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. • �(.1___r —�i,n_:..; . .. . „ ..1� � <br /> _— ��i! YY� , �' v?.. ..`Y _}_ _v_=� .. ,y ^ �'_'_'._'.. ---�� <br /> - -�f:« ,-.. _ ���......�.. .�.�►+-�.,� � , -- <br /> v �'`S`;q'��4,�-"a. <br /> :� 92-101782 �_ <br /> t � � � <br /> ���.�:����►...:, _ <br /> �'°�-�•�-��-- ^�°`� s. }�� o� p�perty Iqp�rnpce. Borrower shall kap the impravem:ntc now existing on c�rcaftcr erccted on thc o,,,__—__. _ <br /> _!"•�'±.�:'!��r, <br /> °',�c,++�•��; pmperty insun�d A�ainst lass by f1rc, h�urda includcd within Ihe tcrm 'extended c�wcrngc' and uny othcr hurards. includin� � <br /> � '°'' floads or floading,for which Lendcr reyuirrR inwrance.'fhix intiurLncc r;hall bc mainluincd in thc Lnuwnts und fi�r thc pericxia <br /> • �.�"A� � . .^ that Lender roquircs. The insurunce currier pmviding the insurunce s hu l l tx chosen 6y &�rrower s.uM jcct lo I..ender'ti upproval �� <br /> "�" ''. ';'��..-•. which chall not 6e unrcasooubly withheld. If&►nowcr fuiis to maintuin r�+verugc deticritxKl aM►vc. l.ender nwy. at Lendcr'� �,n, <br /> " �� - � aption,obtain rnverage ta protect l.ender'x�ight�in the Property in uccordance wf�h parugraph 7. � _ _ <br /> - , ��..n„�- ,� . All insurance policies and rcnewals�hail bc ucceptable to l.cnder anJ ,hull i�rluJc u�tunJurd mungug� clauu. Lender �_.��°` _ <br /> � •;a" shall have thc right ta hold thc pnlicics sutJ rencwals. If Lender require�,&�ROwcr shall p�amptly givc ta l.cnJcr,�ll rcrcipta ot' <br /> ' :' ' . paid premiuma ud renew•al nMicex. ln the evcm oP lass,Bannwer+hull give prompt nc�tice�n the inaurrnce rar�ier and l.ender. �_ <br /> r.' <br /> L,endcr ma y mo�c praof of los�if not mudc promptiy by Bc�rn►wcr. �.1.�,�..- <br />_,; ' Unless l.endcr w+d Bormwcr othcrwise agrce in writing,intiuraxe pr�xxccis shull t+e opplial to rc�torutiun or rcpair af t hc �?::�:=���- <br /> . , p�opeAy damaged,if the rcstarutian or repai�is economically feasible ond LenJer'r wcu�ity is�M Iessened.If the rctiturutian or �;_�=_-�--•--- <br /> ,'.. rep�ir is not erorwmicully feasible or I.ender'g secu�ity wuuld be IccseneJ, thc imurunce prncced* shall he•rpplied tu the sums �v^� <br /> � • securod by this Security Instn�ment, whether ar not then due, with Any excesx puid to &►rmwer. If &►rmwer ubpncions the !��y,'t_f_�_,. <br /> � � ' Properry. or docs not +inswer within 30 days a notice from I.enJcr that�he iosuruncr carcicr hu+uffercd w tictdc a claim,then .�._�•,��-: <br /> n <br /> � � [,ender may c.-ollcct thc insurancc proceeds. Lertdcr may usc thc p�ncxds tn repuir �r resture thc Pmpcny or to pay sums ~�.;;��:= <br /> ". ' �. • secured by�his Security Instrument, whether or nat then due.Thc 30•day pericxi will Ixgin when thc noticc is given. t�:.-�=^ <br /> ,:;e�r'�x:� Unless l.ender and AaR�wer otherwise agrce in writing, uny upplicatin� of procceds a prinripul shull not extend ar ���:�-�-___� <br /> �� ._ - postpone the due date af the monthly paymeM4 r�ferred to in puragraphs I and 1 ar chnngc thc amaunt uf the puyments. If � <br /> � under parograph 21 the Aroperty is ucquired by I.ender,&irrower's dght t��uny in+umnce p��licic�uml procecds rcsulting from ��:='=v:�_ <br /> � • danwge to�he Property prior to the iuqu�silion shall pass to L.ender tu the extent of thc zums scxured by this Sccurity InstrumeM �'�"k-=� <br /> �..:R�.' <br /> � � immediately prior to the ucquisitian. '�'��� <br /> •• 6,pccupyn�y�preservation�Ms�intenonce and Protectlon ut the Properry;Barrower's l.oan Appllcation;Le�seholds. ."='� _ <br /> Barrower shall occupy,establish,und use the Propeny us Borrawer's principal�esidence wi�hin sixty dnys aftcr the execution of�?'�i�`",. <br /> . � this Security Instniment pnd shall wntinue to�xcupy the Pmperty as Borrower's principal resiJence fbr at IeASt one year after __-'�'��+'- <br /> � � the date of occupancy.unless Lender otherwise agrecs in wriling, which cuntient shull not bc:unreusonably withheld,�ir unless ��_� <br /> • extenuating circums�ances exist which are bcynnd Borrower's cantml. BoROwer shall not destroy, dumugc or impair the �.�z,,-��a_ <br /> • Property, allow• the Property to deteriamte, or commit on Ihr Property. Borrower shull lx in dcfuult if uny furfeiwrc _,; <br /> -. . action ar proceecling, whether civil o�criminal, is begun that in Lende�'� gaod fAith judgment could result in fortciwre af the ��,� �_ <br /> _ _________.___ ProQerty or otherwir,e materiully impair the licn crcatcd by this Securiry Instrument or l.eixier's kcu�ity in[cre+t. Bc�rrawcr may _,''�x�;�_- <br /> � cure such a deiault and reins�ate,as providcd in parugraph caus�ng thc actian or pnxceding to ix di,���i.�:d K%iih a ruling �r�_A <br /> that. in Lendcr's gaxi F�ith determinution, precludcs forfciwrc af thc Borrower's intcrest in thc Propeny or othcr material <br /> �'`'` <br /> � impaimient of the licn creaued by this S�xurity Instrument ar L.cnder's security intcre.r•t. Bonawer shall also be in dcfault if f,r;,.•� <br /> .,�,. •..,�:.; <br /> " Borrower,during the loan applic•rtion pruccss,gavc muteriall��fulxc or inurcurutc inforn�atiun ar stntemcnts to Lender(ar failed ,,:. : ,�, ,,.,:, <br /> �:;''-' , , to provide Lender with uny mntcriul infarmation) in ronnection with the loun evidenceci by the Notc,incluJinR.but nut limited ".i•�;�-�.t,. <br /> �•�•.,. .'�.,�. . . <br /> . � , �,� to, representations concerning&xruwer's occupanry of thr Propcny u+a prinripal r�widence. If this Sewrity lnxtrument is on a <br /> • leaselwld, Borcower shall c��mply with all the pr��vixium of the Irase. If Borrower ucyuires f��e tide to the Prnpeny, the :`��:-.= � <br /> leasehold and the fec titic shall not mcrgc unless LcnJcr ugrcc.a�thc mcrgcr in writiog. ' - <br /> ' ' 7. ProtecNon of Lender's Rights In tbe Property.It'�►rruwcr fuil�to p�:rfomi th� covenunts anJ agrµmems contuined in ` ' � <br /> ' "' this Sxurity Instrument, or thcrc is u Icgul pnkreding that muy tiignificuntly affcct l.cnder's rights in thc Pruperty(such as a <br /> :.�: : . <br /> pnxeeding in bankruptcy,probate, tix condcmnutiun or ti�r(citurc or to enforcc luws or rcgulations), then l.endcr nwy do and � ..r�,• '.f _ <br /> � . . pay Por whatever is necessury to protect the vuluc i�f thc Propeny and I.enJcr's rights in the P�aperty. Lendcr's tKtions may • � � <br /> v includc paying any sums u:�urcd hy a lirn which ha+ priurity �wrr this 5ccurity In+tn�ment, appcaring in court, paying <br /> ' �• ' reu.mnablc uttarncys' fces uMt cntcring on thc Property to mukc rcpuir.. Alth�iugh Lcnd�:r m•r�•iukc uction undcr this paragraph _. . <br /> `' � 7. L.ender daes not huve to do,o. <br /> Any umounts Jisbursed hy I.cndcr unJcr this par:►gruph 7 �hall tkci�mc uddltianal dcht oF Borrowcr �ccurcd by this � <br /> ' � Security Insnunxnt. Unlc,x Borruwcr unJ l.enJcr agrec tu�nhcr�crn�.ul'p•ryn►cnt.thesc umouni..hvll lxur intercu from thc <br /> dute of disburseroent ut thc Note ratc unJ shull br payuMc, with intcrc�t, uFxm nn[ice trc�m l.endcr �o Bormwer requesting ; _ <br /> ,� ,, � puyment. ''ja�,,: <br /> ' ' • S. Mortgs�ge In4urance.If l.cnd�r reyuireJ murtgu��in+uranrc a�u condition��f muking thc I�rrn serured b�• thix 5ecurity <br /> ;�.���'� " Instrument. Barrower shall pay the premiums rcyuin�l ai nwintain thc mon�;uNe in.uruncc in effert. If, ti►r rny reason, the - <br /> � imortgugc insurainc covcragc rcyuireJ by l.c�xlcr I�pu�s or ccu+es t�i ix� in cFf�ti�, B�►rr�►a•cr shull puy thc prcmiumti rcyuircd to � <br /> � . obt+�in coverUge substantially cyuivulcnt lu the mi�rtgugc inwranrc prcviou+ly in ef7ect. a�u a�st suhxt�niiully cyuivulcnt to t6e <br /> .�.. co.t to Borrowcr of thc nx�rtgugc insuranrc prcvinu�ly in cffrrt, fri�m mi alt�rnale nuinEagc imurcr uppruvcd by l.cndcr. If � <br /> • ' substuntially cquivulent mort�evgc inxurunrr rovrruEc is n��t arriluhlr. B�►rruwcr+hall puy a� Lcndcr cach nwn�h•r sum ayuul to �' <br /> •.�. <br /> „ onc-twclflh of thc y�arly nwrtgugr imurancc prcmium Ixing paid hy Burrowcr whcn thr in.uranrr c��vcr•rgc lap,cd ur rcax•d w � <br /> . be in effect. I.crnicr will accept,use and rctuin thr+r paymcnt.u, a lu,. rc.erv�in liru ul' i�wngagc in.urance. Lo.ti rcserve <br /> Fam 3029 8180 <br /> , � <br /> .. PeAr f��f H � <br /> �. <br /> � <br /> '•1...'" ... <br /> _ ' "____ <br /> ' <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ' L _ _. � _ _ ._ _ .. _ ._ 1 - . <br />