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.: ��� _'1Myt .. � . . .. .._ � ""'!fi= z-f^.....��..,.�...__.. <br /> � ��� S�s <br /> � "%�'k,,' . ., f -_ <br /> ..r � �• <br /> � _ .:d° �� ri�`.'. . �. _. _---. <br />� _ ... . ... �� .-- <br /> �� <br /> . -,...�r'wtW.�Irrfir. ...-- . , . •'.'-- <br /> .. ,. <br /> � c�w.La� -- _—__- __ _ '"_ <br /> ;8e- - ,_�:.�: : 92-- iui�i� <br /> � �_� <br /> ���+ � �, c��ndemnation or ather tuking of uny purt uf�he i'roperty.ur f'ur r�mvcyuncc in Ucu uf randemnu�fun,urc hcmby uxxigned und <br /> �,,.�...,...._.�,:,..,.b__-a•.. <br /> __. .� wiwll he pnid ta Lcndcr. <br /> - In ihe event uf u tmal tuking of�he Pm�ny, the praceeJx shull be upplied to thc�um!� Mcured by thix Secu�fty <br /> `��i..` .,��_ , `'. <br /> . ,;�°''�� . '"• ' Inslrument,whe�hcr or oot then due, with uny excc++puiJ to BoROwcr. In the cvent uf u paniul tuking of thc Prapeny in <br /> � �vhich the fuir murkcl vuluc of thc Prc��ny immcdiately Ir�fom the t��king ix eyual to or greulcr than the umoum of the rcumg <br /> . � ,�. ? xecun�l by�hi� Security In��niment immedimely I►efure ihe wking.unle+ti Borrawer und L.endrr u�hrnvise ugtt�e in wr�ting, ____ <br /> ; � � ' �-' ` �he xum� xecurcd by thi+Security In�+wmenl �hull Ixr rPduced by the amaunl of the pra:eedti �nultiplied by Ihe followfng —�-� <br /> . ,: ,: <br /> • �• � ' frurtion: ln)�he to�ul umount ot'�hc tiumx xcurcd immediutrly befnrc�he tuking,divided by Ib)�he fuir murkel v�luc of t e <br /> � � .,���� pmperty immediotely before �hc laking. Any buluncc shull Ix� puid to Borrower. In the event of u p•rnial tuki�� uf thc Q _„ <br /> � �_ _ <br /> � �:'•,��- ,� Property in whirh�hc fuir murkei vulue of�hc Pmpchy immediutely before the�uking ih le�. thun the umonnt of the�um� � <br /> „ � ,ccurcd irnmcdiutely lxfor� �he tukinR, unl�++ Burrowcr und Lender ahenvi,c vgr�e in writing or unless upplicable luw _ <br /> • otherwi�e proviJer,�he prcxeeds xhal l I►e applied u�Ihe sum++ecurcd by tbi+Securiry Inrirument whether or na the sum�ure �_ <br /> ` � ^ ' � then due. �-"-- <br /> .. If ihc Propeny ir abandonrd by BoROwcr,or if,ufter�x►�irr by Lender to Barmwcr thu�the condemnor offen to make - <br /> ' �� � un uwutJ or,etde u cluim fi�r JAmuge..Born�wcr fuil�to respnnd to Lender wi�hin 30 dayti oftcr the dute�hc nutice i�given, fs�_v_ <br /> " Lcnde;r i� uwhorited�o collec�and upply�he pnxeedti, a�it,ap�ion,ei�her to rcxtomtion or repuir at'�he Pmpeny or to Ihe <br /> � �'"��".";' sumti securcd by thix Securily Inxtrument,whcthrr�ir nut thcn Jue. °! <br /> Unle,ti Lrnder and Borcawcr otherwi+e ug�er in wriling,uny upplicutian of praceed,to principal xhull not exlend or �_ <br /> •�, • �� pc►xtp►nc the due dute��f the monthly puymcnt.rrfrRCd tn in purugruphti I and 2 or chAnge the umount ut�uch pnymems. �- -- <br /> ,;:.�. ,:.., t 1. Rorrawer Not Released; Forbeprance By Lender Not a Waiver. Exlenxion of thc time for puyment or _ri.____ <br /> � mndificnti�m of amorlir.ati�m��f Ilx�tiums sccu�ed by Ihix Securily Instrument Frc+nted by Lender to uny sucresxor in inlaresl � <br /> • of Borrower tihull not operule to mlca�c the liubility of Ihc originul Borrower or BoROw�r� succesxon in intere+t.Lendcr �`;��:^: <br /> - shnll ncH lx re uircd to cammcnce pnxeedingy uguinst uny succesc�r in intercxt or refuse to extend iime fi�r puyment or �,;,-�i������ _ <br /> 4 <br /> " otherwiu madif'y umoniiution of th�: .um+ururcd by thi�Securiry In�trument by reation of uny demund made by thc origmal „,r:�: <br /> ri�!+•=�^x^' Bormwer or Barrowrr+surcrx�or+in inier�st. Any PorUeurunc�by Lender in exercixing:ury right or rcnxdy shall not be a ;+u-��� <br /> � �' waiver ot'or prccludc thc cxcrci,c of cmy right i�r r�mcdy. -_ - - <br /> � l2. 5uccessorri and A�.cigos Bound;Juint and tieveral Liability:Casigners. The covenunt+und u�recmen��of�his _[:r�?�c_::_�- <br /> � Scrurity In+wment �hull binJ und txnclit ihr�uccc�s��n unJ u+signx of Lendcr t�nd Borrowcr,subject m the provitionz of �,_.� <br /> purngruph 17. BuROwer:covenunts und ugRement. .hall he joint und severul. Any Horrower Who c��-�ign.this Security ��Y��� <br /> Inxtrwnc�ii but doex oot executr Ihc Nute: lu)i�m•xignin�this Security Imlrumenl only to martgugc,grant und convey Ihut �.�`-�--= <br /> �� � Borrower+imrre.t in thc Pin►pcny unJcr�hr�ern�s of this 5erur11y Instn�men4 Ib1 ix not personally obliguted to pay�he sums -_ <br /> ° +ecurcd by�hix Securiry In�trumem: uixl Icl agr�c�ihu� Lcndcr und uny other Borrower mtry ugrce to rxtend,modify,forbcur - <br /> �� or mukc any uccomm�xiulions with mgurd to th� �enm M'thix Security Inx�rum�nt ar thc Notc withow thut Borrower's �x <br /> cunsen�. <br /> tJ. Lnwn CharRes. It'thc lutm .ccurcd by ihi, Scruri�y Inxtrum�nl ix tiubject �o u luw whirh utti muximum loun <br /> - - - .—- ehurge+,and thut luw i+Una11y�me�m�ed+���hai�hr iidc�r.t or.Kh�r laan charg.�:collrcted i�r tn br cn!lectrd in!•�►nne��i��n =_____--- <br /> <, � � with the loan exceed thr�xrtniued limu+.ihen: (a 1 uny tiuch li�un rhnrgc shall bc reduced hy the aimwnt necess��ry to reduce <br /> thr churFe to thc�xrmittcd limit:an�f Ibl uny+um�ulrcudy collecteJ fmm Borrower whirh excceded�xxrtnilteJ limits will be �.. <br /> • � . rcfundeJ w Borrowrr. LrnJer may ch�N►,r ta muke Ihiti mfund by rcducing�hc principul owcJ undcr the Nate or by mukin�u —__ <br /> �j�:�;.,::.�, direct puyment�o Barn�wrr. If a refonJ redure.princi�ul,Ux rrduction will t�treuted u�a punial prepaymenl without uny - <br /> `�•� ' prepaymcnt churgr undcr thr Notc. <br /> �S ""•},�„�: .:� 14. Ndices. Any nu�icr �o Borcower pruviJeJ fur in thi��ecurity In,trument +hull Ix given by drlivcring it or by <br /> � "'` muiling it by tint rluss mail unlc,.upplicuhlc luw rcyuinti usr of'unothcr mc�hcxl.l'h�n�xicc shull bc Jirectcd�o thc Propcny ��_____ <br /> �'t�'�``��;;-,•; Addre,. or uny othcr cHldre,s Borr�,wer designu�es by nnlicr to I.endrr. Any noticc to 1_�nJ�r xhull t+e given hy fint clux.r• ry,� <br /> .�,.`;,; �<� , muil w Lcn�k:r's udJrc�r+IU1cJ hcrcin or uny uthcr addre„Lcndcr no�icc w Bi,rcuwer. Any noticc provided 1'or ��. . W . <br /> . in thi�Securily In�trument +hull Ix Jrcnxd tu huvc hcen givcn to Borrowcr or L.ender when �iven ax pmvided in thix - <br /> ' , :•�`" p�ru�tr:yih. ` " <br /> •���� ,:.,ti•`: lS. (:overninR l.uw•: tic�•erability. Thi� ticrurily Di.trumen� ,hull Ix �m•crnrd hy I'rJcral lu��• �nd thc law ol'tlx .�����:_ <br /> • ` . '' ` juri�dictiix�in which ihc Paqxny i. Illl'illl'lI. In thr rvent th►H:my provi.ion ur rluu.e uf thi�Srrurity Imtrunxnt��r Ihc Nutr <br /> . ,.;i•;�;:�� runFlici.wiih appliruhlc law.�uch cunllirt�h:iU nut al'f�ct othrr pmvi.ion+of thi+Sccurit�•In+tniment or thr No�r whirh ran . <br /> Ix given effect wilhoul �he contlictinE provi�ion. 'li� Ihix end the pm��i.i�,n,��f Ihiti Serurity Imtrumrnt :md the Note are .��G--_ <br /> dcclareJ u�br,rvrraBlc. '-� <br /> . ,. 16. Borrower's Cnpv. B��rn�wcr,hall tx gi�•en on�cunti�rnirJ rupy of�hr(`nt�and ol'thi,Scruri�y Ins�rument. � ��r,�:-: <br /> 17. 7YposPer of thc Property or u HenePcful Interetit in Horrower. It'ull ar any pun ot'Ihr Pru�xny ur uny inlerc+�in I ' <br /> � �� i� iz sold or�run.l'crrcJ���r if ii Ikncliri:d intrre+� in R�xrowcr i,.old��r�ransfcrrcd und Borrowcr i� not u nutural�xnonl <br /> , , without LenJrr;priur wrinen ron.�nt.Lendrr ii� ��piiun.r�quirr immrdi:ar puynxnt in 1'uil uf all .um��ccureJ h�. <br /> . Ihi,Sccurity Im�rumenl. Howevcr. Ihi�oMinn tih:dl n��Ix cxcrci.eJ hy Lrncl�r it'exerci�r i�pruhibileJ hy Icdcrul luw u+of `. . . ^ <br /> ` � .' Ihe dulc af Ihix Scruri�y In.trumem. � <br /> . I(Lendrr rx�rcise+thi.uptiun.l.cnder�hull Ei�•r Nortower nutice uf.�ccelerutiun. The nolirc�hall pruvide u�xrial af � <br /> . • � ni�t Ics�thun:�Il Juy,t'r��m Ihc dauc tlx n��lirc i.�k IivcreJ�x mailcd��•ithin�vhirh tinrru�►rr mu,l pa�•all wnn.rcurcJ by�hiti � <br /> Securiiy Instrumrnt. If Borro��•cr lail. w pay Ihe.c rum, priur tu thc rxpir;ni�m ��f thi,peruxl. Lcndcr muy invakc uny <br /> remedics FxnnitleJ by thi�Srcuriiy In,trumrnt uilhuul further nolicr ur drmand�m Ba�TO«er. , , <br /> 'i� 18. Nurrower's RiQht to ReinMute. II' 13urruaer nmr�ti rrnain rundiliun,. Rnrrue.rr .hall huvc thc ri�ht tu havr , <br /> � enliirrcnxn�uf thi.Serurit�• Im�rwrnnt Ji.runlinucd :u an�•tunc pri„r tu Ihr carlier uL �;u 5 day�Iur,ucli uthrr�xri�xf a+ <br /> • tiingte I.unJ�- P'unnl���fae�Freddk�fuc l�IFUR�f I�ti l'Rl��lh:\'1'-•I od��nu c'u�.u.�o�. 4N11 ��a�ec�1��!���4�er�� I <br /> ' I <br /> . � • <br /> I <br /> ' <br /> 1 <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> . .___ . __. �1 - -.- _ _. .__ ' <br />