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<br /> ' l7.Traarter of tbe ProPe�Y ar s Beneflcial lnterest in Borrower.!f all or nny part�f thc Pmperty nr ony inter+est in it �j�:___.-
<br /> .�1 iR sold or t�Ui w��n canscnt�Lcndc��maY t at i�tx�ptiuo�rcq'uircr immed et�c aadmenR in full nf ull�um'�ured byUthir
<br /> - l.sndcr'a p P'y '
<br /> � Scxurity Instrument.Howevcr. thic optiun shall not bc cxcrciM:d by L.ender if excrcir,c�s pmhibit�l by fi�cr�l law ux of'the dstc
<br /> •� � af U►is Sccuriry Instrumcn�. --___
<br /> If Lender exemi�es thix optian, l.ender�hal�Ri��BOrr°WCr naticc of acrcicratiun.Thc notice shall providc a p�:riod uf not
<br /> _._�� Icss�han 30 dayF ����n�e dt►te the noucc is delivcrcd o�mailed within which Barcowcr must pay ull xumr sccur�xl by this __
<br /> Socurity Instrumcat.if Borrowcr fuila ta pay thc�;suma prior ta thc cxpirutiun of this periai,lxndcr may invokc uny remedic� �__ _- ,
<br /> . pernuttcd b this Security Instrument withuut furthcr notice or dcmand on Horrower.
<br /> �• lg, ��o�yq's Rl�ht to Rcinstate. If Born�wcr mects ccrtain canditions, Burrawcr shail havc thc �ight ta havc
<br /> � enforcement oi thia Sccuri�y �nstrumen� discontinucd at uny timc priar to thc curlier of: (ul 5 duyK (��r tiuch uther p�:riad as �
<br /> applicable law inuy spccify for rcinrtatem�:nt) before salc of thc PropeRy pursuant ta any power of salc containod in this _ -
<br /> : .. Seeurity Instrument;�r(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those cunditions are that&�rruwer. (a1 pays
<br /> Londer�11 sums whirh then wauld be due unde�this Security Instrunxnt and the Note as if na acceleration fiad accurn�l:(b) _
<br /> �; cures uny defauit of any a►her covenants ur ugreements; (c)pays aU expenses incuncd in enforcing this Sccurity Instrument, _ __
<br />- , including,bul not limit«l �o, rcasonable Attorney.s' fees; and(d)tak�such action as l.cnder may rcasonably require to a�su�re -
<br /> thitt thc lien af this Securiry Insttument. I.cnder's rights in the PropeAy and Borrower's ubligation ta pay the sums s;cccured by _ _
<br /> • • thiR Scxurity InstNm�:nt shall continuc unchangcd. Upon reinstatement by Bc►nowcr, this Sccunty Instrutt►cnl und the _ _
<br /> .� ' o obligationa secured hereby shall remain fully efPective as iF na accele�atian had uccurred. Hawever, this right tu reinstate shall
<br /> � na�rpply i�i thc cau: of acccicration undcr paregraph 17. �4�_=
<br /> 19. S�le ot Note; Clwnge oP Loan Serr'icer. Thc Note or a partial intcrest in thc Note (togcthcr with this Security —
<br /> � - Inatrument) may h o s o l d u n e a r m o r c t i mes withaut prior noticc to Borrower. A salc may result in a changc in thc rntity(known �-- -
<br /> as thc "Louo Se�'�ce�")��c�llccts monthly payments due undcr the Nute and this Sccurity Insavment.T hcre a lu�m a y b e o n c �,
<br /> � or more changes oithc I.oan Scrvicer unrelatecl to a sale of thc Note.If thcre is a change�if�he L.uun Scrviccr.Borrowcr will be �^�*` _
<br /> � � given written natice of thc ch�r�Be in accordance with paragroph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the nume and � �� ;�- �
<br /> address of the new Lonn Ser�'icer and the address to which payments should be m�ule. Thc notice will ulw contain any other �_^_
<br /> '�� licable luw. �. �
<br /> inforniation icquircd by app �--_v__...
<br /> 20. H�rdu�s Subs��• S°rrawcr shall not causc or pern►it thc presencc, usc, dispoyal, ston�gc, or relcasc of any
<br /> yawcdoua Substances an ur in thc Praperty. Borrowcr shall nut do. nor �Ilow anyonc clsc to do. unything uffccling thc ��
<br /> ' � Property�hat is in violati�m of uny Enviranmental I.aw. Thc prcceding two scntences shall not apply w thc pr�cscncr,usc, or �
<br />� ' sturage un thc Propeey uf small quantitics�f Hsvnrdous Substances�hat arc generally recogniuxl to tx:apprapriatc tu norm•rl _�._.4
<br /> ' ' n�+id�:ntial uscs and tu mt►intenencc oP thc Property. �"°�°°`=
<br /> 1`'`��,�..�' • Borrowcr ,hell promp�ly givc l.ender wrinen noticc of any imcstigation,claim,dcmund. lawsuit nr uthcr uction by uny ___-
<br />' ' � • govcrnmcntal ar regulatory ugency or privalc pahy involving thc Pmperty and anY Flazard°us Substancc ur Envir�mmcntul Law —
<br /> �,-.-,- of iYhich B�?rn�WCr has ucwal knowlcclge. If Borrawcr Icums, or is notificd by uny govcrnmcntal or rc�!ulutory authurity, thut
<br /> . -- un retm►vul nr rnhcr remediation of any Hw•.urdous Substancc uifixtiug th�Propcay is nexc':sa�`.9"rmw�r chAll promptly�ake �_-_
<br />� y
<br /> ull ncxesawry rerncxlia�actiuns in acc o r d a n c e w i t h E n v i m�m e n t a l l.u w. — u
<br /> As uscd in Ihis puragraph 20, "Har.ardcw� Subst�nres" arc thosc substunccs defincd a+tuxic or ha•rardous substunccs by _ _Y
<br /> Environmental Law umi thc tolluwing wbtituncc.r•: gasolinc, kcroscnc. �xhcr flummablc or toxir petrolcum pr�xluctx, tuxic
<br /> pesticides�nd hrrbicidex,volatile salvents. mutcriuls cantaining ashe,ais or timnuWchyde,and radioucuve materials. As u,��!in _____-
<br /> this parugraph 20, "Envin►nmcntul L.uw" mcam fixfcrnl laws anJ lawc�if thc juriuiiction whcrc thc Propcny i�Icx:utcd that __
<br /> rclute to hwllh. �ufe�y��r environmental prutcction.
<br /> NQN-UNIFORM C.OVENANTS.Borrowcr anJ L.endcr fLrtlx�r cuvcnunt und agrcc us follows: �
<br /> 21. Accelention; Remedl�.w• Lender xhwll�ive notice to Barrower prior to acceleralion Pollowing Borrower's bre�ch �:��
<br /> of s�ny rnvenanl or aRreement in this 5ecurily Inctrument (bul not prior to accelerntion under ps�rasr�ph 17 unla� ��i.�
<br /> app�icnble Iaw provides othcrwise). The notice xhall specify: la)the default;Ib) the action required tu cure the dePAUlt; ,r�_.
<br /> (c)a datc. not I�ss th�n 30 dayx frnm thc date the notke i�Riven to Rorrower.by whkh the dei'ault mast t►e cured;and
<br /> (d)that failure to curc I he d e f e u l t o n o r b e f o r e the date�p�iThe mNke tihall further ni'orm Borrowe'r o P I hc r iR ht�to � '
<br /> Recured by this Secority�nstrument and vale of the Property. ,. , _
<br /> relavtple after accelerutbn and the �iRht to bri�a court action to acserl the non-exfstence of a default ar any otMer =, `,,,..
<br /> ' defense of Borrower ta occelerution and gule. if�ment inufull oP allu ms�+ecuredfby this tiecurity Ias�t�me tewithoul �„ •
<br /> Lepder,at ils uptiun. mpy require immediate puy
<br /> iurlher dcmpnd rnd m�y invoke the power uf+ale and any uther remedics permiUcd by applicable law. Ixnder stwll be
<br /> endtled to rnllect all expens�Mcurred in pursuin�the rem�die.c prnvided in lhis paru�raph 21.includin}��but nW limited �;- •.*. -
<br /> ' � to�rea.+onnble attorneys'Pc�and r�wts of tiUe evidence. _
<br /> lt thepo wer of wle is invoked, Trustee�hall rernrd a notice of default in each n�unty in which�ny part of the . __
<br /> p�.operty is loca(ed and shall mail copi�of such notice in the manner ptrscribed by applicable IAw to Born►wer and to y _
<br /> � ��� rsony prescrlbed by applicable law.Afler Ihe time reyuind by applics�ble Inw.Tru.�t�e xh�ll give pub8c notke �:_�• ��;�_.
<br /> tbe pe
<br /> of sale to the persuns�+n d in I he manne r p rc s c r i b e d b y a p p�i c a b l e I A w.T r u+t c e. w i t h n u l d e m and on Borrower.xhall sell �.
<br /> �p�nperly at publlc aucNon to the hi�hes/bidder at thc time and place and under the tcrms desi�ns�ted io the nutice oP
<br /> s�le in one or mure parce�s an d in an�• order Trustee determim�. Trust��c ma}• postponc wle of all ur any parcel nf the
<br /> �� prop��ly bv puhlic wnnuuncement ut the time and pluce of am• previou�h• sch�duled wle. I.ender or itx d�wiRn��e muy
<br /> purch�thc 1'ropeny at uny tiulc.
<br /> Form 3028 9/90
<br /> P.�qe 6 ut ti ,
<br /> .. .. . �
<br /> i
<br /> 1
<br /> I
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