.•o,. „..,,1,ti5�5y_pllt�,Kr�� r d � Y � ;' �1� ,_': � �t :� fi• , . .. .;� .
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<br /> r ,.�..�-. �-:. �'��s,��--�-�i+�,,;�� — —
<br /> - It .�..ey,�at�lb/r•• �hlr a. --
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<br /> � ...��rf^� . ..._ — - _ . ...� •� • _. _.__.._.
<br /> - 92-- 1 U�.799 --�--- -
<br /> � The Fum1ti sholl hc held in un intilitutiun whotic depa�ilh urc insurecl by u fcdcrul ugcn�y. in.ruumentality. or cntity
<br /> -• � , ` �' (inrluding Lender,if L.cnder ih such•rn imtitutinn)ur in any F��Icrol Humc 1.��+ui 8ank.l.�:nJer hhall upply thc Hund�tu puy Ihc
<br /> • s�::i. Escmw Items.L.ender muy not charge&muwcr iiir h��lding und upply ing thc Fundti.onnuully unulyeing thc eKruw arrount,or
<br /> -' ^� � veriPying�h�•�scraw Itcmr,unlcsr�l.enJer puyn&►rrmvcr inlcrcrt on Ihe Fund�uixl upplicuMc low permitn L.ctKlcr w owke�uch
<br /> � • � .' u churgc. How�ver,l.cnJcr muy rcyuirc &�rrowcr tu pay L�mc-timc rhurge ti�r an irx�epernlcnt reul e+lulc tux rc�►ning servicr _
<br /> • uxcd by Lcrxkr in connection wi�h thi, Inun, unlc+� upplicublc luw providc� uthenvi�:• Unlcrr an ugrc�nknt ix malc or
<br /> • • upplicuble luw reyuires inter�st to bc pnid, l.i:�ulcr.hull not bc reyuircd lu puy f��rn�wcr uny intcre+t ur curnings on the f•unJs. �-----
<br /> ' � �� BnROwer unJ l.cnder may u�rec in wnting, hawever. �hut interetit shall be puid un thc Funds. l.cixlcr tihull givc io Born�wcr, --
<br /> '� " ' - withnut charge, an annunl acrnunting of the Funds,,ix�winq cr��lits uixl Jeb�tx to the FunJ+und the puryx►,e for which each
<br /> . . . • debit ro the Funda w�ti madc.The FunJs are pl��lg�xl a.ti+�Idi�iunul se�unry lor�II cums�cured by thix Sctiunty Inatrwmnt. �. : � --
<br /> " If'the Tunds held hy Lender excee�l the wnoun�x permitted to be heW by applicahle luw. Lender nhull account to Barr�wer _
<br /> � ° for the excess Funds in uccordance wi�h thc reyuircment�of uppliruble luw. It'dic unx�unt of�he�unds held by Lender at uny �,, _
<br /> � time ix nat sufficient tu pay the Escrow Itcmr�when due,Lcnder may aco n��tify &muwcr in writing,uix1,in such ra�&►rruwcr _ei.-w_---
<br /> � shall pay to I.ender the amuunt necersary to muke up the deficiency. Bc�rmwer shall make up the deiiciency in no tnore thun
<br /> twelve monthly puymems,at Lender'r sole Jiscretion. �;i��___
<br /> Upan paymenl in Pull uf all sums secural by this S��curity Instnrment. Lender shall prompUy refund to Borrower uny = __
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,u�ufer parngraph 21, Lcndcr shall ucquire or sell Ihc Propeny.L.ender,priur w lhe ucyuisition or sale __�___
<br /> , of the Propeny, shull apply any Funds held by Lender at the time af acquisition or sale nti a credit against the sums secured by �;,��„_
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br /> � ' 3.Applkatlon af Ps►ytneMs.Unless upplicuble law provides othenvire,s�ll paymeels received by Lender under parngruphs _e�::��=2—
<br />