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_.—...._ - ---•'." �a�^° �.;f".•.c..-s:, .71: . '� . 1 x�c. <br /> -�:�i . . �� "�'i'�L`�`��tr���,--'-�°. JL!�i� .. -.. �— - .. _� ..n_..r_ _ � -- <br /> -- � � ��t� � • ' -arass.a ...s.,w-- �- --- ---- <br /> .'��` J '•/'+f *t�:*,,,r�� ��q. ... , _ .... � 'r.-..� -• ....N-.._ - .._._. <br /> • I <br /> " ..lY"_ —__—_. <br /> —_ .r� . •7YJ�^' r• . "_']��f <br /> x..,�ir• • � ,:�.Tr..y� . • . -,- <br /> • ' .. .-i.-. Lal�� <br /> _/ �� .�r.=. <br /> �,, ., .. <br /> 9z- 10178 4 �.--6� - - <br /> �.:_�.,���:..,,,;,� .. <br /> .�:�a�-;,�,. <br /> -� , „' 1.� . opplic�btc law muy �p��cify fur`efnx�atcmentl befarc xulc of�he Propeny punuunt ia ony power of salc contsuned in this �=-fy'�'-=-="�=�-� <br /> ,s��j�� : , Secu�ity Instrumenl;ur(bl entry of o judgment enforcinR ihiti Sr.curfty Inslrument. Those condition+ore that Borrower: (u) �.�.�_ <br /> , � . puya Lendr�all tiumx whkh Ihen wuul�i be due under this Secutfty Inxlrumcnt and the Note uti ff no accekrution had _- <br /> _� • ., �xcurred;lb►cures uny default af uny mhcr covenunts or ogrrement�;lcl pays ull ex�xnses incurrrd in enforcing this Security �ry,=v�+_v` <br /> ;�� � �nstrument, includfng,but�at limited U�. rcawnublc uuomcys'fccs; und I�f) �aketi such action ux l.cnder mAy�a.runubly �_ <br /> .,.., _ <br /> ,_. � .., . r .- <br /> �• . " . require to ussurc thut Il�c licn of Ihi+Sccuriry Imwmcnt.Lcndcr'.v rightw in the Pmpeny und Bormwcr+abligatian to pay the `�'r� ;'-�`,..4 <br /> xums M�:ured by thiw Sccurily Iminimcnt �hall cuminuc unchw��ecJ. Upan rcinstutrmem hy Bnrn�wcr, �hic Sewruy . ;} ::`it��=�, <br /> ' `-" - nr�''� Insuumcnt wid 1hc obligation+�ccu�d hcrcby xhull nmuin fully cffcc�ivc us ff no acccicrulion hsul cxcurted. Hawevcr,thiw „y.:.•.— <br /> �c��,.�:�.�- .,. -• ' right to rein+lAtc shall n�R Apply in thc cuu��f u�ccicrr�ian undcr purogrnph 17. �__ <br /> ~ 19. �iale af Nutet Lhange uf l.oan 3ervke� The NMe or u paniul in�cretit in thc Notc Ito�;cthcr wi�h �hi.Secu�ily _ _ __ <br /> • � � Inylrumentl may t+c �ald nix'or m�ro dmes without p�i�x nuticr to Born►wcr. A wle muy reyult in a change in Ihc entity <br /> � Iknuwn a+�hc"l.��an Scrviccr"1�hut collcctn mauhly puymcntti Jur under tlk Notc und�hir�sci h'�t,y cn` !�Loan Serv�'cr, `�� <br /> ^ �� � may tu oix:ur morc chungcti�f thc Loan Serviccr unrela�cd���u+ul�uf'thc Notc. li�hcrc� u g _';�;.,�W_ <br /> �� Borruwcr will b�:giv�n wriucn nuticc of'the chungc in uccurduncc with paroKr.�ph 14 uM�ve und applici�blr law. 'fhc noticc ,.• �;yY_.. <br /> ' wi l l s t u�c t he nume und addre.+at'�hc new La:�n Scrviccr and Ihe uddre,�to which payment+yhould Ne m�de.The notice will �:.y�.�+�+ry^�-`- <br /> � � ' also caMuin uny oth�t infumwtion r�yuircJ hy u�plkublc luw. '�'d'��s�'="'�'� <br /> � 20. Naz�trdous Subslonca+. Hnrcuwcr�hall nut cuusc or�rmit the p�LUnce,uu,di�{xisul.+�or�ge,ar re�u�e�f uny cF x.:w:..,..�a!"• <br /> � Ha�arduu, Subz�ancc+on ar in ihc Pro�ny. Som�wvr rhull n�x do. nor uQow uny�mr du:to do,unything uffccting thc '�!�?':�:�'— <br /> property thu�i+in violatian of uny l:nvinmmcntal l.uw. Thr prcreding two�cnlcnce�.hull not upply a�thr prcu�uc.uu,or �,�,;�� � <br /> . swragc on Ihc Pr��p►:ny of.mull yuunti�i�ti uf HwurJuux Subswncec thut urc gencrully rccogni�ed to tx�appropri+xe to nc►miul �::�...�.�- <br /> �,�;�;- �- <br /> residcnti•rl use�und tu muinlrnancc i�f thc Property. ��.��_� <br /> � B�,rtuwer,hull promp�ly givr Lender wriucn notice oi uny invc.�igu�iun.cluim,demand.luw.uil�K utlkr uction by any ,_ _ti <br /> govemmenlal ur ngululory u�ency or privulc p�rty invnlving tlx Property anJ uny Hur.urdous Subyiunce a Environmcntul � :o., <br /> Luw nf which Borrawrr hu+ artuul knuwlcdge. II' Borruwcr Icurn+. ur i. notified hy any gmemmenlal �K regulutory �.,si�;,�r�'° <br /> ., uuthurity,that +u�y�rmoval or o�hrr rcmrdiuli�►n of uny H:uurdou.Subslunrr ul'(ecting�hc F'rop�ny i.nrcc+wry. Bomnwcr <br /> , �4 .. � �hAll promplly wkc ull nrrc.�ury remeJiul a�liun�in uccurdancr wi�h Environmemal I.uw. =_�'!`-- <br /> Ati u.ed m lhir paru�!raph?11."Haiankiuti Sub.luncr.r"ure Iho.c,uh.�unce+defineJ u�toxic or huiurJ�wti tiub�tunces by --�.-, <br /> , � Envirunmenwl l.uw anJ ihr lollowinp.uh�tamcr.: Eu,olinc.krro.cnc.oihcr Ilummablr��r�axic pctr��lcum pr��lucts,luzic . . _ <br /> pcti�icidc, And hcfiicidr�.vuluul� .ulvrnt,.mutrriulx amtaining a,lx����• ��r formuldrhydc. •rnJ rudioactivc materi•rlti. A+ _. <br /> ' u.eJ in thi,par.�gruph 211,"Enviromnentul Law"meun�1'ederal luw,und law.of�hr juriulictiun wheR�he Pmp�:ny ix locuted �_3�,� .` <br /> � " • that rclulc to hcalth,aafety or envirunmental pr�Nectiun. � � <br /> � NON-UNIFORM COV F.NAN'I'S. B��rrowcr und Lcndcr 1'uhhcr ruvenunt unJ uFrcc a�iiillowh: <br /> 21, AcceterAtion: Re m e d i e x. I.e n d e r s l w l l R i v e n o t k e t o B o r r o w e r p r i o r to�ccelerallon 1'i�0owing Borrower's "�1 <br /> -- �-- --� breach oi an� coieaani ar aRrrr�en! !a th4s 4erority �n�rument Ibut not prfur lo acceleration under ppraRruph 17 ���° <br /> • unlesc yppllcs�ble I�w pruvides uthenvizel. The nutice shall�pecif�•: lal lhe default:lbl lhe actiun required to cure t6e ��.Y�� <br /> " defaulli Ic1 a date.not lesw ths�n 3(1 d�ys fr��m the dute the notice is uiven to Borrowrr.b� whkh Ihe default must be 6�y;_,�_,:.— <br /> curedi and Idl that fuilure to care Ihe default on or befure the dute r;pecified in Ihe nolice may retiult in icceleration of •�`a.�:.:;;-T <br /> the sum.g secured by this tiecurity Inxtrument s�nd sule oi Ihe PropeMy. The notice tihall furlher infi�rm Borruw•er uf °`,� <br /> " Ihe riRht tn reinslate Afier ucceler�ti�m and lhe rluht lo brin¢s�court action lo u�.serl the nomexisleace uf a defauU or - +�;:�: <br /> any Mher defenxe oP BorroNrr to uccrlerutiun �nd sule. IF the dePuull i+not cured on ur betore the dete specified in , :�, <br /> Ihe notira.Lender at itx opliun ma��require immediyle paymeM in PuU oP ull zumy�ecured b�•this tiecurit�•InsU•umenl <br /> ' withaut furthe�dem•rnd and ma� imokc thr power oi sule und un� other rrmedie� permitted b��applicuble I�w. ,,,, <br /> ' l.ender shull Ue entiNed tu collrcl ull erpenses inrurred in purhuinu the remedies prmided io this p•rruu�uph 21. ,. i <br /> • includinR.but not limited to.rrationublr uttorne}�s'fees und cosl+ni'title evidrnce. . ..•� <br /> � IP Ihe pow�r of+ule is imoked.'I�ustee+hall record u notice uf default in euch count} in Khich um part oF the _ <br /> • Prnpe�ty i+I�xalyd und.rhull muH copir+nf sucB notice in 1he manner pre+crii�ed b��upplicable la�tu Horrower und to <br /> ' � Ihe other prrsons preticribed b�• upplicublr lu���. Af'ter the timr reyuired b� upplicuble IaN.7ti'uslee shall�ire public <br /> � nutice of snle lo the per�unti und in the munnrr pre�crihrd b��upplicuble lu�v. 7�ustee.«ithoul demynd �x� Borruwer, • • <br /> ,, • • �•'��'� shall seU the Properl�•ut public uuclion to the hiKhesl biddrr al the time und plrce und under the term�desi�nated in � <br /> , �•, . �, the notice uP sule in une nr morr purcelti and in•rnc order T�u.lee determine.r•. 7Yu�lee may purtpone sule ni'a��or un}� j <br /> . parcel oP Ihe Property by public nnnouncement stt thr time uod plucr oP am�preciousl�•srhedulyd tiatr. I.e�drr or ils F <br /> ' '�• dcsi�;nee may purchasc the Prupert}ut uny sulr. <br /> ' Upi►n receipt oP puvment of Ihe price bid.'fru+tre�hull deli�cr lo the purcha�er'I�wter's deed cun�eyin�;Ihe � <br /> Propertv The rccitals in the'1'rustee's derd shall Ix priwu Puric r�idencc uf thc trulh ol'Ihe slutemrnls mude therein. <br /> • 7Yustee shall apply the pr�K��ed+��i thc+ulc fn the PoUo��in�;urdcr: Is�l to ull ro�l�uad e�pen.res of c�crcitiin�;lhe pu«�rr <br /> . _;i�. _ <br /> . ,r. <br /> . fl?s{' <br /> t � <br /> L • � <br /> .��j Fi. <br /> F�wm 412% 9�40 .�ue.�i,�l��/��Yr�� <br /> i , ' <br /> . � . <br /> L <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> � � _ .. .' . ._. <br />