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<br /> ,' �► . .. .. .... . '=r r f_
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<br /> xubsrantiully eyuivulent�tx�rtguge intiuruncc ruveruge ia not uvuiluhle,licirrower�hull p�y tu L.endcr e+�ch month a�um equul tu �_--R
<br /> " � • ntk.-twelf�h ot'thc yeur)y mortgage in�uruncc prcmium hcing paiJ by &►rrowcr when the inaurun�c roverugc lap.x�t ur reasecl to � -.
<br /> �� •F ° bc in cffixt.Lendcr will urcpt.uee und�c�ain�he�c paymeni�u� u lus. rc�rvr in licu of m�m�uge inyuran�c. L��ss rcu�rve �"'�':���„
<br /> '�' ...° .' �•�, payment.r muy m�I�ngcr bc rcquiral.ut tNc op�iun ol'L.cndcr.il'nx�ngugc inr�ururwr cuvcrukc lfn thc umnum und f�►r Ihe periad R-�-,_.,:�.,,A...,._
<br /> thut l.ciulcr reyuiresl pawidal by un inwurer appr�+vcJ by Ixixlcr�guin l�+mxs uvuilublc und ix �+htuinal. &�rn�wer�hall pay _
<br /> • � C� the prcmiums rcyuired tu malntnM murtgugr insur�txc in effccl. ��r.tu providr a lus,rc.crvc,unlil the requircrtunt fi�r mongage ��+
<br /> ��.
<br /> .. O� insurAnce cndn in uccurJuncc with uny wriUcn ugr��cmcnt Ixrtwc�:n&ttrawcr und l.�ndcr ar upplicublc luw. i�:,,���- _��
<br /> � ' � 9. InxpecNon. l.cnJcr ur its ugem muy muke rcu��muhlc cmric�uExm ui�l in+pcctions�►t thc Prupeny. L.c�ulc�xhull givc
<br /> 1 r+ ' ° , Burruwcr nnticc at thc timc ot'u�pri��r�u un in�pcctian s�xcifying rc�w►nuhlc rau�e ti�r thc incp���i��n. ���-��-='-'"`':----
<br /> � 10. Contlemnpdnn. Thc pnx:cr�ls uf any uwurJ ur cluim fi�r damugc,. Jircrt or �onx:yuenliul, in c�mn���iun wi�h uny
<br /> �� �" r��rxlcmnutian or nthcr tuking af nny pun ��f thc Pa�pcny. nr t�x comcyuncc n► Gcu ot cu�nkwnuuon.arc hurcby:u�igned and �.,N_''°'_=---__
<br /> . . . ~ zhull bc paid,W Lcndc�. -`---
<br /> 6_-
<br /> .. . ' In tha,cvonl of u totul tuking af thc Pr�iEx:ny. thc pnx�tJ��hull Ix upplicJ tu�hc+um,xorur�Kl by this Sccurity Intitrument. �_._=--
<br />,R whethat nr pot then due, with any rxcc,.paid Iu Rorrowcr. ln�hc cvcnt uf u p•rniul�uking uf thc Property in which thc fair ��___ _ ___
<br /> , N murke�vnluq,�►f thc P�opcny imnu�liAlcly lx:t��rc th� tuking i�ryuul a►ur Frcu�cr tlwn the unu�unt of thc sumr;++ecureJ hy this —�Tn;_,�.___:_
<br /> � Securily�lartrument immaiiutcly heti�rc thc tukin�,unlcs.&�rruwcr and l.enJcr u�herwin�ugrec in writing. �he suma sccurai by , ,, „�;;f,i,;?u�+=-_�.
<br /> this Secvrity, In,�rument shull Ik r��clueed by �he amount ul' the pr�xe��ls multiplied by the (oUnwing fr�u:tion: (vl the anul '}.y,�'r?�`.��,�r�-�;
<br /> � amnunt.t►f Iha .um�kcured immeJiutely hefi►re the iuking, Jivlded by lb) the iair murkci vulu�uf tlk Pmputty immediutely �_____.-�----.--._�.__
<br /> � hefure thq.�uking. Any halunre xhull he puid to &►rruwcr. In ihe evcnt ��f u partiul tuking ��1'�hn Pro�ny in which thc fuir �'��-
<br /> �.,,�u.�a.,�.�s R....._
<br /> � murk�et vuluu af thc Propeny immMliutcly t►cliirc thc tuking is Ic�s thun thc umnunt of thc nums�ccurc�i immcdiatcly bc:forc the �� ��.._
<br /> t�king, unlexs Borrower unJ l.ender uthcrwi�r ugree in wriung �K unless applicublc luw athenvir�c prewides, the pnxcecis shull � �y�;,,Y `
<br /> be upPlied�o the�um,scrurcJ hy thiti 5rcurity M�trumcnt whethcr or no��he�umx ure than duo. �'°_'�,
<br /> If the Prop�rty i,ubund��nal hy &�rr��wer,ur ii',nfter notice by l.eixlcr ti�BoR��wer thut the cimdemnor uffers lu mu�:e un -`�N��__�_
<br /> � uwurd ar sctUc u claim Pix Jamuges, B�irriiwer fuilti tu rc.�wnJ t<� l.endar within 30 duy�atier thc dute the noticc is given. ••� r`�'��_ -
<br /> ,..;..a.�r'�(°,�:`•_e-:
<br /> •• l.ender is uuthurired p�c��llect unJ upply t hc prc►re a iti,at ils up t ion. e i l h�s r t o r c w t o n�l i o n u�re p a i r af the P�o p ert y or tn the aum.+ . __
<br /> rnecured by thic Securiry In.trumen�,whethcr or not then due. :•,. �°!',F�- �
<br /> Unless Lender and &�rrower utbanvi+r ugree in wri�ing, any upplicution of pr�keeds �o principul shull nut ex�end or .z,F,��,;,,,r -- ,
<br /> pnxtpcmc the due Jale aP Ihe monthly puymcnts refcrred lo in purugraphs I and 2 or changc tlx amuun[of such payments. - � "•
<br /> � 11,Barrower Not Released;Forbeurance By l.ender Not a Waiver. �xtenrion i�f the time Pur pa��ment or modifcutiun �-��'
<br /> _� ..
<br /> " of tunortizsHi��n of thr tium+secured by this Security Inslrumcnt grunteJ by l.ender to any succesx�r in interest oF&�rn�wer shull :; :t._
<br /> not operatc to rclea�thc liubility of�he ixiginul Borrowcr or B�xmwcr'ti+uccetiu�rx in imcrest. Lcnder shull nat be requireJ to .�_
<br /> commenee pr�xeeciing+ugain�t uny succe+u�r in inte�est or retuse ta eatenJ time for payment or athenvise m�xlify amuriizution ���_��
<br /> �if the sums seeureJ by this Security Inxtrument by rca�on uf uny denwnd mude by �hc �x'iFinul Borrower or Borr��wcr'� .. :.y�
<br />, successon in interest. Any li�rberrumc hy l.cnder in exrrcising uny rigM ��r remedy xhall not be a waivcr uf��r preclude�he i aai:;°-.- �
<br /> exercirc nP nny right i�r remcdy.
<br /> 12. Succe.ss�rs and Assigns Bnund; .loint and tieveral I.iabHity: Ca-si�ners. Thc cnvenunts ancl agreements uf thi. a:t��:'�
<br /> Security Inntrument tihall bi�xi und l+�netit the +ucresw►rti und msignx ol' Lender utKl &�ROwer, subjec� to the provisii�n�ol' . . _' �,� �
<br />. - _-___:_- ._= paragraph 17 porrnw�r'. covenant+ und agrecmen�s shall hc joint utxl ,everul. Any Sorrowcr wha co-rignti this Sc�urity �. _ . �_'': z .
<br /> ' � Imtrument but dcks not rxecu�c ihe Nute: lul i� co-,igning lhiti Securily Inslrument only io mongage. grunc un�i �vuvey ihdi ; .-�,. .. �,_�.
<br /> � &�rrower's intcrctit in thc Prop�:ny unJcr tlx tcmi+of thi�Securiry In+trwncnt; Ihl i+n�x pers�mally obligutcd to pay thc�wn� ..,: ., ���
<br /> � . �
<br /> ' �,ecural by Ihis Securi�y Instrument; anJ Irl u�n'es Ihat Lendrr unJ uny uthcr Bonower muy ugmc to exlenJ, m�xlify.ti�rlxur ur S •,.
<br /> muke uny uccommai�tions with regurd to thc tcrnn cif thi�5cruriry Instrument or thr Nnte withuut thut Bnrrower's eanxent. , . "''W�°��
<br /> 13. Loan Charges. If lhe luan sccureJ by thi�Secu�ily In+trument i.+ubjcrt a►u luw whidi.etx muximum luan churges, -��"
<br /> ' unJ thut law is finully intcrpracJ,u thut thr imcrctit ur uthcr luan ch•rrEc, c��IlcctrJ ur a�br cullecteJ in r�mixction wilh Ihc '�=
<br /> � loun cxcced tlk perniiucd limq.. ihcn: �u1 any,urh luan rhur�r�hull br rrJuccJ hy �Ik umuunt ncccs�ry to redurc thr�harEc . ;-,�,_�_
<br /> ' tn Ihc perntitted limit: anJ Ibl uny ,um�alrcuJy rollrcicJ Irum B��rmwcr whirh excc�dcd p�rmiued limil��vil) hc rclunJcJ ta �
<br /> Burruwrr. Lendcr muy rhix►.e tu muke thi, reti�nd hy rcJurin�! thr princip:d ��wrd unJer the N��tc ur My m;iking a direct =}�--'��
<br /> � p•ryment U� Bort�iwer. If u refunJ rcducc.r prinripul, thc rcJurtiun will t+c �rcateJ as u paniul prepuyn�nt withnut uny ��`'��� .
<br /> prepuynxnt rhur�c under the Natc. , ����_"
<br /> 14.NMicc.c. Any nnticc ti►Burrowcr pruvid��J li�r in thi+ Scruriiy Im�ruuunt ,hall ix given hy J�livcrin�!it�ir by mailing � �., _
<br /> i t h y f i n t c l u ti ti m a i l u n l c�ti a p p l i r u h l r l a�v re y u i r r,u,c��t':u t u t h e r m e t h�xl. Thc nuticr tihall b�directed tu th� Pru�ny AJdre�,
<br /> , �ir uny otlxr addre+� Burrower Jetiignut�. hy nuticr iu Lendrr. Any nuiice w LrnJcr ,hull he given by fir+t rluxs m�il to � , ..
<br /> Lintler's uJdre++ stutcd hcrein or uny �►thrr addre.� Lcnder Jr�i�nutc� hy nulice w Burru��•cr. AnJ� noticc priwidcJ tiir in this .
<br /> Securiry In�trument�hull hc JccmeJ�u havn c�cn givui a,Norrowcr��r Lcndcr w•hrn givcn a.provid�J in thi+paragraph. r `'�'
<br /> 15.Governin� LuH�: �vcrabllity. Thi� S�ruril� In,trumcm .hall hr gorrrneJ h�• fc�cral I�n�• anJ thr law of ihr �
<br /> . jurisJic�ion in which thc Pro�xn�• i+ I�kalcd. In thr rvrnt th:U �m pruvi,iun ur rlau.r ui ihi,Srcuri�y ln.trunxnt nr thc Niric , . . '_
<br /> conilirt.with upplicablr luw. �unc��mllirt�h:dl nut:►f(cct uthrr pri��•i�i„n.��f�hi.tircurity In+trument or thc Natc whirh ran hc , '-
<br /> given effi�t wilhaut Ihe conQicting pm��i+i�m.To thiti rnd Ih� pnivi�ian,ul Ihi�tic�uri�y In,tnim�nt anJ th� N��tc are Jcrlarcd x� • �
<br /> � ii.:./�:.::: .
<br /> ta be severaNlc. ,-.••';•�
<br /> � 16.Rorrowcr's Cop��.Bnrruwcr tihull be givcn unc runliumrii ro�� �il Ihr Nutr anJ ul'thi. ticrurity In.tn�nkrn. � .
<br /> s 17.Trunsfer of the Properlv or u Beneficiul Interaht in I��rrnaer. U �dl�►r am pan uf ihc Pruperl)•��r;my intrre.t in it
<br /> r . is +oIJ or truntifcrnJ(�x il'a hrncti�ial intcrc.l in Borru��rr i, ,ul�l ur Iran.lcrrcd anJ B„rruacr i,n„t��naiur:d�kr,unl«ithuut
<br /> � • LcnJer'+ priur wripcn c„n,ent. Lend�r inap. at n. „p�i�m, reyuirc immrdiutr �:qmcni in ti�ll ut all wm, ,crurrd M• �hi.
<br /> ,;, . Srrurity In.tromrni. Hawrvcr.thi�uptiun,hall ni,t hc crrrri.cd b�• LrnJcr if cr�rcnc i. pruhihitrd h��1'rJrral laH a,ut tlk Jatr
<br /> ut'Ihi�Scruriry Inatrum►nl.
<br /> II'Lcnder cxcrri�r+thi.upliun. LrnJrr,h:dl Eive B„rra���rr�u,li.•e u(.�r:rl�n•auun. Che nu�i�•r.hall pm�idr a�xri�xl��(o��l
<br /> Ic,. than 3U Ja�•, t'rom �hc Jatc thc nutice i.dcG�•cr�d ��r m.ulc�l ��ilhui ��hirh Hurr����rr nw.l pa� all ,um. ,eriucJ hy ihi+
<br /> 5ecurity Intitrumcnt. If Aurra��rr t'uil,l��pac thetic�um. pri��r t�,thr rrpir;iliun ul'thiti rrn�xl.L�ndrr mar im•ul,e am� rrmcdi�.
<br /> prrmittrJ by thi,Sccurity In.trumrnl ailliau� lurthrr nrn�rr ur dcmaiKl nn B„rruarr.
<br /> 18. Bnrrower's Ri�;ht to Reinstate. II' HorruKCr m�ci� rcrlain ��,ndiu�nn. Nurm��cr •hull have thr right to hacc
<br /> enliirc�mem oi'Ihi, Sccurity lu>�rununt di.r�mtinurd at :m� �imr pri�,r ii, thr carlicr �,t`. ia►S day, iur wrh other �xriitil a.
<br /> upplicablc la�� ma� ,reril'� ti,r rrin�tatrmrnu h�li,n .:dr nf ihr I'r����en. �uu�u:nu �„ :�m p�,arr .,1 ,:de .•umainr.l in ih�.
<br /> S�rurity In�trumrnl:„r�hl cnlr� ul u�wltmrnl rnl„r.•m� �hi� tir.urm In.trumrm. I'h��.�•:��ndiu�,n� .irr�ha� 13�u�u���cr. �a1 pa�.
<br /> � � LcnJcr all ,mu,�vhirh thrn ��uulJ Ik Jur andrr tlii.�r�unt� In.nuoirnl .ind Ihr V„i.• .n�t nn .��rrkr:dinn h.�d �r•runr�L• �hi
<br /> rurr�uny dcl:iult ul'am• ��thcr :u�rnanl+ ur agrrciueni.; �r� �,:n. .dl r�prn..�� in:urr�.i m rnk�rcint ihi. tircunt� In.lru�u.nt.
<br /> inrludin�. hut nut limilyd lu. rc:i.unahlc:Ut��rnr�.' trr+. anJ �Ji �al,�. •urh .�:In�n .i. I.�ndrr ma> r�a.�,o:ihl� rcyuuc tu:�..ur�
<br /> r 1�181 l�ll'�1CIl OI (�11�1CCU1'll\- ��1�t1'UI11CIll. �Xll��i�'�1-1�'�ll+ 111 (�IC��I'i��hfl\ .111�� ��ut�fi�Nil' �uh�1�::1U��11 li���:1\ I�1C�um•,rcurr.l h�
<br /> . . du. C...•urirv In.�nm�onl .h:dl rntlt111ON I111i�1:111L'l'J �'1���1 I�illl�l:lhllk'lll �l) �;��ffu\\i'I". 1�11♦ til'CUI'll\ �IINfUllll'lll :111�� (�W
<br /> � l ��hligatiom��rureJ hCrch�• .hall rrmain lull� rllcru���:i• il n��.ic�rlrr:iu�,n ha�urrturc.l. 11u��r�cr. thi.ri�lu lu r�m.i:nc �iiaii
<br /> � nut appl��in th�rau��(arr�ler:uiun ui��ki p:ir;��r:iph 17.
<br /> 19. tiule of'hotc: ('hun}!c of Louo ticr�ircr. I'hr V„�r ��r .i {�.n�ud in�rrr.� in thr \�,tr uugr�hcr aith �hi. ticrun�)
<br /> �Il�ll'Ullll'OU IflJ\'hC�0��UI1C ur�nurr timr.��ith��ut ��rnn O�HIi�N� �;ul-f�����'I'. ���:I�C III:1) 1'��U�I IIIJ��I:111�'C 111 1�1C CIII11\ I�.IIn\\Il
<br /> a�thc "Luan 5rr�irrr"1 thal c��llcrl.mnnthh p:�)mrnl.�luc unJer ihr`�ar and �hi� ti.iunt� In.trum�nt. fhrir:d.0 mu�•h��mr
<br /> ` ar morr rhanEr.uf Ihr Luan tirn•irrr unrrl.i�cd tu.i�:dr��I �hr V�ar II thrrr i•a rhangr��I Uir l.u;in tir��ircr. liurru��rr a ill hr
<br /> gi��rn wrilten nutirr ol'thc ch.ingr in.�rrurdan.e���th p.u.���a�,h I-t .da��e.inJ.�p��li.ahlr L���. fhr n�,u.•c��ill .i.ur thr n:unr,uid
<br /> :�dJrc.,ul Ihr nrw Luan tirr�icer und Uir adJt�•.. tu ahi.h (�:i�nunt. .h��ulJ Ik in.idr. I'h.• m,1i�e ��ill .d.�� ��,nlam ,m� ���hr�
<br /> inli,rniaUun rryuircd h� applirahlr la��.
<br /> 2U. HUtu1'duus Su1lztYtic�w. Hurn���rr .hall iwl cau.e �a �i�•innl Ihr p��•+rnrr. u.�•. �li•�,n,,d. ,Iur.iLr. ��i ��•Ira•r �,I .im
<br /> Ila/ar.tnu, tiuh�tanre� on �,r m lhr I'r��prrt�. R��n����t•� .h.tll �n,� �I�� n,�r ,ill�n� .u���au� .•I.. 1�� �h�. amlhinc ellr.nn_ thr
<br /> F'ru�xrl� Ihal i. iu �ii�laliun ul am limirunmern:d I.aa I'hr pi.•.rdint t���� ,.•rnrn.�•. ,h.dl n��t ap�,l� tu thr p�r.rn:�. u�r. ��i
<br /> �tar:�E�un Ihr 1'n,�x•rt� at ,inall yuauhur. „1 Il:v.ud��u.tiul•.l,ini.•• �h.ii .ur Lrn:i.dl� ir.��LmirJ t��h.•.q,�a��piiai. t��n��im.�l
<br /> rc.�Jrnu:d u.r.:md a�m;unl�nanrr„t Ihe Prnprtt�
<br /> Fnrm 302d '.1 9U `
<br /> .
<br />