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<br /> , pe�iodx thut l.ender reyuirer, Thc inaumnce cnr�icr provfding the insurunce Rhull be cha.�en by Borrower aubJcct to LenderR
<br /> ��.�.C�� ,` 4
<br /> ;T��7r���,,,..�,� approvol which sludl not be unreusonAbly wfthhcld. If Bmruwer fuils ta muimain cavcmgc desc�ibed ubove.Lcndcr muy,at
<br /> .. y: " Lcnder x option,abtuin covernge ro protect Lendcr i+righ�x in the Piropcny in accardance wilh parngrnph 7.
<br /> .. �''�'�' ' " , All insurance policies and renewula shull be ucceptablc io Lender und.rhull includc o stondurd martgugc cluurc. Lender
<br /> . ,,g�'��'', -�"''�^�� xhell have the right ta hald ihe policiex anJ renewuls. If Lende�mquires,Bam►wer whall prompdy give�o Lender oll recclptx —_
<br /> brb{ • of p�id pmmiumx and rencwal naticcx. In the event of lusr,B�wer Khull give prompt notice to the inxurunce cwTicr and
<br /> -• • � � ` '� Lender. Lender muy muke proof of lo�s ii na�mude prompUy by Borrower.
<br /> ,�_° Unle.c Lend�r und BoROwer o�henvis�aFree fn wriling,inxurance pmceeds hhull l+e upplied to restom�ion�r repair of
<br /> � �+• � � � the Piroperty dumaged, if the restarution ar repuir is econ��micalty feaslble und l.ender� security is nat lessened. If the �
<br /> , �extoration or repuir is not eco�omically feasible or Lenderk ececuriry wuuld be lesxened, the insunuue proceeds xhull be
<br /> _. - `'', d � npplied to Ihe sumti sccured by Ihia Security Instrument, whether ar not Ihen due, with uny excetis pafd to Borrower. If
<br /> - ' . . Borrower abandons Ihe Property, or does nat nnswer within 3U duyw u nntice from l.ende�lhoi the insurunce rurrier hos _
<br />—=y offered to settle a cluim,then Lender may collect the insurance praceeds. Lender muy use the proceeds lo repair or restore �=^-��-
<br /> °�R�� �r: : �he Prapeny or to puy sums secured by thia Secudty Instrument,whether or not then due. The 3Q-day pe�iad will begin when __ _,
<br /> - ^ � Ihenoticeisgiven. � -____
<br /> .��� � Unlaxs Lender und Borrower otherwise ugree in writing, any upplicution of pmceeds ta principal shull not extend or
<br /> � � postpone the duc dute of ihe monthly puyment+referred to in pArugraphs I und 2 or chnnge ihe amount of the pAyments. !f
<br /> � '� under p:ungraph 21 the Property is ucyuired by Lender, Bormwerz right to uny insurance policies And proceeds resuping
<br /> • • • . from dmm�ge to the Property prior to the acyuisition�hall pus�to Lender to ihe exlent of the sumg�ecured by this Security
<br /> _ ` • � Instrument immediutely prior to�he ucyuisition. __
<br /> . • 6. Occupnncy. Preservation, MaintenAnce And Protection oP the Properly; Borrower's Loan AppBcation;
<br /> � , � I,eruseholds. Borrower shall occupy,ewtublish, und uxe the Propeny as Borrower+principul residence within sixty days ofter =__-
<br /> " -- -. the eaecution of thix Securiry Instrument and chall continue to accupy the Propeny us Bnrrowcr�principal reaidence for ut �
<br /> � .. leust one yeur afrer the dute of accupancy, unless Lender othenvise ugrees in writing, v�hich consent shull not be �y__
<br /> unreasonably withheld,or unlexs extenua�ing circumstunces exi.r•�which urc beyond Burtawert control. Borrower sh�ll not _.
<br /> .. " . .��` destroy,dAmuge or impair the Propeny.�Ifow tlte Praperty to deteriorate,or commit wuste an the Property. Borrower shall ��
<br /> •• be in defuuit if any forfei�ure uction or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun thut in Lender's gaod faith judgment ��>�i{:
<br /> , .:�:;:,��,� `' could result in forfeiture of the Propeny or otherwise muteriully impair the lien crented by this Securiry Inswment ar .__
<br /> ,•. : Lender+security interesl. Borrower muy cure such u default and reinstute,ati provided in parngraph 1R,by cuusing�he uction ��=
<br /> .. •� ,.�,��;;�.• —�-
<br /> • .,,, or praceeding to be dismissed with u ruling thut,in l.enJer�goal fai�h determinution,precludes forFeiwre of�he Borrower's �,__;-
<br /> ' '�%�,:• interext in the Property or other materiul impAirtnen� aF thr lien creuted by this Security Instn�ment o�Lender's security �_;,
<br /> o � intere�t. Borrower shull also be in defuult if Borrower, during Ihe loan upplicution pracess, gnve mnleriully folse or �;��•_
<br /> •• • inuccurs+te information or statemems to Lender ior fuiled�o proviJe Lender with uny materiAl information)in cannection with
<br /> �.'��°• � • Ihe loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, reprerentatiom conceming Borrower's occupancy oi the --
<br /> .;'�;5.,°�,. , Piro n as u rinci ul residence. IP this Securit Inxtrument iti an u leuschold,Borrower xhall com I with vll�ha visions ���°'•
<br /> • F� Y p P Y P Y Pro �w,�
<br /> —^'=;�r`;�'�:' of the leuse. ii Sorrower acyuire+iee tide ca ihc Prop�:ny.lhe Irusri�uld w+d Iiir fae iitie.hail twi tnarge uniecs Lendcr agtccs
<br /> � ,.,?���:;���;�,� w the mergcr in wriling.
<br /> � ' • 7. 1'rotectbn oP Lender's Rishts in fhe PropeMy. If Burrower fuils ta perform Ihe covenunls nnd ugreements ��''v
<br /> � . q;.��;::,;�' �, cantuined in this Security Instrument, or there is u legal prcx:ceding �hut may signiticuntly ufiect Lender's rights in the �;,;,c`.
<br /> ;� ;.p .
<br /> ti. Property(such u�u praceeding in b•rnkruptcy,proba�e,fix condemnution or forfeiture ar to enforce laws or regulutions),then �,-::•--.�
<br /> • Lende�muy dii anJ puy for whatever i�ncce�xury to protect the value of�he Praperty and Lender i righls in the Prupeny.
<br />