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<br /> ���-�������.s�-0:tF:�°�`' g2 loi8�"7 �. -
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<br /> -�� �.,:...J�i�;-..
<br /> r,�� �. r�mdemnuti��n��r aihcr tukinK��f uny pun of Ihr 1'm�xny.��r fur c�aweyonrc in licu�+f ruixtemnnt i�x�.un Ixrrhy u�wig�Kd unJ �.��
<br /> h� „�.'�'�'.•:K �hull hc puid���Lcndcr.
<br /> .�•=."' � w In �he event af u �otul ial,ing of�hc F'ru�xny. �hc prcxe�d� ,hull Ix upplicd to Ihr�wtt�ti�rund hy Ihiti Srcuri�y
<br /> ,,��'7.^'�i:�.,;, --
<br /> `h"�'r',t"• � In*trumcnt.whelhcr��r nn�ihcn duc, wi�h uny �xrr•+puid to Burra��•cr. In�hr cv�m al u pur�it�l lul.ing��I'Ihc Pro(►�rly in
<br /> '� • �-� � �""--..� which�he t'uir markc�vuluc��I'�hr ProExny imnudiu�cly txli�n tlic t�ikin�s i�uquul ta ur grc:nrr than thc umuioit uf�hr�um. �
<br /> ., '��—����;�� sccured by�his S�wuriiy In�lru�rxnt immcdiutcly Ix�ti►R thc�uling.unlc,� Rarn�wcr und L.�ndcr�dhrnvf�r ugrcc in writing. ---__-_
<br /> ��.�
<br /> . . � ...a_`..-��°.•.. . thc�um.,crurrd hy tl►i. Scrurily Inxlrumcnl+hull Ix rcduced hy thr amuunl uf�hc puxccd� multiplicd Ny thu foUow ng
<br /> -. �,�� �-- ,�;�-� fruc�ion: lu1 thc t�►tul umuum of ihc.um+�rcurcJ imnudiiucly hcli►rc thr�u{,in�.dividrd by lh1 ihr t:ur m:�rl;ct ��aluc of thr �_- - ---:. -
<br /> � � propeny immediutely Fkliac thc u�hing. Any hul:ince shull Ixe p�id a� N��rruw�r. fa the cvcn�ut u p:irtiul tuking of thc
<br /> _ ' :;'+�>^f='•;��.'•+�t. ^ pir►peny in which the fuir murket vuluc uf thc Pm�xrly imnudiuicly i+cli►rr�hc luking i�. Ic..tliun thr umuunt ol'th�sum+ —
<br /> �.;,_,---.
<br /> � necurcd immcJiulcly ikl'arc�he Inking, unlc+s Burr�►wer und Lcndrr iuh�rwitie ugrcc in wri�i��g ur unlcti+upplicuhlc li►w __` _
<br /> , : , , . , otherwiu prcivide�.Ihe p�cxeeJs,huU lx�ipplicd�a the.ums u�rumd hy�hi.Sccurity Imlrument whrthcr or inn Ihe sumx ure �z.,_.i --
<br /> •���,
<br /> r:j,,, . ., then duc. � T�' -.
<br /> -..,> .. . .. . IC thc I'rc�perty i�nbund�med hy Burrowcr.a�if.aflrr m�tirc by Lrndrr�u Qurrawcr Ihut�hc condcmn�x ntfcr,la mukc ' �
<br />°��.;.:' , ; . . un uwunl�x�enle u cluim fur�lumugr..8urn�wrr fail.tu rr.�x�nd�u l.endur wiihin►0 Juys utic��hc Juic thr nutice i+s givcn. ', Y.JJ..,, �,�..�'
<br />,.;; ;, �.t�y;,�.;,:: .��' I.cndcr ix uuthurix4d tu coUcct und appl� the pnxreJ..at it.o�,tiun,citlx;r to R.tora�fon ar repuir ot'the Pm�kny��r Ic�dic rt',:rt�i�F�.�,;
<br /> , :•,r;;s?..:•:�,• .-�N. i�c�+:,
<br /> •• �:;;f`.� ,_,�•�.^ sums.ccu�J by thiK Security Instrument.��helh��ur nol Ih�n duc. � r �}�r;;,:.:..-•.:e.--�
<br /> a,� ; 'a�;�i;ii'��:�t.��,., .; Unles. Lendcr und BnR��wer utt�envi,c ui.nr in��riting, any :�ppliru�i��n ut'pitikerd.to rinci ul�hull not cx�cnd or , �„A.���p.
<br /> �..,:,�.� �� ., puslp��nc�he Jue dute of'the manlhly pa}mrm,retcrrrd iu in paragr,�ph+ I s�nd'ur ehaocc Ihc rmount ol+uch puyments. _�?;�•;`_
<br /> i t. ,:.. •t..;.%1.. __.�. -
<br /> • .+�i{€�"�"�'r���f`"t�`;.'}4 odiflruti�un.irf m�mNi tiane1 t'��u���au enil by�thi 8 n ur i�Int�rum nt gr•an�ed`hy L ndrr t hany nucce�,tior iq�inlerea� —•--
<br /> '`° i''',-'1 `: m ��� . ._..
<br /> . �,,� of Borruwcr�huU not op�:rak to mlra>c thr liubiliry��1"Ihr�xiginal Bixrowcr or H�ttmwcr',succc..on in Intc�w; �endcr �_-
<br /> " ° .:�;;`.`•�! �hull rnN be reyuired ta aommencr rr�:ceding.r• ueainst imy succe..or in inlrre�t ��r ref'u+e to extend time Fvr � mrnt ur
<br /> ° �f��'��,��r+� athcrwise modify urnonir.atinn uf tta xum��erured h��hi+Seruriiy Im�rumen�hy rras�m uf uny demund m.��by the a�i�intd �,�.;.
<br /> • " '���;F .`: BoRUwer or Borcower:,uccrsu,rs in imere�l. Any Porhear�nce h}• Lender in exrmi�in� am right ur rcm�J� .hall ix�t M u ''r,"� �,��';
<br /> ., ''':�:i wuivcr uf or precludc thc cxrrci�c af iiny right ur rcmcdy. `'�'
<br /> •:_r.:ti:��S '
<br /> ° Cn-siRncrs. Thc cav�n•rnt�und u�reer►xn�x uY thi. �'�••
<br /> ' 12, tiucce�.sors end As.vigns Baund:,luiot and Sevcrul l.inbilily; ;,:.;�"''°"
<br /> Security Inslrument xhull bind und lx nati� Ihr tiucrexsor+anJ us,ign+ul'Lcndcr and Bi►rri�wer,cubjccl lo thc pruvi�ion+ol' _ o �.
<br /> ' puragruph 17. Borrawer:covenants und ugreemem�shafl Ix joint und several. :1ny Burrnwer whu co-�ign� thi+ Securily �,�.�:,_'��'w
<br />' � Instn�men�hut does not rxecutr�hc Natc: lu1 i,co-signing thi.Serurity Imlrumen�onty to murtgugc.grunt und romry thu� �,��;_n=
<br /> � �f� ' ' Borr<iwer±in�crc�t in thr Piuperty undcr�hc icrms of thiti Sccuri�y In+trumcm: lh)is not�xnunally uhliEiued to puy the�um� �"-,
<br /> �:::. :' ;.:-
<br /> ' • secureJ by this Securiry Ins�numnr,nnd Ic1 ugree+tBat l.ender anJ imy o�her Borrower may ugrce tu rxtend,matify,furlxur �,,.�,�:,A�
<br /> • � � .� , nr muke uny uccurnnxxiu�iom with regurd lo Ihe term, uf thi+Srcuriry Inrtnimem ar thr Nde wi�haul�hat Borrowers -_
<br /> � . coment.
<br /> — :;v'; 13. I.oan ChargeS. if the lotm ,ceured h� iiii+ Sa:�uriiy In�,irumrnt i•, suhjert to u law whi�•h sri.maximum loun ��:xRf�K,:.;
<br /> ��" churgeti,und thut luw is tinully intcmrctrd tia that thc intcrr+t�►r�Nh�r loun churgc�collcctrJ or �n Ix:ralk rtcd in conncction �
<br /> �;�'i�.:,ft;•.:,.
<br /> � • wi�h�he loun exrceJ the �xrmiurd limit�.�hen: �a)imy sucb lotm chur�r�hull he rrducecl hy�hr umount n�eessury to reduce �_ L�
<br /> ., thc chargc to Ihc�x:rmiucd limit:und(h►uny.um.utrcudy coll�ctcd from Hnrrowcr which exc���IcJ �xm�i��cd limf��will hr ���-��.,_
<br /> . . rcfunded to Borrowcr. Lendrr muy rh�w,c to mukc thi.refunJ hy rc.lucing ih.principal owed unJer tFx�Nu�c��r by muking a _ --,�t
<br /> , . direct puymen�w Bortowcr. If u rcf'und reducc�prinripul,thr mduction will lx trei�ted u.a puniul prcpayment without any —""
<br /> .. prepuymcnt rhurg�unikr Ux�Notc. _���--
<br /> I�i. NuNces. Any n�xirr tu Burrowrr��raviJcd li�r in�hi,Sccuriry Inytrumc�u .hull Ix Fivrn hy dclivcring i� ���hy �pr____.
<br /> . muiling it by tln�clas�muil unlr,.appliruMc I:�w rcquirc.u,c ul'unu�h�r meth�xl.Thr nnticc.hull Ixr dircctcd In Ihr ProExrty ��,�z--
<br /> • ,, � AdJre„ar uny othcr;Hldre.. BoiTOwer dr�ignulc.by r.;►tirc Ic►Lrndrr. Any iwtire to LenJcr shull Ix�iven hy tir.t clus+ ��:_--
<br /> ' muil�o Lendrr±ueldre+� �iuirJ hercin or any u�hrr aJJm��Lrnil.r Jc�igniur+hy nuticc�a finrn.wer. Any notice proviJed li►r .�•••:,:-__
<br /> a�.sT'ti..
<br /> ' .- � . . . in �hix Sccuri�y In,irumeN xhull Ik dermed a� h:�vr txen given li� Norrower or l.cndrr when given us provided in this ,�.. .. .'
<br /> . • •• puragruph. '.; ,_
<br /> ,,•.',• IS. (:uvernin�I.nµ�C tieverabUity. Thi+ Securi�y Imtrument .hull hr guverneJ by frcl�rul Imv a�nd �he luw ul'�he
<br /> � ,1;Ic,.,;• urisJiction in which ihr Pro�xny i,I�xuted. In�hr�v�nl that uny pruvi+ion ur rluuse�►f thiti Security In+trumrm or tlx No�c
<br /> . • :,:�..;��=�. J � :•.
<br /> '. 4;;.�}y�.:�: ;;,; confliclti wilh:�pplicuhle law.sunc��,n0irt,hull n��l:dTcct�nher pnivi.iun,ul'thi,Securi���In+t rument„r thr Notr whirh ran
<br /> �.�
<br /> '�s�+�.,;I,l ',!Y�'�;.''. tk�ivcn eiTec�withuul �he conllir�ing pruvi�ion. Ti�thi�en�l thr provi.iun,��f dii,Seruriiy In,lrum�m and �hc Ni�le �irr �,r„�,,j,�;,.;'�,�'
<br /> ���.�` de�:lured�a Fx.cvrr.�Mc. ,��"�•�":,,�-=
<br /> . rfy,;..' ,..' ...
<br /> •:.�y,r.:�,� . � 16. Borruwer's('op}•. Hurrowrr,hcdl Ix givrn onr runt'umicJ r��py��I'Ihc Nolc and�,i ihi�Scruri�y lm�rument. i"-?��°
<br /> ''•'�' ' IT. 7YansPer oPthe Pruperly or u Benefiriul Interc,l in Borruwer. II'all ur any ran uf �hc Pru�xrt��or any imcrc.t in ,L;,;�'M,�:�>��—
<br /> . . ,,;+,,. •• ._�cai. -
<br /> ,. .,;:•vy�i)��� il i,.oIJ ur IramlemJ lor if a Ixnrtirial intrrr,� in Horra�vrr i.u,ld ur Irun+frrrrJ and B„rrnacr iti nc�t �i n:ilur:d �knunl •.,r+r.:�_—__�_
<br /> r ;:•:�{�{;:o.�', , withow Lcndcr±prior�vriucn ron,rn4 LrnJcr mu)•.:u it.npliun.rcquirr imrordiutc paymcnt in full nf all�unt..rcurrd h� ���+�`'�]��
<br /> � �hi+Security In,trumrnt. Hu�►�rvrr.thi,uptiun,h:+ll nul Ik exerci>rJ by l.enJer il'rxerri+e i.�xohihi�ed hy fedrrul luw u+��I N�.�. —
<br /> ; , Ihe dul�ul'thi�Serurily In.tnnncn�. `Y
<br /> If LCndrrcxcrci�c�Ihi�upliun.Lrndrr�liall ii�r H��rru��.r n.�licr��I'acrcicrauan. 'Ih�•n.�li�'r yhall Prnvidc a�xri�xl uf �.:�.Yy.:' • .
<br /> � not les�than 30 duy+Ih�m ihr date thr no�irc i.dr li�•ere J�K mai led ��•i�hin��hir h Hu r r u��c r n w�t p u y a l)+u m,�e r u r r J h y I h i. R
<br /> ':.;.�.�1': :� Sccurin Imtrument. It' Burrowrr I�iil. to pa�• thr,c .um+ priur ti�Ihe c�pira�iun ol'thi. �xri�K1. Lcndcr mi�y invukc imy ,.'��:.
<br /> _y�r.j.� � .
<br /> mmr dics�xrniitic�l h�lhiti Srcurit� In,ininunt��ithuw funher n�Nirc or drmanJ�m Rnrn,arr.
<br /> .. , 18. liorrower i Riuht to Rcinxtutc. 11'Bunu��cr mrrl+rcilain ri,ndi�iun.. H��rrm�cr tih:�l) hav� thr righl tu have `',�..
<br /> enti►rcenxn�uf�hi�5rruri��• In.�rumrn�di,r�m�inued:�I um lim���rii�r i��tlu earlier uL' i�U S d;���, ��,r,uch ud�rr�xri�xl a, �..
<br /> timgl.I,muN Funnk•�IreFrwldk�iwl \II'f1N\II\tifNI�IM:�7 �1 unnnnt�,�rn:mr 4;'NI �p�icr�,4r���,�e�'�� �`
<br /> ._.. ,
<br /> I. , �'
<br /> � �, .
<br /> nh � , ,�
<br /> • c• . .. .,.
<br /> . . �----__ ..
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<br />