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<br /> .r ��• ; 3 T(XlETHER WITH uU �he imprrnement.r now or hereuRcr crect��d on ihc propcny.und all cusrmrm�,uppunenunccx,
<br /> - �•�:.�' und fixrore�now or hereu8er u pun of�he property All replucements und sddiiionti shall ul+o Ix covered by�hiK Secu�iry
<br /> -' '� a *•: ° Instrument. All uf thc foreg��ing i+rcl'cned to m�Nis Security In,trument ux thc"Pruperty..,
<br /> 'a '%: ,r,. :•' BORItUWER('��VENANTS thul Burrawcr iti luwfully�ciscd of thc c�iu�c hcrcby convcycd und hu,�hc right tu grunt �'�"`
<br /> • " and canvcy Ihc Propehy und lhut the Property iti unencumbercd,exccpt fi►r encumbrar�cex of rcceird. Borrower wurtunta und
<br /> -- _ --� - will defend generally�he�iUe to the Propeny uguin.�ull cluim.und dcmunJ,..ubj�ct�o:u�y cncumbnmcr•of record. �-_-__---..
<br /> . ' `�� THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT cambines uniform rovcnunts for natianal usc und non-unil'urm covrnunts with
<br /> � � • limited vuriu�iuns by jurisdiclion�n run+li�ute a uniform sccuriry in+�rumcnt cuvcring reol prapeny.
<br /> � � ^ UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrowcr und Lendcr covenunt und ugme ux fulbws:
<br /> L Pnyment of P�incipal and Interest;P�epwyment and I.ale Charges. BoROwcr tihull promptly pay when duc the =_
<br /> principal of umi imerc�t un ihc dch�rvidcnced by thc Notc und any prcpuymrnt and lotc churgrx duc undcr thc Natc. _
<br /> •� 2. �nds�or 7'ozes and Insuronce. Subject to applicable law ar a�u wriuen wuiver by Lender.Botrower shull pay to ��_u�� _
<br /> "; . LenJer on the day mcxnhly puymcnts ure due under�hc Nntc,u�lil the Na�c is paid in full,a+um("Fund.ti') for. lal yeurly _;��•__-
<br /> � " laacs und azsessmen�a which muy uuuin prioriry over this Securi�y In�tn�ment ps u lien on�he Propeny:(b)yeurly Ieur,ehold =�� _ _
<br /> � • -� paymenh or ground renls on ihe Property. if uny: (c) yeurly huzurd or prapeny insuraner premiums; (dl yearly floacl
<br /> •� insumnce prcmiums, if uny; Iel yeurly martguge insurance prcmiums, if uny; und (� any sumx payable by Borrower to -_
<br /> �• � �� Lender,in accatrinnce wi�h the p�ovisiom of parngruph 8, in lieu of the payment of monguge insurance premiumx. The+e �;.�^
<br /> ' �� -� - ' items ure eulled"E,crow Item+' Lcnder muy.ut s+ny time.callect and hald Fundti in an amaunt no�to exeeed the maaimum ��;;;;�.�_:•
<br /> �' " umuunt a IencMr for u fcdcrally reluted mongnge loun muy rcquirc for Sorrowcr's escrow uccount under the federal Real =..--
<br /> " � Eslate Setdemenl I'roc:edures Act of 1y74 ux amendeJ from Iime to time, 12 U.S.C.?��601 et sey.!"RESPA"►,unless�mott�r �._____-�.___
<br /> . low thut upplies to the Funds sets u lesu:r amnunt. If so,Lendcr may.��uny timc,collert and hold Funds in un s�mount not to �;,,;;,.,�:;,
<br /> ' " exceed the lesscr amount. Lender may estimat� the umount of Funds due on the ba+i�of cuRent data and reu,onable =-__-.__
<br /> . . estimates of expenditures of t'uiure Excrow Items ar othcrwi,e in ucaxdance wi�h applicahle luw.
<br /> " The Funds shutl be hcld in an instilution whosc deposits are imurcd by u federnl ugcncy. incuumentality,or entiry ti'_•__ '`�
<br /> Iincluding Lender,ii'Lender is such an instilutionl��r in uny Federal Hnme Loun Bunk. LenJer shull upply the Funds to pay :.,-_�-
<br />