• _ '!Jt�� �.M � 21:10 ?R'-��.�� - - - - �J.��isc'�.,a"=--._"""_' . . .:
<br /> •'�!i' —
<br /> �}f"� .ie.. 'h �• t _
<br /> . '.�` z•E. " _
<br />,. . '.� o :Y. ..A`.�.�/Yi�...� r. � � .. .�_
<br /> '� ;� �-' •a�y��.f,�` 92-1U180� ---
<br /> '! '����:>���v.r„�tT�:.,:.•
<br /> '!: _l:: "y perfuJs thut l.ender requfrcK. The insuran�c cnrrfer provWing Ihe inrunuue�hull hc rhu,cn by punow�r tiubjecl to l.cnJerk ____
<br /> �L_.�• ---
<br /> ,;.+�s�=. '�?y�'�`'4�•, upprovol which shall nW t+e unrcuwnubly wilhheld. If&xruwer f'ailr ta m•rinlufn cuveruKe drkrihed�txwe,lxnJar trwy.�t
<br /> � :�. �'_ ;:
<br /> :�t��,�;�,:,�,�ja;;�`• Lcnder R�►p�inn.oMnin�ovcru�ce�o pnNcr�l.endcr y ri�ht�in�Ix 1'ru�hy in uc.•��nlunrc wilh par�kroph 7.
<br /> ,:�•;,� �..,,,,.�,, All in,u�uncr�wlicir.r wK!rcncwul��hull hc ikraptaMc a�Lcn�kr wxl.hull in�lu�c u,IunJurd m�KlgaQc cluu�c. l.cmlcr --
<br /> � hhul!huvc Ihe riµht tu h��ld Ihc��Itcfr+unJ rcnewul�. If l.cixkr nyuin r,Rurr�iwrr�hull ru�ntFNly ytive lu Lrnik�ull ntiriplr
<br /> ,`.� �;;�•. ��f pald pmmiuin,u�ul mnewul nwicev. In�Ik cvrm��f lo...R�x���wcr rhull�ive pn�mpt m►ticc to�hc Insurunmr r�rticr atwl
<br /> �i..;..W...�,y,•.. � LrnJr�. l.cndrt muy mukr�mw+f��i'li���if n�d m:Mlc p�i�ntplly by Hotrawer.
<br /> , .'i, ,1�.
<br /> Unlcc�Lendcr unJ Hum�wrr�Nlhiw�x u�Cati in w�itiog.in�m:uk�puwrrJ+�.hull t+�;rpplic�l tu�rtiluruliuu ur repair uf �'�`_�'i`�-
<br /> ;i �; ��, . � Ihc Hruperty dumuged. if�hc rc+liKUli�a� ��r�p•rir i+ crumrmirully Ica�iMu :mJ l.cn�kr:Kruriry i. nM Ir+�neJ. If�he
<br /> �; ," j: �:' s� ;' m�t�xuti�►n ��r mpair i+ n�N ccon�►mieally t'eu�ible or Lcndrr+ K�urity w��ulJ he Irs.eneJ,lhe insunuke pn�rd� �hAll be �
<br /> �i �� �; npplicd lo Ihe tiumti ucund by�hi+Sccurity Imtcvment, whcthrr or n�N �hen Jur, wilh uny cxrr�.p•rid w Bunuw•er. If
<br /> .. . �.irrac__--
<br /> ;::• :+,. ' ' Borrower abandunx �he Piropeny, ur dnc� nut answcr wilhin ZII duy� u ix►ticc frc�m l.endcr Ihut thc insurutwe carrie� has
<br /> �3,,,.�.
<br />�- .;; �� affered to senle u cluim,th�n l.ender muy collec��he in.u�•rnce pnKCrd�. l.ende�muy uK the pr�xcwJx�o mpair or reatare ---�--
<br />;i,_ .,; ,�; ' � the Property or to pay sumw+ecurcKl by�his Security Inurument.whe�i�r or not�hen Jua. The�(1-dLy{x:riad will begin when ��'�`- ..
<br /> . Ihe natice is given. ��_=
<br /> , ` . . Unless Lender and B�xtower utherwise ugrce in writin�,uny uppliru�iun af pr�xeedz ui princip�l shall nol earend or __ ____
<br /> •4 ` • � poscpone th..due dnte of the monthly paymemti rcferreJ a�in p•rrugraph. 1 und 2 or chunge the umaunt uf the puyments. If !�`"�__
<br /> . ^ ;•.��; v��� . under paragraph 21 the Prupeny i4�cyuirrd hy Lender. Borruwerw right to any insu�nce policiex;uid prrneeds resulting �,��
<br /> , t'r�m clannage to the Property prio�w�he uryui+i�inn shall p•rsz�o Lender la thr excem of the gumx+erured by thia Sec:urity
<br /> ; ` ^ Insmim�mt immcdiutcly priur tu Ihe urquitiitian. _
<br />• �+ � , b. Ocenpancy. PreservAtfop. MaintenAnce �nd Protectlon ot Ihe Property: Borrower's Loan Application;
<br /> . , � 1,eACehald.4. Bortawer,hall occupy.e+iabli�h.LnJ u�e�he Pmpeny a+Brnmwer.principnl re+idence within�+isry days N'ter �_
<br /> '' • �Ihe execu6an of this Securily Instrument und xhall cuntinur tu�xcupy the Propeny us B�xrowerw principal�usid�nce fur at
<br /> :�..,
<br /> ' � •� Ien.St one year a8er the date of �xcupancy, unlesti Lender otherv►i.e ngreex in writing, which conscnt aholl not be �±±t�r�:;_
<br /> . �' unreasonubly withheld,or unletiti eztenua�ing circumxlunres exi�t whirh ure heyond Bixrower�control. Borrower shuU not �_rr±�_��
<br /> � �� • destroy,dumage or impair the Prap:rty,ullow �he Propeny lo deteriorate,or commit wa.tc on�he Propeny. Sorrower shall �•L�=
<br />', �� be in defAUlt if any forfeiture uction or praceedinF,whether civil or criminul, is begun that in Lender's good failh judgment '"�;�'''.
<br /> ��•
<br /> � .� could result in forfeiture of the Property or othenvise materiully impuir the lien cre•rtc�i by this Serc�rity Inrtrument or �-�,.
<br /> ,� � �z.�t.�,_
<br /> Lender's securiry interest. Borrower may cure such u defuult unJ reim�ate,as provided in paragraph 18,by cuusiog the action �,.��.r,_=:
<br /> ; or proceeding to be di,mi+xed with o ruling thut,in Lender:good fuith detertninution,precludrs Forfcitune af Ihe Borrower's
<br /> intercst in the Propeny or other materiul impuirtnent of the lien creuled hy �hi, Security lastniment or Lander's security �`�"'g�'°
<br /> �..::
<br /> ', intere�t. Bortowrr shall ulso be in defauU if Borrower, during Ihc loun upplication process, guve muteriully false or ��4�fi.
<br /> ' inuccurme infurmution ar�tutements to Lender lur fuiled to pmvide I.ender wi�h uny material information)in connectiun with ���__yr:_.
<br /> ' � the loan evidenced by the Nate, including, bul not limiled to, repnesemutions concerning Bon�ower+ oecup;mcy oC the 3.,,,,,
<br /> _
<br />