•� j �;c�' ��isrrz. �•.;:', �! r
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<br /> T,;�-�;�� upplicublc law may spccffy for rcinstatement) bcfora sale of the Piropeny pun�uarN to any pawcr of e�ale conlained in this
<br /> - Secu�ity Instrument;or(b)entry of u Judgment enfatcing thix Secudty Instrument. Thoce conditions are thut Borrower. (u)
<br /> _ _- �,.�; paya Lender all sum� which then would be due under thi� Secudty Inxtrument und�he Nate as if no acceleradon had
<br /> ;����;� � occurted;�b)curcR any default af uny dher covenants or egreementx;lc)paya all ezpenxea incurred in entarcing�his Security
<br /> °" ' �`�''" Instrument, including, but not limitrd ta, reusonoblc anomeyx'fees;and(dl takca�uch ac�inn ag l.endcr may rcuxanably
<br /> �� '.:tif'�'•'" �'.a ' l c._ _
<br /> _ .,���, rcquirc�o ussure thut�he lien af'this Secu�ity Ins�n�ment,l.ender4�lghis+in thc PrapcRy and Rorrawcrk obiigu�ian to puy the _ _
<br /> =i"`•�-; �'� suma xecurcd by ihis Serurity Inxtrumem shul! cantinuo unchanged. Upan relnatutament by Bomnwer, this Security '-`"_
<br /> �=. � �,-•t ., • � Inbtrument wx1 the obligations secured hereby shall rcmain fully effective as if no accelermion hud occurred. However,this �__-__
<br /> � ,, '"' tf�itt to reinawte Rhall not apply in the case of accelernlian under parogrnph 17. _
<br /> _����� Y't�,;�.,.'���.�' ' 19. Sale of Notet Cbwnge ot I.00n Servker. The Nute or u partlul imere4�In the Notc pogether with�hiR Secur�ty _
<br /> �"°b"'"�1'''''�`�' �� � Insirument)may be sold one ar mcKe dmes withaut prior notica to Bonower. A sule may result in a change in the entity
<br /> ���•:.:_�,..��:i� . � -__
<br /> �'`' � � ' (knawn aa the"Loen Servicer")that collectR monthly puyments due under the Nate and Ihia Secu�ty Instrument. There also __
<br /> ,�:::.,..,n,., � �r ,�U . ;
<br /> • may be one or more chnnges of the Loan Servicer un�eluted to�snle of Ihe Note. If there is a chunge of the L.00n Servicer, _
<br /> ',�:v�`� ,_ � Borrower wfll be given wrltten notice af the chenge in accordunce with parugmph 14 ubave und npplicnble law. The notice � _
<br /> ���� - - - � _ will stute lhe nume and uddress of the new Loan Servicer tmd the addre.rs lo which payments should he made. The notice will �-__ ___
<br /> - :•z�,:.;::,�,;aa;';:.' '• � xlso wntain any other infarmutian reyuired by upplicaMe luw. �
<br />.,�� •��;�� i , •�. 20. Hazw�dous Substances. Bortower xhall not cuus�or permit the presence,use,disposal.storuge,ar release of any
<br /> ,:-�:.`',�� r � w �.�
<br />-=i�,�yt'�',��;;:N�>�„�,�.;'.� ,; F]:rzardous Subs�ances on ar in �he Property. Borcower+haU not do, nor ulluw anyor,e ehe to do,anything uffecting ihe �
<br /> -- re��;�6t,�1���i}�,,:��. Pro}+rrty that is in violation of Any Environmental Law. The prcceding twa sentenceti shall not apply to the presence.use,or �
<br /> �,�`,��- ,� " �"'•.�s 9tornge on�he P�roperty af small qunntities oF Hazurdoux Substunce�Ilw[�re generelly recognized to be�pproprlate to narmal �_- _
<br /> ,rrs,aws�� ..: . .,T••;
<br />_.��. : residential use�und ta maiotenuace of the Praperty. �`��-=.---
<br /> � ,�,;;._!'.��� � �orrawer qhAll promptly give Lender written notice c�f any invewtlgn�ion,claim,demand,Inwsuit or ottier action by any —��"��
<br /> ;�� �,�`'� ` '. � . govemmental ar regulutory agency or privute pany imotving the Proprny u��l uny Huzurduu�Substencc or Environmcntal
<br /> _ `� `�fyr,y�(,i._ � 1.AW qf which Harower hn.� uctual knawledgc. lf Borruwcr lenrns, or is no�ified by any govemmental or regulatory }t,�t _
<br /> - ' . uuthariry,ihat any removal or other remcdiaiion of uny Huznrdous SubAU►nce affecting ihe Property is necessnry,Borrower ���„�is„
<br /> " shaU prompily iake uU necessary remedinl uciians in uccordnnce with Environmental L�w. �;v•��-
<br /> " "' ' As used in this parugrnph 20,"Huzardous Substonces"ure ihose su bstunces defined as toxic ar huzardous substances by
<br /> � . . ,; � � Environmental Luw and the fallowing�ubstunces: gasolinr,kerosene. ather flumm�ble or toxic petrolcum products,toxic °�::�:z;�-:
<br /> ,;.�
<br /> •;�" �;;;, . • p�sticides and herbicideF, volAtile s�lventr�,mAterials con�uininF usbestos or furmaldehyde, und ruJiouctive mattrials. As ,,���.�d�
<br />_ • used in this parn�ruph 2Q,"Environmemal I.uw"meanti federul Inws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located ,�, ,.;.:
<br /> ,���. " that rclule to health,safery or en�•iranmentul protection. f t���;�tir'°--
<br /> ..,: ,.
<br /> ^ NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrower und Lender furlher covcnunt und ogrec us follows: 1;�� 1��-,�'
<br /> � � "' � " � �` 21. AcceleraUon; Remedies. Lender shpll give notice to Borrower prior to Acceleratlon Pallowing Borrower's �
<br />- ' � breach of any covenwnt ar agreemen!in this Security Ingtrument(6ut not prlor to acceleration under paragraph 17 .�.!�} �
<br /> ,;:::,:..:.
<br /> •���y��•�-�.�� . oo lesv app l i c n b l e a w p r o v l d e s o t N e r w i s e l. T h e n o dce shell s p e cl f y Iwl Ihe default;lb►Ihe actbn required to cure the _;:_:,^�;�'
<br /> dePault;(cl A date.nat less then 30 duys from the date the notice is given to liorrower,by which the detault must be =°�_
<br /> cured:and Id)that i'Ailure to cure the default on or bePore Ihe dute specifled in the notice may result in acceleradon oP �'����
<br /> , ' `' the sums secured by thls Security In�lrument And sule of the Property. The notice sNull further ioPorm Borrower of ��:.:�.-_
<br /> � • the right to�einslpie efte�acceleration and the risht to bring a court uctlon to As.sert the non-existence of a dePault or ���-�,:
<br /> � ,, any other defemse of Borrower to acceleration and sale. IP the defrault i�not cured on or beiore the date specified In =_____-
<br /> . �•;, the nodce.Lender at its aption may require immediute payment in full of ull cums secured by this tiecurity Instrument �,�,,.�,.,_
<br /> • � • withont farlher demand and may iovoke the power of sale and s�py other remedies permitted b�� applknble law. `
<br /> � •r•� Lender shell be enliNed to cnlleet ull expensex incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this pars�graph 21. ����`
<br /> • " �� " Inrluding.but not limited to.rewrwnuble uuurneys'Pees nnd costs oP title evldence. -- -
<br /> . ' „ � •� . IP the pnwer of wde Is invoked.'Irustee shall�ecurd u nolice of default in each counly in which any port oP t6e �,t ``_�
<br /> ,, , .'..
<br /> • Property is located and shull meil ropiex aP Ruch notice fn the manner prescribed by applicAble law to Bormwer and tn �--�`~,�'
<br /> ° ' the other r.cons rescribed b u Ilcable luw. After the time re ulred by u licable law.'I�u!�tee shall ive ublir ��"''
<br /> ., Pe P Y pP �1 pP R P �=;_
<br /> Es,�__,,,.__
<br /> � �� ',;�,��,:�; notice oF sgale to Ihe persons and in the mrnner prescribed by upplicable luw Trustee.without demand an Burrower. �.�..._..�
<br /> . s l�a l l sell the Pro p ert y at p ublic auction ta the hiRhest bidder at t6e time and plwce und under the terms deslgnAted in �=�`"-�
<br /> � '' the notice of sule in une or more purcels und in unv urder'1'rustee determines. 'I�ustee may pozlpnne tiale uf ull ur an� �'�"n'`�'
<br /> � � parcel of the Property by public unnouncement ot the time And plare uf ony previou4ly scheduled sale. Lender or its �.��';_-"
<br /> ' , designee may purchase fhe Property�t uny xale. �"'•='"'�'�
<br /> • ' Upon rereipt of payment nf tBe prke bid. 71'ustee +hull deli�•er to Ihe purchuser 7lrustee's deed rum�e�ioR the �`''��•`_`:-.
<br /> . � Property. The rec{tals in the 7lrustEr q deed shull be primu fucie evidenre of the truth of Ihe stutements made t6erein.
<br />_, �; ', . ;� 1Yustee shall apply the proceedx of the�ule in the folluwin�order: t ul tu ull cusk und expenses oP exercising Ihe poticer . _v=_:-
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