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�r w�.�� � �3 • . . ���.'�'�a�s«: -- _ <br /> i.a..� __ �.. 5 � _ <br /> '.-��`-.- _ _ _ —— �_' __. . � '_ �,�-.—i.. <br /> �.��• ' . <br /> ���� -- ----- -!A_ _ _ ` .. . -- - <br />.__--�. - - ' _'-�..n....y....�� �-_ _ ' .� . . <br /> ��_4~�� �� ._....�_...• ' <br /> . 'C'-7�C. 1/�..'�:•, ��-_._ _ <br /> u' _—__ ... �- - <br /> n � <br /> `�Y����f�i�' '��:a-� � � ' i U 18 U a -_--- - <br /> -�z � �,�� . 92-- <br /> �"-_�������� applicuble IAw may cpecify far reinstotementl be(are sale of the Propeny purxuant to any powc�uf xale cantained in thie <br /> --�-�� Securlty lnstrument;or(b)emry of a Judgment eniarcing this Security Instrumem. Thaie conditiunx arc thut Barrower. (a1 <br /> °�..�,;fi �� ' .}' pays I.ender all suma which Ih�en would be due under this Security Insuument und the Note a.r if no acceleraliun hud <br /> ,.;,�;t •r•; accurred;(b)curcs any default of nny other covenants or agreemems:(c)puyx all ezpense�fncurred in enf��rcing�hix Srcurily — <br /> , '�^���.. ° ��;� Inswment, including,but nat limitrd to,reasanable unomeys'fees; and (d)taker such acliwi u� l.enJer muy reuxonabty — <br /> � ��i'�`,,.�.,_-?.�� ' require to assure that the lion oi thig Sccuriry Inswmen4 Lender�dghts in the Propeny und Burruwcrk obliQution ta pay the <br /> '" �,-;.<;:a,�'��� .� sums secured by this Securiry Imuvment shull con�inue unchenged. Upan rein�tatemem by H�Nruwrr, thia Secu�ity <br /> �� , �° ' -. Insuument w�d the obligwions�secured hereby shall remain fully efiective ar il no urcelrratian huJ�wcur�c�l. Huw�ver,lhis � -- __ <br /> '�b}r ^ �ight to rcinstAte sholl not opply in the casc of accelea►tion under psvagruph 17. — <br /> ..���'"t;�'.',..'�,�t� �; <br /> . .� .>:�:�;.s � ,. <br /> - :� . ��'• 19. Snk af Note; Chwnge ot I.ovn Servicer. The Natc or e pnrtial interest in thc Nwc (�ogcthcr with this Secu�ily ��,�__ <br /> . ,,., <br /> - - ,�.�ti, . :,• . ��: Insuument)may bc sald one ar mare timrs withaut prior natice la Borrower. A sal�muy recult in u changc in Ihc entily �1,;_�,:;�.=-- <br /> — � � �• (known as the"LoAn Servicer")that collecls manthly paymen�c due under the Note und this Securlty ln�trument. There also <br /> ,��� . • ' may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated ro u �ale of the Nute. If therc is t►chunge af the Low�Servicer. — <br /> .� ., ,• • - <br /> , � ''� Barrower will be given w�itten natice af the chunge in accordunre with parngrnph 14 ulwve und upplicable luw. The notice <br /> �~"� ' h , • • .. will 9tute the name and address of the new Luan Scrvicer und 1h�addresa to which payments should be mude. The notice will ��_ �-_- <br /> •� �. • ulso contain nny other infortnution required by applicnbls luw. - <br /> • � -� 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not cuuse or permit the presence,use.(I�SPOFAI,sroruge,or release of any __ _ <br /> � ' ' Hs�zurdous Substunces on or in the Propeny. Bortower shull not da, nor allaw nnyone else to du, unything affecting the =--- <br /> '1rs� , , . , _ ' „�d ., �•�,•_��v..,•_.,r-- <br /> r.�F . ti �� . • Propeny thut is in vialAtion of any Environmentul Law. The preceding two santences shull nat upply to the presence,use,or �,_ <br /> �;ti. � .��. •� ��` n�arnge on the Propeny oi smxll quantities of Haznrdous Subsu�nces thut ure generally reeogniud to be uppropriate to nartnal <br /> ..,.�'.:, „ <br /> :;:;�� _ residemiAl uses und to muintenunce of the Property. --�-�---- <br /> `��:��, ..- -._. - - Sorrower shal!promptly give l.�nder writ�en nrnice M'imy inveti�igutian,cluim,demand.Inwsuit or other action by Any s.��;a,�==- <br />_ ;���`>., ,J.���.I' :�.i ' , governmental or regulatory agency or private p:vty involving the Propeny and uny Huznrdous Substunce ur Environmentul F`:=""``u- <br />_ ':4_�F�P,'•:.;.'; :,�: �,. 't'Y'°:�, <br /> ,,:^,. ,. .., , . Law af which Horrower has ucival knowledge. If Borrower leurns, or is nwilied by an,y governmenlul or regulatory c ��. <br /> �;fi�;f b authoriry,that nny removul or other remediation af uny Huzardous Subslunee nffecling the Propeny is necexyary.Borrawer _�_�'' == <br /> i , � : � s h t+l l p ro m p U y t u k e A l l n e c e s s a ry r e m e d i n l u�t i a n s i n u c w r d a n c e w i�h E n v i r u n m e n t a l L a w. �• ��•�a�. <br /> u• <br /> • � , � As used in this parugruph 20,"Hazardous Subslonce.s"sue thase tiubstunces deflned us toxic or hsuurdou�subslances by �'y'"'-'°-:� <br /> �• • � Environmentul Law ond�he followinF subetuncex: gusoline,kerosene,o�her flAmmuble ar toxic troleum r«lucts,loxic �`�"'`'' <br /> ':.�,..: P� P �ie�.y=:..�..���,. <br /> •• , .� . pesticides nnd herbicides,volatile rolvents, muteriulti contuinin� asb,�stos or formuldehyde,und rudiouctive muterials. As <br /> , � u+ed in thiti paragruph 20,"Environmentul Luw�"meanx federal laws und luwti oF lhe jurixdic�ion where the Propeny is located �;,,g(�_' - <br /> �� thut�late ro health,sufety or environmentul protec�ion. ��:=� <br /> � " . ' , � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawer and Lendcr fuhher covcnuM und agree u+falluws: _-_=-_ - <br /> ' . ';, 21. Acceleration; Remedies. I.ender shall�ive notice to Borrower prior ta accelerotion followfng Borrower'.c �m-�a;;� <br /> �'z�� � breach of any covenant ur agreement in thls Securify Inslrumeot Ibat not prior Io ucceleration under ppragraph 17 ���`}�-`'��� <br /> ,,, . .. . uniess opPiicabie IAw pro�ldcs aihesx'tse). Tlse aailre sha!!spccigy: ta1 thc default:tb!!Ae sc!!on reqalrfe!to c�re the <br /> n . defAUlt;lcl a date.not les4 than 30 days from the dale the notice is gi��en to which the default must be �:=: <br /> . cured;und(d)that Pallure tu cure Ihe dePault on or before the date speciiied in the notice moy result in ucceleratlon oP �`�'��' <br /> • " ., . ."';� the sums secured by thls SecurU��ln9trument and sale of the 1'roperty. The notice shall Ibrther inform Borr4wer af ����,- <br /> ' � ' "" ' the riRht tu reinstate af'ter acceleration and the riRht to brin�a rourt ucUon to a�.sert the non-existence uP a dePault ur <br /> • ' any othe�dePense oi Borrower to acreleration and sale. IP the dePuult ig nnl cured on ur bePore Ihe date specii7ed in �r�:� <br /> '' the notice.Lender at it�optiun muy require immediate payment in full of all sums secured bv thiY tiecurity Inslrumrnt {�.F';c�`i,�• <br /> • withnut Purther demand and muy invake the powe� oF sule und am• uther remedies permitted by applicable low. "'=-�_���- <br /> � � l.ender shall be endtled to cullect ull expenves incurred in pursuin� thr remedies pro�•ided in thic parusruph 21. ��.--�-=^�-''-`��"" <br /> , . . � including.but not limfled to,reasonable ultorneys'feer und costs nP tillr evidence. �r*T"T,-- <br /> " IP the power oi sule is in��oked,'ll�ustee shall record u noNce oP deiuult M euch county in a•hirh uny purt��P the �.' "' ''' � <br /> � Pr o perly ix Iocaled und xhull muU cu pir,of such noUce in the munner prezc�ibed b�•upplicuble lua lo BorroKer and to �._��'_,��•��� <br /> � the other persons prescribed by applicvble luw, Ai'ler thc lirne reyuired by uppUcable law.Trustee shall�ive public ,.:'�_:•��ah;;,; <br /> � • . notice of s�ale to the persons und in the munner prrscribed by rpplirable law. Trustee.wUhuul demaod on Borrowea <br /> � " ' ' shull sell the Property al public auctinn lo Ihe hiRhest bidde�ul the dme und pluce und under the terms designuted in _ �,�;,,�-_-�� <br /> the notice of r,ole in one nr mnre purrels and in any arder 71�uslee determines, 7lrustce mu�•p�►stpnne ss�le of all ar any ""�c���:�: <br />' ��"` ' parcel oP the Property bv public s�nnuuncement at thr time and pluce oi anv pre��iously scheduled sule. Lender ar it!� . <br /> , ' deci�nee may purchase the Properlv at anv sule. ' - <br /> ' ' Upnn receipt aP puyment uf'the price bid,7ruxtec shull deli��er to Ihe purchuser'll�ustee's deed converinR the <br /> ' Properly. 'fhe recitals in the 7Yustee'x deed r•hull hr primu Puck e�•idence oi'Ihe truth uP thr stutements mude therein. <br /> ``� � �,`.:,: 'Iruatee.rhall apply the pro��eeds uf the wde in the Pidlo��•ing nrder: lul to all co+ts and e�cpenuw oP exercixinq the puwer • <br /> ':�a�-_ <br /> . —�;7;y�,;�:.;��, <br /> '��l'i�•ic <br /> .i Y:' <br /> , � . <br /> O , <br /> .. Furm.N1:A Y�411 r�y,�,••„����arer„ � <br /> { <br /> :• . <br /> , <br /> t <br /> � <br /> ( <br /> ' • � -� -- - �- ---,. .. . .. <br />