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<br /> _:31��;,��---� ot�nnle.�nd the xt�k.includfaQ the payment a�Ihe'flrusta's fees nctuelly incurred�not lo esceed
<br /> �,�,�.: ' Ihe principAl amount o�the note al t1�s ii+ne of the decan�tlun utdefpult,wnd re�.sonwble attorneys•kes aa permilted
<br /> ��ti.��� y�:.z by Iowi(bl to s�Q sums secured by Ihk Scc�,rity Instrument:and Ic►pay ezcesa lo the peraon ar pereon.g le�a1�9�alflkd
<br /> -� ��<�, ' ° , to 11.
<br /> _ S. ., ,
<br /> .'���,, � Z2, $econveyAnce. Upon pAymem of ull nums�ecurcd by �hix Secu�i�y Inr:uumenl. l.rndrr ahuU rcque�t'Itustce tu
<br /> °�. . ,�_....a..:... . f reconvey the Pmpeny end shall sune�r ibiK Security In+�rument And ull notes evidencing�kM xerund by thix Sccurily
<br /> �_�,. �- -----�.-
<br /> , .�. .,. .;.� . InstNmen�to'ih�stee. 'Ituqtee shull rcwanvey �hc ('ruperty u-ithout waRUnry and with�wi rhnrge ro� peru�n ar peno s L_
<br /> :.�lsE •`•:���'i�°,,'- •, legally entUled to it. Such perxon or pe�ans ahall p•ry uny�ordation coslx.
<br /> �`•. ..
<br /> '�-,�r, .�„ . �a:�..
<br /> ':� 23, Substilate 7Fustee. Lender.u�its apUun.may from lime lo time remave'Itu�tec und appuint a xuccc+��r�n�xtcr o
<br /> - - r�•"�.- : '� ••� uny 71ru�tee appoinced hereundcr by �n ins�rumcm recordcd in thc rnunty in which thi+5ecurity In�trumcnt ix recordcd. �_
<br /> - " . � Wi�hout conveyance of Ihe Property, the auceeasor trus���e shull succeed to ull Ihe tide,��wer und dutic.�ccmf�m�l upun
<br /> - � ' 7lvalee herein�nd by upplicablc luw.
<br /> , •^ °�'' ?A. Request�or Notices� BoROwcr reyues�.thut cupics uf thc nolicc�af dcfault und vulc he.ent to Horcuwcrk uddre�.+ +�:
<br /> �;�:=-
<br />- which is the PropeRy Address. �-=___::
<br /> _�. . 25. Riden�to ihis Security Instwment. If one ur more riden�urc exccuted by Borrower aod Rcord�d wgethrr wi�h __
<br /> this Security Imtn�ment,�he cmenAnts und ugreementy uf rurh +uch ridc�Shall tx incarpciruted into und +hull�mend und ���
<br /> _� .,;f„�.: • � " supplement the covenantx and agrecments uf thia Sccurily Imtniment u+if thc�idcri5l wcn;n purt ul'thia Sccurity In�uument• —_
<br /> '� ° ••"�• '- � (Check epplicuble box(es)� —
<br /> ';�; .r' . ��n =_
<br /> -_�,?.;�i,;�$=1'''""••'►. ; .' �1-4 Fwnil Ritler --�
<br /> ; �Adjustable Rulc Rider �Conduminium Rider Y �`N.,,-
<br /> '; .:. .z>:-_ �=.-�-_.
<br /> �Plunnal Uni1 Develo ment Itider �Biw'c�eklY PuYment Rider �=- -
<br /> . �.� „ �Graduated Puyment Itider P �•��-
<br /> surs_L�--
<br /> . � � �Ballcwn Rider �Rute Improvem��nt Rider �Second Hame Rider �,_i
<br /> �Y;=�'�'-
<br /> , ' ` �Olhcq�l I+pecifY� pCKNOWLEDGI►'IENT •"`� _
<br /> ?':.,.
<br />: • ` , ed in tbis Sccuric Insln�ment �;��-�=''
<br /> • ' � BY SIGNING BELOW,BoROwcr ucccpts und ugr�es tci Ih.:tcrtn.:u�d covenunts contAin Y -
<br /> � � ' ,� atxi in any ridensl execu�ed by Barcower und record�d with it. �q�-`,.,='"
<br /> . ., �.,�: -
<br /> ,
<br /> ,, � Witnesses: \/ �1�-�---
<br /> - �•--_�--�° - • - _� n
<br /> �.:�.�..
<br /> �__--
<br /> - _ ISeuU �-�-�:±:
<br /> � . , . SAN A J. SEVY •e��rmwer =_-
<br /> � � S S cu ity Number_____ � �- �1"��'':L
<br /> ,� . . � - � /��( f ����ai15.
<br /> � //�'C�L ISL'A�� �;s�, ',--
<br /> , .,� v��:-..,.,�_,-
<br /> • .,i; �IARY R. PU T d���N•► __ __ ..
<br /> � 50?-34-5714
<br /> � • ' Sociul Security Numhcr
<br /> � i. M)yiY' �.
<br /> � . � STATE OF NEBRASKA. HALL County ss; ;_:�,
<br /> . :r'��i�-
<br /> On this 2ND d•ry ol' �IARCH 1992 .tx'forc mc.thc undcr�igned,a Nutury Public ,•'�r�'°°.
<br /> . ,.,�•.:..,..
<br /> �� duly cornmissianed und yuulitied for�uid county,perwnully came SANDRA J. SEVY, A SINGLE PERSON
<br /> � � AND P'IRRY R. PUENTE, A SINGLE PERSON ,w mc known ta Ix thc
<br /> , � . . � . identical persons(s1 whose nume(.1 ure,uh�criheJ to the fom�toing inxtniment und acknowled�ted�he execution thercof to .�,•..
<br /> • be TFiEIR voluntary acl und dcrd.
<br /> . ° W imesx m hund and naturi �• D� NE in suid county,tFx -_ _
<br /> Y V y ;�__�.
<br /> .,, date aforcsuid. �.�'�� '��`
<br /> � . �.a�u �C�d ���e.
<br /> . , . ^ My Cornmission expi � �N�� Naory runuc _---
<br /> "=,.�
<br /> S TO TRUSTEE: ;
<br /> The undertiigned iti Ihc h��ldcr of ihc notc or note.�ecurcd by thi.Decd of'IFu.t. SaiJ note or note�,taFether with ull
<br /> ' other indeb�edncss scrured by thi.Dced u('IYu�t.huvc hcen paid in 1'ull. Yuu;un c�reby dirrcted u�c:mcel�uid rn�tc or note+
<br /> • . �.`� and thiti Decd nf 7tu.t.which rre dclivcrcA herchy,unJ to rcci�nvcy.without warranly.all�he es�ato ni�w Ixld by you wxler
<br /> ' this Decd of 7}uxt to�hr�xnon or�r,��m Icgally cntiUrd 1h�rcio.
<br /> , .,., . .
<br /> D'.►!n:
<br /> Fbrm 3021{ 9/S►B ��a�xr n n/'n p,���.�i �
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