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_�5, ! aTFi�l�+ s.t��ti c-�9���°,..�,�.�.•^•., .�_• �,_C_ . ._ , ... .. e. � T'{ ".�.'° .. ..... ... <br /> ... , . <br /> .. . , ,"`- 'k.�f4"� <br /> _ a_ .,- �,,� ti�. yp{��, . a f r� .t�. <br /> �� . _.�i� ����Nh'���� � �� -r�1 yi. I 1�11��" . .� � � � . �ti[1.r�..... <br /> I .,w y ...'�t4' �Y, -u�».�kt:i` • . . �trb F�r II � ' ; . , � <br /> t��'. M�Np�tii:•� . _ ..�, <br /> 1 <br /> ,a�+ - .i:,X-n,4^R�;a�:-v; . __ -_ _ <br /> , ...K.w:a..Y.r�,:,. __ .._ <br /> _._ , <br /> . .y,..,...,,-•,eY�t���-.t.._ - -- - . -- - -- ..�_- <br /> ..�..�..i�/�rr ' <br /> ' � .__ <br /> } ,o�: . - � � 92— i o� � �;�R.,___-- <br /> ,��.�4 � � <br /> 1'. '�.--,�. 4.. f �.=—=nra�.v-_.. <br /> . . • �'�" npplicnbM I�►w moy specify for reinsta�cmenU befo�cnl�af�he PmPcnY Pur�uant�o uny powcr of xalc can aid�n�hiR <br /> � , ,„ .. <br /> 3ecurHy Insuument;or(b)enuy of a.judgment enfarciop ihis�Se�;u�itp Insttument, 7'hase condilians are�hvt Borruwer: lu) ��_. <br /> ' �• puys Lender ull sums which tNen would be due under thie,Securily� In;ttumcnt and thc Notc ux if nu accekration hud �_�. <br /> ' � occurned;(b)cures any defauU of any other cavenants ar ugr�em��tc:(Gl payr all.expen�e�inrurred in enfi�rcing�hiz Secudty �T� <br /> ' ' Inatrument, including, but not limi�ed to, reawnublv uttnmPYe fsos; and ldhN►keti nuch action u+ l.ender mny reasanably �„�;,;1"����-•— <br /> - ----• - reyuire to assure thnt�he lien oP thi�Sccu�ity Ins�rument,l.cnderk ri�lhla in Ih�+�+�P�nY un�BuR°wcrti ubligulian w pay�hc: a,�_n��_ <br /> sums sccurcd by this Securiiy instrumcnt Kbull c�ntinua umhpnuad.� UFwn,rcinr�t���m��u hy a�'rn'wcr, this Sccurity ��� •{L,__ <br /> �,:��._-- <br /> ' • Inxtn�ment und the abligutiona Kecuted hercby shull tGmpin fuD��efFacliva a�il',nr osc�Ie�rnUon huJ�xcuRed• Hnwover,lhiw — <br /> '„ ' . ' • � riQM�o rcin�tutc�hc�ll na upply in�hc cuu���i ucrcic.r�tiaa undc�puXagnlph,l7, �'� . <br /> �. . 19. Sale of Note:Ch�a�e of t.urn Servlrer. '1'h�+Ku�o c�r K p:U'iiul intcrc.t in ihc Nu�r uagrtlxr wi�h ihih Sccud�y m;o:— <br /> ,� , Intiuumenu muy ix�w�IJ onc or mure Ume�wilhoul,prior iunicti to 9nrmwer. A rulc muy rc,ull In u chungr in Ihr emlty —_,r i__.`.��_ <br /> ••..,-.�. <br /> - Iknown ux Ihc"l.oun S�rvircr"1�hul c„Ilrr�r mnnlhly puymrmr.duc und.r Ihc N���c+md�hiti Scrurily Mtitrunicm. '1'hcrc ultio . �.��:� <br /> muy tx:onc or mnrc chunucti of Ihc(.��un ticrviccr uorclnlcd to+i.ulr�d'ihc NiNr. If�hrrr i,u change��f thr Luun SrrvKCr. r .,,.,._-..,. _ <br /> • ', . , Bon��wer will Ixµivcn w�iucn ninir�uf ihc chungc in+�cra+rcluurr wilh purnµraph I�l�iM�vr and;ipplic+�bl�luw. 'fhr m�licc .r, M;,���, <br /> ,•,;a� -,�-�... <br /> ,.,�"�.e. will�lu�r ih�numc ui�l u�ktrr����f IIk ncw L��uu tirrviccr�uid�h�+uldro�,�o which puymm�t�rh�x�ld tx mwlc. Thr n��ticc will �.y....1.-•- J� <br /> " � L•�� �I��cunluin any u�hcr iufnrmutiun reyuired hy uppliri�hlr luw. •, ,..• ."" <br /> � ��'_�n:'�v�.��,t,, <br /> ' 2U. IIY7A�dUYA�YIlMIAIII'l'M. I�IIR�►wCf�IUII) 0��1 Ct1U�C l��(krlllll II1C r!�'�CIkC.u,r.di����ul..tnr.�ge.or relrai.c ul'uny �;,,`V�,�-==__ <br /> 9 •�`::iQ:-:� <br /> Hu�u�d��u� Suh�luncc� un ur in �hc 1'm�xny. B�irrowcr�hull nm dn. nur uUow unyonr rl�r io da.��ny�hing ul'lc�sin thc <br /> � Pro�x:rty thu�ir in vialuU�+n ul uny Hnvirunmenlul l,nN•. "Th„pncrdin��w��Km�mr.�hull nul apply a��hc prcxmc,utie,ur fi_;:�: <br /> ., • � � xiarugc on�hr Prup�ny ol',nwll yuumi�ic+„1'IluiL�duu►Siuhs�uncc�thui ur��encrully r��.u�niicd a►Ix�upprupriul�s u►nurmul �� . • — <br /> ��-.,.. <br /> -'�� n�idcnllul uKr und to muinlanunc�nt'thc 1'�n�rt}'. - <br /> e .���"�.•= � , BMrowcr+hull prompily�ivc��nJrr wriil4m nu�i�x u1'uny invr,iig���ion.rluim.dcn�unJ,law,uii c�ruthcr�:ti�m by uny �.��=�;�: �°""�- <br /> ' ` , govemmcntul��r rcgul,uory ugency ur privu�a p�uty im�nN�inp thc Pn►{xny und uny Hucu�d��uh Subsiu�x� or�nvirunmenlul r 4-���'_ <br /> o ;, ' . Law of which BuRowcr hu+ ac�uul kn��wlcd�;c. If Batra����r I�ums. or iti nutificJ hy any govemnwn�ul or rrgululnry „�: <br /> � " uwhorily.�hut uny nmovul or a�hcr rcmcdiuti�m of any fl:ubrduus Sub.luncc ut'fec�ing�hc F'ropcny i.ncrc��ury.Bc�rmwcr . ,.` <br /> shall promptly�nke ull neces.ury remeJiul uctionr in ac��nlun��:wilh�Fnvironmemul Luw. �'�_ <br /> As u,�d m thi�puragr.�ph 2(1."Hu�urd��u+Subr�anrtiti'ara thnsc+uhtitunrc�detincd us tuxir or huiurdau+tiuh.lunccti by t_ �;�y: "- <br /> Enviranmemul Luw und�he following.ubtitunce�: gu,uline,kerosem�.a�her 1lummublc or toxic �x�roleum pnxluc�ti,Inxic +�r �_•_.. ,; <br /> ' , � , , peslicides und herbicide�.vdutile xolvem�, mu�eriul. cumuining u,beti�a�or li►m�uldehyde, und rudi��uctive muteriulx. A� -�_L.-,.,,__. <br /> , used in�hix purugruph 2(1."Envimnmcntul l.uw"mrans fadc�ul IA�vx and luwx uf thc juritidic�ion whcre the Propr.rty is IocateJ �y 4_ <br /> � thul tclutc ta heulth,sufety orenviranmentul pr�Ncction. �',==_ <br /> �{;��*.�. <br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Burr�iwcr and l.rndcr funher covcnunl und ugrcc u+liillows: ,r-r-:==.T�.. <br /> ' 21. Acceleratio�: Remedies. I.ender sUnll�i�'e nodce to Burrower prior to acrelerati��n fulluwing Borrawer's �..,".,,;.:„, <br /> � breach of any covenant or a�reement in tbis Se�vrit�lu�tromeni ibat sot prissr!o acceleratl�m �mder�wr�rnph 17 _—"-�- __ <br /> ■?'t_rX��l'C`:- <br /> � unless applicable Is�w provides utherwisel. The notice shull speciiy: lal the defuulh.lbl the acUon requlred to cure the R—.__ <br /> J defaulh Icl a date,not less Ihun 30 days Prom the dale the notice iK Kiven to&� which the dePAUlt must be —�`.;.,. <br /> "� cured;and Idl that Pailure to cure the default on or befi�re the date�pecffied in Ihe notice may rexult in accekratian oP ;t, ,,4_r::___ <br /> Ihe sums secured by this Securily Inslrumenl und�ale oi'the Property. The notice shall iLMher Infiirm Rorrower uP ,,,..,. <br /> •� the right to reinstate afler ucceleratinn und Ihe riRht Io brio�a courl uction to s�+sert Ihe non-existence of a dePault or .�'c��. <br /> any dher dePense of Burrower tu ucceteration and sule. If the dePuult is not cu�ed on�rr bePore the dale�tpecified in „.�;,;�a•,;::: �� <br /> the natice.l.ender ut its upliun may reyuire immedixte pavment in fuU of all sums.r-ecured by thl+5ecurily Ingtrument _ ,. <br /> withoul fLrlher demand and may Inwdce thc poK'er oi'ssde und uny olher remedicx permitted by upplirable lew. .• , __• <br /> c ' <br /> :�.. <br /> � - •� Lender shall be enHtled Io collect ull ezpenses incurred in purtiuinR the remedies pro�•ided in thiy paraRruph 21, ;.,J.`�AS:_—_ <br /> � includinu.but aut Iimited tu.rea�onubl�uUorneys'fe�w and cnxtK of tille evidence. .,Z,.,_: <br /> li the power af wule is inw�ked.7Yuztee whull record a notice of dePault in euch counly in�vhich vny purt of the <br /> '• Property is located and rhall muil copirs of quch noticr in the munnrr prescribed by upplicable la�v N►Rorrnwer and lo L <br /> � the olher persuns prescribed by upplicuble law. Af'ter the Ume required by applicable law.'IYuslee shall y�ive pablk . _� •.;•-���'_- <br /> •� � nuHce of sale ro the perxon+and in Ihe munner prrscribed I►v upplirable lu�•. 7Yustec.wilhoul demand on Borrower. �-, <br /> � � ahall sell the Property ut publir�uclNm to the highc�l bidder ut thc limc und plucr und under the terms desl�nated in �F ;'��„� <br /> " the nMice nP saM in one o�mnre parcels und in an�•ordcr Trutit��c detcrminc�. 'Irutitee mu��potitponr xale of all or xny „ _ <br /> . purcel oi'the Property by public unnounremeM ut thr limr und pluce of any pre��iously scheduled tiale. I.ender��r ilc <br /> , � " dexignee muy purchuse the 1'raperty ut unv wle. `�=:,; <br /> ,:��.•' Upon receipt oP payment��' the p�ice bid.Truslee shull delfver lo the purchusrr 7�ustec's deed conveying t6e `Y i <br /> Property. The rec4uls in the'Irushr+deed tihull br primu furie c�•idcnce oP the trWh of thr stulrments mudc therein. �; :-,i;.: <br /> � ���,;t�' 7tuslee yhall apply the pruceeds of the!wle in the 1'ollo�vin�order: lul ta all c�nlx and expen�ot'exercisin�the puwer , <br /> ���'- <br /> �. <br /> •�' ��:. <br /> q :�. <br /> �. � .. <br /> �. <br /> ' <br /> F'unn W12R 4�Y11 ��idcr����np�eru <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> . .. ._ _ _._ �- . ._ _— _. - - . . . . <br />