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<br /> --- _.-_- otwde��ad Ibe r�k�lacludla�{Ibo p�Y�nt of the'il�urtee's tees acluwliy Incurrcd.aW lo exceed 2.0 %of
<br /> — .-.-�..�_� tpe P�Incipsl qmount of Ihe ndo at the dme�P Ibr declaralbn of de�nult.pnd revu�oanbk�tlorneyR'f�w+�p�t�
<br /> by lawi tbl to sU wna wcured by Ihlr 5kc�►ity Insirumeali N�1 lcl May eY��tu tba pereon a'pereonr 1�1 Y
<br /> � � ta U.
<br /> � �- �'"..
<br /> 22. Recuoveyance. Up�M paymcnt uf ull r+ums securcJ by thix Securiiy Inhirumcnt,l.cndrr shull requeyt 71'u++tce t��
<br /> '., �, , �y ,� ntionvey Ihe Pirc�peny +md sholl r�umender�hix S��cudty Inrt�ument and wll na�ex evidencing deM +wcured by thia Security
<br /> --��—`_- __- � Ingtn�mcn�to 7tu�toc. 7tusiec shall rccanvcy ihe Prupeny withou!wurmnty und wi�hout char�c to thc pen�ar'�or pena►r
<br /> xs• � I "�, k�ally cndticd to it. Such pc�on or peroons ahull puy uny recordation cu,�tw. �--
<br /> ��.:_. �.s. 2J. Substltute'Itu�ta. Lender.A�ita optlun,may from lime�a lirne removc 7tustec and appoint e succe4sor trustee lo
<br /> - _ any 'itustee appointed hereunder by an instrumem recarded in ihe caunty in whicb this Securiry hislrument is recorded.
<br /> • WUhout conveyance of�he Pmperty. tlte successor uustee shull succeed to all Ihe tille, pc►wer a�d dwies conferced upan
<br /> ..�i•° —.-
<br /> -'���,.b;,�,.,...' 'Ilvctee herein und by epplicable luw.
<br /> -- `-'�` 24. Requesl Por Notices. Borrowcr rcyueatx lhat copiex af the noticcs of dei'uult und seic hc sent to Borrower`s address
<br /> .� � '".yk"� wi�ich iR Ihe Hroperty Address. - --_
<br /> �' "'' '� ' 2S. REders to ihis Securlty Instrumanf. If onc or mare riderv urc executed by Barn►wer und recorded togcthcr with —
<br /> � �—�csr:;�+,-;�.:3:.•;� .
<br /> �^��^°�`��- this Securiry Instrument,the covenunts und ugreementa of each tiuch rider shall he incorporuted into and shall amend and
<br />---_ � ,. supplement the covenanta und agreements of this Security Insuument as if�hn dderls)were a part of this Secu�ity Instrumen� _
<br /> ..�;c::;,-k:��''.. y [Chexk applicable box(ea)J
<br /> _ ,���`�`�,..';�< __,
<br /> '��4��' �Adjusu+ble Rate Rider �Condominium Rider �I-4 Family Rider
<br /> ... ,.:.;F},,n� ,..� :.
<br /> '•��.��..�� s .,, °��.
<br /> _ — � a "• � �Graduated Payment Rider �Plunned Unit Uevebpment Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider �_-
<br />_-.��� . �_.
<br /> ��„ . . ., �'�� .
<br /> : �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider __
<br /> r,�" ''f+'� '�,r.-� . �`:"
<br /> _ Cl,�:�, �'�� ----_-.
<br /> � ,;..: � �Othcr(s)[specify] 1-4 Femily Rider �,
<br /> p�.r:, , ;;;�,,A:_,?��,.• BY SIdNING BBLOW,Harrower uccepts nnd agrces to the terms and covenants contained in this Secudty Instrument �
<br />� �'��:•., �'`"�'•s: ',',, and in any rider(s)executed by Barrower and recorded with it. , ---
<br /> �.;'� ' .a:,t;}.;h .'•' '`�
<br /> ' �:�'
<br />' `� �.�flr, ' ,r� wII11C1iSC8: — —
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<br /> -- :b\ t�_ t'� ` I ��'�` / �.
<br /> , °;:;• � L rry o �e ar ara � pwle _....
<br /> „'.'�r.� ' :' ,. Sceial Secu' 506 � 9099 / 505 46 424��_
<br /> "'��� �� .. , , �� �, � �o�t�r:
<br /> , V p y T R a �. Od��
<br /> ., y �-
<br /> �L�TAAr-SUU oi�eouw sociui r��y �'�� 2 6 8 3 8 i J 3 41 4 7 6 __.
<br /> _ V ,, ' .��A,6EI0.7lEY —.
<br /> ~ ., STA �'��'1�3 He X1 Cuunly ss: --
<br /> ,�r �""`'`��� On this 25th duy of Februery, 199? ,bcfure me.thr undcrsigned,u Notnry Public M
<br /> �.��=�"�: e and Berbara A Fowle. �_
<br /> . . .- - - duly commiss�ioned and yualified for suid county,pe�onully cnme Le rr y W. F ow 1 �_
<br /> . ..dx��: �^�` h u s b a n d a n d w i f e ,�o mc known to be the �_-_
<br /> _ - „ identicul persons(s)whose nwnels)+ue�ubscribed to the fore�toing in rumenl anJ vcknowledged the execution thereof to
<br /> � �� � be t h e i r volunwry s�ct und deed. in rnid count the '"'
<br /> • • _ .. , W itness my hand und nolsuial ses+l ut G r a n d s l e n d, N e b r a s k a y `;_
<br /> � � •' dute aforesuid. ���
<br />•,, " ,;M1.. '�'��� My Commission expires: j./. y .} Nu� Wblic �
<br /> t . �' ��
<br />- ,„� ' �. • RE(�UEST F � RECONV YANCE -
<br /> - ° TO TRUSTEE: �
<br /> , � � Thc unJersigned ix thc holder of ihc notc or�rnrs ururcd by ihi,DrcJ ol"IYuti�. Said nixc or nutc.,toFethrr witB all
<br /> ' ' o�hcr indebtedness secureJ by this DecJ of 7i�utit,huve lxen puid in(ull. You urc hereby dirccted lo cuncel said nute or notes
<br /> �`� ° and this Decd of'iFust,which are dclivcrcd hereby,und to reconvcy.wi�hout wartunty,ull ihr eswlc now hcld by you under
<br /> ,.�, this Deed of'Ih�st to the person or persuns legally entitled thercto.
<br /> �° � ' :t Date:
<br /> '.�!�� FMml02tl 9l40 1/wXrA��JA/wgrsl
<br /> _...- 5 __—. � - .. _
<br /> • � � ,
<br /> � . . •
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