i';c. 1 ..., ,. , .. .,s� . . , —� ' ---. , i ,. � ,�rstie►:d[tv_.i��.v,s�vz_ -_ -
<br /> }�. ��-.�_--� - — —
<br /> ��„ - - .� — — .._- -
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<br /> ' • 4��� ` ' , . ..-; -. _. _
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<br /> �ri i,LX.re��ui. 'o� ��
<br /> ��-�',� '� c��ndemnuii�m ur�Hhr��ukin�oi uny pun ul ihc Pmpcny.��r tix ranv�ryanc�:in liuu��f arnNt�dmnulbN�.w�e hcreby asa�i�{ned and
<br /> �—=-° .hwll hu puid�n Len�kr. �
<br /> �. ��,�.. ' �..,'�� In ih� evcnt of u t�►tul �uking uf'�hu Pn►�:ny. Ilw pr�wcedti tihull I+u :��litul tu thq�umA �+«urad by �hiti Secu�ity
<br /> .`��.�F�,�{'�•..:° : � Iny�rumen�. wh�ihcr�K not�hen due, with�my c+�rr��paid a►BoROwer. In�hu event af u partin)taking,nP thc Pmpeny in
<br /> ••�• wl�ich thc fuir murkci vulur uf ihr i'����xny immcdiulcly tkl�►ro thr luking iti cyupl Iu ur gr�:ular th�u�Ih►+?mtlant.af Ihc sum.r
<br /> '��:,';;;y��y�,�.t: . nccurcd by this Security In+lrumem immcdlulvly tx�fi�re thr tuki�g,unle�x Born�wer�nd Land�t uiha�vYi+,q t�Irc in.w��ing,
<br /> _'� '�'.,; � " tttc.umw urcund hy Ihiy Scrurily Imtrumem yhull Ix reduccJ hy tho umounl ui'tha �r��:ccdr. muhipliaA��y.thq•fuUqwing
<br /> ,�-':?�°°;"'��..;N -," fruc�ion: lul Ihc totul amount of�hc sumv c��urcd immc�1iuWly txGttc thu lakiag.dividcd I�y(b1 th�fair mi+�icet�t�luA of ihe �_: _-
<br /> ���°�"°-�' •`,•�`e , Pn�peny immr.diutely before Ihe iukin�. Any halance ahull ho puid to Borruwe►. tn thu evem uf a p�uticrl takin}�,of,the -
<br /> ��� Prop�rty in which tFw fuir murkei vulue uf thc Pmperty immediutely brfore�hd 1uki�g ix Ic>+ �hun ihu umnunt.�f r���:utns
<br /> -' �' u�und immedialely tx�tiire Ihc �uking,unle.. Barru w e r u n d Le n d c r�►t h c r Y:i M ug r�c i n w r i t i n g ��r u n lu�� u p pli�;�6ld:lt►w
<br />- ' n�hcrwine provitk�.the prixceds�hull hc uppliud�o the.um.�ecured by thi�:S��cu�ity InF�rument whalhar or nal tha wmx�
<br /> 3; tlun duc. - -
<br /> i.• II'thr Piraperty i.uh•rndonrd by Hnm�wrr,��r if.uRer naiice hy Lendcr to Burn►wer�hui tha randKmn���utlisn;!a�make
<br /> ;.� . . un awurJ ar uule u cluim for dumuge..B��rruwrr fuil,to re�pmd�o l.rndcr within 311 duy��aUar ibu datu ih�i natic;ti•.i+given. ------- �-
<br /> }�_ � � Lender i.uulhoriix�d�o callect and apply �he pnx:eed�.ul i�ti np�ion,cither�o r�x�arneinn or repulr oF tha Pru�,:ny�,or to the
<br /> � +,um+�ecurrJ by tbi�Securi�y In+�n�ment,whrther or noi then due. �.. _.�
<br /> Unle+s Lender imJ���rruwer rnhenvi.e ugree in writing,uny upplicution��f p�cx:ccdr�tu prinGipul:�hi�ll ncN.eztend or �_
<br /> s� po+l�xm�Ihe duc Julc of Ihc monlhly paymem.rci'errcd M in paru�ruph*1 and�ur ehungu thu um�iunl��f nuah p�•menta.
<br /> ,` " 11. Rarawer Not Relcared: Forbearance By l.ender Not a Wpiver. Hx�en►:iun ��f tha tirtn� fi►r payment or ��?-�`�""
<br /> , � � � modificutian uf umoniiution uf�hc•ums.ccureJ by thl+Security lnstrumenl ga+n�ed by l.eMicr u�unp nu�xe�+o�.in interezt _ _
<br />�.r� - ' uf Borrower�hs+ll nM nperutc tn r�lea.e the liubiliry af thc ori€inul Horrou•er or daROwcrk +u�xz�vorc;.in�int��BSt. Lender __ _____
<br /> � shuVi not F►e rcyuirrJ tu cummencr pr�xeeding�uFuin�t :u�y succe�.or in inl�rex�ur r�lur�:lo axtencl.�inl� for payment ar _ _
<br />? � • uthenvi+e modify umoni�ution of ihe.um�secured by�hi�Security In+�rumenl By muson��f ix�y damund miule by the ariginul --
<br /> Bnrtower or BoROwer;.urres.ur.in intcre.�. Any tiubeurnnee hy l.endcr in rxrni�ing uny right nr.ramedy shull not be u
<br /> wuiver of or prrcludc the cxerci�r of uny right or remrdy. �:=_-
<br /> ' IZ. Successu�and AsviRns Bound;,loint and Sever�l Liabilit,r:(:asignen. 71ir.cov�`nantr�and+�greements of'thi�
<br /> Security In.tnament tihall birnl und Ix�netii thu.urce.+on und uysign�:i�f'l.endcr:►ml Borr<ru��r.,ubJec�to�h�provisiam of --.--
<br /> purugruph 17. Burn�wcr's cuvenunt. und ugn�emen�h ,hull t�e join� �nd �ce��erul. Any sunow�r��bo ro•xigns thin Security ���
<br /> ' • Intiirument hut dor.r nut exrcute the Nuie: lul is ca-signing thi,: Srcurity(nntnimatx nnlv�to•marrguge.grnnt und convey thut __-_
<br /> ' ' . Bnm►wer:inter�st in the Propeny undrr tlx�crni�of thiti S�curity Innerument; (h)i�nrn(►ar:�nully��+ligu�ed tu puy tho�ums
<br /> securcd by this Serurity In+trument:und Ic)ugree.thut Len�ler:�nd uny olhar Burruwer muy ugree a►extend,m�xiify,fort�eur --.--
<br /> ' or make uny uccammuJali��m with reKnrd ro the Icm��ot'�hiK Securi�.y In�:uumenl,ar the Nar without �hnt Barrower's
<br /> ' conxent. """-
<br /> `-- ' .` " - i3. Lo�s Clsar�ee. !!'thr izr.us :rcured hy 1hi� 5��+•uri�y In�nimHm..i�tiuhJect to a law which +eh muximum loun
<br /> ' . , charges.and�hat luw i.tinully intcrpreted w thut�hc imcrcr�or�Ahec loun churgr.mllected or�o he colkrted in canoection '"""'�°"`
<br /> with thc loun exrecd�he perniined limilr..�hen: IaJ any+ueh lonn churga shull hr reduced by the unxwm nece.wry to rcdure --
<br /> the churFe to the�xrmitteci limil:and Ibl uny.um�alnudy collucird from Borrower which exceeded pe�rmitted limit.will be =______
<br /> rcfunJed t��Borrower. Lender muy chiw�e�o mukc thir refund hy n:ducing Ihe principal owed under Ihe Note or hy ma�king u L.,��,�:,��
<br /> dimc�puyment�o Borro�vcr. It'si ref'und reduca.principul,tha rodur�ion will t►e treutcd a�•r paniul prepuymem wi�haut any _ �
<br /> prcpuymcnt rhar�c unJer Ihr Not�. �r�-�°�_
<br /> 14. NoticeR. Any notice to Borruw�cr pruvidcd fnr in•�hi.Srrunty Imtrument.hull tx gi�en by dclivcring it ar by �{`y�;r,,
<br /> muiling it by t irx�cla.s muil unlr,.applicahlc lati��reyumi�use i�f anrnhcr nkihal.The nulice�hull he direi:ted tu thc Pmperly ?""_'�"_
<br /> ' . Addres,ur any othcr;xldrer+B��rca�vcr dr,ignulc� by oa�«e lu l.endcr. Any nuticc to LcnJcr.hull Fxr givrn by fini clu„ !�'=��_
<br /> " mail to Lcnder;uJJres�.tated hrrcin or uny��ther addnr�.Lrnd�r de.ignulc+My notke to Borrower. Any nutice provided for �;�1;�'.=='
<br /> ds;.;::_=.
<br /> in thi� Scruriry Inztrumrnt .hull tx dcrmi:d ta have Ixrn �ivrn to Horrowrr or LenJrr when givcn ux providcA in thiti ��
<br /> �
<br /> • purugraph. µY�
<br /> IS. (:overnina I.ww: tir��erabi8lv. 1�hi� Srcuriiy In�in�mrm .hull Iw Eovcmcd hy Irderal I,nv and ihc luw of' thc ..- •=
<br />�_ juri,dicliun in which thr Pn��xny i,kxatul. In ih�����cnt tha�•rm�pruvitiiun�►r cluu+c ol'th�n Security Intitrumcn���r thc Nnte !�.""�`
<br /> contlict.�viih aipplirahlr laH•..urh runtlirt�hall no��d7cct u�hcr pruvi+iun.of�hiti Srruri�y In.trwnrm��r ihr Note which cun � r��_
<br /> . , be given et'fcrt wi�huut�hr contlicting pr�iri,iun. '�ii thiti enJ �hr pruvi�ion���F�hi.Scrunty In�trumem �nd the Note ure '.'.
<br /> declurcJ to Ix,cvcrahlr. �u"����
<br /> ' � 16. Borrow•er's Copv. H��rru����r�hull Ix�givcn�au r�mli�rni�d rnpy of�hr N�ar and ul'thi,Security Imtrumenl. � �".`=
<br /> :��_,=.
<br /> 17. 'I►�nsi'er of the 1'roperlv or�livneficiul Intere,t in dorrow•er. If ull or;ui�•pan�,f mr 1'n►pcny ur any intcrr.�in �Y.; �_
<br /> � i� is tiold or tr�m�i'emd lur il u I�cncticinl in�rrr,� in Hi�rcu��rr i+.old ur iran,tcrred anJ Borruu•cr i.no� a nntural {krti�ml � :'
<br /> withvut Lendrr:priur wrinen ron�em.LcnJrr may. :n il, upii�m,rryuin imnkJi:ue paymcnt in full��f all �ums ururcd by
<br /> �. thi+5ecurity In��rumrrn. H�nec�•er.lttif.iiptiun�hull n�N he�tercixd by(.enJrr if r��rci��i,prohihilrJ by fedeml luw u,M' <1,...-�
<br /> dk dote af thi�Security Imtnimrnt. .:.;i��,;
<br /> If LrnAer exrrci�e�thi�uptiun.l.cnd�r�hull gi��c Hurruarr nulire„I:����.i��:���.���. rr��,�,u«.n�u rr�,��a�:i�xriud of -
<br /> � n�w Ic++than?U day.t'r��m thc.iate thc natirr i,drli��rmd��r mailcd wi�hin��hirh liarruarr mu,t pu�•cJl wm�tircwrd hy Ihi,
<br /> Scruril)� In+trumem. N' Borro���rr t:iil. tu pay thr�r �um, priur w �hc c�pir+uiun c�t�U�i,�xrri�xl. LrnJrr muy invokc any
<br /> ' Rmedir.�xmiillyd hy thi.tir�uri���In,irumem��iihou�1'unl�rr nutirc ur JcmimJ un l3urro�+cr. �
<br /> � 18. Norroaer'+ Iti�hl lo Rcinslu�c. II BurruNrr mrrt.rrnain rundi�i�m,. Hoiruurr +hull ha�r thr rigM �n have � ,
<br /> rntiircrmern nf thi�Scrurity In�trununl Ji,runtinue.l,u any iime prii�r tu Ihc carlier ut: �:u 5 Jay,iur,urh nthrr�xri�xl:u
<br /> . �mFl�•1 amJ� hannlc\1ae�Freddir�luc I'\IFIIR�I I\ti'I'RI�It:\'I Il�m,nn�'���ruanh 4 411 yu�r�•���/n/a�e��+i ,
<br /> I
<br /> I ' .
<br />�
<br /> -- �
<br /> !
<br /> I
<br /> �
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<br /> . � _ - -1
<br />