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<br /> �x�` � n� , candemnution or other tuking of uny paA of the Pmpeny.�x 1'or conveyunce in lieu of rcx►demnutian,urG hereby u�xigncd und
<br /> .:���;��ll�r.. . xhall be pafd to L.ender.
<br /> •_� ���;.�-'~'���° • .;� In �hc event of u tatAl luking uf the Pro�:ny, �hc pr�xecJs shall lxr upplicd ta thc .r•ums xrurcd hy thir S�u�ity
<br /> q•;, Inswmem, whetber or not �hcn due, with uny cxcc.�paid tu Borruwcr. In ihr evcnt of u p��niul iuking ut��hc Pro�xny it1.
<br /> _��,s����,�'�,,�'�+;�� which the fair mnrket vnlue of�he Propeny immediutcly beforc�he taking iy equul to ur grea�vr ihun thc umuunl.��f'Ih�xum�
<br /> .:u_...,r.:�:.. ... �ecured by tbiti Security Instnimcnt immcdiutely lxfore thc tuking.unle.r�Barr��wer un�l l.endrr othenvi+c ugrcu in N�rilinp.
<br /> -�,°�:"� the tiums xcured by thi�Security Imtrument tihull be reducrJ bM tt►e unN�uni ul thr pr�w�al,muhiplicJ t�y Ihe fullu»'iilb �-_- -- -
<br /> "'"'���'';`��;� � frac�ion: lu)the talal umaunt of Ihe �um��ecured immediutrly lmf��re the luking,divided by(bl�he fuir murke�valuu uF.thp
<br /> `' r ' � Property immediutely l�Parc Ihc �ul:ing. Any balance �hal{ Ue paid�to Burrowcr. In thr tveut vf u puniul tuking c►f the _
<br /> �y!,�� ��y, �;� .. , . Rvpeny in which the tiiir mArket v�luc of the Pmpeny immediat�•ly befnre thc�ukinE i+ Ic+s lhun ihe umauN of the sutne "`-_
<br /> M .rcun�d immediutely betnre �he �aking. unles, eonower and Lender �thenvi�e �igne in writinF or unl�titi ap�licahld luw �"_
<br /> �- n �
<br /> _ � otherwi,e pruvide.r,�he pmreed+shull he upplicd w the�um,.ecured hy thi.Security laytrumcnt whe�he�or not the.urnx ur� u
<br />:��. ' . . . .`.... thendue. _..�._
<br /> ,--� , ,, ` � .: If the Pn��x:rty i�ubandoneJ by Borr�+wrr.or il'.ut'tcr nntire by LenJrr to Borrc�x•cr that tha cundrnmor offurn t�muke �:_____---�--
<br />- .�— ° ' • un uwurd or xetde a cluim tiir Jumuge�.Burcower fuil+Io m�{x►nJ tu Lrndrr within�11 duy.al'I�r ihe dulc Ihr noticc i.givrn, �
<br /> '�� ... .. - Lende�is aulharizeJ tu collcc�und upply thr prixcrd.. ul il.opiion.cilher 1�►rc+toru�ion iK rcpair of�he I'ra�xny ur to tho `�
<br /> +.um�xecurcd by thix Secu�i�y Intiirumem,whclhcr ur no��hen dur. _�--`_'-�_�-�
<br />` r . . .• , , � , Unle.� l.endcr und Fi�►ROwc�ullKrwi.r :��nc in writin�;.:my upplirutiun ot'pr�xrrd+lu prinripul +hull not cxtrnd �x - -
<br /> �xi�i�m�Ihc dur dutc�if Ihu monthly paynicnlr rrlrrrcd Iu in purugr��phr, I un�l?or chun�:r�he umaunt�d',urh puymrntc�. � `--
<br /> � � 11. BiKrower NM Rcles�.�red; F�irF�es�rs�nce Ny I.ender Not u Ni�iver. firkn+ion ��f thc �imc li�r puym�m �K �.�
<br /> - �-- -- --- -- nn�lilirulii�n ul'wnuniiuli�m��f Ihe,um�•��rurrd hy thiti 5cruritv Inrlrumcnt}trantrd hy I.cndvr tii uny ,urcc+.nr in inlurc.t v- - -
<br /> �d'HurruNrr.huU nrn o�rute to rrku+c Ihe liuhilily�N IIK uriginsd Hixruwcr ur Hurruw�r: ,ucrr,.nr�.in inlen,t, I.end.r ---
<br /> '. � � " ,hall nu� h� required lu cnmmcncr �x�kerding.ug,un.� wiy �uccr+.or in in�cr�.� or Rfux tu cx�cnd Iimr ti�r puyimnl ur �""-�
<br /> �-__
<br /> " .... ulli�rwi,c m��lify��maniiiuiun�►f thr+um,.erurrJ h�thi�ticruriiy In,l�umrm hy rru.�x�uf uny dcnumd mud�hy ihr originul -
<br /> . , Hum�weror H��rruwrr;,ucre.,ur.in im�rr,t. Any ti►rFxuruncc hy Lrndrr in rxrrri,ing uny riFht nr remcdy�hull nul lx u �'' �
<br /> •' , . ,. wuivcr of ur pmrlude thc r�rrci�r�►f imy rikM��r rcmrdy.
<br /> Ii;;.:'°- -
<br /> ° � 12. tiucres.w�rc and A�.rlRns Bound;,loint s�nd tievcral l.iubility:Co•si�ners. Th�rovrnvm.und ugrccmrnt�ot'thi• ����,_
<br /> ' � Sccuriry In.trumcnt�hull hinJ und txncli�thc wrrr�uin uad a..ign,�N'Lrndrr unJ Borruwrr,whjcct �o thc provi�iimti of ���,_
<br /> • purug�uph 17. Bonuw�r's c��venum� unJ ugn�em�nt� ,hall Ix� p�int anJ .rveral. Any Borr��a•rr whi�ru•�ign. �hi.Secu�iry =_-===4
<br /> � In,wmenl hut d�xx nat exrcute IIx Note: 1•rl i+c��-.igning thi,Sccurity In,lrumrn�unly tu monFage.grunt und co�v4y thut �'r•:�=—
<br /> � •- Bumuwer's intere,t in thc Piropeny un�kr thr trmi�of�hi�Sccurity Ins�rumcnt: Ih)i+n�K�xnnnully ohligated iu pay thr.ums ��^-�°---
<br /> . securod hy thi�Security Inti�rumcnt; and(cl u�!rce.lhut LenJrr and uny oih�r Barn�wer muy agree �o ext�ixl.modify,ti,rtxur �
<br /> ' or muke uny uccommodutionti wilh rcEurd to Ihc terma of thiti Securiry In�trunxm��r Uk Note wfthuut thut Horrow�:rk °}.�--.ry---
<br />_ .= cumrni. = _
<br /> � li. Loan CharRes. 1(Ihc luun,rrurcd hy �hi� Sccurity In,trument i, tiuhjrr� to u luu whirh ,c�. mnximum lu•rn
<br /> • charges.und thut luw i�6nally im�mretcd�o thau�hc intcrc+t or othcr loun churges rulkc[rJ i,r a► Ix culkr�cJ in r�mncctiun --_. _----
<br /> ". with the IoUn exeeed the�xrmiurJ limit�.�hen: lul uny wch luun rhnrgr shall tx rrduced by the unx�unt nrce�+•rry��i reJucr 't„
<br /> thc churge to�hc pennii�c�l limit:and Ibl any.um.idreudy colkc[rd Irom Borruw�r whinc�xcccJcJ�xrniiucd limit�will tx ��-'�'.�=-=_°
<br /> r r-n
<br /> •� � refundrd to Bonower. LenJer muy ch�x�.r tu mukc thi.rclbnd hy rcduring thr prinrip�d uwed undrr�hr Notc��r by mu{,big u �y�,
<br /> Jircct payment to Burrower. If:�rrt'und reducr.principal.Illl'�t:llUl'UOII WIII Ik,'II'l•UIl'lI U1��7:1(11UI rR•(lU)�mcnt without uny ..
<br /> • prepuyment rhur�sc undcr thc Notc. —
<br /> 14. Nodces. Any nuticc tu Bixrowcr provided tiir in thi+ S�rurity In,trumcnl,hall Ixr givcn by dcli�-�ring it oc b�• ,,,�„��
<br /> muilinF i�hy fint clu,+muil unl�,.u�lirul�lc la�v rcquire.usr��t'annthcr muth�xl.Th�n���irc�h:dl Ix dirccird w tlx Prn�ny {"w-'-'°-�.='--
<br /> . Addre..or uny othcr udJrr�.Burruu•cr dr,i�nutr,hy nuticv��,Lrn�trr. Any nwirr i�► Lcndrr sts:dl Ik givcn hy tir�i rla„ •
<br /> m•ril to Lender:udJre„+�si�eJ hcrein��r any othrr aJdro„l.cndcr drxign:ur.by n��iire tu Rnm+w�r�. Any n��lirr pruvidrd fur '' _ _
<br /> � in Ihi� Scruri�y In+trument +hull hr JcrmeJ to havr Ixen givrn to Hort����rr ar LcnJrr when gi�•en a. providrJ in thi, e-._-_- -
<br /> • „; � pu�u�raph. ' "'�.�_--
<br /> _ � I5. (;averning Luw: tieverubility. Thiti ticcurity In,irununt �h:�ll t+c guverncd h}• tcJcrul I:i��• and thr laa• uf tlk -.- ..
<br /> , , jurixdiction in which thr Proprny i, bx;u�J. In thr event that imy pruvi+i„n or rl:�u�r��t'Ihi,Srrurity Imtrumenl ur thc Natc • ..
<br /> ' . ron0irts with applicublc law.�uch conllicl,hidl n�N nftccl othcr pruvi�inn•ul'thi,S�curiq•In,l�unxnt or Ihc Nolrµ•hinc�an ..
<br /> . t+e givrn eYfecl wilhoul thr cuntlicling pr�witiian. Tii thi,rnd Ih�pro�•i.iuns��I thi,S�rurily In,�rument :md �hr NiAe um r, :.-�-
<br /> '' ' decli�rrd lo F+c,rvrraMc. ;;".;�-�==�,
<br /> , • 16. 13orrower's Copy. Burruwrr,h:dl Ix gi�rn unr cunliirmed cup���f thc N���r an�l nl Ihi.Securil��In.trumrnt. :t;n�_±ia�
<br />. " 17. Trr�nsfer of the Propertp or u Beneliciul Intere�t in Borroaer. II all ar uny pud ul'di�I'r�i�xny��r unp intcrc�t in ,; ::`_�_
<br /> „ it i+.old or tran.tcReJ Iur il'u Ixnrficiul inlrrc,t in Burruwcr i, ,old ur 1r:m,lcrrrd and Ru�TUwrr i� rx�t �nutural �xr�anl �`;�;s-�-_�
<br /> wilh�,ut Lrnder��xior wriucn ron,em.Lrndrr may.at it.optiun, r�i�uirc imm�diate paymcnt in 1'ull ul'+ill +um.tierurev hr - _.��.,:__�
<br />- Ihi+Scrurity In+trumem. H��wcvcr.thi.u�uiun,hall nul Ik rrrrri.cd by Lrnd�r il'r�crri.c i. prohihiir.l h�� IcJrrnl lu�ti•n+af �:�'�T�•°
<br /> . the Jalc��f thi,Sccurity In,trununt.
<br />- � If Lrnder cxcrci,cti thi+uplion.Lcndrr.hull Ei�•c Hurruwcr n�Nirr nf arrrlrraliun. 'fhc nuti�r,hall pru�•idc a�xriod uf
<br /> � • mH Ics.thun 30 doy+1'rom ihr.la�c tlk notirr i,drlivrr��l�n'tn;lilc�l�vitlifn�vhi�•h Burin�+�r mu+���:�):dl .um..�rurcd h�• thi. '.
<br /> . Security In.�roment. II' Burru�ti•er 1'ail. tu p:�)� Ihr.r ,um, rri�,r tu Ihe r�pir:ui��n uf thi.r���„a. l.entlrr ma)• im•ci{,c an�� �,i,
<br /> remedic.pemiitleJ hy Ihi.ticrurily In,�rumem+�iihuut timh�r nutice ur Jrmand un Ii�Kru�ticr. �`
<br /> , IS. F3orrower'c Ri}�hl to Rein+late. 11' Rurruwrr meel, ccrt:iin r�mdiii��n.. H��n•����rr,hall ha�•� �Ih ri�hi tu ha��� ,
<br /> enforcemcrn oF thi�,Srcuriry In.�runxm di�cnnlinurd at .im innr pri�u lu Ilie r;u�lirr ul: �:ii �Ja}••Inr.u�h nlh�r�xri�xl u�
<br /> . 1mF1�•Fam�l� M'nnnlc\1uc•FmdJie�1i�c 1�IFI►R�I I��1 RI�IF.\1' 1 mlw�n 1',n cn,ml. 490 yr��r 1,����p��cru .
<br /> f •
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