��.. �JIn-7e7�,f`[�:'Y_�
<br /> � � rt�r _ ,. •.l _ ___. - �__ _.- T—__ .i�-' _
<br /> ��,� 1 ._ M+��. .
<br /> � _ }r�1' �N � .
<br /> .� � ��±�,•4�Xi��+'. .� ��'... �j`; -
<br /> �...�.t.. � �_-_
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<br /> 'y�aY 92_. 1 A1'784 �__=
<br /> _�l r.V!•.rr.aal..y�!'�nR•�':� �'r'::\Z'n._Le,'_
<br /> ..-��...�YI'.��.._�.Y�iut.L��..
<br /> - : . pc�iai.g iAu�Lender reyuireK. Thc inruru�uc ruRicr pmviJing Ihe in�.uruncc.hall he ch�r�n by Born�wcr+ubJer��o Lendcr i�
<br /> ,�;r�:r.�. 1
<br /> '�, .,�
<br /> —==pi�Y►,��i�' •- uppmvAl whkh rholl Ma tx unnru�nubly withhcW. li'&►m�w�r(uih io muintuin covcrugc JcKriixJ ul�we,LenJer m+iy.+�� �--
<br /> '� -.��A�S�• . M-� '.;• Lcruicr�opiiun.oMuin covcr�gr�u prutccl l.rn�kr'+righ�s{n�hr Pmperty io uccorJuncc wfth purug�uph 7.
<br /> �� � � � � Al)ioxurwkc pnlicicy und rencwul�.�hull Ix�urccptuhlc lo l,cndcr und.hull includc u tilundurJ munguge rluu.rc. Lcnilcr
<br /> ]� �� xhull havc thc right tu holcl lhc pidicie.and rrnewulti. If l.en�kr nyuin�. &�rr�►wer�hull pn�mplly�ive�o l.cndcr ull n�ciptn �"�"�,-•�
<br /> _�' . ��� .:�.;u,.`s::.". � of paid prcmiumr und renrw;�l n�nice�. In�he evem uf lo+r.B��rmwrr�hull �tive prnmpi n�►tice�o�he inrurwrce currier und �_-_ -
<br /> :� ;:_�,.___._:.. _ �. Lcnckr. Lcrulc�muy muAc pr�x�t ot la��if out maJe pnm�pdy by Hu�ruwcr. �_._�_ -
<br /> ���
<br /> '—' � • �:` Unle..LenJrr und��rruwe��Hhcrvvise ugrec in wri�ing.inwruncr pnwecJ�rhull he npplied tu n��urulHm or repvir of
<br /> ��' �� � � " � the Pr�►�hy dAmugeJ, if�hc m.ti►ralian ur rcpuir iv cconumirully fca�ihlc unJ L.endrri.rcuri�y i+ nu� le..rncd. 11'thc _
<br /> '=s�� . . reriorution ar repair i. no1 cconomically fru�ihle or l.endcr+ srcurity wc►uld im IrskncJ,the in.urunce �mcccd� shnll I+c _.,
<br /> ,J�Sd�:�'.��M.si�•,.• •,
<br /> upplieJ u� the sum� .ecuncl by thi+Sccurity In+trumen�, whether ur n��t ihen Jur,wi�h any rxrc�� puid tn Harmwcr. If __
<br /> � Bortowcr alumk�nti thc Piro�xny,ar d�K+n��t unxwr� wi�hin �Il Juyv u notic� frum LenJrr thut thc in�uruncc cutricr huti —___ _
<br /> _,.,�. ' • offorcd to setdo a rluim,�hen Lendcr may roll�tit dx in�urwirr pnxc�k. L��ulrr muy uu Ihc pr�xceJs a�mpuir or re�tom -- _
<br /> r- the Property or In pay rumc r:�wured by thix S�wuri�y In�trument,whether�irnut�hen duc. 7'Ik�l�•duy prrnxl will hrgin wl�en �_�-_-_ °-
<br /> , • A�� .� the nntin i.gi��en. �.�.�
<br /> '.. Y, Unletih Lendcr ond BnRawer otherwise •rgree in ariting.uny u�►lic��ion uf pnx:eeJ. Io Nrincipal+hull no�extend or �-�,.--....�._-.-
<br /> �' : � •� ,,.' potitpc�rre the due duu:of ihe mumhlY P:�ymcnts rel'crred�n in paragruph. I und��r chungc�ho um��unt uf thc puyments. If �'`=`�°.:"°
<br /> �` • �� uacler ru h �I the Pn� n ix uc uireJ b Lender. Borrower: ri ht u� un in+urim�r ►liric+unJ r�eeds retiuUin —" ---
<br /> ' � P�R P I� Y 4 Y R Y I'� P 6 �, ^.:_
<br /> ' •"'`�.�'^ ��� �P Inw mentRmmediurely p ur tanthe,u yui.itiun����ion�hull p;�.+ta Lrnder�o the extent nf�hr.umti xcureai by �his Se�uri�y =
<br /> � - �� `' 6. Accapency, PreservAtino. Maintenaace and Pruteclion oP Ihe Propertys Sarrawer'x Loan Applicalian; _ _
<br /> .� `'�� � � Leaseholds. Borcawer.hull accupy,e.�abli.h,and use th�Propehy uti Sorn�wer:pnncip�l rc�idence wilhin�ixty Juys after �-____
<br /> , Ihe execution of Ihis Security In+IrumeM;uid�huU continur ui�xcupy Ihe Property us B�xrower.principul rcridence far ut --__
<br /> � Ieaxt osm yeur :�i�er the date of occupancy, unlesa Lender othrrwi�e a�mr. in wriiin�:, which c��nti�M .hull nat be
<br /> � ' unrewonnbly withheld,or unler�extenuuting circum�tunce�cxisl which ure txyonJ Burmwcr�rnntml. Burmwer,Bull no�
<br /> destmy,dumage or impuir thc Pmperly.ullow Ihe Propt:ny to Jeteriorote,ur rommit wu��e on ihe Pruperty. Barrower Khull �YI
<br /> . ,�. .. be in default if any forf'eiture action ix prc►creding,whclher civil ur cnminnl,is lx:Kun thal in l.ender:g�x�d faith judgmenl �,;_
<br /> •^ � could result in fort'ei�um of the Propeny or oiherwi+c muteriall�� impuir�he lien crea�eJ by this Securi�y la�trumem or
<br /> ' ', Lenderk u:cu�ly inteny�. Rorruwer may cure such a dciauh�nd min�lutc,a.provided in parugruph lii,hy cawing ih�ucti�m �o__
<br /> �� or proceeding to t+c di�mixsed wi�h a ruling that,in Lender+g�wd i'ui�h detcrminatian,prcrludc+tiirtciwre ol'�hc Borrow�cr; — __ -
<br /> . intere,t in the Propeny or other muteriul impairtnent of the lien created by �hi. Srcuriiy In,trumem ur l.enderz securily _
<br /> • intcrezt. Horrawer +hull ulxo hc in Jefault if Born�wer, during the loan upplicution prcxc,�, guvc m�icrially fultie or ��
<br /> � ' " inuccurn�e iniormation cx xtntrmcnts�a Lender Inr i'uiled to pmvide Lcnder with uny mutcriul infiim�utionl in connecticxi with
<br /> -- -------'- it� I.ian �vid��xed by thc tiaic. includiag. hat ae�t limited ta. rrpresLntstions conceming B��rrnwer: �•�.�c���+smcy of �he __-_ __
<br /> Propeny u�a principul rexidence. If thi.Security Instrument i.on•r Ieu,chuld,8��rrnwrr.huU comply wi�h all thr proviziunti
<br /> of Ihe Icase. If Bormwcr ucyuire.i'rr�iUc�o the Prn�xny,Ihe leuschold und the fee title,h•rll nut mcrgc unlc.+Lender ugrces
<br /> • ta the mergcr in writing.
<br /> 7. Prntection of I.ender'4 Rishts in Ihe Property. li' Borrower t'ail. to pertiirtn the c�wenun�s und agreements __
<br /> � '' �� � contuined in this Security Imtrumem, or lherc is u Irgul pnxreding thnt mu�• signitiranQy affect Lender's right. in the = --
<br /> . �" Property(such a.s u pnxceding in bankruplc�•,probatr,tiK rundrmnAtinn or liiheiture or to enforce law�or regulutioml.lhen ��_-�
<br /> . Lender muy do unJ puy 1'or whu�evrr i.necr+xary w p�utect �he valuc af thr Prnpeny und Lender: right�in the Pn�perty. `�"�
<br /> •• L.ender+uctions mu��inrluJc puying uny sum+tirrurcJ by a licn wh�ch ha.priority iwrr ihiti Seruriry In.trument.uppeuring _
<br /> � in court, aying rea+cmuble uuorncy.'1'cr�unJ enlcring un�he ProExny to mukr repain Althaugh Lendrr muy�ake action �=_=
<br /> p ,-,�-v�f .
<br /> under this purugruph 7.l.endcr di�rs iwt havc ta do xi. ' `,
<br /> , Any umoum,JixbuneJ hy l.cnder undrr thi� paragraph 7 ,hall Ixxomc udditional deht uf Borrowcr scrured hy this � ,
<br /> . Securi�y In.�rumem. Unlc..Burrowrr unJ L�ndrr a�rec to othcr irm�.��f payment,thc.c amounl�,hall bear imcre+t t'rc�m 1he
<br /> date of disbuncment a� thc Nrnc ro�r unJ shull hc puyahlc,witb interc�t,u��n n���icr t'mm Lendcr t�� Hormwer reyuesting � •:,,�,�
<br /> puyment. � __
<br /> 8. Mortgage lnsurence. It'Lendcr rcyuimd morlgng� mwnmrr a. u r��ndi�ion ��I'makin�the loan,crumd hy this � ��� .s�,- `�
<br /> ' � Security Instrumem. Bom�wrr .hall pay the prcmium� reNuired a� nmintuin thr m�m��ge in.urance in ef'f'ect. If. iiir any -',<<;�!.-. ,,
<br /> ' � �eution. the mortguge in+uru�xr covrrage reyuirrJ by Lrndrr lapscs ur rrau+ to tx in efFrr�. Borrower .hcdl puy the � `�-:__==•''
<br /> rcmiums re uired to �iMtuin cuveru n tiuh��umially e uiv�drni a► �he mun�u�� in+urunce �viou�l m cl'I'�ct. 8l :1 l'O�I ��"
<br /> ' P 4 6' • 4 6 t-' fN' Y
<br /> • tiubxlantially cyuivulent to lhc co�i w Kurrower ul'ihe murtg:►ge in+urunce prrviou�lv in el'licl. Innn an uUemate mort�age ' .
<br /> ° insurer npprovrd by l.cndcr. II'.ub,�untiully cyuivalrnt mungugr in.un�nre ruvcrage i�nrn uvi�il:►Mc. Hurrowcr shull pay to , ��:
<br /> -t� Lender euch mun�h u tium cyuul w une-twcltih of�hr yearly mun�tugc in,urunce premium 1►ring paiJ by Bortow�r whrn thc _. -�-..�-
<br /> inrurancc ruvrrugc lup+rd or cruticJ w F+r in rt'I'ert. L�ndcr��•ill ucrrp�.u,e�nd rct•rin thc,r p:rymrnt.t�.n I���ti rrurvc in licu •. ,i;;;:"-
<br /> � oi'mortgugr in,urunrc. l.a�s rc�crvc paymenl.may no longrr ix rcyuircd. ul Ihr uptiun of LenJrr. il'niimFagc intiur:u�cr • ,--
<br /> ¢ � covcru�c lin Ihc um�iunl UnJ 1'ix th��xriixl tha�Lrndcr nquin.l pruvidrd hy un in.unr a�ruvrd hy L.rnder uguin txrrnmc, �.
<br /> uvuiluhlc:md i,i�htuincd.8i�rt�»�•cr�hall pay Ihr prcmium�rcyuir�J In maintuin murtgu�c in.unmrr in rlfr�L��r a�proviJc u (
<br /> � ,, los�re�ervc.umil thc rryuircnknt for monEagr imuranre cixl�in arr�Kdanrc��ith nm wrillcn ngrcrmrm Fxiw•rrn Bormwer !
<br /> � , • und Lcndcr or applicablr law. ,
<br /> , 9. lospection. Lcndrr or i�ti a�:rnt m:��•m:iAr rra+un:�hlc.•ntrie, upnn and imprriium uf�he F'nryxn�•. l.ender,hull ' •
<br /> givc Burro«er notirr ut�h�timr uf i�r prior In an inrFxr�iun ti�xcil'�•in�n:uunahlr rau.r li�r Ilx im�xrtiun. �
<br /> 10. Condemn�lion. Thr pnw•�rd.of��n} :���:�rd��r rlann G,r�lama�:e..duer�ur run.cyurmial.in runuerti�m a�ilh uny �
<br /> timEk t.nmh••Fuanlc\fue�FrcddlaStucl'\IFIIN\11�5'fRt\1F:\'1' 1'nd��ro��'o.rnam, 4•411 �p,iir±��/n�aitru
<br /> �.ir.il I.Aw Nc..in�v F��w�w.I�r � •
<br /> h�ImFt 1.,111 H4NlAlIFt/F7,f ,RA\011H7'1411.11 - •
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