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<br /> ..�•;a�:.���:�. 92—�017 8 4 --
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<br /> ���1,�;j�'�• - rondemnation or other�oking of any pun uf thc Pm�ny,or for ronvcyuncc in licu of cnndemnatiun,an�henMy u�+i�ned wul
<br /> _�a�' �; ,,. nhall be paid to l.endc�.
<br /> �+ In Ihe cvcnt oi' u �aal �uking of�he Pmpeny, ihe pnxcrd+ +hull Fu applicd ti� thc .um� KcurrJ by thi� Security
<br /> 1� " ;�:Y,�,; In�trument, whethcr ur not thcn duc. wi�h uny cxcc„puiJ io Bum►wer. In Ih�ever.t ol'u purtiul �uking ut'Uic Pro�nny in -r=-_—
<br /> — ?�`�t�',�� .•7� which the foir morket vulue of the Pa►prrly immediutcly txfi�re ihe�aking is eyuul to or grca�cr thun the umaunt of thc,um� -
<br /> `� '- - - - secured hy thi+Security In.trument immeJia�ely lxfom thc�aking,unle.s sorrowNr anJ Lrndrr cnhrrwiuu agrec in writin�, �i--�-
<br /> '•""� � �he sumx securcd by thin Srcurity InY�mment+hall tx:rrduced by thc umoum uf Ihe pr�xrcd� muluplicd hy thc foUowing �`�^� `�-
<br /> �'�'"�"°�"'�"�'� ' frnction: (UJ the totul nmuum M'ihe�umx secured immedia�ely beforc�he tuking.JiviJed by Ibl�h�:t'uir mor{cet valuc uf ihe
<br /> _.....:.._� ,,, .
<br /> . ;����� . ,r� . �� • Propeny immediutcly Ix�f'orc the �aking. Any bulunce shull t+e puid ta Bunawer. In �he cvent uf u puniul tuking oi'�he _._
<br /> " +�• r���""'�. ' PropeAy in which�he fuir murket value of the Pmpeny immediately Ixfore �hr taking i+Ir.��hun thc;�muunt uf th�+umy ��
<br /> , secw+ed immediutely hefore �he �aking, unles. Boirower und Lendcr o�hcnvi�c ugrcc in wri�ing ur unle.+ •rppliruble luw �_.v_=�=
<br /> '• �,,.T. . . . othenvi�provide,,th�pracceds�hall he upplied tu the sum��rcu�d by this Srcuri�y Inslrumen�wlkthrr ur not thc sum,ure _
<br /> , �hen due. �R��=--- - -
<br />?,� � �.. , . ��".� -
<br /> � li�he F'ropeny ir ubund�d by Bormwer,or if,uAer nolicc by Lrnder to B��ROwer Iha��he randemnur ufirn to male -- -
<br /> k�.+: � � An uwurd ur�nle u cluim fiir Jamugc+.BoROwer fait.to res�md to Lrnder within 10 day.afie�thr d•rte thr nutice ix�iven,
<br /> ', Lender is uuthori�ed�o coUec�unJ upply thc pnxeedz,at it�option,eilhcr ro m+turriion ur rcpui�of ihe ProFxny or to th�_ --- _
<br />�..•, •� • � � sumti�ured by this Srcurity Instrumem,wheihcr or nat then due. ""`
<br /> �. , Unlezs Lender unJ Bum�wer othenvik ugree in�criting,any applicution uf pra�tid.�n principul.hull nut extenJ or
<br /> • . - �A po.+ipone the dur date of the momhly puymem.rcfcrr�d to in paragraphs 1 und 2 ur change the umount of+uch payment.. ��'�--
<br />� • ��� ll. Rorrow�et Not Releatiedi Fa'beAranoe By Lender Not a Wai�er. Extenxion ��f �hr �ime for puymem ur
<br /> •• " - :' mudifKUliun of wu�xtiiution of the rums tiecurcd by thi�Security Inrtrument gramed by Lender to any.urre..or in interc+t �,__ ___ _. _
<br /> �'� • af Burrowcr�hull ni�t operu�c to Rlc�,e the liahili�y oP�hc�i�iginul Bnm�W tr or B�n��wrr:.ucresson in imerr,�. Lender ��Y����-
<br /> � . � , h �, �hnll not lx rcyuinJ a�rommence pr�xecding. uguin+l uny xuccestior in intere�t o�refuse to rxtend time 1'or payment or �;��-:
<br /> , � uiherwixe madify amunization ut Ihe sums sccurcd by�hi.Serurily In�trument by nii,on of uny demand maJe by dx�originul
<br /> ; B o r m w e r o r B o rc o w e r+s u c c e.ti o n i n i m r r e,t. A n y fixhear�nre h y Lender in exerci.in g an��ri ght or remedy.hull not be u ��:;;,;+�,..�
<br /> wuivrr of or prcrludc thc exercixc of any rigM or mmcdy. _
<br /> „ . �•�. 12. Successurs and A�.�iqns Unund;Joint and tieveral LiAbilily:Ca•si�ners. 'i'he cuvenant.and agrcemrm��►i'ihi. � _
<br /> . Securi�y In,trumenl�hall binJ anJ hrnetit the xurrc.snn and usri�:ns uf Lender und B�nruwer..ubj��l to ihe pmvisions of —__
<br /> . d " °-` parnuraph 17. Bormwer's ruvenunls und �gRementti �hull be joinl unJ .everal. Am� Barrower who co-.igns thi.Securih�
<br /> ' • ln+trumrnt but dc�s nM exrrme the Nule: lul i.co-�igning thi.Serurily Instrumrnt only u►m��rt�uge.grunt and convey that =--
<br /> ' Borrower;intcrc.t in Ihe Property undcr�hr�crm�of�his Security Ins�rument: (hl i�nrn�nonully obli�!uted to puy�hr.ums ___
<br /> .ecureJ hy thi�Sc�uriry In�trumen�:unJ Ic)agRex thui Lrndcr und uny other Burrowcr muy ugRC to rx�end,m�xlil'y.Porbeur _
<br /> ' ' or muke uny uccc�mmadu�ion. with Rgurd �o the terms uf thi. Securit�• In.�rument or the Note wilhoul Ihul Borrower�
<br /> - . - conunt. - __
<br /> • • 11. Loan CharRes. It'Ih� k�un +rcured ny thi� 5rcuriry In�trument i� +uhjrrt to u law whirh uts muximum loan =——_._ —
<br /> . ��1'�'•` churges.und thu�law i.finully imerprcicd,u Ihut Ihc in�crc�t or othrr loan rhur�e�collrcted ur�o t+e collccted in connectiun ---
<br /> `';'�}��'•ti"��� with Ihr loan exc�ed 1he�x:rniiued limi��,�hen: lul uny.uch loan churge�hull lxr reJuc�d by the umount nrrc+sury to reducc °--"'"`-"
<br /> the churRe 1���he pennit�eJ liniit:und Ihl uny�.unr. alreuJy rullcr�rJ from Borrower which excceded�xrn�iued limi�ti will tx �?:���.���•
<br /> �. mfunJeJ tu BnROwcr. L�ndcr muy ch�ro.c ta makr thi+rcl'und by rcJucinE thc principul owed unJrr thr Nute ur hy muking a Y--
<br /> � � ,. „ direct pu�•men�to Burr�►wcr. p�a rrl'unJ reJucc.principnL�hc rcduction will ix�reu�ed ux a puniul prepuyment without•rny _-
<br /> - , prepuymcn�rhargc unJcr�hr Natc. �''""
<br /> �ti.:±�9�:�
<br /> ' � . IJ. Nutkcv. Any noticr tu Barnnvrr pruviJrd ti�r in�hi�5�rurity Imtrumcnt +hull ik ������ ny a�n.�rring it or hY �:-:�_
<br /> � muiling it by lint rlu..muil unle.,applicaMe law rryuirc.use�,f:motlxr m��h�xl.Thc n�qice.hull t►c direc�rJ�u the Pn�erty ,,;�;r=�:-.
<br /> ►W�r-
<br /> ; AJJre.���r�my utlur uJJrc,.Bartuwer dr.ignutr� hy notirr w LenJcr. Any notirc tu Lendrr.hull t+e given My fir,t rlu.. '`".. -��
<br /> mail io LcnJcr:i�Jdrr„,tu�rd hemin ar any uthrr uddre„LenJer dc,ignatrti M•noiirr�u Borrowrr. Any nutirr pr�wiJcd tix .
<br /> .. ., . in thi. Srruriry In.trum�nt .hall tx decnmd t�� hnve Ix�n givcn lo Horrower or Le�xtrr whrn givcn a� provided in thi� �--_-�- .
<br /> '',7<<t.,�, , purugraph. E •.•ti:.�ea,
<br /> '•,1�:;.•�� �:� IS. (:overninu I.�w: tievrrubilih. Thi. 5eruriq• In.trumrm .hull Ix ��wcrnrJ h}• 1'rd�rid la��• anJ Ilir la��• ul'the ".
<br />� • ':''�,�•%"'.�"':� uri�diction in whirh the f'ro n i+kKa�eJ. In �hr rvem thai un �rovi,ion ur rlauu uf thi.Srruril Imtrumrnt or thr Notr , . .
<br /> �•+�•;TC:. j I'c y Y I Y � ',,•r;,.
<br /> .� •;;.. -.{r.... ,
<br /> rontlicls�vith upplic�ble law..unc�onllir�+h:�ll nul :dl�ct olher pruvi.iam uf Ihi,Srrurit�•In.trumem or thr Notr which ran
<br /> ' lx given rl'fcrl withuut �hr contlirting pr���•i+ion. 9i�this rnd thr rnn•isi�m�.of thi. Serurity In�lrun�n� und thc Notc arc "y���—Y„�^`
<br /> ' - dec:lurcJ tu Ix,rvrruhlc. �,.".
<br /> . I6. liorruwcr's Co y. Bum�wrr.hull tx n•cn imc ronti,mud rn �•��f thc Notr and�,I�hi.Srcurit•In.lrument. A�'�""'`'"'
<br /> p !=� P > . ..�:•.::•"___
<br /> , t7. 71�ansPer of Ihc Properl�•or u Be�eficiul Inlere.t in Borrowcn II all ur;my pan ot'�hr Pru�xny�►r un�•intcrewt in :;�.r§x�::-.�_
<br /> • it i+��dd ur tr�n.tcmJ I��r il'u txnclicial intrrr,i in Borri�wcr i, ,uld or tran.l'crrril anJ R�►rr���ve� i.nut a nuwrul �xrxnnl �!�`•::':--
<br /> witM�m Lrndcr;prior wriuen r�,n,rm.l.cnJrr mav,al it.uptian.r��yu�rc imnkdiatr p:iynxnl in full of all.um.xrurcJ hy �-
<br /> . . . thiti Serurily In,trument. Hu��rvrr.thi.aplion.hull not hr ireni.ed by Lrndrr ifrrrrri.e i.pmhibiled My Icder,d luw a���f �::?7;t�:-
<br /> Ilx dutc��I'Ihi,Srcurily Imtrunu nt. - . F��``
<br /> II'L.rnJrr excrci.r,Ihi,��pti�m. I.endrr,hall�i�•r Burru��rr nuiicr ul'arr.lrratinn. The ni��irr.h;dl pruviJe a�xri�xl uf �.
<br /> • •;i���•��.• , not Ic�.tham iU day,1'n,m the date thr nn�ire i.dclivercd ur mailcd a i�hin«hich B��rru�crr mu,i pa� all,wn..erured h}•�hi+ �_ .
<br /> . , Scrurily Imtrumrnl. 11 Burru��rr I:ul. w pa�• Uir.r .um, priur i�� ihr r�piraliun uf d�i. �xnud. Lendrr nu��� im•�,�,c any .
<br /> mmcdic.�xnniurd hy�hi.tirrurii� In�trum�nt��ithixn funher nuucr ur dcmanJ�,n Hurn,��cr.
<br /> 18. Ilorrow�c�'� Riuht lo Rcimtute. If I�urru�<<r mret. rrnain r�mdi�iun.. 13�xruaer .hall h:►�r thr right tu h��ve �
<br /> , cnti►nemrn�of thi.5crurit� In�tnimenl di.ranlinurJ:il am umr pri��r lo Ihr r:irhrr��f: �:u S d:iy. inr.urh uthrr�kri�Kl a.
<br /> . ti�n�:lal.uml� �Funnle�tue�F'raddle�Wc1�IP'lIN\II\�'1'NI\1E\'1 Indannt'���.n.m�. 4�411 ��an•r1.��n��it.•.i
<br /> . : �r .
<br />'� ..
<br /> 1
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<br /> • ; �
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