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��i.•R" + , y •• .-..,.-.,- . . � _.��,r <br /> p... I -�e'�� - <br /> ����� yiY*In .ww�e.w. .!C-�!'-- . ..�-.__..�_ �. <br /> l <br /> .����i'��� r.. . _ _-- i T'Y '3 i ''1'f•!''._ ..- <br /> , . ..�:�. .��'"! . ' :� <br /> ' `�klidw.,.. . , <br /> � '� a -- - - .:.. <br /> � .92-101782 -- <br /> . ... , w _ <br /> ,��:���;�� --- -- <br /> --_= p�yment�iruy�w lan�er be roquirod,A1 thc optian ai Lender, if nwrlQ�c iecuran�c covcr�c(ln the wtwunt and for thc periad � <br /> - _,�,�,�- thot L,end�tr rcquircsl providod by An inwrcr appravod by L,cndcr a�ain becomes uvpilublc wxf is oMafnod. Borrowcr shs►111 p�ty <br /> 'nU nd t °m <br /> ��. <br /> �" `,�.�,.�.irc,;�„�`" ', t h e prcm iums rcqu i r e d ro m a i n t o i m m�r l�A y e i a s u r a n c e i n e f f e c�,o r t a p r u v i�k a l u s�r e�e r v c, unlil the r e yuinement for mort a a Qe <br /> • ' �.; ; _ in�urance e�xis in accordance with an��wrluen ogrc�`mcnl bclwcrn Deirrowcr und l.endcr ar applicublc luw. <br /> ''��' `� .�, g, Lcnder o� ite s►�ont may moko reasanuble entri��s upon und inspcctions of thc Property. l.emler�Iwll�ive <br /> _ �.�� � ^ 'u..•. In�pectlO°. <br /> --••+`•�-�:��:� -• Borrower notice at the time oi'or prior tu on inspecdan spocifying re�Mmablc cuu�.:far the intip��ctian. <br /> � `� �'•�'� �' 10. Condcmaallon. Thc procecdc ai uny uward ur cluim fur dumagew, dirctit ur cunw:yucntiul. in cunnocdon with any c � <br /> : �'`��'�r������� rnixkimnutiun or aher tyiclnQ of wny p�ut uP the Property,or for canveyance in lieu ot'condemiwtion. arc hercby assi�ned and <br /> � ��L��.•M W�. J. <br /> *�' . . � �. . , �11 bc paid to Lendcr. <br /> . 4:.�.�,:yt�,j�5' In U�Q event of a tWal tAking of the Property,the proceeds shall be uppU�xl to the sumw secured by this Socurity Instrument, -- <br /> whe�hcsr or nat then due, �vith any excesa paid to Barrawer. In the event of v partial tnl•ing of the Property in which the f�{r <br /> � •'.?'�h'` �° V cnarkat vuluc of thc Pmpcny immediately bcfore the lul:ing is eyual to or greater than the Artiount of thc sums secured by this �'��'� <br /> "' j ` Security Insaume�t immediately t�efara the tak�ng, unless Borrowcr and Lender athcrwisc�grce in writing,thc sums secured by ---=.-- <br />� -'°"`�� '�'' :�` �^ " thia Secu�ity instrument shall bc reduced by the amaunt of the pruccxds multiptied by the faltuwing fraction: (a) the total <br />'° �•�'�. �' ��p amount of the surt�secured immediatoly befare the taking, divided by Ib)the fair nwrket v�lue of the Propertp immediately =__---- <br />!` •• • ..�� ' beforc the wking. Any balonce shall be paid to Borrower. In the cvent of u partiul tuking uf the Property in which the fair � <br />��` ' • � !' market vulue of the Property immcdiately beiom the tuking is less thun the omount of the surtu secure�i immediatcly before the �L P� <br /> �,. • .Y'�r L''�;' �..�a� . <br /> , Wking,unless Borrower and L.andor whenvise agree in writing ur unless applicable law otherwise provides.the pmceeds shall <br /> «._ ._.. <br /> .- . - - : _ - . be epplied to the sums secured by thi�Securi�y Instn�ment whether or not the sums ure then due. <br /> ' � � ' . If the Property ia ubandan�cf by Barmwer,or if,uRer notice by Lcnder to&�mower that the condemnor offers to make an �'�a�� <br /> �� <br />• ,� � ' awerd or settle a claim for damAg�s, Borrower fAils to rcspond to I.w�nder within 30 dnys after the date tke notice is given, <br /> � � � � Lender is aulhorized to collect and apply the procecdti,at itr�►pti�m,cithcr ta resloration or repair of the Property ar to thc sun�s <br /> ' ti , secured by this Security lnstrument.whether or not then Juc. ���^'' <br /> ' Unless Lender and Borrowar othenvir,e agree in w�iting, uny vpplicutiun uf proceeds to principal shaU not extend or =_ <br /> • `' � ,,. postponc thc due date ai the monthly puyments r�efcmed ta in paragruphn 1 and 2 or chunge the amount of such payments. --- <br /> - • �� . 11.Borrower Not Released=Forbearance By Ixnder Not A Wafver.Ea�ension uf thc time for payment or modificatiop E_..- <br />� �'t � '• • of umoRization of the sums secur+ed by this Security Instrument grunted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower st�ll �;- <br /> � 1;�.� , • � not operate to release the liebility of thc ariginol Borrower or Borrowcr's sucressors in interest. l.ender shall not be required to "�,'"-". <br /> � . .. ,.�.�. �:r=.�. <br /> . , commence proccedings ugainst any successor in interest or mfuse to extend time fi�r p•ryment or otherwise modify utn�urtization ��.� - <br /> � �`�' • of the sums secured by thi� Security Instrument by reason of uny demund made by the nriginal Borrower or 8ortower's � <br /> "'•�� successors in interest. Any forbearnnce by Lender in eaercising uny right��r rcmedy shull not be a waiver of or pteclude the - <br /> • � ' .��•' • exercise of nny right or rcmedy. <br /> '' ' 13. Successora And Asslgns Bound; Jolnt and Several LiabHily; Co-slgners. The coven;u�ts and agreement� of this -- <br /> ! � 'Y':�l: —�'�-�'` <br /> • r{;;r•-.r�� � S ecurity Ins trumen t s hu l l b in d un d b e n c f i� t h c s u c c c s s a n n n d a+s i g n s u t'L c m l c r u n d B o r ro w c r, s u b j e c t t o t h e p m v i x i o n s of <br /> �..�:_:, <br /> ;:s;:,:•� � paragraph 17. Borrower's covenunts nnd usrccments shall be j��int und xever�l. Any Bunowcr wtw rn-signs thi� Security �,;,��==-. <br /> ' Instrument but does not executo the Nnte: (u) ix ro-tii�ening thiy Security Instrumen� ontc to nxm@age. grant and comey thut ��� <br /> Bc>rrower's interest in the Propeny under the terms of this Security Inatrument;Ibl is n�x penonally obliguted tu pay the sum. � <br /> • • , secured b this Security Insirument;und(cl agmes�hut LenJer und any nthrr B��rruwcr ma�•agree ta extend,modify,forbear or `�'"'`''``�-` <br /> Y <br /> - make Any accommadation�;with icgurd tn the tcrmx af this Serurity In�trument or the Note wi�hout that Borrower's consent. <br /> :��, � 13.Loan Charges. If the loan serured by this Scwriry Instrumem is subjert to a law which sets maximum loan charges. �-.>�._. <br /> •`"��' ' and that law is fin�lly interpreted u� thut thc intcrezt ur othcr I�►an churgc,callcct�d or to be collected in c�innection with the ----- <br /> • loan ezceed the permiued limit�,thrn: (u)anv vuch loun churge shull t+c rcJuceJ hy thr umount neceswry to reduce the charge ��'''� <br /> . .. � � to the permitted limit: aixl(b) any� sums utreudy colleclecl frum Borr�iwer which�xc��d¢d pcmiittcd limits will be refunded to ' <br /> ' � Borrower. Lcnder muy chaise to muke thiw refunJ by reducin� ihc prinripal uwed under thc Note or by makin� a direct _ __ <br /> . � payment to Borrowcr. If u refund reJuce� principul, thc rcductiun will he trcated as a purtiul prepayment w�ithout any _=-_ <br /> : .;..'';4;�1•• ' pnepuYmcnt churgc undcr thc Nota �. <br /> .%',�� P,,:•:: . '" � 14.Notiees. Any nodce to Burrower provided li�r in thi,Security Instrunknt shall he�ivcn b��delivering it or by mailing �'�';°; <br /> .�.,. . <br /> , .� "'i . . • it by first cluss mnil unless uppllcablc law reyuirc�utic nf anothrr nkth�xl.Thc nc�tire shall lx directed to thc Praperty Address <br /> ' , '�%-'�.t'�? :; or any other address &�nowar designatcs by ni�ticc to I.crnlcc Any nuticc to l.cndrr shull t+c pivcn hy firvt class mail to <br /> ! '�°' ` ''''�''T � L.ender's nddress stutcd hcrcin ��r any othcr uddress Lendcr dcsignuics by mitire ti�&irmwcr. Any naticc provided for in this _ _ <br /> . .F�. ,(, ,__� <br /> . ' `;>>�;'.,�r Securiry Instrumcnt shnll t►e dcemed to havr Been Eivcn ta Ba�r�►wcr ur Lcndcr when given ax pnwided in thiv paragraph. � <br /> ' . ' • IS. Governing Law:Severabillty. Thi+ S�curi�y h�titrununl sFu�ll bc gavemed hy fcdcrul luw und thc luw of the ' <br /> . � � 'jun.uiiction in which thc property i�; lixa�cd. ln thr rvcnt that ;m�•provi,i�in ar rlausc��f thi+Sccurity In,trumcnt or thc Note • <br /> conFlictx with uppllcablc luw. such contlirt shall n�it uftcrt utlxr pr�rvi�i�m��►I'�hiti Scruril}• Inti�rumcnt ur thc Ni�tc W�hinc�:►n bc <br /> • , givcn eifcct without the conllictinF pr�►vixinn. Ta lhia cnJ thc prnviziun�of this Sc�uri�� Instrunxnt atKi 1he N�uc are declared ` <br /> to be scvcrablc. � <br /> . . � <br /> . l6. Borrnwer's Cop��.Botruwcr�hall bc givcn unc ronli�rmcd c��p} uf thc Nu�c wxl ul'Ihi,Serurity Instrumcnt. <br /> � Form 302Y 9l90 r <br /> P.,��„�a ' <br /> i <br /> - -=-- - _- .. ' :.. . <br /> ♦ „ .. <br /> . ' <br /> f <br /> �.. <br /> ; <br /> . � _ __ _ <br />