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��` �''��,� _ .' _"' . ..� iM1�^--.a.�__—�—_.__ _ . —_. ._�_. _. <br /> "l,�f � <br /> �� ^1 <br /> ��. <br /> �� �.�%v..�w:�-� �tM vtW _"—' ___. — v.�...- <br /> � .:���J��i�/!C•� . _ . <br /> • >���r.�, • - - . �-1... <br /> _._... .._._..-----.— - — - <br /> -- _ u., •. <br /> � � V��� 1{7��V� `_---- � <br /> � � <br /> ` '�•. .:'.`�'"�' .` TO(iBTHBR WITH dl tho improvcmenb now on c�n�after era�tod on tho property�and�ll wscmcnts,�ppurten�nccr,and <br /> '�.,.,_..��.__:. �., { _..._.._ <br /> -;'r"�'�"'-�':�� flzturc.� now o� hcnaRee ■ af thc Ay. All laccmcnts ond wddhiunn �hall alw bo cov�rod by thi� 3ocurity <br /> ,; �'`. ' ; Put P� �P � <br /> �:� •a�-.• _'•i,,�_...�" In�trumcnt. All of thc foregoing is rcfcrrcd[u in thiR Secu�lty Inctn�mcnl 4r�hc PmpcAy.' <br /> h �' A 80RROWBR COVBNANT51hat Burtuwcr ix luwfully scir�oc!nf Ihc cMatc hcrcby canvcya!�nd hw+tiu� �ight to grnnt and <br /> ,',�, �, '� .. .�" :° " rnnvcy thc Property and that thc Pa►pcKy is uncncumhcroJ. cacept fi�r c�umhranccx uf rccurcl. Bi�rn►wcr warrant+� rn�l wfll _ <br /> ' ° dcfend�cnendly the tide�u the PropcAy ag�inxt All claimR w�d Jema�xlr.cuhjc�v���xny crKUmbranrcr uf rocurd. <br /> '"!�^ _�_,..,,,�,,�;;;_ _• THIS SECURITY INSTRUMF.NT r��mhinca unifbrtn covcnu�xti fur naUonal usc unJ non•unifom�ravcnwus wilh limitai ____ <br /> .� °A•.• c___`-_ —_.___. <br /> • , v+iriwians by Jurisdiction ta conxtilutc o unifi�rm�ccurity io�t�umcnt covcrio�rc�l pmperiy. <br /> �� ., , ., . ,: UNIFORM COVENANTS.�rtowcr und la:nd�r covcnunt und ugrrx a�fiillows: _ <br /> .� 1. Ppyment o(Priaci�wl �nd IntrreKt= PreNwYment and I.Ntc Cha�c�� &�rr�iwcr xhull pmmplly p+�y when due thc , <br /> principal oP and intercst on tha debt evidenccd b �he Nwe And Aa rc n�ent anJ latc churge�duc under Ihe Nexe. � <br /> y Y P W9 ��,_._._.,. <br />��� � � 2. F�undo tor Tiutes ond Insu�nce.Subjcct u� appli�uhlo law i�r t�� A wriucn wufvcr hy l.endcr. &►rmwcr Klwll pay to _ <br /> � Lender an the duy monthly puymcnta are due under Ihc Notc,until thc N�uc ia puld in full,u�um("FunJx")fur:(u)ycArly tanes �;._"--_- <br /> ond asscs.wnents which mAy attain priariry ovcr thin Security In.ctniment,�x u licn on th�:Pr��perty:Ib>ycarly Ieacchold puyments �L�=��: - <br /> • . or ground rents on the Pn�peAy,iP any;(c)ywrly ha�.urtl or pr�rty insurance premiumx;(d1 ywrly flcxxl ineumnec premiums. �„p,,, _ <br /> if any; (e)yeuly monguge ioaurrncc premiumc, if a�y:And(tl any�ums payable by &m�wcr to l.ender, in ucconlance with �����t�;}�.. <br /> C ' thc rovisions of ra 8. in lieu of the payment uf mnrlgAge ingurw�ce prcmiums.Thck items ure csdlal'Escrow Items." �-`�'•,'°-M ^ <br /> p P�B Ph ��.— <br /> •�. . . .. L.ender may. at any time,collect and hald Fu�ds in an s►nwunt not to excc«i thc muaimum w�xwnt A Icndcr For a federally {` <br /> , related mortgage loan may requirc for&►mower's escrow acrnuM under the fcdend Rwl �ctate SclUement Pr+ucedures Act of <br /> •- -' 1974�s atnended from timc to timc. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 el.ceq. 1'R�PA'1.uniesy annthcr luw that oppliea to the Runds �-''�-��-- <br /> r:k - <br /> sets a les.+er nmaurn. IF so. L.endcr may, at uny tim�:. collect o�ui huid Funds in an um�wnt not to eacc�d the Iesser emount. �,::�.�,-_ <br /> • �•� Lendcr may cstimate thc arncwnt of Fumiv duc an�hc basis oi curnent duta und rcu�onuble e�inwtcs of expenditures of future 6_.�•-�� <br /> Fscrow Items or athenvisc in accutdancc with applicablc Is►w. �_�� `�- <br /> " The Funds :hall be held in an institution whosc depasitx ore insuroJ by a f�tikr.�l ugency, instrumcntality, or cntity _ �f'�'1°� <br /> � � (including LcnJcr, if Lendcr iK such un insiitution)or in nny Fcdcral Hamc Lnun Fiank.l.�:ndcr xhall upply thc Funds to pay the -s.;:_•�. <br /> �� Escraw Items.Lender may nat charge Borrower for holding and upplying thc Fundx,unnuully analyiing the escmw accuunt,ar �-�'rT=-- <br /> � verifying the Escrow Itcros,unless Lender puys Borrower interest on the Funds and upplicublc law pern�i�.l.ender lo muke such �'�`�` <br /> p chorge. Nowever. l.ender may rcquire Barrower to pay n onu-timc cluirgc for un independent rcal cswtc tux rcponing scrvk�c �-_...__. r <br /> �id_F...•--- <br /> , used by Lender in connectian with this loun. unlc�.c applicuble luw provides utherwik. Unless un ugrecment is made ar ���...—._. <br /> ^ applicuble law rcquires interest to be puid,L.cndcr shull not bc rcyuira�l t�pay &�rrowcr uny intcrcxl or caming.un Ihe Fundx. `,.,:,:r'�` <br /> —�-----_- Sornsuer snd l.ensler may agrer�n writing, hawevcr,thut intcrcst shall ix paid on thc Funds. l.emlcr shall givc to&�rcowcr. ��:..,F,,= <br /> �. � without churgc, an unnuul uccounting uf thc Funds, showing crcdit+ ond dchi�s�o thc Funds and thc puqx�x fi+r which exh �;_L-�_, �" <br /> . debit to the Funds was madc. The Fundw arc plcdged as additionul xswrity for oll sumx k�urcJ hy this S�urity Inx►rumcnt. �,��_:�. <br /> If the Funds held by lw:nder excccd thc amounts permittcd to Ix: hclJ by applicublc I:�w.LcnJer shull uccount to Burruwer �,,,;�,:�-- <br /> for the cxccss Funds in acc��dancc with►hc requircments of appliwblc I•rw. If thc anxiunt i�f thc FunJs Ix�IJ by l.cndcr ut any �:��,;�::_ <br /> '��'' timc is not sufficlent ro puy thc Esrrow Items whcn duc,l.ender muy w rx�tify &xrowcr in writing,su�d, in such cuse Borrowcr ��-y��` <br /> ��°.u-'-,�- <br /> ehall pay to Lendcr thc amour�t nccesgury t�i mukc up thc deficicncy. Bnrrowcr shull mukc up thc deii�iency in mi more than •� --- --- <br /> .0 <br /> twelve monthly payments,ut l.endcr's u►Ic dikretNin. �''�3^�'`� <br /> . Upon payment in full of ull +umx ,ccur��i by this Sc��urity Imtrument, l.endcr tihull prixnptly refund �o Borrowcr cuty �=±' <br />