a charge. H�wever,L.ander may reyuire BnR��wer to pay u one-time churge li�r an indepenJent reul eti�ate tux rep�►rting service ��:��ti: <br /> � '� : ---_. <br /> ,. � ° . usod by L,ender in connection with thix Inun, unless upplicaBle luw proviiMz o�herwixe. Unlcsti un ugreement is mudc or �� <br /> upplicuble luw rcquirex intere+t tu be puid. IxnJer�hull not Ix� rcquireJ a�puy&�rrower uny intere��nr curning+�m the FunJ�. � _ <br /> &►rmwer und l.ender nwy ugrec in writing, howcver,tha�intcre�t+hull Ix puid un the FunJti. l.cnJcr�hull give io Burrowcr• �.u�,�,�:� <br /> wf�hout rhurgc. un unnuul uccounl�ng�N thu Fundr. .ri��wiug c���iit.aad d�his�t��ihr Fwu1s :u►d tl+r �+��r!"'u• li�r whinc �uch _ --- <br /> Jcbit u�thc FunJ,wu+nwdr.Thc Fund.arc plrJ�cd uti uJJitianul Kcurity ti�r ull�um,>xcurcd hy Ihi�Scrurily tn,trumcnl. �=,�="' ,� <br /> If thG FwiJti Fkld hy Lrndrr exc�tid�hc unH�unt.�rmiurJ�u Ix hrlJ hy sippliruMr Irw. I..ndrr tihall urruurn tu liorn�wrr =-- <br /> ti►r the exce,�Fund�in ucce►rJunre wiih Uir reyuirenuntti uf upplicablr luw. U the um�iunt uf�hr I�unJ.hrlJ by l.endcr ut uny _- <br /> � • timc iti nat.uffiricnl ta pay tlx:E+rraw Ilem�whrn Juc. l.�nJrr nwy,o nntify Burcowcr in wri�ing.a�ul. in.uch cux &�rruwcr �� ��.: <br /> � shull puy to l.cndcr the amount nrce,+�ry� lo mukr up�hc detirienry. Borrower shull mukr up Ihc Jclicictxy in no murc Ih;►n _ <br />.. . ° twclve momhly l.endrr'�u�lu di,rrcliun. �_ <br /> Up�m puymrnt in lull of ull wntr. �e�ured hy thiti Sccuri�y In+lrununt. I.enJcr.hull pramptly rcl'unJ u� [3�►rruwer any N_.rt-••---- <br /> Funds hcld by LenJcr. If,undcr puru�ruph?I. Lcixicr+hull uryuirc ur.cll thc Pn��ny. l.cnJcr. prior w thc ucyui::itian ur wlc .��_•,•�•-• <br /> Y �;��'..s.�.... <br /> of the Propeny. �hull upply any Funds hald by LenJcr ut thr�ime of arquinitiim ur salv u�u credit •rguinr:t the tium�s��currd b -r+F_^ <br /> ,s_ -.., <br /> thiti S�:curiry In+trument. ` <br /> �.:'��•.• ''t: <br /> • 3.Application of Puyments.Unlc.s applicablr law providc.uthcnvi+c. all paymcntti rcrcivcd by LenJcr undcr pur�graphs � ;�. <br /> . :�:: E..;'.'....=.r�. <br /> ' � '�•�•`:• , . I unJ? �hull Ix upplicd: tirrt. t��uny prepaymcnt chargr�duc wiJrr thc N��tr. .ccond. tu unH�unts puyublc undcr pur.+�raph 2: p . _ <br /> ' '��+;'`:;�� third.�o in�crest duc: tirorth.lo p�incipul duc:uixl lu,[,a�any lutc r hargr.Ju.un dc r t hc N u t r. :,�. <br /> � a. Chary{es: Llenti. Bi�rrowcr shull pay ull laxrti. a,se+�nunn. rhurgc+. linr.unJ im�xniti�,nti uttrihwablc ta thc Pru�xhy � . .���- <br /> . � which muy attain pri�►riry ovrr thir Serurh� In�trunxnt. anJ Ira.rhuld paymern+ur gruunJ rent�. il'any. Bor�ower �hull pay ' ,.�,,� <br /> �. �';,;•1�;, .� thesr��bligmi�im in thc mm�ncr pr�widcd in purugrurh 2.ur i(nut paiJ iu�h•rt mannrr.B�►rra��•cr�.h•rll pay thrm on iimr Jirccdy ... +f: <br /> .�''- to thc�xron ow�til p�ymcnl. Bnrrna�cr�hall promptly furni�h to Lrixlcr all nutire,ul'amuuniti a,t+�paiJ undcr thi.purrgraph. ;,:,.,,.:���:- _ <br /> .� If Born�W�cr nwkr.thc�c payimnt�Jircrtl�•.Rormwrr�lu�ll promptly 1'urni�h a, Lcndcr rrccipt�cviJcncing�hc puymentti. �'"--. <br /> � • ' '•� ' Borrower�hull prompdy Ji�hurgc any licn whirh h•r�priuritp uvrr dii.Securi�y In.�rumcnt unlc..Born�wer:�u)ugrec+in _ � . ' %�.� <br /> : writing ti►Ihe puyment al'the��hli�utiun,crur�J hy thc licn in a manner ar�eptuhlc to LrnJcr, �h►r� g�xxl I'uith�hc lirn .:.x;+:,':'_ <br /> by, or Jcfcixl+ again�t cnti►rccmunt uf thc licn in. Ickal prurrrJing, u•hirh in thc Lcnder', ��pinion u�xra�e to prevent thc <br /> �,;, <br /> � entiircem�m��f the licn:or 1�1,c�urr+I'wm Ihc hulJrr ol'ihr lirn un agrccmcnl,aii.tiirton• ia l.cndcr wt►��rJinutin� tlic licn to , <br /> � thi.S�tiuri�y In.uvmem. It'I.cndcr detrrmine.thu� :uiy ��art �►f thr Prup�ny i+ ,ut►jrr� 1�,a li�n �•hirh mu>• allain priurity nvrr � <br /> '�� thiti Scrurit}� hi�trununt. I.rndcr muy gi�•r Rurrmcrr a n�»irr iJcmif�in�thr lirn. H��rm��cr.I�ull �au�l� �he licn��r tukc unu ur <br /> mare of thc uctiun�,�t tiirth nhuvr within 10 d• U�c gi�•ing�,I nulirr. <br /> . Fbrm 30Z8 8�90 �� <br /> � Pau�•t,�i�, �' . <br /> F <br /> c <br /> i <br /> � ; � <br /> . , <br /> �.: � . ---� - � - <br />