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<br /> 4
<br /> . J�{ h'���' .��1�.c., ..
<br /> � _ .. ... . ;►.���„w. 1.W,.Mlairr�fi�kA��11.t�.11.
<br /> � p O.Box 3408
<br /> � ,r�;� aha 1N�E 681 p3 _
<br /> ��'�`—�'s�`�'� Hormwcr clwl) prompUy give l.ender wrluen natice af any investigation, cl�im, demond, law��'�'G i n���
<br /> _ �,�•.
<br /> '��-•�"�����-'��•-�-� �overiunenisl ar re�ulatory agency or p�ivuteparty Involving tl►c Pmperty and any H+uardouH Sub. c n "�'
<br /> �=''�� of which Borrower has uctual knowledgo. If�nrrower Icarna,or is nMified by any governmental ar regulatory authorfty.tlwt
<br /> ---�" ,�— any removal or other remndiatiun of any Hwardous Substance afFectinQ the Prapeny ic�ary. Borrower stwll promptly wko
<br /> ��j��`'����'• � ali necessary rcmedial�ctiona in accordunce with Envimnmentul l.aw.
<br /> �`�F " O� As used M this paragrapb 20, "Hawrdoua Substances" arc tho�e subs�wues deflncd as Ic►aic or hazerdous aubatarwcs by
<br /> - ���u�.
<br /> .. �+,...,�•� ._.. . � Environmental L.uw u�xl the fallowing substunces: gusuline, kerosene, aher Oammub�e or toxic pe�mleum pmductr. toxic
<br /> � 1�� • � pesticides snd herbicides.v�lutile salventa. materials contoining uxbestos ur famwidehyde,und raciioactive�naterials.As usad in
<br /> °".�.•�'•"'"'�r 'r this aragra h 20, "Environmental law" means f�derai laws wid IAws of�he jurisdiction where titc PropeAY io �ooatad tiwt
<br /> ' .�._�•�:�.'-..: Q p p �-
<br /> re l e t e ro h e a l t h,e w f e t y o r e n v i r a n m c n w l p ro t e c t f o n. -
<br /> u� '� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrower wx1 I.ender furthcr cAVenAnt ur.d agrce us fo l lowa:
<br /> � � '�.=...� � 2 1. A a c e l e m t i o n;R e m e d l e s. L e n d e r s h w l l g i v e n o l k e t o B o r ro w e r p r ior to Acceleradan following Borrower's breach
<br /> .��:;,^�;.::..�.•::,,. • � N o i A n y c o v e n a a t a r a g r e e�n e n t i n t h i s Securit y Instrument lbut nat prtor tn ncceleri►Uon underpa rapraph l 7 u n less
<br />� : . , ' � pPplicxble IAw pnuvides olherwise).7'he notke shall specifys (o)the defnultt(b 1 t h e a c t lon requ l re d to c u r e I h e d e P a u U;
<br /> �., ;_�:,:;: :�, ^.'``� (c)s�date,uat less tlwn 30 duys from the date the notice Is given to Borrower, by wh�h the detault must be cured;and �
<br /> y�, ,. (d) t6�t failure ta cure the detault on or before t6e date specitled�n the notice may result in acceleratioa at the sums —
<br /> �- secured by tht�Securtty Instrument and sale ot lhe Properly.The notice st�li further intarm Barrowe�'ot the rl�ht to c
<br />�r � �'�°''�":"``�.,�- °;,, reinstAte ntter pcceleradon and the right to bring st cuurt acdon to esscrt the non-extstence aP e default or any other —
<br /> � ��"' detense at Borrawer to acceleratton and sale. It the detault is not cured on or be[ore the date speciP�ed in the notice,
<br /> • � ' �'7` I.ender. s►t its aption, may require immediote payment in full o[all sums secured by this Secu�ity Inslrument wlth�aut
<br /> '� . ., ..
<br /> �, iurther de�aaad And m�y invoke the power oP sale and any other remedl�permitted bY s►pplkable law.Ixnder shall be -
<br />��;A', . , . � � ' entitled to colkct All ezpenses incurred in purssuinp�the remedies provided In thia para�raph 21,including,but not limited _
<br />���; �� to��soru�ble attorneys'Pec.w And costs ot t itle evidence.
<br /> f,'. ' • • If thepower oP eiale is Invoked,Trustee shwll record s notice of defi�uit in each caunty in which uny part ot the _
<br /> ° `�'- n' � -''�`;s•,� property Is I�cated and ahall mull capies otFUCh notice in the marner presc�ibed by app�icAble low to Borrower and to e_
<br /> .,� • .. ..: .
<br /> a,. '� , ' ;�s�•y,; the other persons prescribed by aPP��at61e low.Aiter the time required by upplicable lew.Trustee shall give public aatice �,
<br /> ' ' . ''•'�':`�'�''�I`i��;>;. ot stde to the peraons and in ihe ms�naer p�escrfbed by app8ceble law.Tn�atee,without demAnd on Borrower,shall sell __
<br /> �� ''"� �'`'� the Property at public aucUon to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms design�ted io the natice ot _
<br />: ""�;�;`-`'� '�'- � ° s�le In one or more p�rcels aod in any order Tnugtee determin�.Tn�stee may pustpnne snle oP all ar any parce!of the �
<br /> � property by public announcement At the time And ploce of any previou9ly scheduled sale. I.ender ar its desi��ee tnAy _
<br /> , . „ purchase Ihe Property At nny sale. �.=
<br /> , ' . _ Upon rcceipt ot payment oP the pt�icc bid, Tru.stee Fhall dedver to the purcbaser Tnistee's deed conveying the _ __
<br /> � ' property. The recitals In the Trustee's deed shell be prima fACie evidence oP the truth of the st�lementa made therein.
<br /> Trw�tee shall apply the proceeds aP the sale In the Pollowing order:(a) ta all cocts an11�F�p������j�l��e�'e�'o��f __
<br /> a�.:
<br /> ' •- . " icnnle,pnd the sale�including Ihe payment ot Ihe Trustee's feec actually incurred,not�a ex -:e
<br /> � , . of thc principal Amount of tbe note a!thc time oP the declaration of default,and reasone b le attorneys'fec.w as pe r m i l t e d F"
<br /> - - . ;,�,s by ipw:(b)to aii sums s�aured b3 ii�is�nrlty ln.,�-trumesst;and(c?eny excea++tn the gerson or gersons IeRaIIY entitled to
<br /> ' '�,�' it. F
<br /> � ' 22. Reconveyance. Upon pAyment of ull �ums securcd by thiq Sec:uriry Instrumcnt, l.ender shaU request Trustec to
<br /> reconvey the Propeny and shall surrender �hiti Security Instrument und all nntes evidencing debt secur«I by this Security __-.
<br /> � Instrument to Trustec.Trustee shall recnmey the Property withuut wammty und without charge tu the perun�or persons legally __
<br /> � � entitled to it.Such person or penons shull puy uny rec�irduUon co+ts.
<br /> � 23. Substitute Trustee. I.enJcr, at its upti�m, may from time to time removc Truslec unJ upp►int u successor truatee to __
<br /> uny Trustee uppainted hereunder by un in+lrument recordcd in thc county in which this Security Instrument is reci�rJed. Without _
<br /> conveyance of the Propeny. �he succexwr�rustee shall succe�d <<�s��l thc title, p�wer und duties conferred upcm Trustce herein
<br /> , � 1�,.. . and by applicablc luw.
<br /> 24. Request Por NMire.s. &xruwcr rryuc+t�Ihut cnpirs��f the noticc.of Jel'uult unJ sule lx sent t�� &�rrawcr's vJdre.� �
<br /> • � � which is the Property Address.
<br /> 25. RWet�s lo this Security In�trument. If onc ur nwre ridcrti arr cxccut��l hy Horn�wer und r�rorded togethcr with this [''
<br /> ,�,.,rz; � .: .,, Security In,trument,the cuvenunt�und ugreementx of rarh.uch riJer+hall lx�incorEx►r•rtcd into and xh•rll amend and tiupplemrn� f
<br />' .�.;�.�• •,�. ,`.��•, ,'�'� • the covennnts und agreemen�ti c�f thiti Securicy Instrument u.ti it'thc riderl+►were u pun��t'thi,S�curity Ins�rument. �;
<br /> ••�;>G:: •_ . ,';:,• �Che�:k applicable box(es)I
<br />• ����;,�., „ � ��
<br /> . ,. t`i;;:;;. .
<br /> • '''. ., Adjustable Rate Ridcr �Cunduminium Rider �] I•A Family Ridcr �.'
<br /> . . " ,''�',. GraJuated Puyment Ridrr L-1 PlunncJ Umt Devcl��pment RiJcr ��Biweekly Payment Rider �.`.'
<br /> '' r • BaU�n Rider ��Ratc Improvemcnt RiJcr U Second Home Rider �`�
<br /> a:-
<br /> � V.A.Rider �Other(s)1����Yl ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 6_
<br /> ,...
<br /> . . ,:.
<br />, � � �..i,
<br /> �
<br /> ';;�::�,
<br /> , � BY SIGNING BELOW.&muwcr acrrpt,and ugr�r�t��ihc trnns unJ covenunt�r��ntain��l in this Scrunty In.trument and �.
<br /> in uny ridcrl,)cxccuteJ by &►m�wer aml recnrded with it. '
<br /> '�.r;�. Witne!�ses:
<br /> ,,,,: �� ISCaII ,
<br /> G L MUR Y -13��m�wrr �
<br /> --- ���g ,(�/J / �. , �/e �Iti�ull
<br /> -----._. .. —, - "- `�- -- _
<br /> ,.. -- -- -- -- -- CAROLYN�t MURRAY �// �+��«,�•••�
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<br /> �S�:,I► - - — ---.-�-----�S�ull
<br /> -• - -- � --' — Fi„rr,�.�rr
<br /> 8nrmwrr ,
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<br /> STATE O�NIsBRAti1CA. �L l'umd� .�:
<br /> Thr Ii�r����inN imtruntCnl��•a+arhurn�lat�rd heti�t�•mr ihi, Z6 �I:q ii1 FEBRUARY. 199Z •
<br /> Wimr.+my hund anJ nutarial 1 GRAND IS . NEBl2A5 �ill,�aid('u ��J:��r:di,re.aid.
<br /> � .. �, My('ummi..ion fixpirc • � 94
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<br /> . ��1 ,. �,., , , Fonn 3028 9r90 1
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