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�I�r L •. •.„� '�,� ..F�i��y1� ��' t MFIL�}�F' ���{ .r,. "`v't;, 5 ` y�i.`:a5��,•�,it+Fi.�.+"'�'r""�""�f��.� -- —_-. <br /> , s �t �' •�f � `� � ' '�i„ r� �1�...� ' ' - <br /> ` 1,1' -���'� r+�'���,yi4 M/j:j+� -.�� `i_Jrw:, .;u:` �, I u��., i 5 .... .,� ,..i—;_— — <br /> , . . <br /> _ . _ <br /> . L . • '�_ 5 <br /> .. .. ... . _.. <br /> -.- � . .__ �_. . .��_�_`__ <br /> l�`�`+• �' .. '����T._..___ __.__.. . � <br /> I�'1{�""._ . . _.. ..C:�. .. .,�:'-- -- <br />� � .s � .—^ �� . . � ,..�, aw�: . - ... <br /> __ n q ., - � �.. _. . i:.Yia...—.. _ <br /> ��� .. � � .���. 92-- i o 18l 9 <br /> ' �rt%8°.li.r'•.S� <br /> .��,���u��?; �-a�� TO(iETHER WITH aU thc impravcmcnt�now�x hcreuf��cr crcc�cd un�h� �«►�ny,und ull co�cmrm�,uppuhenunccs, _=_�- <br /> �,��.�G�i��:: . and fixtures now ar heteaUer o puri c►f Ihe prapeAy• All replucemenl�.und uJdldom�hall alro lx rovcred by thix Securlty — <br /> Instrument. All af the farcguing ia refcrted tu in this Sccurfly Inxuumcnt ux the"PrapcAY•" _ ____ <br /> ;e .+;,;r.-.,,,. * � R:. <br /> BORROWER COV�NANTS thut Borrowcr ix luwfully�cised af lhe ex�alc herehy convcycd und haw thc righ�t�grunt <br /> • and canvey ihe Praperly and Ihnt the Prupeny iti unencumt+ered,eacepl fnr encumbrunceK uf recurd. Burrower wurrunlR und <br /> .: �:. ..���-;;'"� � will dePend generally Ihe lille 10 Ihe Propeny uguim�ull cluimK und demund+,wbJect to uny emumhranres uf record. _�__ <br /> `• � <br /> . � .. . <br /> • � THIS SECURITY INSTItUMENT combines uniform rnvenantx for nationul uhe und nan•uniPorm cuvenants whh <br /> - " limited vuriationx by juritiJictiun ta cun.�itute a uniform secutity in�Irumem ravering reo propeny. � _�_____ <br /> �. ' � �.._-. <br /> ` UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lcnder cavcnant and agrce as folluw+: <br /> � � . , U 1, payment of Principal pnd Interesl;PrepAyment and l.pte Chwrgex. 8orrowcr shull promptly pay when due lhe — <br /> „ ;� principul af and intcreat an�hc debt evidcnred by�hc Note und uny prcpuymem und late churges duc u�xlcr the No�e. — <br /> 2. Funda for'tl�xes and Insurance. Subject to upp�icable luw or to u writ�en wuivc�by Lender,Bortower shull pay ro <br /> � � � •� J"� Lender on�hc day monthly puyments arc due under thc Note,until thc Notc ix paid in full,A�um("Fundti")for:(al ycUrly _ <br /> tuxe4 nnd a+sessments which muy ntlain priority over�hix Security Instr�ment us u lien on the Properiy:(b)yearly leusehold <br /> J� puyments or graund rents an the Property, if uny: (c► yeurly hwurJ nr property insurance premiums; (d) yeurly fl«►d __ <br /> . � inxurunce p�emiums, if any: (e) yeorly mortgage insurnnce pmmiums,if uny: and l� nny sums payuble by Borrower to <br /> . Lender,in occurdanee with the provisiam of parngraph 8,in lieu of the puyment of mangnge insurnnce pr�miums. These _ <br /> i�ems ure called"Escrow Items:' l.enckr may,at any ume,collect and hold Funds in un amount not to exceed�he maximum <br /> �� � c amount a lender for a federally relatcd mongage loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federnl Reol ��L._:_._._ <br /> @state Settlement Procedure�:Act of 1974 us nmended from timc to timc,12 U.S.C.�2601�l srq.("RE.SPA").unles4 another ;,1,;,,F,rA <br /> �.'.,. ._ <br /> ;.,y Inw thm upplies to the Funds sets u leaser umount. If xo,Lender mny,nt any time,collect und hold Funds in un umaunt nat to __... <br /> - � •• • excecd the lesser amount. I.end�r may estimate the umount oi Funds duc on the bucix of cuirent duta and rensanable ��� <br /> � • estimates aiexpenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accardance with applicuble law. ,�,e��.�,_ <br /> s shall be hcld in an instiwtion whose deposit, ure insured by a federnl ugency, instrumentnlity, or eniity �,,,m;,�_- <br /> Thc Fund <br /> r� (including Lender,if l.ender is such an in,titution)or in any Federul Home Loun Bank. Lender shull npply the Fund,to pay ^y.,`__f- <br /> the Escrow Itemc. L.ender muy not churge Borrower for holding and npplying the Funds, nnnunlly analyzing Ihe escrow •,,�.�__ <br /> •• uccounl, or verifyin�the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on �he Funds und applicable law permits �__ <br /> - Lender ta mukc such u charge. Howevcr. Lcnder may rcyuire 8orrower to puy a one-time churge for an independent real �.:,_,,,;,�=,,- <br /> � - estate u►x reportinF service used by Lender in connectian with this loun,unless upplicable Inw provides othenvise. Unless an -- <br /> � � agreement is madc or applirublc IAw rcquires intcrest to be paid,Lender shull no�be required to puy Bortower uny interest or __ <br /> eamings on�hc Funds. Borrowcr nnd I.ender muy ugrce in writing,howevcr,that intereat shull bc paid on the Fundc. Lender �`� <br /> shall give lo Borrower. without charge,an annuul uccounting of Ihe Funds,rhowing creditx and debits to the Fundz�nd the ��� <br /> • purpose for which ench debit ta the Funds wus made. The Funds ure pledFed as additiunul security for nll sums secured by .,,,.,;,, . <br /> this Security Instrument. � s <br /> — --- --� ii the Funds iie1d by Lendcr cxcccd the amounls {.+ermiu�d to he held by upplicuble law. Lender shull Account to __ _ <br /> BoROw-er for the exce�s Fund�in uccordance with thc requirements of upplics�ble Inw. If the amoun�of the Funds held by <br /> � ;;;�,, �� Lender ut any time is not sufficient to puy ihe E.scrow llems when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in <br /> ' tiuch cutie Borrower shall puy �o Lender the amount necesxury to muke up the deficiency. B�►rrower shall make up the __ <br /> deficiency in no more than twelve monthly puymcnts,ut l.ender's sole discretion. -. 4,,�'� <br /> Upon pnymem in full of all xums securcd by �his Sccuriry Instrument,Lender shull prompUy refund to Borrnwer:u�y �. � <br /> � � Funds held by Lender. If,under paragruph 21.Lendcr+hall ucquire or sell�hc Propeny,Lcnde�,prior�o thc ucyuixitiur or <br /> sule of the Propeny, shall upply uny Funds held by l.endcr�+t the time of nryui,ition or xale as a credit ngninst the sum� <br /> secured by thic Securiry Instrument. �� --r�-� <br /> �. . 3. AppUcatlon ot P�ymen4g. Unlc�s opplicablc luw provide�othcrwisc, all payments received by L.ender under ��� ' . . : <br /> . parugruphs 1 und 2 shull bc upplicd: firrt,to uny prepuyment charges due under the Note:+�cond,to umounts puyuble under __: <br /> ,,s.:__. <br /> , • paragrnph 2;third,to interest due:founh,tu principul Jue:and last,to uny Inte chnrges due under the Note. � <br /> 4. Charges: l.iens. Burrowcr �hall puy aU tuxc,, a.+r,smrnts, rh:►rgex, finc. und imposition� attribwable to the °'-";:� c. <br /> �: <br />